Chapter 108: Is this a girls' dormitory?

At this time, the style of the barrage seems to have begun to become improper.

And the other end.

Su Ming faced the misunderstanding of these male college students, and hurriedly explained.

Because he had already noticed the wary look of the dormitory aunt just now.

If this is not explained clearly, I'm afraid something will really happen to him.

What kind of flowers?

Does he look like someone who did that bad thing?

Luckily, this thing is still quite easy to fool, and after this explanation, it is to pass the matter.

And quickly.

Su Ming, with his social cow attributes, also chatted with these male college students.

From the cafeteria meals, to skipping class roll call, from basketball to the roast chicken at the school gate, and then from the school girl to the female teacher, it is basically all trivial things on campus.

All in all, it was a great chat.

Subsequently, Su Ming saw that Zhao Jinma still hadn't come down yet, so he went to the commissary on the side and bought some crispy noodles and spicy noodles and drinks.

This is undoubtedly closer to these male college students.

"Brother Ming, do girls want to go to the playground to play?"

"Brother Ming, is it really not recommended that Xinzhigang come out now?"

"Brother Ming, did you say that my object is karma, I have been waiting for almost an hour, and she has not come down yet. "

"Brother Ming, what should I do if I have a friend who licks a dog?


At this moment, several male college students have a brother Ming, as if Su Ming is already the backbone.

And for these questions.

Su Ming also did not refuse to come, while eating crisp noodles and spicy noodles, he talked eloquently, calmly, with a hint of elegance.

At the same time, many female college students who poked their heads out upstairs were also fascinated by what they listened.

Listening to Su Ming and these male college students talking, this is like listening to cross talk.

And such a scene really made Han Hong and Li Jian a little stupid.

They only knew about Su Ming's works before, and basically didn't pay much attention to Su Ming and Su Ming's life.

Obviously, Su Ming's impression is not the same as their impression on the show.

Su Ming dared to be tough on the show, shouldn't he be a person who is very temperamental and not easy to approach?

can see Su Ming's spicy strips, and the trivial things with male college students, the whole thing is elegant and easy-going.

The main thing is that this Nima is too down-to-earth!

completely subverted their perception of a star of Su Ming's age!

"[Han Hong]: Has Su Ming always been like this? Is this the effect of the show or what?"

"[Li Jian]: Ahem, I feel that Su Ming is so good at chatting. "

The two of them fired a barrage.

The live broadcast room immediately boiled.

"Damn! Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian are still watching!"

"Hahahaha, don't get me wrong, two teachers, Su Ming is really not the effect of the show, he has always been like this!"

"Poof! The two teachers should have never seen a star like Su Ming who eats spicy noodles and gives emotional counseling to college students, right?"

"Indeed, two teachers, in fact, Su Ming's main focus is a down-to-earth atmosphere, don't talk about this, some time ago, Su Ming went to help fans cut rice!"

"Old viewers should know that Su Ming really didn't think of himself as a star. "

"It's not, but don't say it, this spicy strip looks really gluttonous!"

"One thing to say, Su Ming is really good at chatting, it's a pity that he doesn't go to sales, look at this student to fool, hahaha!"

"Damn, if I had Su Ming's mouth, I wouldn't be single"

"Brothers, there are skills in getting a girlfriend, and you don't rely on your looks or your mouth. "


"No, no, no, remember a trick, ugly kill!"

"Hahahaha, I knew he was going to say this!"

"It's not rough! I'm proud to drive a tank!"

"Hey, why are you talking crookedly again?"


Looking at the remarks on the barrage, Han Hong and Li Jian were really a little crying and laughing.

When I saw that Su Ming actually went to cut rice for fans, I was really almost nervous.

If it weren't for the effect of the show, Su Ming would be really too down-to-earth.

This is really not a star!

However, such a character is very much in line with the dating criteria of the two.

As artists of the older generation, the two of them have never felt that they are noble and special, and they are like stars.

Especially Han Hong, almost every time there is a difficulty, she will even rush to the front line immediately.

The two didn't expect that this Su Ming was talented at the same time, and his personality was also such an appetite for them.

Su Ming, this friend, they really made up their minds!

The other end.

At this time, Zhao Jinma's dormitory.

"Damn, when did you find such a handsome boyfriend?"

"It's so handsome to eat spicy strips, it's amazing!"

"Isn't it, now there are a bunch of goblins in our building and the opposite building staring at your object, you have to guard it today!"

"Tut-tut, I'm really doing something big today!"

"It's not a boyfriend, don't get me wrong!"

"Not a boyfriend yet, I'll go! Then I have to take it off quickly, or don't wear this dress, I have to sling!

"And the black silk! The men like this, and the black silk must be put on!"

"Isn't the black silk too impure?"

"What is pure, men like sexy!"

"Lipstick with mine, the lipstick I just bought to cut the male color, this time I have to help you take it off!

But remember to give us a push of his friends and brothers when the time comes!"

"Yes, this handsome guy belongs to you, and his brother belongs to us!"

"Don't come back tonight, you'll lose when you come back!"

"By the way, in this case, do you have to match the color of underwear and bitter tea?"



The roommates were in full swing to dress up Zhao Jinma.

At the same time, it was also for Zhao Jin's mark to break his heart.

