Chapter 129 Yang Mi wants to kiss and promise Han Hong!

Let's go back to Su Ming's side.

With this "Prose Poem Written by Father", the atmosphere gradually eased.

Ying's father Yingying and the emotions of the paparazzi have completely calmed down.

And Su Ming, Ying's father, took the lead in enlivening the atmosphere.

Coupled with the fact that the next-door neighbor specially sent eggplant boxes and some other snacks made at home.

Everyone couldn't help but chat again.

But it's not the same as before.

The topic of everyone's conversation did not continue to stay on Ying's father, but diverged to everyone.

The paparazzi, for example, talked a lot about them.

Yingying also talked about a lot of what happened in school.

Yang Mi Su Ming told a lot of interesting stories about her childhood.

In the depths of the chat, the paparazzi even took turns to learn from Su Ming, sang songs, and showed off their talents.

But of course.

Most of the paparazzi's talents end with the effect of the overturned show.

But all in all, there was more laughter in this chat.

For a moment, everyone felt as if they were a family, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room watched this scene.

The originally heavy heart has become a lot more cheerful.

"Damn! What are you talking about at night?

"Don't interfere with the rest of the neighborhood, okay?"

"Damn, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, do you?"


Happy times are always short-lived.


The time had come to ten o'clock in the evening.

Accompanied by the cordial greetings of the residents in the alley.

Su Ming and his entourage finally ended this chat.

And Ying's father and Yingying are still very enthusiastic.

All the way, Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi were sent to the car, and they looked at the cars of a few people far away, so they went back with peace of mind.

Through the rearview mirror, I looked at Ying's father and daughter under the dim street lamp.

At this time, Su Ming was really full of emotion in his heart.

I have to say that the significance of being able to draw Yingying this time is indeed extraordinary.

The only hope now is that Ying's father can get a benign treatment for this condition.

As for work, Yang Mi also arranged it for Ying's father.

Originally, Ying's father was going to go to the company recommended by the neighbor's son.

But for reasons of distance, Yang Mi directly rejected it.

After a follow-up look, I found that the owner of a company not far from here happened to be Yang Mi's friend, so I directly arranged to go there as a security guard.

It is close to 947, and you can walk to and from work every day.

And the salary is not much lower than that of Ying's father.

And when Yingyingying's father comes home, the live broadcast room will be closed.

Let's talk about the car.

Today can be said to be a busy day, and I have said enough words in the evening.

Whether it is Su Ming, Yang Mi or the paparazzi, they are now silent.

Not for anything else, it's just that I'm a little tired and don't want to talk.

The back of the car.

Yang Mi's careful thinking, it seems that she has already succeeded.

Now Yang Mi is leaning on Su Ming's shoulder and pretending to sleep, and she is very close to Su Ming.

Listening carefully, you can even hear Su Ming's breathing and heartbeat clearly.

This full sense of security really makes Yang Mi feel at ease.

And this time, Su Ming also didn't push it away.

Even if he saw the sly and innocent smile on Yang Mi's face, he didn't pierce it again.

First, he was really tired and too lazy to dwell on these little things.

Second, Yang Mi's performance today is quite good, for her physical fitness, it can be regarded as overspending, and it is not too much to rely on her shoulders.

In the end, it was naturally the psychology that was at work.

Because it seems that when Yang Mi leans on his shoulder, his heart will also become a lot calmer.

And as he experienced more and more things with Yang Mi, there were more and more memory points.

It seems that some of his thoughts about Yang Mi can't help but add a little bit.

I glanced at the lights outside the car window.

Su Ming couldn't help but turn on his phone and looked at the prestige teasing.

"Li Jian wants to sing my "Prose Poem Written by Father"?"

In the prestige, it seems that many people have sent him messages now, and there is a mess of everything.

And among them, the one who sent the most messages was Li Jian.

Li Jian's meaning is very simple, he just wants to cover this song, and even wants to replace the daughter in the original song with a son.

Not only is the attitude sincere, but in terms of price, it is very generous.

After a short period of thought.

Su Ming immediately agreed.

