Chapter 113 The paparazzi are angry, and the paparazzi are crying!

"Brother Ming, today, thank you so much just now!"

In the playground, Li Xiaoming, who successfully proposed marriage at this time, took his girlfriend Lily's hand and looked at Su Ming Zhao Jinma in front of him with a grateful face.

"It's just a gesture, a small thing. "

"If you two get married in the future, remember to call me, I have to drink your wedding wine!"

"Definitely, definitely!"

"Well, by the way, what's going on with Guo Yun, have you contacted him?"

Su Ming smiled and blessed the two.

Then he asked about Guo Yun's situation.

Just now, several people were immersed in the joy of a successful marriage proposal.

For a while, he forgot Guo Yun who went away with the geese.

If you think about it, it's a bit unkind.

Hearing Su Ming's words.

Li Xiaoming shook his head at this time, his brows furrowed.

Just now, he sent a lot of messages to Guo Yun and made several phone calls, but he didn't get any response at all.

"Still can't be contacted?"

Looking at this situation, Su Ming and Zhao Jinma couldn't help but look a little worried.

Something must be wrong, right?

And just when Su Ming was about to consider whether to look around, Li Xiaoming suddenly received a call from Guo Yun.

"Brother Ming, Guo Yun is calling!"

"Pick it up!"

Soon, when the phone was connected, Guo Yun's low and crying voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Ming, I'm done with the goose. "

"How's it going over there?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoming hurriedly spoke, his face a little anxious, "I succeeded, where are you now?

Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, who were on the side, glanced at each other, and couldn't help but worry again, because listening to Guo Yun's movements, it seemed that he was drinking.

In the blink of an eye.

The group looked for Guo Yun at a street intersection not far from the playground.

At this time, Guo Yun's body was half leaning against the telephone pole, there were five or six empty beer bottles beside him, and he was still holding a bottle of two pots in his hand, his eyes were red, and the whole person seemed to be drained, and he was extremely decadent.

"Guo Yun, don't drink it!"

"What the hell is going on with you and the goose?"

Seeing this, Li Xiaoming grabbed the second pot head and wanted to help Guo Yun up.

And Guo Yun's consciousness was almost not very clear, and he shouted a few voices vaguely,

"Yanzi said that I was too poor to marry her, and I couldn't give her happiness. "

"Why am I so useless?!"

"Xiao Ming, Lily, congratulations... Congratulations. "

"Brother Ming, I'm sorry to let you see the joke. "

After speaking, Guo Yun directly cried loudly.

Such a movement has attracted the attention of many passers-by, and passers-by obviously can't help but shake their heads one by one.

Isn't it just a matter of losing love?

And Su Ming, Zhao Jinma and others couldn't help but feel a little sentimental.

Can't afford to marry.

These three words are really realistic.

But they can't expect all women to be like Lily, who doesn't care about the man's family background at all.

Therefore, I didn't know how to comfort at this time. 、

Even the style of the barrage at the moment is helpless.

"This brother is too miserable, alas~"

"This has brought me back from heaven to reality, not every woman is called Lily!"

"Indeed, it's too difficult to get married now!"

"To be honest, this woman is a little too materialistic, the young man is still so young, and the potential is unlimited. "

"Times have changed, what's the use of having potential? Could it be that adults are willing to endure hardships with you first?

"Damn! Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the poor young man! Brother, make money seriously, let her regret it in the future!"


Looking at Guo Yun's experience, many of the barrage also remembered themselves and expressed some emotion.

Especially when I saw the difference between Lily and Yanzi, I felt even more emotional.


Just when Guo Yun was crying.

Guo Yun's phone suddenly vibrated and received several messages.

Because Guo Yun's body was already weak, this one was not held steady, and the phone fell directly to the ground.

Li Xiaoming picked it up and glanced at it and found it.

This message was sent by the wild goose.

"[Voice message 60s]"

"[Voice Message 10s]"

"[Voice Message 7s]"

All three are voice.

And when I clicked on it, it was a man's voice.

"Spare tire No. 3, you have the most messages from a dead licking dog, are you Shabi?"

"This son of a, played with us all!"

"If I hadn't snatched her phone from her just now, we would have been in the dark!"

"You still proposed, you're much faster than a few of us licking dogs, no wonder you have to be kicked in advance!"


"Okay, brother, don't talk about you, we are both fallen people at the end of the world, don't be sad, this woman is really unworthy!"

"Give me my phone back!"

"Shabi woman, return the money to me first!"


In addition to the man's voice, there seems to be the sound of a man and a goose wrestling and throwing things, which is quite noisy.


Listen to these three voices.

This for the first time.

Whether it was Li Xiaoming, Lili, Su Ming, Zhao Jinmao, or Guo Yun, who was a little unconscious, all of them were stunned all of a sudden.

What's the situation?

The barrage is even more full of question marks.



"What's going on?!"

"Spare tire three?"

"Nima, there are big melons to eat!"

"This is the encounter with the female Sea King?!"


"Give it to me!"

Guo Yun seemed to be much more sober at this time, so he took the mobile phone and listened to it unwillingly.

After listening.

Guo Yun's face was full of disbelief, and at the same time, the whole person seemed even more depressed, and in the end, his emotions seemed to be completely collapsed.


"I'm really Big Shabi!"


Guo Yun was spraying the quintessence of the country, and at the same time crying loudly.

But this time it's not because of a broken love.

Rather, they are crying about their own stupidity!

No wonder Yanzi never let him look at her phone!

No wonder Yanzi and he have been talking for two years, but Yanzi does not agree to live together, and can only get along for two days a week!

No wonder the geese sometimes call and say they're eating spicy strips!

No wonder......

