Chapter 127 "Prose Poems Written by My Father"

This song is "Prose Poems Written by My Father".

Recall the content of the lyrics.

Maybe the year doesn't match.

But this experience and the strong fatherly love in it are extremely appropriate to Ying's father.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, aren't all fathers in the world like this, it's not good to cry and cry. "

"If you cry again, I won't be cured of this disease. "

On the other hand, Ying's father really couldn't stand this sad atmosphere, and immediately "threatened" Yingying.

As soon as she heard this, Yingying naturally couldn't bear it, and hurriedly sobbed while trying to stop.

At this time, Su Ming had already picked up the guitar of Ying's father on the side.

"Uncle, Yingying. "

"I have a song that I want to sing to you, and this song is very suitable for you father and daughter. "

As soon as Su Ming's words came out.

Ying's father was immediately stunned.

A song for their father and daughter?

"Okay, okay, young man, you sing, but the premise is good, don't make my daughter cry again. "

"Otherwise, I won't buy it!"

Ying's father waved his hand and said.

As long as you can stop Yingying from crying like this all the time, Su Ming can sing anything.

And the other end.

Hearing that Su Ming was going to sing, Mi and the paparazzi couldn't help but be surprised.

What's the situation?

Thinking about it carefully, in all the songs Su Ming has written so far, it seems that there are no songs suitable for Ying's father and Yingying's father and daughter.

Could it be another original song?

Even the barrage.

Now they are all a little dumbfounded.

"What the hell? Su Ming is going to sing?"

"I haven't recovered from the content of Daddy Ying's little book06, can Su Ming stop singing first, it's too abrupt, it's too ruinful of the atmosphere!"

"That's it, let me cry a little longer, sing a hammer song, I'm not in the mood right now!"

"Indeed, it's not time to sing now, it's good to cry for a while!"

"One thing to say, a song suitable for Ying's father and daughter, isn't it possible that Su Ming thought of a song about father's love on the spot just now?"

"Poof, don't take a bite of fatherly love, I feel so numb when I hear it!"

"Damn! Then this is outrageous, add another song of this type, my whole family up and down, then I really have to listen to Su Ming's song!"

"Su Ming, this is really outrageous, I feel like there is no CD at all when I write a song!"

"Is this a genius? My mother, it's really outrageous for him to write songs!"

"Don't say it, in fact, I'm still looking forward to Su Ming's song, if it's written well, I'll sing it to my dad backhanded, and then ask him for next month's living expenses!"

"Poof! Da Xiaozi, at this critical moment, don't spoil the atmosphere, okay? Hahahaha!"

"I just came to the live broadcast room, I don't know what happened, but does Su Ming want to sing a new song at this time? This is also so cool! I am tired of listening to last week's "Just Love You", come to a new song!"

"[Li Jian]: I also kind of want to write a song about fatherly love, but I don't have too many clues for the time being, so let's listen to Su Ming's song first. "

"! Teacher Li Jian also wants to write songs! It seems that musicians are really the same, they want to write songs whenever they feel emotional, but Su Ming's monster is different, he wants to write, and the result can be rectified immediately. "

"Poof! Mr. Li Jian feels like I've been watching this live broadcast all the time today!"



When he heard that Su Ming was going to sing, the barrage was really a little untenable.

Su Ming didn't agree with this and wanted to sing again.

And there is a high probability that it is still an original song.

This is true, and it feels outrageous.

This creative ability is simply amazing!

But in general, everyone is still looking forward to the song that Su Ming will sing later.

At the same time, the number of people in this live broadcast room is a terrifying 100 million!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming had already slowly put his fingers on the strings.

The group of people in the room also set their eyes on Su Ming's body.

"The name of this song is simple, it's called "Prose Poems Written by Father". "

Su Ming finished speaking.

With a deep exhalation, his fingers began to flick over the strings.

And listening to the title of this song, everyone couldn't help but be slightly touched.

The title of this song is unpretentious, and the inspiration seems to be very straightforward, which is obtained from Ying's father's little book.

And this song is indeed an original song.

And with the slow sound of the prelude.

A faint sense of age can't help but come to my face.

This melody carries a hint of precipitation over the years, and people can't help but gradually calm down and want to listen slowly.

Wait for the prelude to fall.

Su Ming's voice also sounded slowly.

"In 1984, the crops were not yet harvested

My daughter is lying in my arms, so sweet

I don't have time to watch an open-air movie tonight

My wife reminded me to fix the pedals of the sewing machine



Su Ming's voice is clear and moving, gentle and sensual, and at the same time fascinating.

With this extremely realistic, diary-like lyrics.

