Chapter 117 Men want to be fierce! Is it Yang Mi, you can't get on?!

And listen to the words of this driver's master.

Today's barrage, it can be said that it is already a bit explosive.

Almost all the screen is full of one word, "crazy"!



"Master, this is too crazy! I know that I dare to talk about this thing in the live broadcast!"

"Hahahaha! This master is much braver than the one last time, if it weren't for Su Ming to stop him, I feel like I have to go to the bureau for a cup of tea." "

"Damn, I'm really curious what the master went to do, can Su Ming shut up!"


"Crazy to crazy, but I agree with what the master said, the eternal god of black silk!!"

"The black silk is amazing! I want to see my sister wearing black silk today!"

"I'm a little curious, is black silk really that attractive to you boys?"

"Sister, if you wear black silk, we will always be good friends!"

"Jiang Province deducts one point!"

"Sister, haven't you played the League of Kings?

"Ahem, the province deducts big points!"

"Little girl, don't believe it, how can black silk be so good? My wife wears black silk, and I don't feel it at all. "

"Poof, brother, you don't feel it, doesn't mean we don't feel it?"

"Let's do it!"


"Okay, okay, the river province is about to be deducted!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, I just mentioned a black silk, and I heard the master say a big show just now, and all my roommates came over to watch the live broadcast. "

"Poof! Speaking of Daxiu, the master even knows Daxiu, it seems that he is really a veteran!"

"What kind of show? I don't understand, is it a car to kindergarten?"

"Hahaha, this is the car that drives the Nuwa Creation Theme Park!"

"Listen quickly, the master has already started to talk about Da Mimi, this is Su Ming's specialty project!"

"Why do you keep mentioning my big honey?!"

"I just want to know 06, what kind of expression will the master have when he knows how many of us are here, hahahaha!"


At this moment, the barrage has become extremely active under the guidance of the old driver, the driver.

And for a while.

Teacher Li Jian and Han Hong, who were still watching it with great interest, now can't help but silently withdraw from the live broadcast room.

They really don't want to drive this car.

At this time, after the meeting, Yang Mi, who was watching the live broadcast in the car home, was undoubtedly widening her eyes now.

What's going on with this driver's master?

It's a bit bad to talk about this, isn't this going to teach Su Ming badly!

Although she doesn't know what the big show is, judging from the style of the barrage, it's not a positive thing!

Moreover, why did this suddenly talk about her?

The main thing is to talk in front of Su Ming.

It's too...

Hearing this, her face couldn't help but be full of interest.

She also wants to hear which female star Su Ming likes and what she thinks of her?!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming was undoubtedly a little laughing and crying about the old driver's arrogant remarks.

Do that, big show, can you talk about these live broadcasts?

And if you really tell the number of people in the live broadcast room, it is estimated that this old driver will have to be the same as the one last time, and he will be shut up directly, right?

However, Su Ming didn't plan to say it.

Because this master is also right, anyway, now in traffic jams, idle is idle.

It's good to talk for a while.

And now it has avoided sensitive topics.

has already started talking about stars and Yang Mi.

These can still be discussed.

"Yang Mi, well, it's really good!"

"Yes, young man, it seems that our two heroes see something in common!"

"Yang Mi, this little girl looks good, that's called a pretty one! white skin, beautiful and long legs, the most important thing is that she is a rich woman!"

"If anyone can get her hands on her, they will definitely be lucky!"

"By the way, there is another trait, high coldness! Yang Mi's high coldness is my favorite!"

"Think about it, if anyone gets her hands on her, she is a cold strong woman outside, and she is a good wife and mother at home, this contrast is really amazing!"

"By the way, lad, do you know the contrast?"

"Harm, you definitely don't understand, you're still too young, you can understand it in the future. "

"Tut-tut, it's a pity, we can't touch such a goddess. "


Hearing that Su Ming also thought Yang Mi was good, the more the driver chatted, the more he got better, as if he had found a fellow practitioner.

