Chapter 122 Migrant worker Yang Mi is online, and Su Ming, a straight man of steel!


"Daddy Ying's hiding too deeply!"

"Is the bitter meat trick okay? I almost burst into tears just now!"

"Hahahaha, I was the same just now, this reversal is too outrageous!"

"I'm laughing to death! Daddy Ying looks at Chun Pu, why does he have more eyes than me? How much do you want Ying Ying to get married?"

"Poof! Yingying: Why don't we move the goods? This made me laugh and blow up quickly!hahahaha!"

"Don't say it, if I had a daughter, I would also let my daughter find Su Ming, Su Ming's character, I don't have to say anything!"

"Do you still want to take Su Ming as your son-in-law? Wake up, it's all Ying Dad outside!"

"But one thing to say, Ying's father's bitter plan is quite realistic, if Yingying gets married a little later, it is estimated that she will not see marriage. "

"Poof, don't be embarrassed, Dad Ying is just old, only in his fifties, okay? Yingying is now in her early twenties, even if she remarries in twenty years, Dad Ying is still there, and look at Dad Ying's spirit!"

"I just came, and the one in the back who is moving goods is Su Ming?"

"That's right, it's Su Ming, but Su Ming seems to be a little unbearable!"

"Don't say it, it's real to carry this thing, especially if you haven't done it much. "

"it! it! It's really right on the news, Su Ming is too confident!"

"Poof, new audience, don't worry, Su Ming and they still have to go out to set up a stall in the evening."


At this time.

The barrage seems to have been a little tense by Ying's father's 06 operation just now.

They never expected that this Ying Dad had so many eyes.

However, this also made the barrage see Yingying's father's determination to marry Yingying.

Let's talk about Yingying, and now Ying's father says so.

Yingying really couldn't hold back, and with a shy face, she went towards Su Ming and the paparazzi.

Well... Let's go and move the goods!

As for Yang Mi.

Yang Mi is also a little big now, and she can't talk to Ying's father anymore.

I feel that if we continue to talk about it, we will stop talking about Su Ming.

Then he quickly got up and ran towards Su Ming.

This territory, she has to stand up!

Seeing that the two daughters were not resting, Ying's father also continued to sit down with good intentions, and got up to move the goods.

But alas.

When he got up, he was stopped by Su Ming and the paparazzi again.

In Su Ming's words, "There are young people, how can there be old people who continue to work?"

Hear this.

The smile on Ying's father's face really became more and more intense.

For the sake of respecting the old man, Su Ming was further recognized by him.

can respect the elderly, and the character is definitely not bad.

And now that he is idle, after Ying's father lit a cigarette again, he suddenly took out a small notebook and an old fountain pen from his pocket slowly, and began to wonder what was written.

But faintly, you can see that it is covered with text, and the font seems to be quite upright.

Such a scene really shocked the barrage.

", I can't see it, Dad Ying is still an intellectual?"


No wonder Ying's father is different from the old man I have seen working as a coolie before.

So optimistic and cheerful, and loves to joke, the co-author is an intellectual, and the spiritual world is rich!"

"The case has been solved, the case has been solved! I said, just now Dad Ying could pop up an idiom at every turn. "

"But what is Daddy Ying writing about?"

"Ahem, I'll blindly guess first, Ying's father may be writing: Yingying's disobedient day x, make a note!"


"If you want me to say, I guess how many times Dad Ying has used his bitter tricks here, right?"

"You're more outrageous, okay?"

"Let me guess if this is a diary, right?"

"Hahahaha, don't be funny, who writes a diary for serious people?"



As for what is written in Ying's father's small book, the barrage is extremely curious.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming was still carrying the goods, sweating profusely.

I have to say.

It's a really tiring job.

Although Yang Mi is now helping him, the effect is not very good, but it is still a little in the way.

"Sister Mi, you said you are so dignified, why are you running here? Isn't it good to chat with Dad Ying?"

Unloading a bag of goods, Su Ming looked at Yang Mi with a smile on his face.

It's good if I can help, but Yang Mi can't help either?

"I... Wouldn't it be nice for me to help you? It would be quicker!"

Yang Mi glanced at Ying's father in the distance, hurriedly shook her head, and looked at Su Ming with a sincere face.

She really can't talk to Ying's father anymore.

Daddy Ying has too many eyes!

At this time, Su Ming seemed to be full of black question marks.


Are you serious?

"What's your expression? You really think I can't do it, do you?"

"I'll carry a bag for you now!"

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming's questioning expression, and immediately became angry, rolled up her sleeves and went towards the pile of goods on the side.

But obviously, Yang Mi really can't do it, she has been picking for a long time, her face is red and her neck is thick, and she can only barely drag the goods.

Such a scene is really a little cute.

However, in the eyes of the paparazzi and the barrage, they undoubtedly couldn't help but laugh.


