Chapter 128 The whole network tears and praises father's love!

"Woo woo~, brothers, I'm in tears!"

"This song... It's a very well written song!"

"Alas, isn't this written for most of Ying's father's life? I also cried!"

"This song, I really blow it up! It's so well written!"

"I said it a long time ago, Su Ming's talent is always worthy of your trust!"

"The song is really well written, it's really a little unimaginable, how did Ying's father raise Yingying alone, father's love, it's really deep. "

"Listen to this song, I miss my dad a little, my dad doesn't have prose poems in his book, only the date of work for others and countless bills, he doesn't seem to give me anything, but he gave me everything, alas~"

"My dad is an authentic farmer, and this song sounds like singing about my dad's life, it's so touching!"

"This song is a bit smoky, I'm in my forties this year, my father died early, it's been more than ten years, sometimes, I will also go through some of his old objects, prose poems no, he doesn't know what big words, but he can see a lot of candy jars, when he was a child, he would always carry his mother behind his back and secretly take some candy from the candy jar for us, alas~"

"Damn, I can't listen to it anymore, I'm still on the street, if a big man cries on the street, he won't be laughed to death. "

"Su Ming's song is really, it's so amazing, it really writes out the wordless heaviness of father's love, my dad doesn't have any culture, and he doesn't even know what prose is, but a healthy me, a happy family, is his best prose poem, but unfortunately, my dad has late cancer, and he left two years ago, and he couldn't see all this. "

"Squatting on the edge of the pond, giving yourself two punches, this sentence is so well written, it really writes out the helplessness, only when you become a father knows, when the whole family depends on you, and the salary you can earn, only so much, that helplessness from the depths of the soul, I really don't know what to say. "

"Alas, I miss my dad, there are too many roles in this life, son, father, husband, son-in-law, only the son is the best, but only this role is the most unqualified, Su Ming's song is really good!"

"The family education atmosphere in our Xia country is like this, there is generally less communication with the father, even on the usual festivals, the father's color is extremely weak, so that many people ignore the father's dedication to the family, Su Ming's song is very well written, I hope to change this atmosphere, pay tribute to every father in the world who fights for the family!"

"Listening to Su Ming's song, I suddenly understood my dad a little, no, I'll call my dad now!"

"I'm going to call my dad too!"

"I really envy you young people, you can still call, I can only see it in my dreams, I heard a word of persuasion from the past, the son wants to raise but does not wait, be kind to your parents as soon as possible, there is really no regret in the world to sell medicine." "

"Damn! I'm damn it! I was still scolding my dad a few days ago for not fighting hard when he was young and making me a rich second generation!"

"Su Ming's song is called "Prose Poems Written by Father", right, this song is online, I must buy it!"



In Su Ming's singing.

The barrage was like tears, full of emotion, thinking of his father, the atmosphere, and he was haunted by this deep fatherly love.

Father's love, difference and mother's love, this is a word that may sound a little numb to many people.

After all, in the impression of many people, the father is always not good at words, strict and old-fashioned image, and their dedication always seems to be so natural and deserved.

Mother's love is great and has been praised countless times.

But father's love doesn't seem to be so valued.

And now, under the influence of Su Ming's song and Ying's father's experience, everyone in the live broadcast room has been greatly impacted.

Perhaps, with their father, they can communicate more.

The other end.

As Su Ming's singing voice continued.

Ying's father seemed to have removed the last shackles in his heart, hugged Yingying into his arms, and burst into tears.

Yang Mi paparazzi on the side, they were even more crying.

Even the next-door neighbor couldn't help but reddened his eyes when he listened.

This lyric is not written for half of their lives?


Decades later, I watched as I burst into tears

But my father was as old as an old newspaper

Old newspapers

The story above is a lifetime. "

As Su Ming's last sentence fell.

Su Ming himself couldn't help choking.

In the time of the song just now, he himself thought a lot and felt a lot.

And maybe it's because the song is so moving.

The sad atmosphere in the house and in the live broadcast room took more than half an hour, which slowly eased a lot.

"Okay, okay, I really don't cry this time. "

"Young man, you really, you said don't make this kind of song that makes people cry, I don't know, I thought I was leaving today. "

Ying's father wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, slowly stroked Yingying's back, shook his head and smiled and spoke.

"Dad, I don't want you to say that!"

"Okay, okay, don't say it, then you promise me, don't cry in the future, okay?"


A warm conversation between father and daughter.

It seemed to make everyone smile on their faces.

In the blind corner that the camera could not see in the live broadcast room, Yang Mi was red-eyed, slowly leaned her head on Su Ming's shoulder, and quietly watched the warm scene of the father and daughter.

This time, Su Ming did not dislike Yang Mi and pushed her away, but watched quietly with her.

As for the paparazzi.

That's also quietly watching.

But it didn't take long to see it, and it's a little undignified.

One by one, they began to snot and tears.

A few paparazzi didn't blow their noses well, and they threw off people's shoes directly, that's a real temperament!

Some paparazzi even called the old father at home, crying, and I don't know what dialect he was muttering.

The scene is both touching and comical.

All in all, it's hard to describe.

"Su Ming, I miss my dad too. "

"Why don't you accompany me home tomorrow?"

At this time, Yang Mi looked at Su Ming with blank eyes, and spoke softly, like a delicate daughter.

Obviously, Yang Mi was also touched by this song to the softest place in her heart, and now she has removed all her disguises.

"Good. "


Seeing Yang Mi like this, Su Ming didn't think about it, and directly responded.

But after thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was wrong.

You miss your dad, let me accompany you back to see your dad?

Why do you always feel that something is wrong?

