Chapter 120 Yang Mi: This is too straight! Arrive at the urban village!

The other end.

An urban village in the magic capital.

The houses here are low, the walls are old, and you can see the exposed ~ water pipes on the surface everywhere.

There are also traces of small advertisements on the telephone poles that have just been scraped, and when you look up, you can see a lot of messy cables.

Between the alleys, from time to time there are small businesses on tricycles - passing by.

At first glance, it really looks like a small county town in a fifth- or sixth-tier city.

If you can't see the word magic on the sign of the nearby merchants.

It's hard to imagine that this is the magic capital.


Compared to the tall buildings that can be seen everywhere in the distance, it is almost like two worlds.

At this time, in the room of one of these bungalows.

The girl was now with a smile on her face.

"I didn't expect this to be drawn!"

"And Brother Su Ming is really coming!"

That's right.

She is the fan Yingying that Su Ming drawn.

When she was first drawn, she could be said to be excited.

But after thinking about the situation at home, she still has to help her father work tomorrow, and it's not good to go out with Su Ming, so she wants to refuse.

As a result, Su Ming actually directly offered to help her work.

This really touched her.

It seems that Su Ming is really the same as what she watched on the live broadcast, extremely spoiled fans!

"Dad, tomorrow I have a friend who will come to help us and prepare an extra pair of dishes and chopsticks!"

"Okay, is that your classmate?

"It's not a classmate, it's a man!"

"Boyfriend, then I'll help you see how the others are doing tomorrow, and if it's suitable, you can settle things up as soon as possible." "

"Dad, can you not always expect me to get married, I'm still in school!"


Time flies.

It's already the next morning.

"Xiao Ming, what do you want to eat?"

"Aunt Wang, give me two steamed buns today, add a bowl of noodles, and a steamed egg, I have to go to work later." "

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but you'll have to eat enough after doing this, Aunt Wang, I'll send a poached egg." "

"Thank you, Aunt Wang!"

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, what's wrong with Fugui? "

"Harm, don't mention it, this stinky boy is in love again, this time he also hooked up with three female classmates at the same time, and then his parents were called to school yesterday for an education, and after he came back, his parents gave him a beating, tsk, it's strange to be happy?"

"Hey, hook up with three at the same time? Fugui, this is really young and promising!"

"Don't say that, I heard his classmates say that he chased three at the same time, booed people every day, and received water and food, but none of them were done, and it was a shame to say it, of course, early love is definitely not worth advocating..."

"Grandpa, shut up!"

"What are you talking about, kid, forcing me to smoke you early in the morning, right?"

"Uncle Zhao is calm, it's not too late to eat breakfast first and then smoke, otherwise the soy milk will be cold. "


Su Ming got up early in the morning to have breakfast.

While eating, I chatted with the neighbors on the other hand, and I was really leisurely.

And because I have to help Yingying's family work today.

He just changed into a three-piece work suit, a tank top, shorts, and sneakers.

Wait until breakfast is over.

He just went to Yang Mi's house.

But Yang Mi had just gotten up.

Under Su Ming's urging, after a while, Yang Mi gave herself a good treat.

And after learning that she was going to do some work, Yang Mi today is also dressed very plainly.

A white shirt with a pair of jeans and an unpretentious peaked cap.

At the same time, you can also put some makeup on your face.

Not to mention, this makeup is pretty good.

This appearance can still be seen very obviously, this is a big beauty!

However, if you don't look closely at it for a few seconds, it is difficult to recognize it as Yang Mi at a glance.

If you wear a mask again, it will be even more difficult to recognize.

The current makeup technique is really a bit close to transfiguration.

And when it's all ready.

The two got into the paparazzi's car and went to Yingying's position.

That's right, it's still the paparazzi.

Now the paparazzi are a little used to being a driver for Su Ming.

There is no way, one is that filming Su Ming can really make money, but Su Ming is really good to them.

And on the way there.

Su Ming also posted a microwave as a preview of the broadcast.

