Chapter 110 Su Ming Proposes to Zhao Jinma, Let's have a song "I Love You"!


Explain it to two male fans.

The plan of the two to propose marriage is ~ told them one by one.

The first male fan who proposed marriage was called Guo Yun.

His plan was:

Let Su Ming first sing in front of the carousel, while pretending to propose to Zhao Jinmark, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Then he took his girlfriend to watch from the side.

When everyone is ready to bless Su Ming and Zhao Jinmark.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma suddenly sent the ring to him again.

Then it's time for him to formally propose.

In fact, Guo Yun's original plan was to sing it by himself, and to propose marriage in person.

But now there is Su Ming.

He thought it might be better to change the plan to a surprise proposal like this one.

And for this requirement.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma were naturally very happy to agree.

As the saying goes.

A gentleman has the beauty of an adult.

Isn't it just singing a song and acting a play?

This is really not too easy for the two of them, it is like hitting the muzzle of the gun!

The second male fan who proposed marriage was named Li Xiaoming.

His approach to marriage proposal is a little more peculiar.

What Su Ming and Zhao Jinma had to do before was to pretend to propose marriage and sing.

However, he has a lot of plays, he has to perform a wave of fainting on the spot, and when his girlfriend is in a hurry, he suddenly opens his eyes, and then Su Ming and Zhao Jinma send the diamond ring and flowers over.

That's right, he's going to have a scare proposal.

"I didn't expect you two to be quite creative. "

"Okay, you're going to wrap this matter on the two of us!"

After listening to the plan of the two, Su Ming slapped his fierce breast, his face full of confidence.

Zhao Jinma, who was on the side, also nodded hurriedly.

It's a beautiful thing to be able to witness other people's love later.

If you can help, you naturally have to help!

As for the barrage at this time, after listening to the plan of the two male fans, it seems to be boiling.

"I'll go! These two guys are quite bells and whistles!"

"But it's not, I didn't seem to have proposed marriage when I got married, so I just started talking, and now young people are so fancy, tsk. "

"To be honest, if I knew how to engage in these romances, my wife would have to marry seven or eight!"

"Don't say it, this marriage proposal is really a bit like the feeling of an idol drama. "

"Finch, first the carousel was packed, and the star Su Ming was invited as a wingman, this wave of noodles is simply amazing!"

"If I can invite Su Ming to propose, really, I can do it on the spot!"

"Hahahaha! Brother, don't be embarrassed, the cow is gone, not to mention Su Ming's presence, the world's top 100 stars are all present, I'm afraid you won't be able to ask for it." "

"Ahem, I heard that the cow was finished on the spot, and immediately froze, and it seems that he can pick it up if he goes to the hospital early!"

"Ahh Is it really fake? It can still be used normally if it is connected, or that brother will try it? The carving is one meter eight long."

"No, I'm just bragging, I really want to see my Ka Niuzi?"

"Poofha, to get down to business, I'm really looking forward to these two buddies being able to propose successfully, it's too embarrassing if they fail!"

"Poof! It's embarrassing to fail, tens of millions of people are watching our live broadcast room, and you can rush to the top of the hot search at night!"

"Hahahaha, that's still a blessing!

The failure of the marriage proposal is still on the hot search, to be honest, it should be true for him himself, it will be a bit of a social death!"

"By the way, Su Ming is going to propose to his sister in a while, right, you can't drop the chain, you have to make the atmosphere up!"

"Don't worry, the appearance of these two people, just standing together, the atmosphere will come up!"

"That's it, let's think about what song Su Ming will choose to sing later, this romantic marriage proposal can't be a song "Big Sedan Chair", right?"

"Hahaha, the big sedan chair is amazing!"


At this moment, the barrage obviously can't help but nod for the plan of the two male fans to propose.

I began to look forward to the proposal scene later.

On the other end of the screen.

Han Hong and Li Jian looked at this scene, and they also showed an aunt smile.

One thing to say, after watching it for so long, the two finally understood why Su Ming opened a live broadcast, and the number of people could reach close to 100 million, which was comparable to the traffic of ace variety shows.