Listen to what your roommates are saying.

Zhao Jinmao's face was flushed, like a little daughter-in-law who was about to get married.

But she can't say what she suffers.

Su Ming, who is her boyfriend?

That's her idol!

If it was really her boyfriend, she would have brought Su Ming over to the girls' dormitory every day to blow up the building, showing off these little goblins!

Unfortunately not.

And Su Ming probably doesn't look down on her.

It's a pity that Su Ming told him before he came, not to mention that he was a star or something, so she really didn't know how to explain Su Ming's identity for a while.

And soon, under her bewildered face and the operation of her roommates.

Suspenders, small skirts, black silk, plus this slightly exaggerated makeup.

Tut-tut... She kind of doesn't want to live anymore!

"I'd better wear my usual clothes, I'll go to the playground later, it's not convenient to wear like this, just put on light makeup." "

Zhao Jin's face was hot, and he quickly began to take it off.

If you really wear it out like this, you will become a lady!

When the roommates saw this, they were really full of anger, but they couldn't resist Zhao Jinma. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And it's almost all over.


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming was still talking to these male college students at this time.

And when it comes to interesting topics, some of the female students upstairs will even get involved.


The scene was really lively.

At the same time, the atmosphere is quite good.

There was a feeling that Su Ming was giving these students an emotional lesson.

But such a good atmosphere ended with the arrival of the girlfriends of these male college students.

"I think it's going to come down soon. "

Su Ming glanced at the time.

It's been more than half an hour.

Change your clothes and fix your makeup, this time is enough.

And that's exactly what happened.

As soon as Su Ming looked up, he saw Zhao Jinma walking out of the dormitory.

"Brother Su Ming. "

At this time, Zhao Jinma walked towards Su Ming with small steps, and his face was really a little shy.

Because she knew that several of her roommates must be watching her every move from upstairs at this moment.

As soon as she makes any wrong moves, there will be a bunch of news about her in the small group of their dormitory.

"Today, don't be too outside, let's just talk normally. "

"Let's go, it's not too early. "

Su Ming saw Zhao Jinma's nervousness, patted Zhao Jinma's shoulder very casually, and said with a smile.

After speaking, he took Zhao Jinma and went outside.

And in this scene, the female college students in the two buildings let out a ghost crying wolf howl.


"Help, why is his girlfriend so good-looking!"

"It's a good match! I'm going to start knocking!"

"'I have to learn to be a little bit of a handsome guy to hang a handsome guy, this one is a brother, and I am a woman who listens to the bones are crispy!"

"Damn! Such a good-looking handsome guy actually has a girlfriend!"

"Does anyone know who this sister is? I want to ask her how to find a handsome boyfriend!"

"If this is my boyfriend, I will definitely hang on him every day!"


Listen to the movement.

Zhao Jin, who had not gone far, was really red-faced when he heard it.

If nothing else, wait until she comes back here.

She must be able to hear all kinds of legends about herself and Su Ming, and all kinds of stories that these little goblins just made up.

"I'll go, look at the girls' dormitory!"

"My mother, this is a girls' dormitory, if you don't look carefully, you think this is a silk hole!"

"Hahaha! You have to look like Su Ming, it's really a silk hole here!"

"That's it, didn't you see it just now? It's time for many girls to listen to Su Ming, and Harazi is about to stay!"

"Being handsome is different. "

"Don't say it, as long as you look good, you can match whoever you stand with!"


At this time, the barrage was also untense again.

It's a simple movement.

It seems that the creature of female hooligans really absolutely exists!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After receiving Zhao Jinma, Su Ming took her to the school gate to take a taxi.

It didn't take long for the car to arrive.

"Damn, it's you, boy!"

Su Ming and the others were just about to get into the car.

The driver recognized Su Ming at a glance.

And Su Ming obviously recognized him.

Isn't this the driver who drove him and the Phoenix group before and sang "The Most Dazzling National Style" together.

What a coincidence!!

"Young man, I really didn't expect you to be a star. "

"It embarrassed me last time. "

"But don't say it, your songs are pretty good, and now our whole family loves your songs!"


Su Ming took Zhao Jinma to get into the car, and the driver began to chat with Su Ming.

Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing, and the driver was still talking as always.

And as he spoke, the driver master had already played the song "Big Sedan Chair" sung by Su Ming for Su Ming.

"When the sun comes out, I climb the hill~"

"I climbed to the top of the mountain and I want to sing~"


put it on, and the driver also sang along with it.


Su Ming and Zhao Jinma couldn't help but glance at each other, but they couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

And the atmosphere that the two of them were still a little rusty with was broken all of a sudden.

And at the same time.

The barrage is also happy.

"Damn! It's amazing! You can meet this master!"

"Hahaha, two hundred on the cart, I still remember this master's classic quote!"

"I have to say, this master is really funny!"

"Look at what the master sang in "Big Flower Sedan Chair", Su Ming didn't sing it himself!"

"I really like this master so much, can any company sign him? I want him to be on a variety show!"



With this driver master enlivening the atmosphere, Su Ming and Zhao Jinma are getting along more and more harmoniously now.

But it's always short-lived.

Less than half an hour.

The two of them had already arrived at the entrance of the playground.

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