Chapter 126 Father and daughter embrace, Ying's father's little book

"Business is so good today?"

When Ying's father saw this, his first reaction was this.

Now it's less than nine o'clock, and according to his previous experience, it will take eleven or twelve o'clock to close the stall.

Sure enough, this young man is different.

They all have a better way of doing business than their old guys.

Immediately, he didn't care too much, Ying's father put away his guitar, got up and cleaned up the chairs and benches at the door, and prepared to make room for the three-wheeled dining car.

At this time, Yingying in the dining car looked at Ying's father's rickety and thin body and slow movements from a distance under the dim street lamp.

The tears really couldn't be suppressed anymore, and they completely burst the embankment.

At this moment, she suddenly discovered.

Originally, the father who loved to joke with her, and was like a mountain in her eyes, is now like the dim street lamp, fragile and old.

"Yingying. "

When the dining car got closer and closer, the speed of the car slowed down, and Ying's father also noticed the expressions of Yingying and Su Ming in the car, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, and his voice trembled a little.

Regarding his condition, could it be that Su Ming still said it?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly straightened up and squeezed out a smile.

I want to look more robust.


Seeing this, Yingying jumped out of the car and ran towards Ying's father.

It's like a toddler when he was a child, running towards his father's arms.

For a time, father and daughter embraced each other.

Su Ming and Ying's father looked at each other, Su Ming nodded, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of apology, and then he couldn't help but lower his head.

Although he didn't take the initiative to confess this matter to Yingying,

But this live broadcast, after all, was opened by him.

In general, he is indeed to blame for this.

After knowing the answer, Ying's father didn't blame Su Ming too much, but patted Yingying's back and slowly calmed down.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying like "one, three, three"? Isn't it just getting sick, who hasn't had a sick family these days, and your friend is still there, crying like this, how faceless it will be in the future. "

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you're tired from going out of the stall, I'll give you a bowl of noodles." "

"Dad, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you want to wait until you were about to leave? Why are you so selfish?!"

"It's a big deal, what's the use of telling you a child, you can concentrate on studying well now, and find a good job later..."

"I don't want to! I won't go to school, tomorrow we will go to treatment, I will go to work part-time, I will go to work to make money, and earn you medical expenses!"



The conversation between father and daughter is simple but touching.

The forced smile on Ying's father's face is now gradually disintegrated by his daughter's concern, and tears can't stop flowing.

Su Ming, who was not far away, looked at this scene at this time, his nose suddenly soured, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky

After a while, Yang Mi's paparazzi also arrived in a hurry.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they all stood in the distance like Su Ming, not approaching, wanting to leave the space to the father and daughter, and they all had red eyes and extremely complicated emotions.

"Lao Li Tou is stubborn, he didn't tell Yingying about it, you see, now that Yingying knows, isn't she still crying?"

"It's really useless to hide it!"

In the neighbor's house, the old neighbor in the vest just now couldn't help but shake his head and sigh when he heard the movement outside, and his eyes were slightly red.

"Okay, okay, your mouth is poisonous! I can't say a good word, and the old Li Tou has a hard time,

And to be honest, Yingying, this kid is also filial, crying like that, if our two dolls can be like Yingying, I have to wake up laughing in my dreams. "

"This freshly fried eggplant box, you can send it to Lao Li Tou's house later. "

The old lady on the side glared at the old man, her eyes were also red, and then she picked up the eggplant box in the basin.

And at this time, the barrage seems to be a little tense.

"Woo woo woo~"

"Brothers, I'm in tears, it's so touching!"

"Daddy Ying is great, really!"

"It's really great, but this greatness is also forced out, who let the bad luck find Ying's father,"

"Yingying is also filial, she actually said that she didn't want to study, and she wanted to drop out of school but earned medical expenses for Ying's father, alas~"

"It's not advisable to drop out of school, these days, college students can't make much money when they come out, let alone drop out. "

"Indeed, alas, I really can't see this!"

"Can anyone contact Su Ming himself? I want to sponsor Yingying's family, if the disease is not cured, at least Yingying can finish her studies!"

"+1! I want to do my part, too"

"[Li Jian]: Funding this matter, let's do it, I'll contact Su Ming, Dad Ying, this kind of reminds me of my father. "

"Damn! Teacher Li Jian said really?"

"Teacher Li Jian is also so good! Here we help Yingying's family thank Teacher Li Jian!"


"This live broadcast is definitely the most meaningful live broadcast I've seen this year!"



The barrage seems to have been touched by the real and touching father-daughter emotions of Yingying and Yingying's father.

