Chapter 114 The master's task was exploded by the net!

【Tanhua Su Ming!】

[Su Ming Playground vomited!]

[Su Ming helps male fans propose!]

[Su Ming "Just Love You"!]

[The way love is!]

[Su Ming's male fan's proposal overturned!]



Along with these entries, they appeared on the hot search.

The huge flow of traffic is just starting to converge.

After a while, the barrage under each video reached tens of thousands.

"Poof, what the hell is Su Ming Tanhua?"

"Is this entry serious?"

"! This entry is written, I thought Su Ming changed careers and could see a wave of superb resources, and he was happy with Bai Bai?!"

"Ahem, it seems that I'm not the only one who wants to see Da Mimi's resources. "

"Lost! I thought there were Reba and Sister Chaoyue's resources!"

"Hahahaha, this entry is written, if you don't click on it, I thought Su Ming was going to be arrested for doing that!"

"One thing to say, these college girls are quite active, and they are the same as Pansi Cave!"


"Su Ming is too good to fans, right, accompany him to the amusement park all the way?!"

"I lost it, I want to vomit when I look at this video screen, no wonder Su Ming can sit and vomit!"

"This female fan is really awesome, she is too energetic!"

"Poof, you guys watch this rocking car video, make me laugh to death!"

"Hahahaha, don't say it, this female fan is quite cute when she sits on her head!"

"It's really cute, but after Su Ming sat on it, it looked like a big wrong, hahaha!"

"I'll go, I can still meet male fans on this rocking car! "


"Damn! another original song!"

"The song "I Just Love You" is too good!"

"I want to marry Su Ming when I listen to this song!"

"Su Ming's talent is really worthy of being believed forever!"

"Damn, this first marriage proposal failed, it's too embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for this brother across the screen. "

"This is really outrageous, where is the atmosphere, but I actually shook my face and ran away, but fortunately, the second one succeeded. "

"The second pair is too good, isn't it! Renting a house is willing to get married, can this be the original form of love?"

"yes, where can I find such a girl?"

"I'm sour!"

"I'm relying on 027! I'm going to rely on it! Big melon! This goose is actually a fishing girl!"

"I'm dripping mom! This first male fan is too miserable! Look at this crying!"

"I cried for a long time, but I found out that I was the No. 3 spare tire, how devastating my heart is?!"

"Don't collapse, after listening to the experience of the paparazzi, he couldn't help laughing, hahahahaha!"

"I'm going! I'm still ruthless with the paparazzi! If their experience is true, I think I can make a movie!"

"Defend it for you!"

"Indeed, this one person can make one, and there is one of my movies that has a good name, which is called "The Master's Task"!"

"I also thought of a "Good Girl Dora Who Smokes, Drinks, Tattoos, Loves to Go to Bars"!"

"Hahahaha! Your name, I feel like I'm easy to be hammered by a microwave woman in the first place!"

"Is Su Ming still broadcasting now? I want to watch him live!"


At this time.

The comment area was shocked by Su Ming's experience today.

In addition to Su Ming's song "I Love You" and Li Xiaoming's sweet marriage proposal between Lily.

One of the most discussed.

Naturally, it was the geese and the paparazzi who described those experiences.

Microwave netizens just teased and sighed a few words at first.

However, it slowly fermented over time.

The trend of public opinion has changed all of a sudden.

It seems to have gradually developed into a scolding war.

And with a post by Yanzi on the microwave, it directly upgraded this scolding war to the hot search level!

That's right, it's none other than the goose!

Not long ago, Yanzi was slapped several times, and seeing that the spare tire on the prestige was basically all given to Huo Huo by the spare tire, she agreed to pay back the money and took back the mobile phone from the spare tire.

Luckily, there were four or five spare tires left after that.

She explained a few words casually, and then pretended to lose her temper, and directly prevaricated.

Otherwise, the money for food will be gone next month.

Just when she was depressed and uncomfortable, she opened her favorite media software, microwave!

And it doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

At a glance, I live in GDH) on the hot search!

And the one who sang was actually Su Ming, who was actually a big star!

Looking at the comments below, all kinds of insults and insults to her, and even the last few licking dogs on the prestige are a little not very well-behaved.

She finally couldn't help it.

directly made up a small composition:

[Hello everyone! That's right, I'm the goose who proposed and walked away, and was said to be a fishing girl.

First of all, let me clarify that I am not a fishing girl!

Also, the voices in the video were deliberately said by my friend with my friend's help, just to get rid of this disgusting man who mentally controls me and likes domestic violence!


Sisters, I am now depressed by this man's long-term mental PUA, plus there are still many male treasures spraying me, I really don't know how long I can last!

If someone in the follow-up says I'm lying, sisters, don't believe it! Guo Yun has Su Ming's backstage, Su Ming will definitely hire a lot of marketing accounts to say that I'm lying, and I can't fight against capital as an ordinary person!

By the way, those male treasures who compare me with Lily, please stop killing them, okay, do you have to let all girls not PUA Lily look like that, is it a good girl in your male treasures?

Finally, there will be no more posts on this microwave!]

As a perennial microwave goose, he is naturally well versed in the writing of small compositions.

This little essay was issued.

Even though it's full of loopholes.

But this mouthful of a sister, a mouthful of depression PUA and a mouthful of male oppression, the emotions can be completely filled!

As for the follow-up insiders who may come to break the news about her, she also left a mouth.

In a word, the power of capital!

As long as she is said to be lying, it is Su Ming who is looking for someone to do public relations!