At this time, Su Ming listened vigorously throughout the whole process.

Then he nodded vigorously.

It's like a student in class.

And in Su Ming's opinion.

In general, at least in terms of Yang Mi's appearance, what this master said is quite pertinent.

As for Gao Leng, he thought so at first, but now... It's okay.

Needless to say, the contrast has already been experienced, and it seems to be okay.

But the master is so excited, he naturally can't be disappointed.

"Master, what you just said is too reasonable, Yang Mi is indeed too perfect, it's a pity that we can't touch it. "

Su Ming made an expression of affirmation and then regret at this time, shook his head and spoke.

And such a scene.

In the eyes of Yang Mi, who fell on the other end, there was no doubt that she couldn't help laughing.

Su Ming is too good at acting, right?

It was as if Su Ming really didn't know her.

But at the same time, Yang Mi's face is now flushed.

What is this driver talking about?

What kind of high coldness, get her hands, what a contrast?

The most important thing is that Su Ming nodded vigorously.

Su Ming, what do you mean?

Is it really recognition, or is it pretending?

"Sister Mi, it seems that there is a play!"

"Su Ming seems to like you with white skin, beautiful and long legs, high and cold, you look at him. "

At this time, Reba on the side couldn't help but lean on Yang Mi's shoulder, and whispered in Yang Mi's ear with a wicked smile on her face.

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi's face was hot, and her face was completely red.

"Dead girl, be quiet!"

"Someone else!"

Yang Mi frantically signaled to Reba that there was a driver in front of her.

She likes Su Ming's things, but she can't let the third person know!

As for whether Su Ming likes her.

This can't be seen from Su Ming's nod just now.

Su Ming, this man, is too deceptive!

And the other end.

At this time, the barrage is also quite enjoyable.

"Hahaha! I can see that the driver really likes Da Mi Mi!"

"Don't say it, I like Da Mi Mi too, okay?

"Gao cold, contrast, goddess, as soon as these Nima keywords come out, the CPU in my head is almost unable to turn!"

"Don't say it, I've already opened the little blue jacket and reminisced about the blue bird patterns of the funny goddesses I followed!"

"The speed is over the standard, brother, stop!

"I have a friend who wants it too!"

"I suspect that the master hasn't seen Su Mingduan's big honey emoji, otherwise he would never say that big honey is cold, hahahaha!"

"That's not it, if the master knows that Su Ming knows Da Mimi, and the relationship with Da Mimi may not be ordinary, the master estimates that everyone is numb!"

"Hahaha! I've imagined, master: young man, you really damn it!"

"It's not for me to say, if Da Mi Mi is really dealt with by Su Ming, I will definitely die of jealousy!"

"Everyone laughs at the master, but who is not the master?"

"I don't know if Da Mimi is watching the live broadcast, I'm almost amused to death by Su Ming and this master!" (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



Su Ming and the master teased each other, and it was really interesting to listen to.

Especially under the premise that the master does not know Su Ming's identity.

It seems that the effect of the show is simply an explosion!

And the master, who was still kept in the dark, now continued to chat with Su Ming, and the more he chatted, the more he got better.

"Young man, don't be discouraged, your current girlfriend is also very good, cherish it. "

"Master, in fact, she is not my girlfriend, just a friend of mine. "

"I know, I understand, who hasn't come here at this age? The place you are located in is the school, or the master and I will help you, take you around a few times, and wait for the dormitory to close..."

"Ahem, don't don't, master, the car in front of you moves, you hurry up!"

"Tut-tut, why are you still shy, let me tell you, men have to be fierce!

"Master, I'm really fierce, but she's really not my girlfriend!"

"Young man, you can't do this, if you have a psychological burden, I'll adjust your mentality..."

"Master, people can't be so bad, right?"

"Bad? You're still too young, you have to learn to get on the bus and then buy a ticket! Let's just put it this way, it's not her who is leaning on your shoulder, it's Yang Mi, you just say you can't get on, right?"

