Chapter 115 Su Ming is crazy!

That's right.

witnessed the whole live broadcast of Han Hong Li Jian.

Naturally, I saw through this little essay of the wild goose at a glance.

Now in the face of the overwhelming damage to Guo Yun and Su Ming on the microwave, the two are undoubtedly a little unbearable.

Of course, what the two of them can't stand the most is naturally that someone actually squirted Lily!


Both of them posted a microwave

Singer Han Hong:

[Yanzi, I thought you were just bad, but I didn't expect it to be so bad! I witnessed the live broadcast the whole process, and your little essay is completely reversing black and white, and there are too many loopholes in it!

A mouthful of PUA and a mouthful of a domestic violence man, what else do you find a friend to send a voice, I'm sorry, please take - evidence!

and Zhang Yuqi, indiscriminately rubbing traffic here, expanding the contradictions of public opinion, I really don't know why you can still be an artist!]

Singer Li Jian:

[The first time I saw that I could turn things upside down like this, is the public's ability to recognize so poor now? ]

Someone would actually scold Lily Su Ming and them, I really didn't figure it out! I feel that the cost of rumor-mongering is too low now! Yanzi, come out and admit your mistake as soon as possible!]

The two are predecessors with an excellent reputation in the entertainment industry.

As soon as the microwave was sent out.

The energy is enormous.


The original one-sided comment was directly reversed.

"Damn! Can't even Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian stand it?!"

"it! it! Big scene! These two seniors have spoken out, it's really rare to see it!"

"I don't know exactly what happened, but I believe in the character of these two teachers, and I believe in their words!"

"I also believe in the two teachers! There are still people who scold Su Ming, I really don't understand what those women who scold Su Ming think, Su Ming is simply the most easy-going and down-to-earth star I have ever seen, if he is a man, let alone the entertainment industry, men all over the world are men!"

"Poof! Is this the public relations team invited by Su Ming?


"If the PR team can get these two in, that's amazing!"

"That's not, Teacher Han Hong has basically never sent anything else except for the microwave sent by the Public Welfare Association, and Teacher Li Jian is too, in addition to his own music, it is the first time I have seen him send this kind of thing to help others speak!"

"Indeed! And what the two teachers said is good! I also watched the live broadcast the whole time, this goose is a real fishing girl! What kind of depression is this pretending?"

"That's it! A fishing girl writes an article and fools those little fairies like that, and the brain is not very well developed when you see it!"

"Not only is it not well-developed, just now I saw a woman, and directly scolded his father for being a man, I just wanted to ask, does his father know that she is so brave on the microwave?"

"Don't scold, don't scold, the little fairies are not happy in life!"

"Poof, how unsatisfactory is that? Can you say these tough things?"

"The most hateful thing is that this goose actually went to take Lily's rhythm, it really made me vomit!"



The comments under the microwave of the two immediately exploded.

In a very short period of time, it rushed to the top of the hot search list.

And just after the two of them finished microwaving.

Lao Xue Ziqi, as well as a large number of composers led by Wang Quan, also sent microwaves one after another and began to stand for Su Ming.

They actually didn't know the reason, but when they saw Su Ming being hacked, they must not be able to stand it.

Su Ming's character is still a man?

That's outrageous!

And judging from some of the photos posted by this goose microwave before, it is obvious that it is the unified photo style of fishing girls.

Even if they don't have an in-depth understanding of this matter, they can basically understand it in their hearts.

Of course, there is another reason why they speak out, that is, when a little fairy scolds Su Ming, she directly e-Su Ming's friend and composer's profession.

And with the voices of these people.

Public opinion has come to the peak.

In the top ten hot searches, seven or eight of them are artist entries that someone has stood up to speak for Su Ming.

And as the "spare tire" of geese continues to come out to speak out and post evidence.

Public opinion seems to have come to Su Ming's side as if it was about to turn one-sided.

And the extreme rhetoric of women that can be seen everywhere.

Now it immediately shrank under the microwave of Zhang Yuqi and the wild goose.

"Yuqi Yuqi, it's broken, it's broken, delete the microwave!"

"It seems that the trend of public opinion is different from before!"

Huayun Entertainment, the artist lounge, and the agent rushed in again at this moment, shouting at Zhang Yuqi.

At this time, Zhang Yuqi's face was undoubtedly extremely ugly.

Why did people like Han Hong and Li Jian come out to speak out?

Aren't these two people very much at microwaves?

