Chapter 112 Science fiction story, how can geese live without you and me!

And at the same time as the crowd at the scene was talking.

Today's barrage seems to have exploded.

"Damn! What's the situation? It's a failure!"

"I'm sorry, this brother is too miserable!"

"It's really miserable, it's all on this, but I was dumped with a bag, and my girlfriend is gone, what is the difference between this Nima and the bride running away from the wedding at the wedding?"

Just now, I was immersed in the romantic atmosphere of Su Ming's song "Just Love You", and I thought that sugar was about to be made, but as a result..."

"Damn! I feel like I'm going to make candy, too! It turns out that I have been fed something I don't know what it is!"

"Poof! Su Ming is a good song!"

"Ahem, why did you refuse, could it be because this brother has a problem?"

"Be bold, is it possible that the woman's problem is?"

"Indeed, I think my brother is quite sincere. "

"Harm, we don't know what the specific situation is, it's a pity, now I just hope that the next brother can succeed. "

"The next couple must be successful! When the campus walks to the wedding dress, it must be walked in for me!"

"Yes, yes, it has to be successful!"



The barrage was also a little confused by the actions of the wild goose just now.

It was supposed to be done, but the woman ran away.

However, the barrage is now unclear about the specific reason, so I can only regret it in my heart, and then focus on Li Xiaoming.

Li Xiaoming's emotional experience moved them, if this didn't work, it would be a little uncomfortable.

"This. "

"I guess it's yellow. "

The two teachers, Li Jian and Han Hong, who were watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but shake their heads and sighed at this moment.

I thought the atmosphere would go on forever.

As a result, there was such a sudden change, and it was true that I didn't know what to say.

Now it's up to Li Xiaoming's pair.

06 Let's go back to the scene.

"Friends, listen to me. "

"I have a friend who proposed later, and the two of them started talking about it as childhood sweethearts..."

"I hope everyone who knows the truth can cooperate with my friends to play like me!"

Su Ming looked at the onlookers in front of him, and directly told Li Xiaoming about his marriage proposal plan later.

No way.

Now everyone knows that he and Zhao Jinma are trusted.

The masses can only cooperate.

And after Su Ming finished talking about the situation.

The big guys are also very willing to cooperate.

But I'm still a little worried, and I won't score a brace later, right?

And after the situation just now, the romantic atmosphere of the scene disappeared all of a sudden.

But the good thing is.

When Su Ming's song "I Love You" sounded again.

The taste of romance and love continues to permeate all of a sudden.


waited for Li Xiaoming and his girlfriend to come to the scene.

The scene was almost exactly the same as just now, and it appeared in front of Li Xiaoming's girlfriend.

"Xiao Ming, the two of them look so happy! There is also a carousel, it's so romantic!"

"Well, it's indeed happy, that, Lily..."

Looking at his girlfriend snuggled in his arms, Li Xiaoming wanted to say something, but he wanted to say it again and again, and he was still thinking about Guo Yun's situation just now.

I shouldn't be rejected later, right?

"What's the matter? What are you going to say? Aren't you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that Li Xiaoming was a little strange, Lily hurriedly touched Li Xiaoming's forehead.

"It's okay, I'm fine. "

Li Xiaoming waved his hand and said with a smile.

At the same time, seeing his girlfriend's concerned face, he couldn't help but be completely firm in his heart.

It doesn't matter if you will be rejected later.

He's got to try it once!

Because Lily is the only woman he likes in his life and wants to marry home!

"It's just to love you, love you

There are sorrows and joys, and there are you

Blandness also makes sense

It's about loving you, loving you

Place it in the palm of your hand

Brilliant happiness is all for you



Wait for Su Ming to sing to the climax again.

Lily is still looking forward to the time when Su Ming proposes to Zhao Jinma later.


Li Xiaoming on the side actually "fainted" directly without warning.

"Xiao Ming!"

"Xiao Ming, what's wrong with you?!"

For a while, Lily's face changed greatly, and she quickly wanted to hold Li Xiaoming, not wanting him to fall to the ground.

However, Li Xiaoming is too big, and Lily's slender body can't hold it at all.

Li Xiaoming fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming, what's wrong with you, wake up quickly, don't scare me!"

When Lily saw Li Xiaoming's situation, her eyes turned red for a while, and she kept checking for Li Xiaoming's injuries.

After checking to no avail, Lily hurriedly wanted to help Li Xiaoming up first.

But obviously, how can she have this strength?

"Big brother, sister, uncle, can you help me?"

"I'm calling the emergency number now, can you help me help my boyfriend?"


No matter how she asked for help, the people around her were extremely cold, not only did not help, but also took a few steps back.

Even Su Ming, who didn't continue to sing, and Zhao Jinma on the side were completely indifferent.

But of course, Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, who had already prepared the ring and flowers for the proposal at this time, quietly walked towards the two.

In the face of the indifference of the crowd, Lily could only be helpless by herself, trying to drag Li Xiaoming's body, her tears were already bursting, and she was crying extremely sadly.

"Xiao Ming, I said it, don't be so tired from work, even if you don't have a house, we can get married if we rent a house!"

"I've already told my parents..."


Lily felt that Li Xiaoming suddenly collapsed because he was too tired from work.

As soon as she said this, many people at the scene couldn't help but be moved.

But when he saw Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, who were already slowly approaching, they suddenly stopped talking.

Hurry up!

Such a good girl, looking at this pitiful appearance, they can't stand it anymore!

And quickly.

Wait for Su Ming to reach the appropriate distance.

The song couldn't help but sound again.