Because all the broadcasts are true feelings, all the most real life!

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Mingzhen doesn't have a star at all, and what fans say is what they say, without hesitation at all.

is so fond of fans, who doesn't love it?

Not to mention the people in this live broadcast room, they both want to be Su Ming fans!

As for what song Su Ming was going to sing, the two of them had roughly guessed it in their hearts.

After all, aren't those the songs that propose marriage now?

Su Ming won't make up a song on the spot.

Jiahang Entertainment, Yang Mi Office.

"Oh no! Oh no!"

"Sister Mi, Su Ming is going to propose to someone else!"

Reba rushed in in a hurry at this time, ran to Yang Mi's side, and informed Yang Mi of the news.

And Yang Mi, who was busy dealing with company affairs, heard this.

Teng stood up in a moment, his eyes fixed on Reba, his face full of shock.

What's the situation?

Su Ming is going to propose to someone else?

Which leprechaun got ahead of the game?

Thinking that Su Ming was still live broadcasting, Yang Mi hurriedly turned on her mobile phone in a panic and went towards Su Ming's live broadcast room.

And seeing Yang Mi looking so frightened, Reba couldn't help it.

Directly laughed out loud,

"Hahaha, look at Sister Mi, you are worthless. "

"If Su Ming sees it, then he can't laugh to death?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to play with you, Su Ming is going to perform a marriage proposal later, and be a wingman for male fans!"

"Tut-tut, the female university is not staying, the female university is not staying!"

Reba leaned back and smiled and shook her head, revealing an emotional look.

Listening to Reba's words, as well as these barrages in the live broadcast room.

Yang Mi seemed to have reacted that she had been deceived, and her face quickly turned red.

"Dead girl, you dare to tease me!

The little milk voice broke out, and Yang Mi grabbed Reba's itchy flesh.

And after some fighting.

The two also put the topic back to Su Ming's live broadcast.

"Sister Mi, are you sure you don't want to watch Su Ming's live broadcast later?"

"That's a marriage proposal, maybe Su Ming will propose to you like this in the future, don't you take a look at it first?"

", I still have a lot of things to do, how can I have time to watch this?

Also, whoever said that Su Ming was going to propose to me, he didn't necessarily like me..."

"It's... Well, I'll look at it alone. "

Wait for Reba to walk out of the office.

Yang Mi hurriedly blushed, and hurriedly opened Su Ming's live broadcast room with her mobile phone.

Who says not to watch?

Of course you have to see!

A must see!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

After agreeing to the request of the two old fans.

Naturally, this is to prepare in advance and wait for their girlfriend to come over.

First of all, Guo Yun and Li Xiaoming have already contacted the staff of the amusement park for the lighting situation on the side of the merry-go-round. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diamond rings and flowers, this thing obviously goes without saying.

It's just that the equipment needed for singing is a bit difficult to do.

The two only prepared a microphone and a small speaker.

Fortunately, there is an NPC in charge of singing to people in the playground not far away, and Su Ming went out and successfully borrowed a guitar there.

And after all these external conditions are ready.

While the girlfriends of both parties did not arrive, the two also told Su Ming and Zhao Jinma about their emotional experience.

Guo Yun's emotional experience is relatively simple.

He and the object met on a social software after graduation, and now the two have been in love for two years, and the relationship is good.

Seeing that he was also at the age of marriage, Guo Yun thought about getting married with his girlfriend as soon as possible.

And Li Xiaoming's emotional experience is slightly more complicated.

He and the object are from a village, they have known each other since childhood, and they have had feelings for each other since junior high school, and they officially talked secretly in high school.

But fortunately, the two persevered.

Later, the two were admitted to the same university, and until now they have graduated for many years, the two are still very affectionate.

Li Xiaoming said this, and the smile on his face seemed to be a little unstoppable.

And listen to Li Xiaoming's story.

Zhao Jinma's eyes on the side were already full of little stars.

Even Su Ming couldn't help but nod his head, with a smile on his face.

Although Li Xiaoming omitted a lot of details when he said it just now.

