Chapter 119 Yang Mi is going to set up a stall again!

In the blink of an eye.

It's been almost a week.

Jiahang Entertainment Company.

"Simplicity and Zhang Zai's new program has been arranged, right, OK!OK!"

"Charlotte's Troubles budget may not be enough? It's okay, I'll let the finance side take care of it..."

"The broadcast authorization of "Just Love You"? I have to ask Su Ming in person. "

"Auntie's towel advertisement is going to find Su Ming's endorsement? Forget it, Su Ming probably won't be willing, what? The endorsement fee is so much? Then I'll ask later!"


In the office, Yang Mi can be said to be very busy this week.

Every day, the company is either this or that.

She didn't even have time to catch up with some of her own announcements, so she had no choice but to push off a lot, such as "Tomorrow's Superstar".

But it's also fun to be busy.

Because now Jiahang is developing at a high speed!

Let's not talk about it before.

Last week alone.

The first block of "Golden Melody Singer" not only made "Ordinary Road" and "The World" out of the circle, swept the top two of Zhou's new song list, but also successfully made Zhang Zheng popular and simple.

The two of them are now the sweethearts of the major music comprehensives.

At the same time, last week's song "Just Love You" from Su Ming Playground is now also ranked third on the new song list, and it is still showing a significant upward trend.

This week alone, Jiahang's income has been a lot of money.

Coupled with Mao Buyi, Wang Xinxin, Zhao Lei, and the Phoenix combination, now they have gradually gained some coffee positions in the circle.

The appearance fee and endorsement have also increased a lot.

It is worth mentioning.

Sister Chaoyue's recent mix is really good.

Last week, I was on a reality show variety show.

With his down-to-earth style of Su Ming, and his grinning and playful character, he seems to have successfully captured a large number of passers-by.

Even under the big data push of the comic, Sister Chaoyue's sentence "Village Flower" directly succeeded in becoming popular.

Up to now, there are already second-tier variety shows that have thrown an olive branch to Sister Chaoyue.

A newcomer who has just debuted for less than a month skips directly to the second-tier show.

From an insider's point of view, this really feels a little incredible.

And what's interesting is that all the artists of Jiahang are on the show.

Without exception, they will all be asked about the topic of Su Ming.

Even several programs encouraged them to call Su Ming in the show.

Every time I play, the effect of the show is very 193 explosions.

Su Ming is either playing games, preparing to cook and fish, or chatting with neighbors.

This image is exactly the same as what Su Ming showed in the live broadcast, he really doesn't look like a star at all!

So there's going to be a very strange place.

Obviously, Su Ming was not on the show.

But it seems to be on a lot of shows.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Since beating last week, Su Ming's golden song singer tore up the four song fathers, and the little fairy was angrily sprayed on the microwave.

Now on this hot search, there are still a few entries about Su Ming popping up from time to time.

All in all.

In terms of traffic, Su Ming really has no shortage at all.

And Su Ming's things this week.

It's a lot, but it's easy.

That is, I inquired about the progress of the Happy Twist shooting, and helped Zhao Jinma get the internship certificate.

That's right, after some consideration, Zhao Jinma still thinks that he can come to Jiahang for an internship first, and the school will be able to complete the credits sooner or later anyway.

In addition, Su Ming went to have a meal with Han Hong and Li Jian, and probably discussed what type of songs the two wanted in the future.

On Li Jian's side, Su Ming had already thought about it for the time being, and was ready to write a "Legend".

This song is sung by Li Jian, which is very suitable, and it can definitely gain a lot of reputation, and the money will naturally not be less, no accident, Jiahang can make a big profit with this.

As for Han Hong's side, she hasn't thought about it yet, because Han Hong's recent arrangements are too complicated, and they are both variety shows and public welfare, so she doesn't have much energy to put on songs, and she doesn't know what kind of songs she wants.

As a result, Han Hong's side was temporarily stranded.

However, Han Hong invited him to do public welfare together in a few weeks and go to see the children in the mountainous areas.

In this regard, Su Ming naturally agreed very happily.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to be on the show now, and it's good to go out for a walk.

And all of that.

There is another thing worth mentioning.

