Chapter 124 Ying's father's illness, Yang Mi turned the spoon

But before Su Ming could see it clearly.

This little book was immediately taken back by Ying's father.

At the same time, Ying's father looked at Su Ming, and the smile on his face was also a little unnatural.

Seeing this, Su Ming immediately reacted.

It seems that this is a secret that belongs to Ying's father, and it is not convenient to get to the bottom of it.

So he hurriedly pretended not to see it, and began to eat with his head bored.

But even if Su Ming's disguise is good.

Ying's father's smile is not as bright as before.

"Brother Su Ming, Sister Mi, I'm going to wash the dishes, you talk first. "

After eating, Yingying immediately cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

And the paparazzi are full of food and drink, and they all go out to eat.

In the entire living room, now only Su Ming, Yang Mi and Ying's father are left.

Maybe it was because Su Ming saw Ying's father's medical record just now.

Father Ying now seems to be a little deliberately trying to avoid chatting with Su Ming, and now he is chatting with Yang Mi vigorously.

However, Yang Mi really felt that she couldn't talk to Yingying's father, so she sat for a while and went to the kitchen to help Yingying wash the dishes.

In the entire living room, it seems that only Su Mingying's father is left.

For a while, the two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

In the end, it was Ying's father who broke the silence.

"Young man, just now, you saw it all?"

Su Ming was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly shook his head, seeing that he saw it, but he didn't see it clearly anyway.

But Ying's father obviously felt that Su Ming had seen it, and his expression gradually became a little dignified.

"Forget it, it's okay to see it. "

"But about this, I hope you don't tell Yingying, my health is poor, but I can still last a few years. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

It seems that Ying's father's illness is not light.

But looking at Ying's father's expression, he could only nod very sincerely, and then couldn't help but speak,

"I won't say it, but uncle, sooner or later, I have to talk to Yingying about this matter, at least let Yingying be mentally prepared. "

Su Ming can fully understand Ying's father's good intentions.

But this is a serious illness, and I have been hiding it from Yingying, and I have to wait until my life is coming to an end to confess to Yingying, which is honest, a little too cruel.

And Ying's father smiled and waved his hand at this time, "When do you say it, I know it in my heart, as for this psychological preparation, I have been preparing with 993 her every day." "

"People, she always has to go, I don't want to watch her cry every day for the rest of the next few years, it's good to be so happy now. "

Hear here.

Su Ming wanted to speak and stopped, and then couldn't help but fall into silence.

Ying's father Yingying's family had a hard time, but they didn't expect that there would be illness at the door.

But fortunately, Ying's father has a very optimistic personality and thinks things through.

Also, since you can't change the ending, it's good to maintain the current happy status quo.

And the two of them chatted this time, obviously not noticing that the live broadcast room was still on the side.

Today's barrage has exploded.

"What's the situation, what did Su Ming see?"

"What is Daddy Ying talking about? What kind of terminal illness is he suffering from?"

"Damn! I can last a few years, which means, Dad Ying's body is really wrong?"

"No wonder Ying's father is not very old, but he looks so old, it turns out that there is something wrong with his body. "

"The psychological preparation that Dad Ying said won't be the bitter meat trick before, right?"

"I don't know why, why does it sound a little sour?"

"No wonder Ying's father has been urging Yingying to get married, is he really afraid that he won't see Yingying get married?"

"Ying's father is too optimistic, but if Yingying knows, how uncomfortable would it be?"

"That Ying's father wrote in the small book before, could it be that he can live for about a few days?"

"Damn! Seeing your words, I burst into tears!"


At this moment, the barrage was all shocked and moved by Ying's father's words.

They never expected that this optimistic and cheerful Ying Dad would hide such a heart-wrenching truth behind it.

"By the way, young man, I heard that you are into music, do you know how to play the guitar?"

At this time, Ying's father changed his words and looked at Su Ming.