"Ahem, this question..."

"Forget it, I know it's too mystical for us. "


While chatting with the master.

The traffic is also slowly moving.

There is one thing to say.

This driver's master has studied that aspect too deeply.

Some techniques, Su Ming felt completely unable to grasp.

When talking about some topics of Yang Mi, he was a little overwhelmed.

Because Yang Mi just sent him a message, asking him not to talk nonsense.

Obviously, Yang Mi is watching the live broadcast at this time.

As for the barrage.

Don't be too happy to watch, it's almost laughing!


After no more traffic jams.

The speed of the car was also a lot faster, and it didn't take long to arrive at the gate of the Modu Drama Academy.

"Young man, it's here, you can memorize your girlfriend first, and I'll help you take it down in the live broadcast room. "

"Thank you, master!"

When he was about to get off the bus, because he was very happy chatting with Su Ming along the way, the driver master also became extremely enthusiastic, so he directly took out the live broadcast room, and by the way, he got out of the car and opened the car door for Su Ming and the others.

And it's in this gap.

The master also couldn't help but look at the live broadcast room curiously.


For a while, the master's face changed greatly, and he let out an exclamation.

How many digits is that?

Eight or nine?

Anyway, he was already a little confused, and he only felt dizzy in his brain.

There are too many of them!

"Small... Young man, the popularity you show in this live broadcast room is really fake?"

At this time, the master's voice was already a little trembling.

Realizing that the master seemed to be a little emotionally unacceptable, 103 Su Ming immediately gave a positive answer: "Fake!"

"And this barrage?"

"Fake! Robots!"

"And this gift?"


After Su Ming's denial, the master was relieved and let out a long breath.

If this is true, this must not be a social death?

"Needless to say, it's pretty real. "

"I don't know much about live streaming, so stay safe. "

Returning the live broadcast room to Su Ming, the master couldn't help but shake his head and sigh with emotion, and then drove away in the car.

And there is no doubt about it.

Regarding the frightened expression of the master just now, the live broadcast room was already bursting with laughter.

However, after laughing, the painting style in the live broadcast room has undoubtedly become surprisingly different.

"Teacher, go slowly!"

"Teacher, go slowly!"

"The master is really a life mentor, this wave is really learning too much!"

"In the future, I will listen to the master, get on the bus first, and then buy a ticket!"

"That's right, a man must be fierce and chic, not a licking dog!"

"That's right, the master has a saying that is true, the words are not rough, women can't lick it!"

"Poof! I remember this too, I'm dying of laughter!"


Let's talk about Su Ming.

After watching the master in the distance.

Su Ming also carried Zhao Jinma towards the campus.

I don't know if the master drove too slowly just now, or if he was stuck in traffic for too long.

It's past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Nowadays, there are hardly too many people to be seen on the campus paths.

A breeze blew, the leaves rustled, the dead leaves fell like scatters, and a bleak and desolate atmosphere could not help but blow over the face.

Su Ming looked at the cold basketball court in the distance.

All of a sudden, my mind was reminiscing about my college days in my previous life.

The melody of "The Year in a Hurry" and a familiar narration sounded in my mind.

"Zongyang Steam Elephant Station predicts that from tomorrow, a new strong cold air is coming..."

Before you know it, it's been years since you've traveled here.

Think about it.

I don't know how those friends from the previous life are doing now.

If it's true, it's destined to be impossible to go back in this life.

Perhaps, he could consider starting a family sooner.

and the person you love, give birth to a pair of children, and spend this life quietly and happily.

After a long sigh of relief.

Su Ming didn't think much about it.

I turned around and went in the direction of the girls' dormitory.

Now I have to send Zhao Jinma back first, I don't know if the girls' dormitory is closed?

And it was also at this time.

Zhao Jinma, who was on his back, seemed to have regained some consciousness.

"Brother Su Ming, are we back at school?".

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