Chapter 111 "I Love You"! Goose, give me a reason!

At this time.

The crowd had already begun to gather, and the voices of discussion began to sound continuously.

At a glance, most of them are couples and parents who have already started a family and brought their children to the playground to play.

Let's talk about Zhao Jinma.

At this time, Zhao Jinmao's face was red, and his face couldn't stop being shy.

looked at Su Ming, who was full of affection in front of him, and listened to the discussion of the surrounding crowd.

Not to mention acting, she doesn't even know what she's doing now.

Should I say something?

No, it seems that you have to wait for Su Ming to say it first.

But before Su Ming spoke, should she do something?

So what to do?

Oops, what are you going to do~

She hadn't been through a marriage proposal, and she hadn't studied it in school?!


Zhao Jinmao was extremely worried in his heart, and the whole person seemed a little at a loss.

"Sister today's acting skills are really good!"

"Well, that's called professionalism!"

"Indeed, this shy actor is worthy of coming out of the Magic Capital Drama Academy, this acting skill is really good!"

"Sister today will come out after graduation, she must be an acting school!"

"That's it, I think my sister's acting skills are a bit better than last time!"

"Tut-tut, although I know it's acting, it's really rare to look at, it's so cute!"

"Absolutely amazing! worthy of the best female college student! Tai Chi product!"


The barrage now seems to be sighing at Zhao Jinma's acting skills.

This is really a vivid interpretation of a girl who is waiting for a marriage proposal!

"Eighty-eighty-0" Even Su Ming couldn't help but sigh at Zhao Jinma's acting skills in his heart.

But think about it, Zhao Jinmark's acting skills in his previous life were very good, and Zhao Jinmark in this parallel world must not be much worse.

"This seedling can do it!"

In the office, Yang Mi looked at Zhao Jinma's expression and body movements, and couldn't help but nod her head and give an affirmative look.

With this acting, I feel that I can already act in some films.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Now that Zhao Jinma is ready, he naturally can't drop the chain.

I saw Su Ming looking at Zhao Jinmo affectionately,

"Now, remember the first time we met?"

Zhao Jinmark: ???

"The first time I saw you, I was..."

"Remember the first anniversary of our relationship? We..."

"I remember that time, we went to see the sea, and you said..."


Su Ming was extremely affectionate, and made up a lot of touching past experiences, and he was about to say about the marriage proposal.

Zhao Jinma, who was still a little confused at the beginning, seemed to be slowly entering the play under Su Ming's superb acting skills, and his eyes became slightly red.

If she hadn't clearly known that the first time she and Su Ming met was today, those experiences would have been made up.

She probably believed Su Ming's nonsense.

There's no way, Su Ming is really too affectionate now!

And at the same time.

Many girls around couldn't help crying, and their eyes subconsciously looked at their boyfriends on the side.

The elders couldn't help but nod their heads one by one, a good boy.

The barrage is even more dumbfounded.

Did Su Ming learn acting?

This is a great performance, isn't it?

"Su Ming's acting skills are not bad!"

"Poof, what the hell is this? Is Su Ming really acting?"

"I'm lost, how do I feel that Su Ming is really emotional?"

"Is it true that Su Ming and Sister Jinma met at the same time?"

"Those experiences can't be made up, right?"

"It's outrageous!Su Ming can't be a fake show, right?!"

"Ahem, what's going on? Su Ming doesn't look like he is acting. "

"It's broken, it's broken, Su Ming won't really want to do anything to Sister Jinma, right?"


The barrage is frantically swiping the screen at the moment, and while lamenting Su Ming's acting skills, a large number of films are full of question marks.

How is this acting the same as the real thing?


Su Ming is actually almost unable to make it up now.

Why haven't Guo Yun and his partner come yet?

If this drags on any longer, the song will start singing!

And a few more minutes passed.

Only then did Su Ming see Guo Yun and his object who were slowly squeezing into the crowd.

