Chapter 125 Fry it yourself, Yingying learns the truth

"I hope you don't talk to Yingying... It can last for a few more years. "

"I won't say it, but uncle, sooner or later, this matter will have to be told to Yingying, at least..."


At this moment, looking at the conversation between the two.

Yingying's eyes flickered, and after a while, her eye sockets were already red.

Wait until you finish watching this video thoroughly.

Her tears had burst into her eyes.


She suddenly understood why her father had been urging her to get married for the past six months.

I thought that the sentence "I'm afraid I won't live to watch you get married" was just a bitter ploy to urge her to get married.

But in retrospect, it seems that it was just a psychological preparation for her early secret.

Her dad really had so many things to hide from her.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Yang Mi noticed that Yingying was wrong, and hurriedly walked over.

Su Ming and the paparazzi couldn't help but put down their work one by one, and they all rushed over.

"Brother Su Ming, is what my dad said true?"

Yingying sobbed as she took the video in her hand to Su Ming.

Although she already believed in the authenticity of the video in her heart, she still had a glimmer of hope.

And look at the video content.

Su Mingxin's face suddenly froze.

Damn it!

Why did you forget to turn off the sound in the live broadcast room at that time?

But now it seems that he can't hide it, so he can only nod silently.

And after receiving this affirmation, Yingying's cry is undoubtedly even more difficult to suppress.

At this moment, Su Ming's expression was gloomy, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only gently lean the sobbing Yingying on his shoulder and slowly comfort.

"What video?"

"I'll see. "

"What the hell is going on?"


I don't know the truth, Yang Mi and the paparazzi who are confused are all videos in Qi Qi's hands.

Wait until they've seen it.

One by one, their faces seemed to have become extremely pale, and even their eyes were red.

It turns out that in their eyes, Ying's father, who is optimistic and cheerful, loves to joke, and is full of energy, actually has such a hidden secret.

"Hey, what's your situation?

"Yes, the business can't be done yet, and why are you still crying?"

"Did you settle the account and lose money?"

"It makes sense, such a small stall, feeding so many people, is it strange that it can make money?"

"Strange, even if it's a loss, this won't cry like that, right?"


On the other end, the customers who were waiting were now frowning and talking, completely unaware of what was going on over there in Su Ming.

"There's something going on here, please fry it yourself!"

Su Ming also hurriedly shouted.

This is the case right now.

It's hard to put this stall on the ground.

As soon as these words came out, the customers were dumbfounded.

Fry yourself?

But seeing Su Ming crying like that, they would not be able to refute it for a while, so they could only bite the bullet themselves.

"Master, let's have fried rice!"

"Grass! I'm not a master, I want to eat and fry myself!"


Let's go back to Su Ming's side.

With the bursting of the with Ying Ying's tears.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the others also opened their mouths to comfort Yingying.

However, this obviously does not have a great effect.

After all, no one can empathize with Yingying as much as they do.

A long time has passed, and the stall has been closed under the cleaning of the paparazzi.

Yingying gradually eased up from Su Ming's shoulder.

With red eyes, the first thing Yingying said was: "Brother Su Ming, I want to go home." "

Su Ming naturally knew what Yingying's mood was now.

immediately got up and called Yang Mi's paparazzi to go in the direction of Yingying's house.

on a three-wheeled dining car.

Yingying looked at this familiar way home, and tears couldn't help but flow again.

For the first time, she felt that the road was so long.

Su Ming on the side drove the car, facing the breeze, looking at the retreating high-rise buildings on both sides and the luxury cars running on the road, the emotions in his heart were extremely complicated.

Some people live a life of worry-free food and clothing every day, and they think about how to spend their money tomorrow

But some people, like Ying's father, have to leave the last warmth to their children while they are overstretched, and they don't even dare to tell them if they are sick.

There is always so much unevenness in the world.

It's a pity that he traveled through one game and didn't get any Tongtian medical skills to bring the dead back to life.

Otherwise, maybe he could have done something else.

And the Yang Mi paparazzi sitting in the back car, now their faces are quite uncomfortable and silent.

Especially the paparazzi.

Today, since they carried the goods, they admired Dad Ying in their hearts.

But they never expected that Dad Ying would still go into battle with illness.

For a while, they undoubtedly admired Ying's father even more.

And the barrage at this time, naturally, needless to say, the style of painting seems to be completely devoid of a trace of joy.

"Oh no, this matter is still known to Yingying. "

"Damn, which marketing account is so disgusting? This video is also cut out?"

"Damn! I'm also convinced, the marketing account is really no mother, everything will be cut out! I'm going to report it!"

"That's it, the atmosphere was pretty good, but it was like this all of a sudden, grass!"