Su Ming himself:

[I'm going to the fans, and I'm going to start broadcasting again, and today's task is to help the fans. 】

This microwave is a shot.

Undoubtedly, it sparked hundreds of thousands of comments in an instant.

"First! First!"

"Finally! It's finally time to go on the air!"

I haven't seen the live broadcast for a week, and my hair is gray now!"

"After working hard for a week, I pointed to Su Ming's live broadcast to continue my life!

"After a week, welcome the return of the Microwave Emperor!"

"Fellow Daoists, do you still remember the battle in the forbidden area a week ago?

"Poof! You're so embarrassed, can you stop messing with all these fantasy things?"

"I think what this fellow Daoist said is very right! The things in the fantasy are too embarrassing!"

"Hurry up and start broadcasting! "I just love you" I've listened to numbness, and I need a new song to continue my life!"

"I want new songs too!

"Poof, you think Su Ming is a sow, so prolific?"

"At first glance, it's a new audience, Su Ming's nickname is Shunyu, Su Ming wrote a song and slipped out along the way, much stronger than the sow, okay? I have a hunch, there will be a new song today!"

"What are you going to do to help the fans this time?"

"Damn! It's finally the classic work time again! I miss the last time I went to cut rice!"

"Me too! After reading that issue, I quit Xiang Wan's life!"

"Don't talk about it, my little bench has been taken, ready to watch the live broadcast at any time!"

"Damn! Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian praised Su Ming's microwave!"

"Poof, are they also obsessed with Su Ming's live broadcast?"

"Hahahaha, I think it's possible, they all helped Su Ming get ahead last week, and it is estimated that they are now good friends in private!"

"[Li Jian]: You know too much!"



At this time.

With Su Ming reappearing after a week, and preparing to broadcast live.

The comments seemed to have exploded, looking forward to what Su Ming was going to do this time.

By the way, this blew up the two teachers Li Jian and Han Hong.

However, the two of them didn't plan to watch the live broadcast, they just wanted to give Su Ming a thumbs up.

After all, they will have to continue to record "The King of Golden Melody Singers" later.

Let's talk about the other end.

on the paparazzi.

Today's Yang Mi is really full of excitement and eager to try.

Especially when she heard that she was going to set up a stall at night, she was even more excited.

She had never set up a stall.

She'd wanted to try it for a long time.

And since the last time she watched the live broadcast of Su Mingchaoyue's sister setting up a stall, her interest has really increased.

For the first time, I found that the stalls could be so lively!

"Brother Ming, let's do this work with you!"

"That's right, Brother Ming, we don't have anything else, what we have is a handful of strength!"

"Brother Ming, move goods and set up stalls, I have done this work since I dropped out of junior high school, I am a veteran!"

"Okay, then when I'm done with my work, I'll invite my brothers to dinner in the evening!"

I have to say that the paparazzi are still as enthusiastic as ever.

And Su Ming's truth is also difficult to refuse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it's just right, with the help of the paparazzi, this job must be a little easier.

And Yang Mi on the side listened to the words of the paparazzi, and really wanted to laugh.

Is this really Su Ming their leading big brother?

But don't say it, Su Ming is quite that fan.

And wait for the car to be a little quieter.

Yang Mi also began to play a little trick of herself.

Pretended to be asleep, and then deliberately leaned on Su Ming's shoulder!

The reason why she followed Su Ming out was to experience a different life.

On the other hand, isn't it just to experience Su Ming and get closer to Su Ming.

Not to mention, this is on the shoulders of the people you like, which is down-to-earth and happy!


After all, Su Ming saw through her scheming.

"Hey, hey, Sister Mi, don't pretend to be asleep, you're almost grinning to the back of your head!"

Su Ming pinched Yang Mi's little face at this time, and slowly pushed it away, his face full of disgust.

At first, he really thought that Yang Mi was too sleepy, so he let Yang Mi lean on.

But at this glance, I found that the smile on Yang Mi's face was completely like a conspiracy succeeded.


This just took advantage of him as soon as he got in the car!