That is, under Shen Teng's matchmaking, Master Xing seems to want to have a meal with Su Ming and get to know him.

However, because Xing Ye has been busy recently, and he is not in the magic capital, this problem of eating has to be pushed until after his movie is completed.

For Xing Ye, Su Ming still respects him, so he naturally agreed.

And considering that Jiahang will most likely vigorously develop the film market in the later stage, it is definitely beneficial to know some people in the film industry.

Besides, what is Su Ming doing now.

What else can you do?

"Angel set me a big one, I'll go in and kill indiscriminately!"

"Oh, it

"Isn't that a send?"

In the office, in front of the oversized curved screen, the keyboard crackled.

Under Su Ming's crazy operation, he directly slashed five kills in anger!

The teammate deducted 666 in a few days.

And in addition to five kills.

Su Ming also posted a microwave to draw fans.

Today happens to be Friday.

Tomorrow is another day of fun with the fans.


"The original choice was really right!"

"Su Ming is so trustworthy, he deserves to be the man I like!"

The other end.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Yang Mi got up and stretched, and lay down on the sofa on the side, her lazy posture with this top figure, she looked really charming, and her face was now a tired but happy smile.

Now when she recalls that she chose to run Jiahang with Su Ming and cut off external capital, her heart is beautiful.

If it hadn't made this choice, Jiahang would still be under the control of others.

If you want to develop at such a high speed as you are now, you can't even think about it!

With external capital, just making an ordinary decision, or even a big thing, has to hold a lot of meaningless meetings.

What efficiency is like now?

And, of course, in addition to the improvement of decision-making efficiency.

Now the reason why Jiahang can develop so rapidly.

Su Ming's role in this is undoubtedly quite large.

Because although she is currently dealing with most of the company's things, whether it is these artists with unlimited potential or various resources, they are basically all brought by Su Ming.

It is no exaggeration to say that she really has the feeling of eating Su Ming's soft rice now.

Or rather, there is a sense of dependence.

After so many years of being a strong woman, she really hasn't felt this way about others for a long time.

And when I thought of Su Ming singing "I Love You" with a guitar in the playground.

She couldn't help but be a little nymphomaniac.

How good would it be if Su Ming really sang to her?

But unfortunately, Su Ming's mind was so elusive that she didn't dare to confess.

"Sister Mi, do you have something to look for me?"

"Huh, Sister Mi, are you going to seduce me?"

At this time, outside the office, Su Ming walked in slowly while eating an apple.

And when I entered the door, I saw Yang Mi lying lazily on the sofa, and I was really a little startled when I saw Yang Mi enjoying it.

As soon as Yang Mi heard this movement, her face was still a nymphomaniac, and she instantly turned red, and then hurriedly sat up, dignified her posture, and then the little milk voice broke out,

"I'm tired, take a break!

"Whew, I see, I said, seducing in the office, it's too unsafe. "

"Poof, Su Ming, you're enough! But don't be poor, I called you over because there is something. "

"There's an endorsement here, you can think about it, and the pay is very generous. "

"I'll see... Sister Mi, I will never endorse this thing, let me endorse Aunt Towel, Sister Mi, what do you think?"

"Try it~" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) (agbe)...

When I heard it, I wanted him to endorse this thing.

Su Ming obviously quit.

This thing, he's a male endorsement, this is too much!

And maybe he had long expected that Su Ming would not agree.

Just when Su Ming refused infinitely, Yang Mi's words changed.

"Then you can take me out tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Su Ming reacted.

See you in the picture!

Co-author Yang Mi is here for this.

It's not impossible to take Yang Mi to play with fans.

It's just that Yang Mi has been in the entertainment industry for so long, she often shows her face on TV, and there are posters of her everywhere, and her recognition on the street is really much higher than him.

The last time I went to the countryside, it was actually okay, I didn't have too many worries

But this time, it is estimated that the fans who are drawn with a high probability will still be in the magic metropolitan area.

"It's okay, I can dress up, I can put on makeup. "

"You're going to take me there~, I've been tired for a week, and I rarely want to relax. "

"Okay, but when the time comes, everything will have to be arranged by me"


"By the way, Sister Mi, I found a problem, you seem to have really become a mother, and you are not strong at all. "

"Get out!"

