Chapter 123 The paparazzi are the kind of resentment, a medical record sheet!

"Sister Mi, I'll carry it with you!"

Seeing that Yang Mi was so difficult, Yingying immediately went over to Yang Mi and wanted to help carry it together.


At this time, Yang Mi was extremely stubborn.

"Yingying, no, I can do it!"

Yang Mi gave Yingying an affirmative look, and then glanced at Su Ming on the side, and continued to carry the goods towards the truck.

That's right, her temper has come up!

And for this scene, Yingying was really a little crying and laughing.

Since Yang Mi doesn't let it, it can only be done by Yang Mi herself.

But obviously, Yang Mi has basically never worked much, and she is carrying one or two bags, but she is tired, her face is red, and she is sweating.

"Okay, Sister Mi, you better take Yingying to rest. "

"I'll leave it to us here. "

Seeing that Yang Mi couldn't bear it, Su Ming just carried the goods on Yang Mi's back.

And Yang Mi didn't stand firmly, she fell backwards, and her habit fell on Su Ming's legs, and the whole person was covered with hair and a sluggish expression.

Such a scene is like a big injustice.

"Hey, why is Sister Mi still stunned? "

Su Ming hooked his toes at this time, and his face was full of tears and laughter.

If this doesn't work, it won't work, wouldn't it be nice to give up early, you have to be so stubborn.

And with the hooking of Su Ming's toes, Yang Mi's face instantly turned red with shame, and her ears turned red.

Where does this foot go?

Without hesitation, he immediately stood up.

"Hmph, Yingying, let's go, ignore him!"

Yang Mi was angry, and took Xiao Ying's hand on the side and went in the direction of Ying's father.

That's right, she still relented.

This thing, she's doing it.

And looking at the appearance of Da Mimi's angry bag, the barrage really exploded again.

"Da Mi Mi has finally opened her mind, hahahaha!"

"Da Mimi, this is too empty! I would have bet she could carry four or five bags. "

"Poof, come on, Da Mimi, who has fine skin and tender meat, still carries four or five packs?

"Da Mimi is really vegetable and fun-loving, hahaha!"

"I really don't know if Da Mi Mi will dare to come with Su Ming next time, hahahaha, it's too much like an unjust seed!"

"Speaking of unjust seeds, if you want me to say, are they still those paparazzi wronged species, look at these tired ones?"

"Poof, don't say I haven't paid attention yet, can't the paparazzi do it? And don't tell me, Su Ming must have bought them by barbecue again!"

"Hahahaha, don't say it, it's really possible!"

"It's so funny!

"[Ziqi]: Poof, what's the matter, did Su Ming go to help the fans' family again today?"

"it! it! Ziqi is here again!"

"Hahahaha, I actually blew Ziqi out. "


At this time, the barrage was lively.

Even Ziqi was blown out.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also came to the terrifying 70 million.

Besides, the paparazzi, they are also tired enough now.

Compared with Yang Mi, they are more like a big wrongdoer.

And quickly.

As the time came to one or two o'clock in the afternoon, the goods were finally all moved.

"Grass, it's finally finished!"

"It's a lot more tiring than I thought. "

"Uncle, how do you usually carry it alone?"

At this time, the paparazzi were all tired and paralyzed, and they sat on the ground one after another, drinking water while looking at Ying's father.

"That's not much. "

Ying's father couldn't cry or laugh.

For someone like him, who does it a lot, these goods are really not much.

And heard Ying's father's words.

The paparazzi were all a little dumbfounded.

That's not much?

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming was also tired at this time, his whole body was sweating, and he was a little tired and couldn't speak.

However, compared with the paparazzi, Su Ming has a big honey to help fan the wind and wipe the sweat.

That's right, just now under Su Ming's few words

Yang Mi, who was still angry, was amused all of a sudden.

Now, he was even more fart-free and was called over by Su Ming to serve.

And roughly rested for a while.

The big guys are also starting to shout hungry.

Originally, Su Ming was going to take a group of people to find a place to go to the restaurant.

But Ying's father had already bought the food in advance.

So a group of people all went towards Yingying's house.

Yingying's house is a bungalow with two bedrooms and a living room plus a kitchen.

Although it looks shabby, it is very clean.

On weekdays, this cooking is all handled by Ying's father.