And obviously.

Her performance in this little essay can be said to be very remarkable.

It didn't take a while.

The comments below seem to have turned into a Shura field!

"Oh my God, my sister actually endured the torture of that inferior man for two years!"

"PUA is disgusting!But what the male treasure is best at is doing this!Congratulations to my sister for getting rid of the sea of suffering!"

"I feel sorry for my sister! I hope the depression will get better soon!"

"I just saw that there is a male treasure spraying sister who is fishing for women, are you dumbfounded now?"

"That's it, I really feel sorry for my sister, what did that man do to my sister to make my sister break up under the pretext of ruining her reputation?"

"My sister is right, there are male maggots who think Lily is a good girl, I really laugh, that is a poor worm controlled by the mind!"

"That's right! I promise, after this Lily gets married, she will directly become a family nanny and be a maid at home!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you want me to say, this Lily is simply a traitor among our Dukasa women, the beauty of the eyebrow man!"

"No, you guys are Shabi, aren't you?

"It's like, how unsatisfactory are you guys to say this kind of?"

"Yo Yo Yo, there is a male treasure in a hurry!

"I knew that there were male treasures who would be anxious, didn't we see through their schemes, sisters, recognize these IDs, don't step on the pit in the future!"

"And Su Ming, I originally liked Su Ming's songs, but now I just go down to the bottom, what kind of idol is what kind of fan, this fan is so disgusting, Su Ming himself is definitely a lower man!"

"That's it, I'm blocking this Su Ming!"

"There really isn't a good thing about men!"

"Poof, isn't your dad either?"

"My dad is shit!

"Sister, don't talk to this male maggot, aren't you dirty?"

"Okay, okay, let's just protect my sister, don't pay attention to these male treasures!"



With the crazy reprint comments of the vast microwave extreme female group.

This comment area has hit hundreds of thousands, nearly one million at once.


The microwave of the wild goose seems to have rushed to the first place in the hot search.


Guo Yun and Su Ming were also correspondingly put on the hot search, and the keywords were written PUA men and the like.


Public opinion has completely escalated into a supreme battlefield of emotional catharsis.

The other end.

Huayun Entertainment Inc.

Entertainer Lounge.

"Yuqi, have you seen the microwave?"

"There is traffic to rub again, this time I can rub Su Ming's traffic, hurry up and send microwaves!"

"By the way, the company has agreed, you can play as you like!"

At this time, an agent hurriedly ran in and shouted at Zhang Yuqi, who was holding Erlang's legs inside.

"I don't need you to remind me, I sent my microwave early!"

"I have to rub this traffic!"

Zhang Yuqi smiled at the agent, looking like he was in control.

That's right.

She had just forwarded the microwave of the goose.

Although he only sent a vomiting expression and didn't say anything, the position was already very obvious.

And this comment that forwarded the microwave under the head, in less than half an hour, also hit hundreds of thousands.

"Sister Yuqi has finally spoken!

"Sister Yuqi is the only female artist in the circle who speaks out!

"Are the other female artists in the circle mute? don't girls know how to help girls?"

"Sister Yuqi is the most positive actress in the circle, and I have been a fan for a lifetime!"


Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming was still in the taxi with Zhao Jin.

Now that Zhao Jinma had drunk too much, he leaned on Su Ming's shoulder and fell asleep, looking very cute.

Just as Su Ming was about to squint for a while.

A phone call came out of nowhere.

This is exactly what Yang Mi called.

"Su Ming, don't sleep, watch the microwave!"

At the same time, Guo Yun also sent a message.

"Brother Ming, something happened, the wild goose spread rumors about us on the Internet!"

"I've been cyberbullied now!"

And the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

"It's broken! It's broken!"

"The microwave is too noisy!"

"yes, it's outrageous, it's a terrible place!"

"That fishing girl's small essay actually reversed black and white, I'm really numb!"

"There are too many loopholes in the writing here, why would anyone believe it? Didn't anyone hear the sound of the wild goose and the man scuffling in that recording? "

"Don't say it, this goose's writing is really level, it directly transfers the contradiction, and even Su Ming is not implicated. "

"I'll go! Zhang Yuqi really came!"

"Nonsense, there must be her in this meeting, okay?"

"It's numb, this public opinion is too unfavorable, if Su Ming doesn't come forward again, he feels like he's going to be blackened!"

"It's a pity that Su Ming doesn't watch the barrage!"


Obviously, many people already know what happened to the microwave.


Since Su Ming didn't watch the barrage, they couldn't remind him at all.

And the other end.

Under Yang Mi's reminder.

Su Ming frowned, and turned on the microwave.

And wait for him to finish reading the microwave sent by the goose, as well as the comments below.

Su Ming's face immediately darkened.

This is outrageous!

This goose actually directly described his male fan Guo Yun as a mind-controlled domestic violence man.

even said that Lily was some kind of controlled woman.

Comments below.

That's even more unsightly.

In the end, it is even more outrageous.

also said that the capital behind him would go to public relations, and directly blocked the conversation.

This man can't be so bad, right?

"Sister Mi, I'll take care of this matter, it's okay, it's just a trivial matter. "

After hanging up Yang Mi's phone.

Su Ming just continued to send a message to Guo Yun.

"Keep the evidence of being exploded on the Internet! I'll go to the microwave right away!"

After doing all this.

Su Ming directly turned on the microwave.

But when he turned on the microwave again.

The other two stars are helping him carry the firepower.

Not someone else.

It's Han Hong and Teacher Li Jian!

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