"A little bit. "

"That's right, I've been learning an ageh tune lately, and I'll give me some pointers, and when Yingying gets married, I'll play it to her. "

Hearing that Su Ming could play, Ying's father immediately ran to his room and took out a brand-new guitar, along with a crumpled sheet music, with a happy face.

Su Ming didn't hesitate too much, took the score, and immediately taught Ying's father to play it.

And I don't know how long it has been.

Yingying Yang Mi in the kitchen has already washed all the dishes and chopsticks.

Seeing that Ying's father was seriously learning to play the guitar.

Yingying not only quipped, "Dad, how old are you, and you still learn how young people play this thing?"

Ying's father was not to be outdone, and waved his hand at Yingying, "Go and go, you know a fart, you can't have a hobby when you're old?"

And in the face of Ying's father's words, Yingying didn't say anything more.

turned around and took Yang Mi out with a smile to eat.


And time flies.

It was already five or six o'clock in the afternoon.

This stall is almost open.

Ying's dad usually set up a very unpretentious stall, just a small stall car, making some fried rice and fried noodles and other fried goods, and making some fried skewers and grilled sausages by the way.

Due to the number of people.

Ying's father didn't follow.

Now this stall is fully controlled by Su Ming, Yang Mi and Yingying.

Come to the stall location.

Under the crazy foil of several paparazzi.

This customer is really a lot.

Su Ming's spoonful of three flowers... A spoonful of light soy sauce consumes oil, a spoonful of cabbage bean sprouts, and the fried rice and fried noodles are all brushed out of the pot.

This skillful stir-frying, turning the spoon, looking at the side of Yingying straight confused.

Even the customers who are waiting for them are watching intently.

This fried stuff feels like you're watching acrobatics.

Before the thing came out of the pot, the smell was already blowing in the face.


Even the barrage couldn't help but boil again.

"it, it! Su Ming has secretly practiced again during this time?"

"My mother, this skillful technique is going to catch up with those chefs!"

"This is much more cattle than the last time I set up a stall for Sister Chaoyue! I think Su Ming definitely practiced secretly by himself!"

"Don't blow it, don't blow it, Su Ming's technology, in the future, just rely on setting up a stall, it is estimated that he can earn tens of thousands of dollars in a month!"

"Help! It's the first time I've watched Su Ming's live broadcast, is he really a star?

"Hahahaha, the new audience suggests watching the previous episode with Sister Chaoyue, but unfortunately there is nothing to sell this time, otherwise Su Ming will complete a song "Modu Doll Factory"!"

"It's true, but Su Ming's expression doesn't look very happy, are you still thinking about Daddy Ying's before?"

"I think it's really true, since I knew that Ying's father was sick, let alone Su Ming, even I wasn't so happy watching the live broadcast. "

"Alas, damn it, bad luck only looks for the miserable!"



The barrage was shocked by Su Ming's increasingly skilled speculation skills. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But at the same time, the barrage also saw that Su Ming's expression was wrong.

And the truth is indeed the same as the barrage guessed.

Su Ming is now in his heart, and he is always worried about Ying's father.

Although he wanted to forcibly adjust his mood many times, as soon as he saw Yingying's silly appearance on the side, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

Wait for the day when Yingying really knows the truth.

I guess it's hard to see Yingying's smiling face again.

"Su Ming, why don't you let me try it too, I think it's quite fun!"

Just when Su Ming fell into such a complicated thought, Yang Mi on the side finally couldn't help but speak.

Today's Yang Mi, looking at Su Ming's acrobatic stir-fry just now, her face was full of eagerness.


Looking at Yang Mi's appearance as a rookie who wanted to play with vegetables, Su Ming's expression couldn't help but be a little weird.

As far as Yang Mi's cooking skills are concerned, they can't be called cooking skills.

But Su Ming saw that Yang Mi was looking forward to it so much, and Su Ming was also very happy to agree.

Just let her have fun.

And Yang Mi, who was successfully in charge, was very excited.

However, she had just taken charge of the spoon, and the words of the next customer made her a little nervous.

