Chapter 118 The taste of idols, Xing Ye is a fan of Su Ming?

"Are you awake?"

Hearing Zhao Jinma's slightly delicate voice, Su Ming couldn't help but turn his head to look at Zhao Jinma on his back.

But it's okay not to turn around.

Turning his head, he suddenly felt a faint pecking on his cheek

Su Ming hurriedly turned around.

This...... He didn't mean to!

At this time, Zhao Jin's whole face immediately turned red.

Did she come to Su Ming just now?

Wait until she gradually comes to her senses.

That's right!

It seems like it really is!

Is this what idols taste like?!


She didn't know if she was dizzy from happiness or from the strength of alcohol.

Moreover, she is only now reacting.

He was actually on Su Ming's back!

was carried on the back by the idol Su Ming.

This...... It's something that only happens in a dream!

"Brother Su Ming, am I dreaming?"

Zhao Jinma asked in a daze at this time.

Su Ming, who was still a little embarrassed, couldn't help but laugh when he heard this,

"It's not a dream, we're in your school right now. "

"I'll send you back to the dormitory first!"

After making sure it's not a dream.

Zhao Jin's whole face couldn't help but be hot.

It's fantastic!

"Brother Su Ming, why don't I come down and go by myself. "

Zhao Jinma moved at this time, wanting to get off his back.

This has always been carried by Su Ming, which is really embarrassing.

But just when she wanted to struggle, she found that her body was a little disobedient because she was drunk.

The whole person is lying on his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, he was dragged back by Su Ming's powerful hand in the next second.

"Forget it, you can't go in a straight line in your current situation. "

Su Ming shook his head and spoke.

Let Zhao Jinma go by himself?

This can't go until dawn, huh?

At this time, Zhao Jinma's face was already extremely blushing, and he directly buried his head in Su Ming's back.

Is this really a bit like the legendary boyfriend force?

At this time, the barrage, because the light was too gloomy, the barrage didn't pay attention to the specific collision between the two just now, and they couldn't see their faces clearly.

Only the conversation between the two can be heard.

"Hey, the sound of the mark is so cute!"

"Indeed, it's so cute!"

"Sister today, is this just sober? can't you be sober in the car just now?"

"I'll go, if I'm sober in the car, I can't hear it today?"


Su Ming continued walking.

At this time, I couldn't help but ask about the black silk when Zhao Jinma was drunk just now.

And after Zhao Jinma's explanation.

The mystery has been solved.

Co-authored by those good roommates!


They really know black silk!

And for this explanation, it is undoubtedly a surprise to the big guys in the live broadcast room.

It's the equivalent of having a show before.

It is said that there is a strange person in the village who vomits blood, who can control the direction of blood in the body, vomit blood anytime and anywhere, and the body is not harmed in any way.

Then a bunch of expert journalists were sent to study it.

In the end, it turned out that the cause was bleeding gums!

Except for speechlessness.

It's really quick to be described by other adjectives.

And quickly.

Follow the tree-lined paths on campus.

Su Ming came to the girls' dormitory.

Today's girls' dormitory is really moving.


College students are one of the main forces that stay up late, and at eleven o'clock, almost no one sleeps.

But there's a lot of movement upstairs.

It's deserted downstairs.

And Su Ming guessed right.

Sure enough, the curfew time has arrived.

"Aunt Dormitory!

"Help open the door!"

Coming downstairs to the dormitory, Su Ming called out to the dormitory manager loudly through the door.

And Su Ming's voice came out.

The two girls' dormitories around it seemed to have exploded.


"Man! man!"

"It's a man's voice!"


"Men are coming to us?"



"Damn,, he's so handsome! It's the handsome guy during the day!"

"What handsome guy? Didn't you watch the hot search? That's the star Su Ming!"

"Damn, it's true!"

"Damn, star! Then this sister can't die happily?!"

"Damn! It's a star! I said why are you so handsome!"

"Yes, but it's a pity that my sister was actually sent back and lost!"

"It's really not good, if it's me, I'll take him down! Even if it's only for one night, it's blood!"



The terrifying movement really startled Su Ming.

This is bigger than seeing a woman downstairs in the boys' dormitory.

But obviously, it seems that many people have recognized Su Ming through hot searches.

At this time, Zhao Jinmao, who was lying on Su Ming's back, was flushed, and his face couldn't help but be buried deeper.

These little goblins, haven't you ever seen a star?!

And the barrage is really laughing now.

It's a silk hole!

This movement, even in the boys' dormitory, has to bow down.

And quickly.

In the midst of Su Ming's shouts and the shaking of the dormitory.

The dormitory aunt who was already lying down was directly forced to open the door for Su Ming.

"You young man, how can you let the little girl drink so much?"

"Is there anyone like you?"

"What's her dorm number, let her roommate pick her up!"

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as the dormitory manager saw Su Ming and Zhao Jinmark's situation, he immediately lectured to Su Ming, and at the same time asked Zhao Jinmark about the bedroom number.

Su Ming naturally didn't explain much about the dormitory aunt's preaching, because it was too troublesome to explain.

And this dormitory manager aunt is also kind.

And it didn't take long.