Is it just to come out and fight the grievances?

Not really.

Could it be because of Su Ming?!

Think about it.

It seems that this is the only possibility!

But she remembered that Su Ming seemed to have participated in a show with these two people.

Is this relationship already like this?

"I have deleted it just now, you should go to the public relations department now and help me deal with the microwave deletion of microwaves!"

Zhang Yuqi looked at the agent and urged sharply.

The agent naturally did not dare to hesitate, and turned his head towards the public relations department.

"I didn't expect these two teachers to be in the live broadcast room?"

"I even made a microwave sound!"

In the taxi, Su Ming looked at this scene and was suddenly a little surprised.

He didn't look at the situation in the live broadcast room, and he didn't know that Han Hong and Li Jian were actually watching.

And he really didn't expect that these two actually sent a microwave to give them a position.

This wave is really a bit of a surprise.

However, the voices of the two really made this matter more difficult.

Originally, he wanted to open the microphone directly and fight alone in the microwave forbidden area.

The results look like this now.

It seems that the forbidden area is almost gone.

It's even to the point where he doesn't need to make a move, and things are about to settle down.

And let's talk about the geese at this time.

The sisters who were watching the microwave helped her scold her, felt sorry for her, and even Zhang Yuqi, a star, spoke up for her, and she was beautiful in her heart.

It seems that she can really make up this little composition.

However, looking at the current trend of public opinion.

She was a little unsettled all of a sudden.

Why are so many people standing in Su Ming all of a sudden?

Is Su Ming's capital really so strong?

And after seeing Zhang Yuqi delete the microwave.

Her mood is undoubtedly even more unsettled.

Su Ming's capital claws have already reached out to Zhang Yuqi?

Zhang Yuqi is the famous female emperor of the microwave!

The emperor wants to avoid it?!

Isn't the power of capital a little too terrifying?

Just when she was nervous about admitting her mistake.

Looking at the comments and private messages that are constantly encouraging her sisters.

Her heart suddenly came up with confidence again.

"Su Ming's man has really used his capital! sister, don't be afraid, we will protect you!"

"That's right! The power of capital is really terrifying! Even Sister Yuqi can't resist this pressure!"

"Sister, if there is still a male treasure private message spraying you, you will directly take out more evidence of a stone hammer and slap them in the face!"

"What evidence do you want? You don't need evidence!

Putting aside the facts, even if this Guo Yun is not a subordinate man, then he watched his sister being scolded here, and he actually didn't speak up at all, is he a man?"

"I don't think Su Mingcai is a man, he actually used so much capital power to bully a girl!"

"Su Ming, Han Hong, Li Jian, and Guo Yun are all subordinate men!

"Poof! Teacher Han Hong said that you really got your head down, hahahaha!"

"Sister, be careful, there's a male treasure coming!"

"That's it, the male treasure is back again!"

"Damn, sisters, let's stop messing with other people, just rush at Su Ming!"



Looking at the brave remarks of the sisters in the comment area, Yanzi held her head up a little.

There are so many sisters here.

She's afraid of a hammer!

But with evidence, to be honest, she really has no evidence.

But it doesn't matter, the sisters have all said it, and they don't need evidence to believe her!

And through the comments of her sisters, she also found a breakthrough.

That's right.

It's to capture the thief and capture the king first, and go to spray Su Ming first!

And so.

Her little hand trembled, and she just threw another microwave over.

Is this the bearing of the legendary genius composer?

Sisters, I've been threatened, this microwave should really be my last microwave!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

This microwave is a shot.

There seems to be a trend of public opinion making a comeback.


Su Ming's microwave underneath.

Now it is beginning to be occupied by some extreme rhetoric.

"Genius composer, laugh to death! is obviously a male treasure brought out by capital!"

"It's so low-headed, to use so many relationships to target a little girl!"

"It's really good at public relations, I have invited Han Hong and Li Jian over!"

"The stinky man actually threatens his sister, isn't he afraid of being punished by the law?"

"It's disgusting, I won't listen to your songs again in my life!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

After a phone call and some questions were verified with Guo Yun.

Su Ming suddenly put his gaze back on the microwave again.

"What do you mean?"

Su Ming's brows furrowed slightly.

Yanzi actually instigated remarks to spray him?

Isn't that pure giving away heads?

The next second.

I saw Su Ming quickly open the microwave text editor.

Open the mic directly.