"It's just to love you, love you

Don't abandon or leave

Don't abandon or leave

It doesn't matter how much wind and rain there is along the way

It's about loving you, loving you



Zhao Jinma directly took the ring and roses and came to Li Xiaoming's side.

And Li Xiaoming also slowly opened his eyes.

But when he opened it this time, his eyes were already red, and his face was full of distress.

"Fool, how can I let you rent a house and marry me?"

"Isn't it just a marriage room, what others have, you have too!"

Li Xiaoming looked at Lily and wiped her tears, and her tone was a little choked.

He's damned!

I knew how to use the surprise set!

But the proposal is still going on.

"It's just to love you, love you

Don't give up, don't leave, don't care

How much wind and rain along the way

It's to love you and love you (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)


With the singing, look at everything in front of you.

Lily subconsciously covered her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks, as if she was full of shock.

Apparently, she had understood all of this by now.

"Lily, I'm sorry you're worried. "

"Lily, will you marry me?!"

Li Xiaoming knelt on one knee at this time, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and shouted at Lily sincerely.

He had already heard the answer just now.

But still want to give Lily a full marriage proposal.

At this moment, the big guys on the field couldn't hold back any longer, and while they were moved to tears, they also laughed and began to coax.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"


Seeing the big guy like this, Lily's little face turned red.

It turns out that everyone here knows that they are cooperating, no wonder they are all so indifferent just now.

And how could Lily refuse?

Immediately, like a chicken pecking rice, he nodded towards Li Xiaoming.



In the warm applause of everyone, Li Xiaoming put on a ring for Lily.

Immediately after, the two hugged each other and cried, their faces full of happy smiles.

And look at this happy ending.

The big guys on the field couldn't help but laugh and cry with emotion.

"It's so touching, young man, you can't let this girl down!"

"Yes, if you let this girl down, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

"It's really your blessing to be able to marry this girl, remember to treat others well in the future!"

"No, now such a girl can't be found with a lantern. "

"If you rent a house, you are willing to marry a young man, if you dare to disappoint the little girl in the future, you will definitely suffer retribution in the future!"

"What are you talking about, aren't the young men of the people very good, they must be working hard, otherwise the girl's first reaction just now would not have felt that the young man was tired. "

"Yes, the young man must be good to the girl in normal times, otherwise how could the girl be so kind to him?

"Little boy, little girl, bless you!"


At this time, many elders on the field were surrounding Li Xiaoming and Lili, their hearts.

"Do you hear me, remember to be nice to me!"

"You lied to me just now!"

Lily pouted at Li Xiaoming at this time, pretending to be angry, and smashed Li Xiaoming's fierce mouth with a punch.

However, Li Xiaoming's heart was really sweet at this time, and he smirked vigorously.

Look at this scene.

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, who were on the side, were also relieved, with a smile on their faces, leaning on each other.

Fortunately, there was no problem with this pair.

And it's so sweet!

The back is pure and pure is the dog food link.

They couldn't help but blush a little when they saw it.

But fortunately, this is a public occasion, and Li Xiaoming doesn't dare to go too far.

"I'm in tears!

"Grass! What a fucking blessing this kid is!"

"It's another day of envy for other people's love!"

"He must have saved the galaxy in his last life, and he was willing to marry a girl who rented a house, and this is probably the only one who was bumped into by this kid!"

"Damn, when this girl was crying just now, I almost didn't rush down the network cable!"

"Me too! Although I am moved, it is too distressing to watch!"

"Damn, this is more sci-fi than a science fiction movie!"

"He's damn it!

"Look, it's starting to sprinkle dog food! No, no, I can't stand it. "730

"Tut-tut, this bowl of dog food is so delicious!"

"It's the first time to witness the love from the school uniform to the wedding dress!"

"At this time, a beautiful boy lying on the bed showed an aunt's smile!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Goose goose goose!"

"A beautiful girl hiding in the quilt said that she also showed her aunt's smile, hehehe!"

"It's worth watching this live broadcast!"

"No, have you forgotten the sorrow of your last brother?"

"[Han Hong]: This pair is finally done, blessings!"

"[Li Jian]: It's really touching to watch, this is what love looks like at the beginning, but there is one thing to say, Su Ming's song is also very good!"


"The two teachers are still there!"

"Hahahaha, the two teachers seem to be knocking with us!"


At this time.

The barrage is also a mess of emotion, and it is boiling.

Even Han Hong and Li Jian, who hadn't posted a barrage for a long time, were blown up.

I have to say that the scene just now is too touching to watch.

When Lily pulled Li Xiaoming to cry helplessly just now, it made their hearts tug up.

"It's so touching!"

On the other end, Yang Mi, who was silently diving, was now also moved, wiping her tears with a tissue.

Of course, the aunt's smile on her face naturally did not stop.

Originally, she was still lamenting the tragic experience of the first Guo Yun.

Now all of a sudden, I was suddenly moved by the love of the next pair.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

As the atmosphere on the field became more and more enthusiastic.

Many couples and middle-aged couples are in each other's hands

Su Ming couldn't help but continue to stroke the guitar.

continued to sing "I Love You"

"I've always wanted to say to you

You give me joy that I can't think of

Like an oasis to the desert"


As for Guo Yun in the first place.

Ahem... Infected by the atmosphere, Su Ming really forgot a little at this time!

Let's talk about sweetness first!


The other end.

Outside a taxi outside the playground.

Guo Yun burst into tears and kept banging on the car window.

"Master, let's go. "


"Will we see you again?

"When you say goodbye, you must be happy, okay?"

"Your world will be free of me from now on, you want to be happy yourself!"

"Yanzi, can you not walk?!"

"Goose, how can I live without you?

"Goose, ahhhhh


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