Zhao Jinma's several resentful roommates rushed down in their pajamas excitedly.

However, it can be clearly seen that several people deliberately and hurriedly smeared the male lipstick.

A little scheming, but not much!

"I'll leave it to you today, she's a little too drunk, help me take good care of her. "

"Good, good!"

"Brother Su Ming, don't worry, just leave it to us today!"

"Yes, we'll definitely take care of it today!"

"Brother Su Ming, can we take a photo with you?"

"Yes, yes, we are all your fans, we like you very much, and we want to take a photo with you!"



After learning that Su Ming is a star.

Several roommates became extremely excited, and even directly turned into fake fans.

As for the request for a group photo, Su Ming naturally did not refuse.

After taking a group photo and saying hello to Zhao Jinma again, Su Ming hurriedly went to the outside of the dormitory.

There was no other reason, because he had already clearly sensed that there was movement upstairs, and there should be many people who were ready to rush down.

If you don't go faster, I'm afraid it will cause a stir.

"Today, yes, you, hide so deeply!"

"That's it! He's actually Su Ming, a big star! You didn't tell us, no wonder he's so handsome!"

"Today, you have to tell me how you hooked up with a celebrity?"

"Today, we just saw the video of you and Su Ming, when he sang "Just Love You", he was really handsome!"

"Today, let's be honest, what is your relationship with him? If you can, I suggest that you can win it, and you can directly enter the entertainment industry after graduation!"


With Su Ming's departure.

Zhao Jinma's roommates began to launch a fierce microphone opening against Zhao Jinma.

Zhao Jinma heard that it was a headache.

Said that he promised Su Ming to take good care of her?

These Plastic Sisters!

And she really couldn't figure out what was going on in her roommates' heads.

Day by day, I know what I won.

Is this that easy to take?

Su Mingren is so good, how can she climb it?!

But when it comes to entering the entertainment industry.

She couldn't help but think of what Su Ming had mentioned to her when she was drinking and masturbating.

Tell her if she wants to consider going to Jiahang for an internship, and let Jiahang take her to some small sets or something.

She didn't immediately agree.

After all, there are still a lot of things in the school at present, and many credits have not been repaired.

But wait until she takes care of the school affairs.

Obviously, you can consider going to Jia Hang.

went to Jiahang, and she could see Su Ming every day.

It's fun just thinking about it!

And think carefully about today.

Today was also unusually happy!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

After Su Ming sent Zhao Jinma back, the live broadcast room was directly closed.

It's really rare to live broadcast so late.

Walking on the road, Su Ming was really a little sleepy.

In general, at this point he would have already laid down to sleep.

Come to the school gate.

"'Brother Ming!'"

"Brother Ming, this way!"

Just about to take a taxi, a sedan stopped beside Su Ming.

If you look closely, these are two paparazzi!

However, this is naturally not all the paparazzi who drink alcohol today.

"Brother Ming, we were just watching your live broadcast and found that we were not far from your side, so we came over, let's send you back!"

A paparazzi said with a smile.

Seeing this, Su Ming was really a little surprised.

It seems that this old saying is true, rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends outside.

The more friends this makes, it's not the same.

There are still a lot of benefits to having a good relationship with the paparazzi.

And as soon as Su Ming got into the car, the paparazzi began to nag.

"Brother Ming, I recently heard the news, your company seems to be making a movie called "Charlotte's Troubles", right?"

"Hmm. "

"I heard that this script was written by Brother Ming?"

"Hmm. "

"Hey, Brother Ming is really talented, he can write songs, and he can actually write scripts!"

"It's not, I heard that the crew next door to "Charlotte's Troubles" is a movie made by Xing Ye, when the two of them chatted, Xing Ye roughly understood the content of the script (Nuo Nuo Zhao), and he was shocked at the time, and directly said that this movie will be a dark horse at the box office in the future!"

"It's really fake, the star is shocked when he sees it? It's also a dark horse at the box office, is the evaluation so high?"

"By the way, I heard that Xing Ye is still a fan of Brother Ming, and I don't know if it's true. "

"I think this should be true, there are too many types of songs for Brother Ming, and the first song is excellent, there is always one that may hit the star master!"

"Huh, why did Brother Ming fall asleep?"


Regarding the paparazzi's discussion, Su Ming answered completely in a state of coping

But because I was too sleepy.

This coping with this, Su Ming just squinted in the car.

I didn't listen to what the paparazzi said later.

Wait to wake up again.

He had arrived at the door of his community.

"Brothers, we'll see you another day!"

Stretching his waist and yawning, Su Ming said hello to the paparazzi, and then walked towards the community by himself.

""Charlotte's Troubles" seems to have started filming, and I don't know how it went. "

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm too sleepy. "

"Han Hong and Li Jian's songs, I also have to find a time to do it. "

Su Ming muttered in a low voice as he walked.

He seemed to have heard "Charlotte's Troubles" just now.

Filming has already begun.

Normally, with the ability to be happy twist, it shouldn't be a big problem to shoot this scene well.

As for the song promised to Han Hong and Li Jian, he had to take a moment to chat with the two of them for a while.

This day, it seems that there is still a lot of things to do.

Forget it, let's sleep first, I can't bear it.

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