Chapter 109 The plot of the idol drama has met a male iron fan!

"Young man, little girl, have fun!"

"Thank you, master!"


watched the driver leave.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma couldn't help but smile at each other again.

This driver master is really interesting.

After tidying up their mood a little, the two also went to the playground.

At this point, there are really a lot of people in the playground.

For fear that some projects will go late, you have to queue up.

After the two bought the tickets, they hurried to the project they wanted to play the most.

I have to say.

Zhao Jinma really likes it here.

After coming in, Zhao Jinma was like a wild horse on the loose.

After playing a project, I immediately rushed to the next project, the cheers basically couldn't stop, and the energy was the same as not being able to run out.

The two of them, who originally looked like lovers, are now looking like father and daughter all of a sudden.

And so.

For the next two hours.

Bumper cars, pirate ships, pendulums, Ferris wheels, windmills and more.

Both of them played it all over again.

"Brother Su Ming, I want to go on the merry-go-round!"

Zhao Jinma saw the merry-go-round in front of him, his eyes lit up again, and he hurriedly pulled Su Ming's arm and wanted to go.

At this time, Su Ming's stomach was really churning, and his face was blue and white.

To be honest, he was a little too much to do.

Is this Zhao Jinma's energy too strong?

The most important thing is that after playing so many projects with rotation in one go, Zhao Jinma really doesn't get dizzy at all?!

Now don't talk about riding the merry-go-round.

Just looking at the merry-go-round from afar, he felt dizzy.


Finally, Su Ming couldn't hold back, hurriedly rushed to the trash can on the side, and vomited directly.

"Brother Su Ming, are you alright?"

"Why don't we stop playing and take a break?"

Seeing this, Zhao Jinma hurriedly patted Su Ming's back with a concerned face.

And looking at this scene.

The barrage exploded all at once.


"Hey! This live broadcast is the most dizzying I've ever seen!"

"I've vomited for the third time, Su Ming 653 can hold on to now, it's really awesome!"

"If this continues on the merry-go-round, I guess it will be spun away!

"I never want to go to the playground again!"

"Poof! You weren't watching the live broadcast the whole time just now, so it's strange if you don't get dizzy!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to die laughing, it's the first time I've seen Su Ming so embarrassed!"

"Don't say it, I just took a screenshot of Su Ming's many pictures that can be used as emojis, hahahaha!"

"This young girl is so energetic, playing so many projects, nothing at all!"

"Damn! Our entire live broadcast room was all played by this superb female college student!"

"What a superb female college student, people call it today!"

"Today's mark 02 years, we can't play with her!"

"I feel sorry for Su Ming for three seconds!"


That's right.

The barrage is now unbearable for many people.

Because when Su Ming was playing the project just now, he brought it with him in the live broadcast room.

So they really experienced a first-person perspective to play various projects.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After this vomit.

Su Ming finally felt a lot more comfortable.

However, this body is still a little erratic.

"Brother Su Ming, I still won't play, I'll take a break with you. "

Zhao Jinma hurriedly took the live broadcast room, and at the same time put Su Ming's arm on her shoulder, and hugged Su Ming to the bench next to her.

"Today, why don't I take you to play with a few things, I can't watch the one with the turn now, I just watch you play, I'll just sit next to me." "

Su Ming looked at Zhao Jinma with a wry smile on his face at this time.

Hearing this, Zhao Jinma was really a little embarrassed, and at the same time a little moved.

Su Ming is like this, and he is still thinking about what she is playing.

"Brother Su Ming, you can rest first, I'll play later..."

Zhao Jinma wanted to refuse, but halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Su Ming.

"It's okay, no, it's important that you have fun, and that project isn't far from here. "

Then Su Ming forcibly supported his body, got up and pulled Zhao Jinma to walk not far away.

Feeling the temperature from Su Ming's big hand, Zhao Jinma was both shy and a little wanted to cry.

That's right, it's the kind of crying that touches.

Su Ming not only has no shelves, but also really puts fans first.

It's so good for her!

And the barrage was even more tearful at this time.

Su Ming is like this, and he still thinks about fans!

This idol is also amazing!

Even Han Hong and Teacher Li Jian, who were still watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but be a little moved.

Celebrities who love fans so much, it's really the first time they've met!


And so.

Five minutes later.

"Daddy's dad is called grandpa~"

"Daddy's mom is called grandma~"


On a children's rocking cart.

Zhao Jinma sat on it with a dull face, and looked at a child next to him.

The eyes of both sides were obviously full of great doubts.

At the same time, the child's parents also looked at Zhao Jinma with doubts on their faces.

At this moment, the picture is not still, but it seems to be no different from stillness.

"It's comfortable~"

On the side, Su Ming sat on the massage chair next to him, and as the massage chair started, he couldn't help but let out a burst of comfortable emotion.

The bench just now, how can this massage chair be comfortable?


"I'm silly!"

"What the hell? This is the project Su Ming just said?"

"Phew, I almost cried just now!"

"Poofha! Su Ming is obviously running for this massage chair, I'm embarrassed to break him!"

"I can't laugh anymore! Don't talk about this project, it's really interesting!"

"Look at the confused and confused eyes of today, hahahaha!"

"Who am I, where am I, why should I sit and shake?"

"Today: Help me, help me!"

"The kid next door: I've never been so speechless in my life!"

"It has to be Su Ming!"

"I can't do it anymore, I won't knock CP anymore, they are real father and daughter!"

"Tomorrow's hot search headlines, Su Ming tortures female college students!"



Look at this scene.

The barrage is directly laughing and exploding.