"Reba has an announcement tomorrow, it's just you. "

"Accompany me once~"

Seeing that Su Ming seemed to be a little resistant, Yang Mi immediately gave a reason, and while slowly swaying Su Ming's arm, the daughter on her face became even more delicate, as if she was coquettish... Phew!

"Hmm... Oh well!"

Helpless, Su Ming naturally had no choice but to agree.

Isn't it just to accompany Yang Mi back home, it's actually not a big deal.

And on the other end. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the microwave at this time.

After Su Ming's "Prose Poems Written by Father" was sung.

Under the huge popularity of the live broadcast room and the expansion of the marketing account from the media.

It didn't take long for the hot words about this live broadcast to be on the hot search again.

[Su Ming Yang Mi moved goods to the fans' families and set up stalls!]

[Migrant worker Yang Mi is online!]

[Ying's father Yingying's family!]

【Ying's Father's Diary】

[Su Ming's "Prose Poems Written by My Father"]


At this moment, about these hot words, the comments at the bottom, it is a very terrifying number.

"Damn! Su Ming Yang Mi went to work for the fans again?"

"Damn! really! You watch the video, Su Ming went to carry the goods for the fans' homes, and even Da Mi Mi carried it!"

"Poof!hahaha, I'm laughing to death, Su Ming is too doggy! I actually took a pack of Da Mi Mi, I see that Da Mi Mi is tired!"

"Damn, how tired the paparazzi are, you don't say a word!"

"Huh, are the paparazzi next to them?"

"Ahem, ask, is Su Ming the star who cut rice for fans before?"


"This Ying Dad is interesting, hahaha! The effect of the show is really understood by him!"

"Indeed, I actually want to match my daughter with Su Ming, this is a bit too much, how good is Su Ming?"

"Wow, Dad Ying was still a literary and artistic youth when he was young, and he was very handsome when he looked at the photos!"

"I'm going!What's the situation, Daddy Ying's body is wrong?"

"It's so touching, Daddy Ying is really great!"


Except, of course, from the comments under these buzzwords.

The most commented on this is under Su Ming's "Prose Poems Written by Father".


"Does Su Ming have to make me cry from time to time? This song is so touching!"

"Is this Su Ming's creative ability? This song made me cry!"

"Dad Ying is so great, I hope he can live a little longer, at least he can see the day when Ying Ying gets married!"

"Bad luck picks on the hard-working people, why do you have to find Ying's father when you are sick? Alas, this song is really unlistening, it's really smoking!"

"Brother, accompany one, this song is not only written for most of Ying's father's life, but also for most of my father's life!"

"Su Ming's song is so good! The simplest lyrics express the strongest emotions! I blow it up! This is the original appearance of music!"

"But my father is as old as an old newspaper, and when I hear this, I really can't hold back, my dad is really old now, and he needs help getting up from bed, where has the time gone, and when has my mountain become dependent on me. "

"Although I hate the reflection monster, after listening to this song, I really feel that I need to reflect on some of my thoughts on my father. "

"Father's education, maybe we do have to reflect and reflect, the mainstream media are saying that the mother has become a mother-in-law from a girl, how difficult it is, the mother is indeed not easy, but the father is not a father back then, how is it not a young man with dreams and high spirits? Alas~"

"Forget it, I'm a person who has become a father and I feel a little numb when I hear my father's love, men, it's not natural to support a family, there's too much publicity, but it feels hypocritical, doesn't it?"

"As a father, I really cried, but was this really a song written by a young man in his twenties?"

"Don't say it, my dad is almost seventy, I listened to this song just now, and now I can't stop crying! Su Ming's creative ability is too strong!"

"At this year's New Year's Party, I will sing this song! Whoever doesn't cry when the time comes, I'll beat him to tears!"

"Su Ming, Su Ming, watching his live broadcast, you can really see many very valuable things. "

"Yes, this is the star we need to chase!"



For this "Prose Poem Written by Father".

The evaluation of netizens is very high!

As for this emotion, it is naturally similar to the one in the live broadcast room, the same tears, the same emotion.

And at the same time.

It's not just netizens.

Even many singers and composers in the industry have now expressed their opinions on this song.

More than ninety percent, all of them are praised.

Among the composers, Wang Quan and Wang Qu Dad are really one of the composers who are touted!

That is a systematic praise for this "Loose (Nuo's Good) Essay Poem Written by My Father" from all aspects such as lyrics, music, ideas, etc.!

Once there is a discordant voice in the comment area, he is even more angry at the first time!

Just put a few words of Su Ming iron powder on his face!

And the singer, that boast is naturally more.

Needless to say, like old Xue Ziqi, Han Hong, and Li Jian, many singers who Su Ming didn't know at all now have also come forward to speak.

They are suspected of gaining popularity, but more importantly, they still love this song.

After all, father's love is still very resonant.

It is worth mentioning.

After Zhang Yuqi posted a microwave that his father's love was ridiculous and so on, he deleted it directly in seconds.

Now the propaganda microwave at the top has been sprayed nearly a million!

It's a bit absurd.

"Su Ming's creative ability is strong, I don't know if he still has a song in his hand, if only he could invite our golden song singer again. "

"This song is so well written!"

Blue Channel Recording Building, Golden Melody King Conference Room.

The director listened to this "Prose Poem Written by My Father", and watched the crazy discussion on the microwave, and his face was full of emotion.

Su Ming's creative ability, this is really much stronger than most Qu Dad!

This "Prose Poem Written by Father" is even more written in his bones!

And with Su Ming's current terrifying heat, it would be nice if he could invite Su Ming to come again.

Since Su Ming didn't participate, although the popularity of the show is still not low, compared to when Su Ming was there, it is a big difference!

And at the same time Dian.

At the same time that the Golden Melody Singer program team was thinking about inviting Su Ming.

Now, many other powerful program groups have also launched plans to invite Su Ming to participate.

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