He's just a spare tire, and he's number three!

Thinking back on all this, Guo Yun had already begun to slap himself in the mouth.

This is too Shabi!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Grass! The goose is actually this kind of person! Why didn't I see it before!"

"I really don't feel worth it for Guo Yun!"


Li Xiaoming and Lily couldn't help but scold along.

Even Su Ming and Zhao Jinma, who were on the side, couldn't help but say a few words about the quintessence of the country now.

This Nima actually met a fishing girl!

This is outrageous!

And the barrage that reacted at this time was really unbearable all of a sudden.

"Damn! Brother is so affectionate, but he met a fishing girl?"

"Brother is still the No. 3 spare tire, I lost it, people can't be so bad, right?"

"Brothers, I'm already a little afraid of marriage!"

"If it weren't for the old brother who sent the voice just now, I guess the brotherhood would have been kept in the dark, right?!"


"She is destined to be punished!"

"It's good that this woman didn't agree to the proposal, otherwise my brother would have jumped into the fire pit, and the family would not have become a green grassland in the future?"

"It's true that this brother is a blessing in disguise, but it's still hateful, wasting two years of this brother's feelings!"

"May there be no fishing girls in heaven!"

"I really don't know what this woman thinks, isn't it good to be sincere?"

"Honest people say that they don't want to get married in this life!

"Wake up, there's a lot of fishing girls outside!"


That's right.

The barrage is also angry.

At this moment, he was crazy about Guo Yun.

And Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian, who were watching the live broadcast, and Yang Mi, now their faces were extremely ugly.

This reversal is also a big surprise!

I thought that this kind of thing would only appear in those made up jokes on the Internet, but it turned out that this reality really exists!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After Guo Yun's sadness has passed.

Su Ming directly led the group towards the barbecue restaurant.

I promised to invite you to dinner before.

Naturally, we can't break our promises.

And since this is going to scold the fishing girl, scolding while eating skewers, it is really more flavorful.

But not long after a few people sat down, a group of people directly ran over to share the table.

These are none other than the paparazzi!

It turned out that they had already come to squat near this playground, and they had watched the live broadcast almost all the time just now.

After seeing Guo Yun's bleak scene, the paparazzi couldn't help but be angry one by one.

There are some words in my heart, which are really not unhappy.

So he joined Su Ming and his party.

And after the paparazzi joined, this scene immediately became lively.

Guo Yun, who was still quite sad, suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in his heart after listening to some of the paparazzi's experiences, and even began to comfort the paparazzi.

And looking at the paparazzi who are full of grief and indignation, and at the same time their eyes are still red, they are already crying.

Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing at this time.

Why are the paparazzi crying while drinking?

But I have to say.

These experiences of the paparazzi do reflect the ugliness of some women.

In other words, there are some problems in the current social atmosphere.

And listen to the complaints of the paparazzi.

The barrage felt a little funny, but I couldn't help but be infected by this angry emotion.

"'Hahahaha, let's watch the paparazzi!'"

This green-haired paparazzi has had two girlfriends in a row, and both of them have cheated?"

"Poof! This green hair is really not dyed white!"

"I think that paparazzi is purely embarrassed, smoking, drinking, getting tattoos, and going to bars every day, isn't this a proper good girl?"

"That's it! That's a solo woman! I feel like this paparazzi is going to be on the hot search later!"

"No, I can't listen anymore, why are these sons of Shabi women,

Look at the paparazzi at the head of the plane, how honest it looks?!"

"Compared to Guo Yun, I feel that these paparazzi are more miserable, alas~"

"That's not it, Guo Yun is comforting the paparazzi now, and you may not have seen it, he almost laughed!"

"These paparazzi are so interesting, I feel that they are more suitable to be artists, all of them are so slippery, hahaha!"


And not just barrage.

Even Han Hong and Li Jian were a little angry at this time.

However, while being angry, the two also felt fresh.

This is the first time the two have learned about the life of the paparazzi.

And the freshest is.

Su Ming actually called these paparazzi brothers!

In the eyes of the two of them, this is somewhat outrageous!


"(Wang Zhao's) now, you are not allowed to be like those girls in the future. "

The wine was slightly drunk, and Su Ming couldn't help but look at Zhao Jinmo on the side, and said in a long tone.

Now Zhao Jinma is still a student, and he has not been infected by the social atmosphere for the time being, and this value cannot be crooked.

Hearing this, Zhao Jinma immediately nodded obediently.

In fact, when she heard the geese and the paparazzi complaining about those women just now, she was also angry in her heart.

How can any woman be so bad?


Three rounds of drinking.

Guo Yun, Li Xiaoming and the paparazzi are all scolded.

At the moment, I can't drink anymore.

Su Ming looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock.

This sent Zhao Jinma back, and he could almost go back to sleep.

So, the group summed up and prepared to go home.

"Brother Ming, goodbye!"

"Brother Ming, goodbye today!"

"Brother Ming, goodbye!"


"You all stay safe, too!"

After saying goodbye to the group.

Now on this street, only Su Ming and Zhao Jinma are left.

"They all said don't drink too much, why don't you listen to persuasion?"

At this time, Su Ming was holding the mobile phone of the live broadcast, and on the other hand, he was carrying Zhao Jinma, who was already a little confused, with a wry smile on his face.

Just now, his attention was on the paparazzi and two male fans.

I didn't pay much attention to Zhao Jinma.

I don't know how much this Zhao Jinma drank.

Now in this situation, I can only take a taxi and send Zhao Jinma back to the dormitory.

And then on the other side.

At this time, the microwave, with these marketing accounts in the live broadcast room, the self-media frenzied the video body.

Su Ming and the two male fans have already been on the hot search! .

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