[Yanzi, I am your mother!Generous to your mother!Threaten your mother!Stinky Shabi! Dare to make up facts here, and explode my fans on the Internet?!]

[You incite public opinion on the Internet and engage in these sideways things, you don't know how to write the word law?]

And after angrily returning to the goose.

Su Ming directly found these extremely hot comments from Jane below, and began to reply and scold them one by one

[A mouthful of a male treasure, you maggot pretending to be your mother! Do you know how to write the word quality?]

[Fuck you! Stinky Shabi one, shit, you!]

[PR you x! your brain is not all long, is it? put this boxing?!]

[Stinky you X your father, if he knew that he raised you so big and boxed every day, he would kill you with a punch!]

[Please don't listen to my song, my song is not written for maggots like you!]


In less than ten minutes.

Su Ming had already replied and scolded, almost a hundred.

Looking at this scene.

Su Ming's comment area seemed to explode directly.


"Damn! Su Ming is going crazy!"

"It has to be Su Ming!"

"Su Ming's familiar feeling is finally back!hahaha!"

"The human race has a great emperor! Emperor Su Ming is now crazy!"

"Cowhide! It has to be Su Ming! This scolding is extremely high!"

"Hahahaha! Su Ming is really the most kind of star I've ever seen! This scolding is really cool!"

"Ahem, Su Ming scolded like this, will it seem unqualified?"

"Fart! What do you mean by no quality, I didn't see Su Ming scolding at all, he was just fighting back!"

"That's it, just allow others to scold, don't allow scolding back, right?"

"Damn! Su Ming, this Nima has shown me blood! Brothers, give me the help of the Terran Emperor!"

"Rush to the aid of our Terran Emperor Su Ming!

"What a special blood! I called my son to rush with me!"

"I'm burning!"



The netizens who exploded the pot were really boiled by Su Ming's powerful backspray.


A large number of netizens are all rushing to the comment area.

Under this huge traffic impact.

Even the comment area of Yanzi Microwave will now be completely washed away!

The other end.

At this time, Yanzi obviously didn't expect that Su Ming would be so "unqualified".

Directly to her, directly to the point, grass!

She was really dizzy when she saw this.

Is there any mistake?

Su Ming is a star, doesn't he care about his image at all?!

And looking at his microwave comment area is going to be washed out.

The sisters who were still supporting her just now also disappeared in silence.

She is now panicked to the extreme.

Let's talk about Han Hong, Li Jian and other artists who stood for Su Ming just now.

All of them are now a little numb.

Su Ming, this is too outrageous!

This is ready to spray all by yourself!


The traffic driven by this is actually no worse than their combined.

It doesn't seem like they need to do anything.

Su Ming can also win in this public opinion, right?


Just as the situation was getting worse, Su Ming directly sent a microwave again.

[Brothers, don't attack anyone, I don't want to incite any remarks, the reason why I speak out is just to protect my fans and my own reputation!]

[Also, Yanzi, give you this legally blind science, you have been suspected of insult and slander, Guo Yun and I have already reported to the police, I think it won't be long before you will be punished by law!]

As soon as this microwave was issued.

It can be said that the comment area is completely fried.

Su Ming, this is too rigid!

At this time, the geese seemed to be completely cowardly.

What's the situation?

She wrote a little essay and said hello.

You're going to call the police and arrest me?

"Let's bluff!"

In the rental house, Yanzi held his mobile phone, his body trembled a little, and he muttered loudly to himself.

Su Ming Guo Yun is not enough, right?

She's just a girl!

But just when her mind was already a mess.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Open the door!

"Check the water meter!"


Listen to the movement.

She was undoubtedly completely panicked.

It's true!

Depend on!

At this moment, she was so frightened that her whole body was trembling, and she hurriedly released a microwave.

[I know it's wrong!I'll stop making up rumors, Su Ming, let me go!]

This microwave has just been sent.

The door was broken.

Three or four uncles in police uniforms appeared in front of the wild goose.

Of course, there is also Guo Yun.

"Yanzi, spare tire No. 3 is coming for you. "

"Isn't it interesting to incite those people to blow up me and Minggo Lili on the Internet?"

Guo Yun came to Yanzi at this time and spoke coldly.

And looking at Guo Yun like this, the wild goose was extremely scared.

She was about to say something.

It was interrupted by the uncle on the side.

"In view of your suspicion of relevant illegal acts, please come with us and cooperate with the investigation!"

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