Many people have come up with the idea of funding.

In the end, Mr. Li Jian came forward directly and prepared to implement the idea of funding.

Let's go back to Yingying's father.

The father and daughter hugged each other and cried at this time, saying many things that they don't usually know how to say.

I don't know how long it has been.

Ying's father calmed Yingying's emotions at this time.

However, Yingying was still a little reluctant to leave Ying's father's arms, as if she was afraid that she would lose it in the next second.

Fortunately, Su Ming and others were still on the scene, and Yingying's father used the excuse of cooking for Su Ming and others, which allowed Yingying to temporarily get out of the scene.

"Co-authored, I was sold by this live broadcast?"


After learning the truth of what happened just now, Ying's father immediately stared at the live broadcast room, and his face was extremely solemn.

To be honest, his condition was exposed, and it must be fake that he was not angry.

But it was found that it was not Su Ming who exposed him, but a mobile phone.

At this time, I really didn't know what to say.

And at this time, the barrage was a little indignant.

"Here, I decided to scold those Sapi marketing accounts again!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I have to scold too, damn, in order to get the right flow, there is really no bottom line at all!"

Don't be funny, traffic is their father!"

"Alas, Dad Ying probably didn't expect that his secret, which had been hidden for many years, would be exposed by the live broadcast. "

"One thing to say, sometimes it's quite emotional, my parents' generation is also similar to Ying's father, and they have begun to slowly lose touch with the times, and when we reach the age, it is estimated that we will be eliminated. "



As Yingying already knew the truth.

Ying's father's condition is revealed by the big guy.

Late stage of lung cancer.

What do you say about this disease?

It can't be cured, but as long as it is well maintained and actively treated, it is no problem to live for three or five years, or even more than five years.

It's just that even if there are five years, it is still too short for Yingyingying's father.

And the main thing is.

With Yingying's family situation, let alone active treatment.

Treatment is a problem, and for their family, it is simply an astronomical amount.

Looking at how many cigarettes Dad Ying smokes a day now, it can be seen that Dad Ying actually didn't want to be treated at all.

In view of this situation, Su Ming and Yang Mi immediately decided to fund Yingying's father.

Although it is impossible for them to help everyone who is in difficulty, since they have met, and they are still Su Ming's own old fans, it is still very okay to subsidize them.

However, this funding also has some episodes.

As soon as Ying's father heard that Su Ming wanted to help him pay for his treatment, he immediately refused, on the grounds that he couldn't afford to pay it back and didn't want to owe Yingying a debt in the future.

This really took Su Ming and Yang Mi a long time to communicate, which made Ying's father choose to accept.

And perhaps the problem of curing the disease has been solved, and Yingying's mood has been completely calmed.

The atmosphere in this room is not as oppressive as before.

While eating dinner.

Under Su Ming's activity.

One by one, the big guys began to joke slowly as if it were noon.

After a while, the room was filled with laughter.

Especially Ying's father. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Perhaps this is the most down-to-earth smile he has had since his diagnosis.

And in the course of the chat.

Su Ming Yang Mi's star identity was also revealed by Yingying.

When Ying's father heard this, he was really taken aback.

Su Ming Yang Mi is actually a star?

Then he still wanted to bring Yingying and Su Ming together during the day, but now that he thinks about it, isn't he thinking too much?

However, Su Ming and Yang Mi didn't put on any celebrity scores at all, and they still chatted as usual.

"By the way, uncle, what is written in your little notebook?"

"I've seen you take it out and write it several times during the day, so it's convenient to say no to us?"

In the depths of the conversation, some paparazzi couldn't help but ask a very curious question at this time.

That's what was written in Ying's father's little notebook.

"Yes, Dad, I haven't seen anything written in your notebook. "

Yingying also opened her mouth at this time, her face full of doubts.

For as long as she can remember, this book has been in her father's arms.

She also often saw her dad take out this little notebook to write and draw, but Ying's dad never told her.

And it's not just the paparazzi and Yingying who are curious.

Even Su Ming and the barrage were quite curious.

Seeing that the big guys are all looking forward to it.

Ying's father couldn't help but blush, and slowly confessed.

"Actually, I didn't write anything, didn't I follow the trend to learn literature and art when I was young, I wrote some poetry and prose in front of me, and wrote a little diary.

Now, it's just a record of every day's bills or something. "

As soon as this remark came out.

The big guys all looked at each other, and their faces gradually became gossipy.

Poetry, prose, and diaries?

Dad Ying really worked as a literary youth back then?