"That, beauty, are you sure you're going to fry it? Why don't you let your husband fry it, I think his skills are quite good, looking at you like this, I don't feel like I've ever done this job." "

Obviously, after watching Su Ming's cooking skills just now, this customer had a great distrust of Yang Mi.

For a while, Yang Mi could be said to have mixed tastes in her heart.

Is this questioning her level?

Also, why do people treat her and Su Ming as two people?

Ashamed and angry, Yang Mi immediately shouted arrogantly, "Don't worry, I'm definitely better than him!"

Sensing that Yang Mi seemed to be a little angry, the customer didn't dare to say too much, and hurriedly said the fried noodles he ordered.

And so.

Yang Mi drew a scoop with a gourd, learned from Su Ming's appearance just now, and began to stir up.

Not to mention, this is quite decent, it seems that this pot is much easier to use than at home.

"Let's do it!"

Yang Mi was full of self-confidence, and the more she fried, the more she fought, and she immediately wanted to have a flower.

I didn't think about it.

At this time, the pho in the pot was like having eyes, and all of them smashed towards Yang Mi's face, and the flames also roared along the edge of the pot.

In an instant, Yang Mi's face changed greatly, and she was immediately so frightened that she abandoned the pot and fled, rushing towards Su Ming's arms on the side.

Such a sudden scene.

Even the customers in front of them were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated and scared out of the emojis.

And after everyone reacts.

The audience couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This is outrageous!

Forget it if the things in the pot are upside down.

People are upside down!

Even Su Ming, who was not in a very good mood, couldn't help but laugh at Yang Mi's operation now.

It's really a dish and a fun-loving one.

"Sister Mi, you haven't been burned, have you?"

"As I said earlier, it's not as simple as you seem. "

Su Ming gently removed Yang Mi from his arms, glanced at Yang Mi's hand, and said with a slight smile of concern.

At this time, Yang Mi's face was already red.

Now I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

It's a shame too!

But fortunately, she hid relatively quickly just now and didn't suffer any substantial damage.

"Beauty, that's it, just let your husband come, your level is really not good. "

"It's just that your husband's level is much better than yours, at least this pho can stay in the pot. "

"This technique has to be practiced for another two years. "

"Let me ask, can I get a new one for free?"


On the other end, the customers couldn't help but smile and speak.

Hearing this, Yang Mi's face undoubtedly turned even redder.

After this Nima overturned, there was a second taunt!

And at this time, the barrage seems to have burst into laughter.

"Poof! Big Mimi, this is outrageous!"

"Don't say it, at first I really thought that Da Mi Mi would be fried, hahahaha!"

"I'm laughing to death, this upside down is outrageous, if Da Mimi runs in a second at night, this pho will have to smash her face!"

"That's not it, it's scary to look at the customers. "

"Poof, is there a screenshot of the big guy, when Da Mi Mi ran just now, that expression is too suitable for the emoji!"

"Why is Da Mimi acting like a comedian today, hahahaha!"

"Hey, you see, Da Mimi will pounce on Su Ming if there is something, won't there really be a cat here?"

"Don't be hard and black, just Su Ming is close, who will you pounce on if you don't pounce on Su Ming?"

"Indeed, is it possible to flutter Yingying? Yingying is almost squatting on the ground and laughing now, okay?"


Let's talk about Yingying.

Today's Yingying, that is indeed already laughing.

Because she also thought that Yang Mi would live like this at first, but the actual situation turned out to be a little different from what she imagined.

Luckily, it was just a mess of a fried pho, and it didn't have too much of an impact.

After Su Ming took over, the business continued to recover.

"It's really lively. "

Under the yellowed street lamp, I looked at the combination of Su Ming and Yang Mi on the stall, and the paparazzi who kept greeting guests not far away.

Yingying couldn't help but lose her mind a little.

In the past, when she and her father went out to the stall, it was much more deserted than this.

And it seems that this stall doesn't need her to help much.

I simply turned on my phone and brushed up the microwave.


It doesn't matter if you don't brush it.

This brush is a video of Su Ming and Ying's father talking after lunch.

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