Chapter 121 Moving, I agree with this family business!


A thin, fair-skinned, plainly dressed, and cute-looking girl was waving to Su Ming and the others.

This is naturally Yingying.

"I'll go! The fans are so cute this time!"

"Indeed, it feels like this beauty is a bit out of place in this environment!"

"Tut-tut, it's so innocent, my daughter-in-law will look for it according to this standard in the future!"

"Looks like he's still a student!"

As soon as Yingying appeared, the barrage couldn't help but boil.


Yingying couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Didn't you say there was just one on the night yesterday?

How did so many people come here?

But one thing to say, Su Ming is really handsome!


Seeing that they had finally met, Su Ming hurriedly led everyone towards Yingying.

The terrain of this urban village is complicated, and they almost got lost just now.

Soon, Su Ming and the others chatted with Yingying.

is similar to Zhao Xiaoying before.

Yingying was also a little shy at first, she didn't dare to say too much, her face was red the whole time, and she looked a little socially afraid.

But it's not a big problem, Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi are not people with any shelves, and they will also enliven the atmosphere.

It didn't take long for Yingying to blend in.

And quickly.

After learning that Ying's father is already working.

Su Ming and the others did not hesitate, when "650" was to go to the place where Yingying's father worked.

It's a small and medium-sized warehouse full of bags of goods.

At the door of the warehouse, there was a large truck parked.

At this time, Ying's father could be seen lying on his back, carrying a large bag of goods, and seemed to be walking towards the big truck with some difficulty.

"Dad, my friend, they're here!"

Seeing this, Yingying hurriedly went over to help hold the goods, and introduced Su Ming and others by the way.

And wait for the bag of goods on the shoulder to be unloaded.

Ying's father also immediately greeted Su Ming and the others.

Ying's father looks honest, but he looks a little old, or he is not too young, less than sixty years old, but he looks like he is sixty or nearly seventy.

Obviously, this is a lot of physical work and exhaustion.

But aside from appearance, Ying's father is really very simple, and most importantly, he is very cheerful.

It didn't take long to talk about this, and Dad Ying just laughed at Su Ming and the others.

Even the barrage was amused.

And in the midst of small talk.

Su Ming and the others also learned about today's task.

That is, all the goods in this warehouse are loaded onto the big trucks.

I have to say.

It's a lot of work.

"Uncle, you are the only one to move so many goods?"

At this time, some paparazzi couldn't help frowning and said

There are so many of these, if Dad Ying came alone, I'm afraid it would have to be moved to the afternoon.

However, Ying's father smiled and waved his hand, "Just this thing, how many people are needed, I can do it alone, and if I am alone, I can earn more during the construction period, by the way, in fact, I am not alone,

My daughter will come back to help me on vacation, my daughter is sensible. "

Hear this.

Su Ming and the others couldn't help but be a little moved.

Although these words sound light, they can clearly feel the hardships of Yingying's father and daughter.

Especially for Ying's father.

After moving so many things, how can you still have the strength to set up a stall?

However, it can also be seen that the relationship between Yingying's father and daughter is still very good.

"Uncle, since we are here today, you and Yingying should take a rest. "

"I'll leave it to us. "

After roughly realizing the hardships of Ying's father, Su Ming quickly organized the paparazzi to move.

Anyway, they have to do the work today.

And Su Ming's transfer.

Five or six paparazzi are just full of energy.

"Yes, uncle, just leave it to us!"

"We young people, some of them just have a lot of strength! Don't worry, in an hour at most, this pile of goods can be moved!"

"But no, I think back then, when I was at the dock, I could carry five or six hundred sacks a day, which was so easy!"


After saying that, five or six paparazzi were menacing, rolled up their sleeves and went towards the goods.

And Su Ming is now the first to take the lead, and he is the first to rush forward.

Ying's father, who originally wanted to work with him, saw that Su Ming and the others were so enthusiastic, and he didn't have anything to say for a while, so he simply lit a cigarette and rested while smoking.

Let's talk about moving goods.


These goods are quite heavy.

This bag must have at least seventy or eighty pounds.

It's fine if you only carry a few bags.

Carry it a few more times, and the shoulders, neck, and waist will be a little unbearable.

About ten minutes have passed.

The paparazzi, who were originally full of energy and momentum, are now all as weak as the defeated roosters.

Even Su Ming was tired and sweating profusely, panting for breath, and his movements slowed down.

But of course, compared to these paparazzi, Su Ming's physical fitness is still much stronger.

It's a bit sluggish, but the speed is okay anyway.

Seeing this situation, Ying's father seemed to be a little unable to sit still, and immediately wanted to get up and go to help.

But as soon as he stood up, he was stopped by Yang Mi.

This said that Su Ming and they came, how could Ying's father be allowed to go too?

In desperation, Ying's father could only give up and continued to light another cigarette.

And on the way to rest.

Ying's father also talked to Yang Mi on the side.

"Little girl, what do you have to do with that young man, are you two people?"

"No, no, uncle, don't get me wrong!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi hurriedly shook her head violently, her face was a little red.

Why is this suddenly asking such a question?