"Harm, it's useless to scold the marketing account now, Yingying will know about this sooner or later, but I really can't stand it when I see Yingying crying like that. "

"I'm a little afraid to go any further. "

"[Li Jian]: Father's love is silent, always not so direct, I want to bear it a little more, I hope Yingying can accept it with ease. "

"Damn! It's Mr. Li Jian!"

"Is Mr. Li Jian also watching?"

"Woo woo, Teacher Li Jian is right, I hope Yingying can accept it as soon as possible, anyway, Ying's father still has a few years to live, and the next days have to be good. "


And on the other end.

At this time, Ying's father lit a cigarette, wore a slightly worn white vest, stepped on slippers, wore a pair of reading glasses, and sat at the door of the house with an iron box.

Open the tin box.

It's full of old things. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the most conspicuous of them are several stacks of yellowed old photos.

Picking up the photo and looking at the yellowed street lamp at the door, Ying's father looked at it over and over again, sometimes with a smile on his face, sometimes a little sad.

Finally, he picked up the photo that was padded at the bottom, wiped it carefully, and then looked at it seriously.

The picture is of a woman.

If you look closely, there are many similarities with Yingying.

This is none other than Yingying's mother, who has passed away for many years.

"Gui'e, this moment, our family Yingying is about to graduate from college in one year, I have to say, this time flies really fast. "

"But I don't have any skills, in addition to barely earning Yingying's tuition over the years, I haven't been able to give her better material conditions, but I heard that after studying in college, I will definitely not have to worry about eating and drinking in the future, even if I go to you early, Yingying doesn't need us to worry about our livelihood." "

"The only regret now is that Yingying's marriage is not properly organized, young people today are not as popular as we were back then, and I can't persuade them, maybe I probably can't see Yingying getting married. "

"And I'm just worried now, when Yingying finds her in-laws, seeing that Yingying's conditions in our family are poor, and she has no father or mother, she will look down on Yingying, alas, I hope Yingying can meet a good man. "

"By the way, when Yingying graduates from college and finds a job, I should almost go back, and when the time comes, I will go to the back mountain to see you, and by the way, I will also clean up our yard, and after leaving for so many years, I don't know what happened to that crop field, if my body is still fine, I will stay in my hometown and plant the land again." "

"Also, I almost forgot to tell you, Yingying seems to have made a few good friends, so I don't have to worry about Yingying going down the wrong path in the future. "


Ying's father said to him, and his eyes were already slightly red.

But the corners of this mouth are always with a shallow smile.

I don't know how long it took to talk.

Only then did Ying's father carefully put the photo into the tin box and put it back in the room.

When Ying's father came out of the room again, he was already holding the guitar and the crumpled sheet music.

That's right.

He began to practice again.

And during this practice, there was also a tape recorder on the side.

The purpose of the recording is naturally to leave it for Yingying to listen to.

After all, he really doesn't know if he can live until Yingying gets married.

"No, no, no, it doesn't seem like that. "

"Which chord is this?"


Ying's father played it many times, but he still couldn't find the right way to play.

In this hurry, the cigarettes are falling one by one.

"Hey, old Li Tou, this is practicing for your daughter again?"

"What, it's not long to live?"

"If you want me to say, don't learn, what's the use of being so fancy? "

At this moment, an old man who was also wearing a vest, holding a teapot, walked over slowly.

This is Ying's father's neighbor, one of the few people who knows about Ying's father's condition.

Now I watch those short videos of young people getting married, and they don't have any talent, and they can't get off the stage at all. "

"My piano, it will come in handy when the time comes!"

"Also, who are you cursing to live shortly, I can at least outlive you!"

In the face of this neighbor's cool words, Ying's father was really a little angry, and immediately went back.

And the neighbor was full of laughter and tears.

"Okay, okay, old Li Tou, why did you say a few words, are you really angry?"

"Well, this is a job that my son asked me to find you, to work as a security guard in a company.

I heard that I can earn four or five thousand a month, so I still don't want to do those heavy physical jobs in the future. "

"If you continue like this, your life will really get shorter and shorter. "

"I, I don't have many friends, and to be honest, I really hope you can live longer than me. "

"You can look at the list for yourself, if there is no problem, I will tell my son tomorrow, I will go back first." "

The neighbor shook his head, handed a bill in his hand to Ying's father, and then walked towards his house with his hands behind his back.

Ying's father, who took the order, couldn't take too much care of it.

I immediately watched it.

Not to mention, this job looks like the treatment is good.

It's that this address seems to be a little far away, this time and again, at least two or three hours, and when I come back from work, it is estimated that those best locations have been robbed by other stalls.

And just when he hesitated.

At the end of the alley, the sound of a three-wheeled motorcycle sounded.

Turning his head to look.

This is exactly Su Ming and the others!

(I'm still having a fever, I'm still two shifts today, and I'm trying to return to normal tomorrow!).

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