Finally, I don't have to continue making it up!

"Today, before I propose to you, I want to sing you a song. "

"The name of this song is called "Just Love You"!"

Su Ming finished speaking.

Zhao Jinma covered his mouth, his face was full of emotion, and he nodded frantically.

And at the same time.

Su Ming also slowly plucked the strings.

The next second.

With a quiet and warm melody, it slowly sounded.

Zhao Jinma and everyone in the audience couldn't help but be slightly moved.

That's a nice melody!

There is a kind of innocent era that makes people go back to the innocent era when confession still needs to rely on love letters.

"I've always wanted to say to you

You give me joy that I can't think of

Like an oasis gives the desert


As Su Ming opened his mouth to sing the first paragraph.

The melodious melody is matched with Su Ming's sincere voice.


Su Ming's whole temperament seemed to have changed.

At this moment, he is like an elegant prince, slowly telling his feelings for the girl in front of him.

"Say you'll always be with me

Be my roots, my wings

If you want me to fly, there is a nest to go back to


Hearing this, Zhao Jinma was a little confused about how to act, his whole face was red, his brain was a mess, and he really wanted to say "I do" directly. "

This song is a bit too foul!

And the barrage at this time seemed to have exploded.

"What's going on? "I just love you", I've never heard this song before?"

"it! it! This should be another Su Ming original!"

"Original?!I'll go, no wonder it sounds so good!"

"This lyric melody, my mother, this is too affectionate!"

"What a good song, this with this picture, it's so romantic!"

"Don't really say it, this song directly fills the atmosphere!"

"I feel like my sister really wants to marry Su Ming now, who listens to this singing?"

"Indeed, this song is outrageous, Su Ming sings it like this, don't talk about my sister today, I want to marry him!"

"[Eagle length of one meter eight]: I am a woman, let me marry!"


That's right.

The barrage obviously didn't expect that Su Ming actually came to an original song again!

Moreover, this song is also very compatible with the current scene.

The romantic atmosphere is directly filled.

"Original again?"

"Did you write it on the spot?"

The other end.

The two teachers, Han Hong and Li Jian, listened to Su Ming's singing, and there was a touch of incredulity on their faces.

Let's talk about this song first, whether it is the melody or the lyrics, it is all of very high quality!

This makes those ace composers write, and it is estimated that they will not be able to write it in a month or two!(If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But such a song.

Was it really written by Su Ming on the spot?

While the two were shocked, they were more obviously questioning.

They had heard that Su Ming was more productive.

But it shouldn't be so prolific, right?

"I want to, and I can too

It's not a pity to give everything

Watch the time pass together

Please remember the way we love each other


The singing continued.

Let's talk about Guo Yun and his girlfriend.

Guo Yun's girlfriend seemed to be moved by the romantic scene in front of her at this time, and snuggled in Guo Yun's arms at the moment.

"It's so romantic! I think this handsome guy will get the girl's consent later!"

"I think too, but, Yanzi, have you ever thought about our future?"

Facing his girlfriend's emotion, Guo Yun couldn't help but look at his girlfriend affectionately and asked with a smile.

And in the face of Guo Yun's problem.

Yanzi couldn't help frowning, and then continued to snuggle in Guo Yun's arms, "Who knows what will happen in the future?"

And this scene fell in Guo Yun's eyes, as if he had become shy.

It seems that his marriage proposal will most likely be stable!

"It's just to love you, love you

There are sorrows and joys, and there are you

Blandness also makes sense

It's about loving you, loving you

Place it in the palm of your hand

Brilliant happiness is all for you


The singing came to a climax.

The atmosphere on the pitch is already getting better.

All the couples in the audience snuggled up to each other, listening to Su Ming's singing and the romantic scene in front of them, while thinking about their future.

All middle-aged couples now rely on each other, and in this song "Just Love You", they recall the young and sweet time at the beginning.