"Poof, what are you doing here, do you have to show it off in front of us?"

"Awesome! I feel like the meme is back again!"

"Big honey, this is too cute!

"Ah???" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I can't stand it anymore, Su Ming, how can they let Da Mi Mi a delicate woman do such rough work?"

"Hahaha, Da Mimi did it herself, do you have to be angry with Su Ming?"

"Da Mi Mi Mi was really assimilated by Su Ming, I just came in and saw Da Mi Mi working?"

"The first time I watched Su Ming's live broadcast, I feel that Da Mi Mi doesn't seem to be as cold as I remembered!"

"Gao Leng hammer, haven't you seen Su Mingduan's big honey emoji?"

"Poof! No one really thinks Da Mi Mi is cold, right? In front of Su Ming, I haven't seen her cold!"

"Ahem, Su Ming just looks at it like this, is this too straight?"

"Indeed, if I were Su Ming, I would rush to help Da Mi Mi as soon as possible!"




The barrage was undoubtedly blown up by Yang Mi's hard and tenacious cute scene.

The paparazzi, on the other hand, are full of aunt smiles.

In their opinion, Su Ming and Yang Mi are flirting again.


The next scene really made the barrage explode.

I saw Su Ming looking at Yang Mi with puzzled eyes.

Then he turned around and went to the pile, picked a very small bag, at most twenty or thirty catties of goods, and put it directly on Yang Mi's shoulder.


Yang Mi snorted, almost not standing firmly.

"Sister Mi, why don't you carry this, easy!"

Su Ming smiled at this time, patted Yang Mi's shoulder, and said with sincerity on his face.

Didn't you want to help?

This kind of gadget, Yang Mi should be able to carry a few bags, right?

Since Yang Mi wants to play so much, let Yang Mi have a good time, and when Yang Mi is tired, she will naturally go to rest.

"Su Ming, you!"

Yang Mi's face was flushed by the bag of goods at this time, and she gave Su Ming a look of "Are you really?", and the whole person froze in place, like a big wrongdoer.

She's obviously here to play, how can she really do this physical work?

Su Ming, this stinky straight man!

Su Ming, on the other hand, shrugged his shoulders.

Of course it's for real!

"It's on your back, it's like no one can carry it!"

As soon as Yang Mi's fierce soft and glutinous little milk voice came out at this time, the anger and fighting spirit came up all of a sudden.

Staggered, carrying the goods on his back, he staggered towards the big truck.

And looking at Da Mimi's back, Su Ming couldn't help laughing.

This Boss Yang is really fun to tease.

"it! it! What is Su Ming doing?!"

"Poof, Su Ming, this really makes Da Mimi carry things, it's outrageous!"

"Hahahaha, I would like to call Su Ming a straight man of steel and Lulu, the ultimate straight man of steel!"

"This time, the worker's version of the Big Honey Honey skin is really online!"

"Poof! Da Mimi looked at this faltering look, and felt that she couldn't carry a few bags. "

"Su Ming has 333 out of grace, right, he doesn't pity the fragrance and jade at all! Da Mi Mi is such a weak girl, go to carry the goods?"

"Poof, it's the first time you've watched Su Ming's live broadcast or what? Su Ming isn't a licking dog, so he's not used to big honey at all, okay?"

And Su Ming clearly wants to experience the big honey honey, how can it really mean to let the big honey back?"

"Don't say it, I can see a hint of CP? These two people are a bit like enemies, put aside this flirtatious and scolding!"

"Poof, this can also be seen cp? Wake up! It's obviously the old father's test of his daughter, okay?"

"Look at it, Da Mimi is about to fall! No, she stopped her, damn it!"

"Help! Why do I want to rush when I look at Da Mimi's way of moving goods, am I stunned?"


"Isn't it, sir?

"Big Honey Iron Fan said that he was already angry!"

"Ahem, why are you all stunned?



Su Ming's operation really made the barrage a little unexpected, and they were all about to laugh.

And Yingyingying's father and the paparazzi at the scene are all dumbfounded now.

Especially Ying's father and Yingying.

Su Ming is such a gentleman, but he suddenly gave them such a hand?

But soon, the two also reacted.

Su Ming is joking.

At the same time, Ying's father's gaze couldn't help but be slightly gloomy.

Judging by his experience over the years.

Between Su Ming and Yang Mi, there is definitely something going on!

The son-in-law's dream is afraid to be shattered.

"Sister Mi, this is too difficult!"

"Su Ming, this is a bit too much!"

The other end.

Reba, who was watching the live broadcast while receiving makeup from the makeup artist, is now frowning and her little face is full of anger.

Yang Mi kindly went to play with Su Ming and get close, but Su Ming let Yang Mi carry the goods?

Su Ming is really not human!

(The sheep is so uncomfortable, it burns to more than 39 degrees, and it feels like my head is going to explode, and today's update may be a little less, which is a little unbearable.) )。

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