Under Yang Mi's entanglement, Su Ming finally compromised.

One thing to say, now that he is in Jiahang, he is basically a hands-off shopkeeper, and the company is taken care of by Yang Mi.

It's also good to take Yang Mi out to relax occasionally.

And for Yang Mi.

He actually has a feeling that he can't put it into words.

When I saw Yang Mi, I wanted to tease me a little, and I teased Yang Mi to blush, which was full of accomplishment and felt that the thief was interesting.

Maybe I really like Yang Mi a little.

But it's not certain.

Gotta take another look.

If you are really sure that you like Yang Mi, then you have to think about it seriously.

Women's hearts are needles, and the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people!

He won't be able to be controlled by the dopamine in his brain then.

Otherwise, I don't know if I was sold by Yang Mi!

After all, now Yang Mi can let him try the advertisement of endorsing his aunt's towel.

This woman feels like she can do anything!

At the critical moment, I am afraid that the only killer move will be used to make Yang Mi's belly bigger.

But this trick must not be used lightly.

Because he wasn't ready to be a father at a young age.

Now you have to calm down, calm down!


In the blink of an eye, it was already nightfall.

It's been a busy day.

Su Mingreba seemed to have come to Yang Mi's house and started playing poker and pillow fights once a week.

And this time, Reba didn't have the same doubts and jealousy as last time, and almost all the time was an aunt smile.

Even helped assists several times.

On the pretext of helping Su Ming, Yang Mi was caught in front of Su Ming and beaten, and Yang Mi was pushed on Su Ming one by one.

Su Ming is really dry, and he praises Reba for being righteous enough.

The only one who was "injured" was Yang Mi alone.

And as the night is getting deeper.

Su Ming also left and went back to sleep.

Wait for Su Ming to leave.

The little class of the two girlfriends seems to have begun.

"Sister Mi, how is it? I have a good assist, right?"

"Next time, if you don't take me with you to the playground, I can only arrange it for the two of you clearly!"

Reba hugged Yang Mi over, with an expression of praise and praise on her face.

"Assist your sister! Look at Su Ming, this smashed me!"

"It's also a playground, I don't want to take you to the playground, I'm afraid that you will unbuckle me from the roller coaster!"

"Hey, hey, you can't blame me, it's Su Ming who doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, what is the way to unbuckle you, how can I be so bad? But just say it, you pushed you into Su Ming's arms just now, are you unhappy?"

"Hmph, I'm happy that I want to scratch you, so that you will only follow Su Ming to bully me! Can you stand on my side next time?!"

"Okay, okay, Sister Mi, don't scratch that, it's so itchy!"


The gap between the two daughters' fights.

Su Ming, on the other end, seemed to have arrived home.

I tossed for most of the day just now.

One thing to say, it's quite tiring.

And today is quite special.

He never expected that Reba would actually stand on his side and interact with him vigorously.

Isn't that interesting, Reba?

If you think about it, Reba seems to be really good.

But think again.

Su Ming hurriedly gave himself a big fight.


Why is this still a bit like a common letter man?

And it's clear that he just treats Reba as a sister, okay?!

Didn't think about it anymore.

After taking a shower.

Su Ming was lying on the bed and turned on the microwave.

Now the results of this lottery have appeared.

No accident, this time she is still a female fan.


Plus prestige.

A little chat.

Su Ming quickly learned the information of this fan.

The fan's name is Yingying, and she is also currently in college.

However, compared to Zhao Jinma, Yingying's life does not seem to be so easy.

Yingying is currently a junior in college and is a single-parent family, and there is only this old father in the family.

I currently live in an urban village.

Although tomorrow is Saturday, Yingying still has to accompany her father to go out to move goods and set up stalls.


Then Su Ming planned to take Yang Mi with him to help Yingying's family do a simple day's work.

It may be a little tiring to move goods, but Su Ming is strong and strong, so he shouldn't be tired.

Da Mimi's body is bone, just move the goods, just let her contribute when she sets up the stall.

As for setting up stalls.

He knows this well!

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