But it is completely conceivable how many hardships the two have gone through along the way.

From the school uniform to the wedding dress.

To be honest, it's really, really rare!

As for the barrage, the style of painting has become surprisingly different from the past.


"I suspect this kid is writing novels, this Nima is simply a science fiction story!"

"From the school uniform to the wedding dress, I was sore!"

"Damn, what am I guilty of coming to see this kid make up stories?"

"Don't worry, no matter how affectionate you are, you won't delay the quarrel after marriage, hahahaha!"

As a person who came over, he said that they have this emotional foundation, and the quarrel is at most a seasoning, and the more noisy it is, the better the relationship. "

"I didn't expect that in this era of such utilitarianism, I can still see such pure feelings, my Li Ergou is envious of my real name!"

"I, Wang Mazi, am also envious!"

"Damn! This pair has to be made for me! I'll just lock it up!"

"Poof, what did you say, another pair of shameless ones?"

"Oh, yes, yes, these two pairs are going to be successful!hahahaha!"


At this time, the barrage seemed to be moved by Li Xiaoming's emotional experience.

The whole style of painting is envy, jealousy and hatred.

Of course, more nature is still a blessing!

And not to mention the barrage.

Yang Mi, who was staring at the live broadcast in the office on the other end, was fascinated by it, and her little face was flushed.

Is this love?!

Sounds like a yearning!

This thought that I only met Su Ming after graduation, I really felt a bit of a loss, no, a loss!

And the eyes return to the live broadcast.

Su Ming chatted with the two male fans for about half an hour.

Guo Yun received a call from his girlfriend.

"Uh-huh, I'll pick you up at the door now!"

Hang up.

Guo Yun couldn't help but exhale deeply, and looked at Su Ming, Zhao Jinma and the others on the side.

"Brother Ming, I'm going to pick up someone, I'll rely on you later!"

"Well, you can go without worry, let's warm up first. "

looked at Guo Yun's back in the distance.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinmo didn't dare to hesitate too much, and got up and went towards the carousel.

"Brother Ming, what song are you going to sing? I want to tune the accompaniment for you!"

After all the props such as flowers and love candles were arranged, Li Xiaoming couldn't help but look at Su Ming.

Su Ming paused.

He hadn't figured out what to sing for a while.

Well...... What song should be sung for this marriage proposal, and it is more in line with the atmosphere on the field?

At this time, a very classic song suddenly came to his mind.

That's right.

"I just love you"!

This song is used here, and it's really good.

In fact, "Farewell Balloon" is quite in line with the environment of the scene.

But this is a confessional song, and the marriage proposal is still a little worse.

"I don't need a soundtrack, I'm basically enough for a guitar!"

Su Ming said with a smile at Li Xiaoming at this time.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoming was slightly stunned.

Don't you need an accompaniment?

But he didn't have anything to say, after all, in terms of music, Su Ming was a professional!

Su Ming's words don't need to be questioned at all.

And wait until everything is ready.

I saw it in front of the slowly rotating merry-go-round.

Su Ming held a guitar, with a candle in the shape of a heart in front of him, and the words "Marry me" paved with flowers, and looked at Zhao Jinma in front of him affectionately.

The atmosphere of the marriage proposal, this immediately came up.

And such a scene.

It also caused a lot of people around to come and watch.

"Wow, is this a marriage proposal?"

"Damn, I didn't expect to come here for a walk around and meet a marriage proposal?!"

"Is this brother so romantic? Shoot it, you have to shoot it!"

"Don't be in a hurry to play first, we have to see if these two can succeed!"

"Don't say it, this young man and little girl are really matched!"

"Indeed, look at this young man's handsomeness, this little girl is pretty, I think this designation can be done!"

"Are you going to sing, young man?"

"I don't know how the young man's singing level is, if it's ugly, I guess this atmosphere will go to the next level, right?"

"Bao, can you propose to me in the future?

"I'll have to make it right for you! No, I'll have to make it a hundred times more romantic than this!"

"Really, I love you so much!"

"Young people are so numb now. "

"Tut-tut, look at the big cake painted by the young man!"

... Seven....

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