What the hell is going on with this woman?!

"Huh? I'm not pretending to be asleep!

"Besides, no... I didn't accidentally lean on my shoulder. "


After this was exposed, Yang Mi's face was hot, her ears were red, and she hurriedly defended.

Then the powder fist waved towards Su Ming's arm, and turned his face away, as if he was about to prepare for strong words.

But even if she is stubborn.

But in fact, she was really panicked.

It's broken.

It's broken.

I forgot to take my smile back just now!

Yang Mi, why are you so careless?

But there is one thing to say.

Su Ming is too straight a man!

How can there be such a thing?!

The girls are all leaning on their shoulders, so they can't lean on for a while?

Or is Su Ming really not interested in her at all?

"You light! I'll have to move this arm later, and if it breaks, you'll have to take it. "

After withstanding Yang Mi's punch, Su Ming hurriedly rubbed his arm and looked at Yang Mi.

However, after Su Ming said this, he received Yang Mi's next powder punch, but it was obviously a lot lighter.


Another punch.


Another punch.

After receiving a few punches, Su Ming looked at Yang Mi's hard-mouthed appearance, and finally chose to shut up.

Forget it, I still don't care about it.

Good men don't fight women.

And this scene fell in the eyes of the paparazzi, and it was really an aunt's smile.


It's a good match!

"Brother Ming, Sister Ming, if you two flirt and scold each other, I feel that something is wrong between you. "

At this time, a bold paparazzi couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"Who flirted with her?"

"Who's in trouble with him?"

Su Ming and Yang Mi spoke almost at the same time.

The paparazzi who was so scared that he almost didn't grasp the steering wheel.

"No, no, I'm talking nonsense!"

The paparazzi hurriedly changed his words just now, but the smile seemed to be flowing out of the corner of his eyes.

Angry are so synchronous, and still say it's okay?

And next, it is the link where Su Ming and Yang Mi begin to lose each other.


And quickly.

The car probably drove for about an hour.

The group finally came to the area where Yingying sent the address.

However, the road here is narrow, so the group can only find a parking space outside and walk in.

And it's getting closer and closer to Yingying's house.

Su Ming also started the live broadcast in advance.

As soon as the broadcast started, more than 100,000 people poured into the live broadcast room, and the barrage was wildly brushed.

"it! it! It's finally on the air!"

"This time I'm number one!"

"It's coming! It's coming!"

"I'm going, where is this? Su Ming has left the Demon Capital?"

"It's so shabby, it looks a bit like it's in some kind of countryside. "

"The countryside is not so much, but it is a bit like the kind of small county town in the 18th tier. "

"Poof, I know where this is, the urban village of this magic capital!"

"I'll go! This place is really the magic capital, and the magic capital also has urban villages?"

"I saw the signboard on the side of the road, it seems to be a magic city!"

"My mother, is this really the international metropolis in my impression?"

"Look, those paparazzi are here again!"

"Hahahaha, have they joined Su Ming's Jiahang, why can I see a few of them every time?"

"Poof! I can see these big wrongs working again, did Su Ming call them on purpose?"

"Hey, why is there a beautiful woman next to Su Ming?"

"Damn! This figure is amazing! Could this be Su Ming's female fan?"

"Is this the fan this time?

"Wait, no, the concave and convex proportions of this figure... Hiss, it's a big honey!"


"Awesome, brother, people are wearing masks, you can recognize them by looking at their figures!"

"It's not a little rushing!"

"Ahem, which expert said that if you rush too much, your memory will be bad? Da Mimi's bumpy body is engraved in my mind!"

"Brother 6!"


At this time, the barrage was obviously shocked by the background behind Su Ming.

At first glance.

I didn't see that this was the magic capital at all.


The sharp-eyed audience could see at a glance that Yang Mi had been dressed in disguise.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

As Su Ming and the others entered the alley, they began to shuttle behind the streets.

I searched for about ten minutes.

It's finally time to meet Fan Yingying.

"Brother Su Ming, this way!".

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