Yang Mi in front of the screen is also shielding Zhao Jinma at this moment, and only Su Ming 0 is left in her eyes...

If Su Ming sings this song to her.

She'll definitely say "I do"!

And just when the atmosphere is at its best.

While singing, Su Ming slowly picked up a bouquet of roses, and by the way, took out a gift box containing a diamond ring from his pocket, and then looked at Zhao Jinmao.

Zhao Jinma immediately understood and took the rose.


Everyone on the field had already guessed what the two were going to do.

Just when the crowd was about to shout "together", "promise him" or something like that.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma walked straight towards Guo Yun and Yanzi.


"Will you marry me?"

Guo Yun took the flowers and diamond rings, knelt down on one knee directly towards his girlfriend Yanzi, and affectionately expressed the idea of proposing.

At this moment, everyone who was still a little confused immediately reacted.

It's these two who co-authored the real proposal!

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"


The noise was constantly ringing at this moment.

Guo Yun was a little shy for a while.

However, his eyes were still looking at the goose affectionately, expecting the goose's answer.


At this time, the wild goose was obviously a little at a loss.

In other words, it is most appropriate to ride a tiger.

What's going on, play with a sigh, why are you still playing with real feelings?!

If you promise Guo Yun, what about the other boyfriends?

Moreover, why didn't you even say it in advance about this marriage proposal?

"I don't want to!"

Ashamed and angry, I saw the wild goose smash the bag in Guo Yun's face, and turned his head and ran out of the crowd.

Such a scene.

Not only Guo Yun was a little unexpected.

Everyone on the field was a little unexpected, and all of a sudden they all fell silent.

Originally romantic atmosphere.

Suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

And Guo Yun was obviously the first to react.

Dropping the roses, he got up and chased after his girlfriend.


"Yanzi, don't go!"

"Why, give me a reason!"


Guo Yun chased.

Tears were already dripping down their faces.

He prepared so carefully that he even invited his idol Su Ming to help.

As a result, the girlfriend ran away directly?

The main thing is that this reason is not given.

And for this scene.

Su Ming, Zhao Jinma, and Li Xiaoming also hurriedly chased out of the crowd.

I wanted to go to see the situation, but it can be seen that Guo Yunyanzi has already gone away, so I can only give up.

"What should I do?"

Zhao Jinmo frowned and looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming's face was also solemn at this time, and he couldn't figure out his mind at all.

"Yanzi actually rejected Guo Yun's marriage proposal for 1.2?

"The two of them are so affectionate?"

Li Xiaoming's face was full of incredulity, and his eyes were even more confused.

He has an excellent relationship with Guo Yun, and naturally knows the relationship between Guo Yun and Yanzi very well.

There's no reason for that!

But just when Li Xiaoming was worried about his friend Guo Yun.

His phone rang too.

That's right, his girlfriend is almost at the playground at the moment.

"Brother Ming, my object is almost here. "

"Okay, then you go and pick up your object, help you deal with it first, and Guo Yun will see the situation later. "

"Hmm. "

At the moment, Guo Yun is already a little confused about the situation, and he is basically messed up.

So the next step is to quickly retract the energy and get Li Xiaoming's marriage proposal right.

Li Xiaoming, don't go wrong anymore.

Let's talk about the onlookers at this scene.

In the face of this sudden change, after reacting, they couldn't help frowning and discussing.

"What's the situation? Why didn't you agree?"

"I don't know, maybe the girl is not happy with the boy, right?"

"I think the man is quite sincere, huh?"

"Well, I don't know what's going on, but it's a shame anyway. "

"By the way, the little handsome guy and the girl who sang just now are To?

"I don't know, I guess it's just this boy's friend, right?"

"Tut-tut, it's a pity, I saw with my own eyes that the marriage was gone. "

"Indeed, but don't say it, the song just now is not bad, I want to listen to this little handsome guy sing before leaving. "


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