After only one piece is sung, the sense of story and picture is instantly presented in front of everyone.

This story is about an ordinary rural family, an ordinary father, and an ordinary day.

Perhaps to others, the story is just warm and familiar.

But for Ying's father, it is undoubtedly like describing his personal experience.

As soon as he heard this paragraph, Ying's father, who had always been cheerful and smiling, had slightly red eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to return to the time when his wife was still there, Yingying was still young, and everything had just begun.

"I'm going to go tomorrow and borrow some more money from my neighbor's house

The child cried all day and clamoured to eat cookies

The blue polyester shirt drilled into my heart

Squatting on the edge of the pond, he gave himself two punches


Su Ming continued to sing.

Father Ying seemed to have slowly closed his eyes at this time.

Listen to the melody of the lyrics. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The images kept churning in his head.

It was finally fixed in what was perhaps the darkest day of my life.

At that time, his wife had just passed away.

Years of medical expenses, coupled with a lot of funeral expenses, really made this not wealthy family even worse, and even filling the stomach was a problem.

Having just lost his wife, he was deeply devastated, feeling that his future was dark and that he had lost hope for the future.

On several occasions he had wandered by the well at the door, and had tried to jump off and leave with his wife.

But it was as if it was deliberately arranged by God.

Every time he wanted to jump, the cry in the room would sound at the right time.

I don't know when it started.

Looking at the bright smile in his arms, he no longer had the idea of suicide.

At the same time, he also remembered his wife's instructions when he was dying, and brought Yingying up well, and even remembered his identity, he is now a father.

So, he began to rekindle his hope for life, and began to work hard, looking forward to the harvest in the coming year, which can give Yingying a relatively good growth environment in the future.

But his ability alone is limited after all, and the grain is not as good as he expected.

Looking at Yingying's greedy appearance of snacks in other people's children's hands, his heart was undoubtedly dripping blood with pain.

It can be said that during that time, he hated his incompetence more than once.

Of course, it's more helpless.

"This is my father, the words in his diary

This is his life, leaving behind the prose poems

Decades later, I watched as I burst into tears

But my father was already as old as a shadow


The singing came to a climax.

The Yingying nose on the side couldn't help but feel sour again.

She doesn't have many memories of her father's hard time.

But judging from the record in the little notebook just now.

Her father definitely paid too much for her on that journey.

And, as Su Ming's lyrics say.

Her father was indeed old, as old as a shadow.

And at the moment.

It's not just Ying's father, Yingying's father and daughter are a little tearful when they hear it.

The paparazzi on the side couldn't help choking up when they listened.

From the singing, they not only heard the experience of Ying's father, but also thought of the old father in their own family.

Due to the limitations of family education, they generally do not communicate with their fathers so much, and they are ashamed to express love and other meanings.

Although their father may not have had the same rough experience as Ying's father.

But the love for them, and what is silently paid behind, is the same 250 deep.

"The 1994 crops have already been harvested

My old mother passed away last year

The daughter wore a ponytail and ran into the schoolyard

But recently, she has lost a lot of weight by being a little lonely

Think about the future, I'm old and a pile of old paper money

At that time, the daughter must have been stunningly beautiful

There was a man who loved her and wanted to marry her home

But when I think of this, I can't bear to look at her


The song comes to the second stanza.

Ying's father's tears seemed to be completely uncontrollable.

Although the year of the lyrics is not correct, this experience is accurate again.

Especially when Su Ming sang "There is a man who loves her and wants to marry her home".

His mind was undoubtedly unsettled.

Since the diagnosis of lung cancer.

He not only thought of the picture of sending Yingying to marry once, but even dreamed of it countless times.

To this day, what he is still concerned about is obviously Yingying's marriage.

Maybe he can't keep up with the thinking that young people don't get married nowadays and go to nursing homes together when they get old.

He always felt that people need to get married.

It is better to have someone who can rely on each other for a lifetime than to be alone.

If Yingying can marry a man who loves her, she will have a happy family.

Even if he dies now, he is willing.

I have to say.

This song was really written into his heart!

It's so resonant!

"This song is written!"

The other end of the screen.

At this time, Li Jian seemed to be in tears.

This song is so well written!

Although the lyrics are all in the vernacular, like a narrative, the emotions expressed are extremely hot!

I didn't talk about father's love in the whole process, but it was father's love throughout the whole story.

As for the melody, it's even more impeccable!

It's even more textbook than a textbook!

It's hard to imagine him.

This song turned out to be what Su Ming came up with on the spot just now!

And the other end.

At this time, the barrage has been completely boiling.

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