Under the soft grinding and hard bubbles of Yingying, Su Ming and others, this little book was taken over 0...

Turn the first page of the booklet.

[Youth is like a song, intoxicating like a song, youth is like a wave, like a wave of ups and downs]

Sure enough, literature and art.

On the first page alone, you can feel the vigorous vitality of the literary and artistic youth of that era.

And continue to flip.

There are many fragments of prose and poetry in it, and the handwriting is very ancient, and it looks like the handwriting of Ying's father when he was young.

Everyone looked at these prose verses, and they couldn't help but smile, and even ridiculed Ying's father's literary brilliance when he was young, which provoked Ying's father to shake his head and laugh.

Continuing to flip through, it's already time to come to the diary link.

It records a lot of the troubles, boredoms and happy things of Ying's father when he was young.

With these being read out by Yingying and others one by one.

Ying's father was really red, a little embarrassed, and wanted to take back the little book.

But if you want to get back, how easy is it?

It didn't take a while.

The content of the book is to come to the part of knowing Yingying's mother.。

It records the whole process of the two from acquaintance to love, full of the youth and innocence of that era.

Seeing this part, Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi couldn't help but feel emotional.

The love of that era really had an indescribable feeling.

And for Yingying, she really couldn't help but reddened her eyes when she saw it.

Her mother died relatively early, and her memory of her mother is not so clear.

But in this diary, she seems to see her mother when she was young.

On the side, Dad Ying was drinking a little wine at this time, listening to Su Ming and the others muttering this content, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be slightly hung with a smile.

It was a very good time.

And keep flipping through it.

What is recorded here is the content of Ying's parents getting married and raising Yingying together.

The first time I became a parent, Ying's parents really made a lot of trouble at that time.

And because of the poverty of the family, there was no less sin at that time.

However, because of Yingying's arrival, while these days are hard, there is more of a sense of happiness.

Just when everything seems to be slowly moving in a good direction.

Ying's mother's body did suddenly change.

The burden of life was all on Ying's father at once.

Flipping through here, there are many pages in a row, and they are all blank.

Maybe Ying's father didn't have much leisure at that time.

By the time I read the content again, Ying's mother had already passed away.

Read it here.

Su Ming and the others' moods really became heavy again.

This is especially true of Yingying.

Ying's father, a young man who sings the praises of youth and is full of vitality, to a single father who has changed his wife and raised his daughter alone, only took less than 50 pages.

And next, the record is naturally the process of Yingying's father raising Yingying alone.

This process, there are laughter and tears, full of father's love for his daughter.

It was recorded until after Yingying went to college.

This is the sudden change in the style of painting, from recording daily life and mood, to recording the income when she goes to work every day, as well as Yingying's tuition fees, family expenses and other bills.

See here.

Everyone present couldn't help but be silent.

The inner 5.7 on this book looks very ordinary, but when you think about it carefully, it makes people's hearts tremble, and they can't let go of it for a long time.

This is the story of a boy who became a father for most of his life.

In particular, the prose poems at the beginning are contrasted with the bills recorded on the following pages.

That feeling is really a little hard to put into words.

When he was young, Ying's father was also a high-spirited teenager who was full of longing for the future.

But as the years go by and I become a father, many things have become less important than these bills.


Yingying's tears undoubtedly broke the embankment again at this time, and she threw herself directly into Ying's father's arms.

"Oh, why are you crying again, didn't you cry just now?"

"I said it earlier, I shouldn't have told you about my illness, otherwise I would cry all day long, and it would be so disturbing to watch. "

Seeing Yingying like this, Ying's father patted Yingying's back, and his face was full of crying and laughing.

He is a cheerful person, and he really can't see his daughter crying all the time.

And Yang Mi and the paparazzi on the side didn't seem to want to continue reading for the time being, and they all fell into silence and thinking.

At this moment, they not only lamented the experience of Ying's father in this half of his life, but also couldn't help but think of their own father.

At this time, Su Ming continued to flip through, and suddenly, on the last page, he turned to two lines of text.

[Life is very short, like a white horse passing through a gap, fleeting, but this mood is very long, like mountains and rivers, endless. 】

[Yingying, I hope you will be disease-free and worry-free for the rest of your life, and live a happy life. 】

Look at these two paragraphs of text.

Around Su Ming, his expression couldn't help but become a little trance.

Presumably, this should be Yingying's father's last words left to Yingying before he died.

Closing the small notebook, Su Ming didn't continue to look at it, but just took a deep breath.

Maybe at this moment, there is a song that is very suitable for Ying's father and many fathers like Ying's father, who pay silently.

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