Originally, Su Ming and the others wanted to take this job over, but they couldn't bear to keep rushing to Ying's father.

In Ying's father's opinion, he had rested all morning, how could he let Su Ming and others come to this matter?

And so.

Su Ming and the others rested in the living room.

"Oh, Yingying, can you still play the guitar?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey, you still have a brother?"

At this time, the paparazzi looked around the living room and noticed a guitar in the corner that had fallen into dust.

At the same time, there is also an old photo of a young man on the wall.

"No, the guitar belongs to my dad. "

"This picture is also from my dad when he was younger. "

Yingying hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi were stunned.

Is this Ying Dad?

This appearance gap is too big!

When this Ying Dad was young, he was also a handsome young man who could only pick out one from ten miles and eight towns, and he was a literary and artistic young man.

And how is it that this is now less than sixty, and it has become like this?

I have to say, these years are really ruthless.

Moreover, this guitar belongs to Ying's father?

Can Ying's father play the guitar?

"Uncle, I didn't see it, you were so handsome when you were young!"

"Indeed, and Ying's father can actually play a guitar, he can play a guitar in those days, that girl can't be crazy?"

"I bet Daddy Ying must have had a whole bunch of girls chasing fortress love letters when he was younger!"


At this time, the paparazzi couldn't help but joke to Ying's father in the kitchen.

And Dad Ying listened to these words, and he was also amused.

"Harm, don't mention it, when I was young, I followed the trend to learn literature and art, and I was engaged in literature and musical instruments, and I did buy a guitar, but I never practiced it, and it was hot for three minutes. "

"Now that I'm in my fifties, I still won't be a bullet, and the reason why I keep it is just a thought. "

"As for love letters, not as many as you imagined, just accept five or six letters a day, since I identified Yingying and her mother, they have all been thrown away. "

As soon as this remark came out.

It really made everyone laugh.

Five or six in a day?

What is this called?

"'Daddy Ying, this is too Versailles! Five or six a day, I'm special!'"

"Hahaha! Daddy Ying, this is so funny!"

"Don't say it, Chong Ying's father looked like when he was young, I think five or six letters are still conservative!"

"But it's not, this feeling is still a little fresh meat!"

"No wonder Ying's father just took out a small notebook to write, he was also a literary and artistic young man when he was young. "

"Damn! This is too real! Like Ying's father, I also bought a guitar, and I was going to learn those bags to seduce girls, and then I gave up after a day of practice, and now I am sitting at home to eat ashes!"

"Hahahaha, most people shouldn't have practiced after buying a guitar, right?"


At this time.

The barrage was also amused by Ying's father's words, and at the same time, he was shocked by Ying's father's appearance when he was young.

And quickly.

In bursts of laughter.

This dish is also out of the pot one by one.


Ying's father's craftsmanship is really good.

Su Ming and the paparazzi all gobbled it up, desperately stuffing it into their mouths, and it was naturally impossible to care about the appearance.

And in the process of eating.

Su Ming also talked to Ying's father.

I have a deeper understanding of Ying's father and Yingying.

Ying's father and Yingying are not natives of the magic capital, they are from the countryside of Jiang Province (Qian Mo Zhao).

Three years ago, Yingying was successfully admitted to university.

Yingying went to the big city alone, and Ying's father was really not at ease, so he simply moved over to accompany him.

And in the past three years.

Ying's father has also been relying on moving goods and setting up stalls to wait for physical work to earn some money for Yingying to go to school.

Learned about the situation.

Su Ming couldn't help but have the idea of sponsoring Yingying's schooling.

Yingying's situation in this family is indeed a bit not good.

If you can help a little, you can help a hand.

At the same time, Su Ming also sincerely admired Ying's father's greatness.

Although the experience just now is simple, but if you think about it, the hardships are definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

He and the paparazzi had just moved for a morning, and they were already too tired.

What's more, Dad Ying has been here for three years.

"Come on, come on, don't just chat, you guys eat more food!"

Father Ying can be said to be a rare happiness, and he hurriedly beckoned Su Ming and the others to continue eating.

And just as he raised his hand to say hello.

The little book in Ying's father's arms accidentally fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming hurriedly bent down to help pick up the cabinet.


He saw that there was a crumpled medical record on the small open notebook.

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