Seeing Yang Mi's denial, Ying's father couldn't help frowning,

"Isn't it? Then why does it look like such a match?"

"And I just saw you staring at the guy all the time, and you like him?"

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi hadn't spoken yet.

The barrage exploded first.

"it! it! It's the breath of a melon!"

"Hahahaha, Dad Ying is really amazing, this question is too sharp!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"What's the situation? Did Da Mimi keep staring at Su Ming just now? Why didn't I see it?"

"I lost it! You see, Da Mimi's expression is panicked! Won't Su Mingyang's melon before be real?"

"Daddy Ying! This question is so good, I have wanted to ask for a long time, does Su Ming Yang Mi have a leg?"

"Is there a possibility that Ying's father is a reporter disguised as a porter?"

"Poof! But don't say it, it's a little bit like that!"

"Hahahaha, this station is exclusively reported by reporter Ying's father for you!"



The atmosphere of gossip suddenly filled the entire live broadcast room.

And Yang Mi is now also quickly explained,

"Uncle, you are wrong, I just glanced at that just now, I didn't keep staring at him, as for whether I like it or not, there is no such thing!"

Yang Mi's face was a little anxious, and her heart was beating extremely fast.

This Ying Dad looks quite simple, why do you ask such gossip questions?

And hearing Yang Mi's explanation, Ying's father couldn't help but nodded, showing regret on his face,

"That's a pity, this young man looks pretty good, and he's sincere. "

"Then since you are his friend, you should know what kind of girl this young man likes, right?

"What do you think of my daughter? Is it the type he likes? If he likes it, why don't you help match it?"

As soon as this remark came out.

Immediately, it was Yingying's turn on the other side to be dumbfounded.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Yingying's face was flushed at the moment, and she hurriedly signaled Ying's father to stop talking about 0...

Can Su Ming take a fancy to her?

Isn't that a joke?

Forget about urging marriage and talk to her alone, how can this still build a bridge on the spot?

also asked the big star Yang Mi to help match... It's really a little convincing.

Moreover, she clearly remembered that her dad would not usually be so straightforward, why was it suddenly a little different today?!

And the barrage at this time is undoubtedly exploding again.

"it! it!

"Tu Poor Dagger has seen it! This is what Ying's father wants to ask the most, right? Hahahaha!"

"Ahem, I just noticed Dad Ying's micro-expression, when I heard that Da Mimi and Su Ming were not a couple, Dad Ying was obviously happy, I have to say, Jiang is still old and spicy!"

"I'm lost, the micro-expressions are here, professional, brother!"

"Tut-tut, this looks good is different, this glance is taken by the old man, if only I had Su Ming's skin, damn it!"

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I'm superficial, I thought Dad Ying liked gossip, and the co-author was looking for a son-in-law!"

"I agree with this business!"

"Hahaha, I agree!"

"Don't say it, Su Ming and Yingying are quite a good match when they stand together!"

"Poof, good-looking people, can they be combined together like a good match?"


At this time, the barrage seemed to see Ying's father's intentions, and now it can be said that he is laughing.

And let's talk about Yang Mi.

Faced with Ying's father's repeated questions.

Yang Mi is really big for a while.

To be honest, she didn't know what type Su Ming liked.

And you want her to match Su Ming and Yingying?

How is this possible?

Su Ming is hers!

However, out of politeness, Yang Mi still smiled kindly and said,

"Yingying is so good-looking, Su Ming should like Yingying like this, of course, it should be, I don't know him very well, I'm not particularly unclear. "

"But I don't know how to match this matter, after all, feelings can't be forced, right? "

At this time, Ying's father seemed to only hear the first half of the sentence, and his eyes seemed to be glowing.

Turning his head is to open his mouth to Yingying,

"Girl, do you hear me, this young man likes you like this. "

"You've got to seize your chance, go ahead and give it a try!"

"You're not too young, it's better to marry early. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Yingying was ashamed to cover her face directly.

Her dad really dares to say anything.

Let her 2.3 chase Su Ming?

Still want to marry Su Ming?

She has too many competitors!

"Dad, don't be kidding, how old am I going to get married?

"Brother Su Ming, they're tired and weird. "

Yingying was at a loss, as if she wanted to move the goods at the moment, and she was calm and calm.

But in the next second, Dad Ying couldn't help but sigh, his face full of loss.

"You girl, why don't you listen to persuasion?"

"Is it more than twenty years old?"

"You blame me for urging marriage too tightly, I'm afraid that I won't live to the day you get married. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi on the side couldn't help but feel heavy.

But as soon as it became heavy, it was extinguished by Yingying's next sentence,

"Dad, you have to say it every day that you won't live to the day I get married. "

"This bitter meat trick has been used too much, and it no longer works for me. "

Yingying's face was full of helplessness.

She hears this 800 times a day!

At this time.

Father Ying couldn't help coughing lightly, hiding the embarrassment on his face,

"Oops, I didn't let you marry him on the spot, I just let you try, can't you try anywhere?"

Yang Mi seemed to be dumbfounded at this time.

This Ying Dad is still using tricks!

There are too many eyes!

Simplicity is simply her biggest misunderstanding of Ying's father!

And the barrage is now exploding.

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