Co-author Su Ming just said that the project that Zhao Jinma came to play with is a children's rocking car?!

This is outrageous!

Even Han Hong and Li Jian on the other side of the screen couldn't help but laugh out loud.

This live broadcast looks much better than those reality shows!(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, these two people are too funny!

And wait for the rocking car to make a song.

Zhao Jinma was really a little nervous, and his face was flushed when he was sitting on the rocking car at the moment.

Is this rocking car really suitable for her as a female college student?

"Brother Su Ming, I'm done playing, can I play..."

Zhao Jinma just wanted to say it.

In the next second, Su Ming directly threw a few coins in: "Today, listen to my brother, let's play a little longer." "

After speaking, Su Ming continued to enjoy the massage chair.

"Baby bus, I'll go to the toilet by myself~"

"Starting today, I'm going to go to the toilet by myself

"Mom and Dad, don't underestimate me~"


When the rocking car started again, Zhao Jin's face was about to drip blood, and he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

What kind of song is this Nima?

The passers-by who came and went, but they were all looking at her!

It's broken! I'm going to die!

Immediately, Zhao Jinma covered his face.

It's okay to be embarrassed, but it's not okay to be embarrassed!

And I don't know how many coins Su Ming has invested.

Su Ming finally rested.

Seeing Su Ming get up, Zhao Jinmo almost jumped up, hurriedly pounced on Su Ming, and quickly got out of the rocking car.

"Brother Su Ming, let's go!"

Now, Zhao Jin's little face has turned red into a red apple, and he is about to go far away with Su Ming, and he doesn't dare to look back at all.

Seeing Zhao Jinmao's cute appearance, Su Ming snorted and laughed.

"Today, why don't you just take a rocking car, what's there to be shy about?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jinmo frowned slightly, and looked at Su Ming with a strange face.


The next second.

"Daddy's dad is called grandpa~"

"Daddy's mom is called grandma~"


On the rocking car, Su Ming looked at the children on the side with a sluggish face, his eyes were full of confusion, and his face became more and more red.

Forehead...... It seems to be a little easy to die.

Looking at Su Ming's appearance, Zhao Jinma on the side and the barrage in the live broadcast room laughed directly.

It's so funny!

"Look at how cooperative other people's boyfriends are?"

"If you don't cooperate, how cute is it to ride a rocking car?"

"Don't you, I'm a big man playing this, and I can't be laughed to death?"

"What a laugh to death, this is obviously the plot in an idol drama, okay?!"

At this time, a couple passed by, and the girl pointed at Su Ming and looked at the boy on the side with an angry face.

As soon as these words came out.

Zhao Jinmao, who was still laughing extremely loudly, stopped laughing abruptly, and his face was a little wrong.


She and Su Ming, do they really look like a couple?

Moreover, is this really the plot in an idol drama?

Thinking of this, her face turned a little red.

The other end.

Su Ming's face also turned red.

However, Su Ming's blushing point was what the boy said.

What does it mean for a big man to go up and be laughed to death?

Isn't he now...

No, this rocker can't sit down.

And just as Su Ming was about to get up, a voice sounded from the side, and it rang out.

"it! Brother Ming!"

"Damn! It's Brother Ming!"

"Look, this is really Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, the two of us are your fans!"

"Yes, yes, we are old fans, and our two fan cards are above level eighty!"

At this moment, the two young men who were dressed quite exquisitely seemed to recognize Su Ming on the rocking car, and rushed towards Su Ming, their faces full of excitement.

Listening to the words of the two, Su Ming was obviously a little surprised.

That's right, these are actually two male fans.

And it's still an iron fan!

That's a rarity, isn't it?

You must know that the rate of male fans among his iron fans is too low.

Of course, at this time, Su Ming was really a little unhappy.

Because he's still on the rocking cart!

When I met fans at this time, I was a little bit of a social death.

However, the two enthusiastic male fans obviously didn't care if Su Ming was on the rocking car.

Directly began to talk to Su Ming excitedly.

"Brother Ming, do you like to play this? Then I'll give you a few more coins." "

"Brother Ming is really childlike!"

"Don't don't, I'm coming down!"

Seeing that the male fan was so enthusiastic that he was about to throw coins into him, he finally couldn't hold back and stood up directly from the rocking car.

If you sit down again, you're dead!

Looking at Su Ming's blushing face and thick neck, Zhao Jinma on the side couldn't help but laugh again.

And quickly.

It's not easy to meet a male iron fan.

This is naturally a treat.

Su Ming immediately proposed to invite the two of them to dinner later.

And when they heard that they could eat with their idols, the two male fans were naturally excited, so they immediately agreed.

"Brother Ming, let's eat later. "

"We have something we want you to help with here, I don't know if it's inconvenient for you?"

Just when Su Ming was about to take Zhao Jinma and these two male fans to dinner, the two male fans touched their heads and said a little awkwardly.

"Don't worry, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help!"

Su Ming agreed very happily.

I finally met a male iron fan, so I have to help!

And after hearing Su Ming's promise, the two male fans were really grateful.

I didn't expect Su Ming to be so fond of even male fans.

Then, the two hurriedly said their request.

"Brother Ming, the two of us wrapped that merry-go-round for an hour today, and we're going to propose in front of the merry-go-round later!"

"Yes, propose!"

"Huh, you two?"

"No, no, no, Brother Ming, don't get me wrong, we're not like that, we're getting married to our respective girlfriends. "

"Wow, it's okay, even if it is, I don't discriminate, it's definitely okay to propose!

"Brother Ming, you just need..."


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