Let Li Jian sing this song, which is indeed a good choice.

Li Jian's voice and singing style are still very suitable for this song.

And after replying to Li Jian.

Su Ming sent messages back to old friends such as Xue Ziqi one by one.

Among them, Wang Quan must be mentioned in particular.

Wang Quan has contacted various relationships since he lost to Su Ming in writing a song for Huachenyu last time, and finally succeeded in adding Su Ming's prestige.

At the beginning, Su Ming was still somewhat prejudiced against this Wang Quan.

But as Wang Quan continued to praise him, he was about to become a brainless fan.

This prejudice is gone.

In addition, Wang Quan's insights in music are indeed okay.

So now the communication between the two can be said to be much more frequent than before.

Wait until you have replied to all the messages.

Su Ming suddenly sensed that something was wrong on his shoulder.

How can there be a milky purr here?

Turn your head to look.

Yang Mi is really asleep!

And all this haara is flowing out!

Seeing this, Su Ming hurriedly took out a tissue and cleaned it up for Yang Mi.

Su Ming, who was still a little disgusted.

looked at Yang Mi's cute appearance when she fell asleep, and she was immediately amused.

Not to mention, it's pretty cute.

"Dear... Kiss..."

Suddenly, at this time.

A soft dream suddenly came out of Yang Mi's mouth.

After muttering, Yang Mi pursed her lips and smirked for a second or two, then moved her body and pressed closer to Su Ming.


At this time, the car was undoubtedly in a deathly silence.

Su Ming, who was originally planning to deal with Yang Miha's son, suddenly froze, and his face turned slightly red.

What do you mean?

Yang Mi is pretending to be asleep, deliberately saying it?

It's not like it, it's all snoring.

And this is to kiss him?

No, if you think about it carefully, you should want to be affectionate, after all, the relationship between sisters is so good.

Well, that's how it should be.

However, the paparazzi in the front row don't think so at all.

At this time, they all gave Su Ming a look of "Oh, I understand".

Su Ming wanted to explain, but in the next second, the two lotus arms raised by Yang Mi hooked his neck.


I can't wash it up!

Helpless, this can't wake Yang Mi up directly, right?

How rude is that?

But fortunately, these two paparazzi are already Su Ming's cronies, even if they misunderstand, they will not spread it everywhere.

And the car continued to drive.

Under Yang Mi's hook-up, Su Ming naturally had no good rest, so he could only continue to brush up his mobile phone.

Not long after, he received a series of messages from the Ministry of Commerce.

[Su Dong, this is the list of programs that have just sent you an invitation:

1, the king of golden songs

2, the singer arrived

(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Su Dong, this is a list of some singers and artists who want to meet you:

1, Sun Nan

2, Liu Huan



Su Ming swept through the whole text.

It's basically all announcements, and there are singers who ask him for songs.

Before he could see the end, Su Ming had already begun to have a headache.

There are too many things going on this day.

Immediately, Su Ming replied to the Minister of Commerce with a total rejection.

I just went on a variety show last week.

Now you're on the show again?

This doesn't bully honest people!

And Su Ming obviously didn't expect it.

His refusal of all this one really made the major program groups wail in unison.

"Reply, reply, Damn, Su Ming refused!"

"Is there any news? Did Su Ming agree? (agcb) What? Su Ming refused?

"Damn, can't this price get into Su Ming's eyes?"

"Damn! Su Ming is not swinging his wrist too much? Our program team has given in like this!"

"It's difficult, if we can't invite Su Ming, the king of this show, how can we compete with the station next door?"

"Damn, which show snatched Su Ming's fragrant dumplings in advance?"


Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

Regarding the explosion and wailing of the major column groups, Su Ming naturally knew nothing about it.

Now he is happily wearing headphones and brushing teases.

"Come hello, ABC~"

"I just slaughtered you over there, and I feel jue~"

"This man's name is Xiaoshuai, and this woman's name is Xiaomei..."

"When I transferred to the top class..."


Just when Su Ming was really bored, and sleepiness gradually came up.

Teacher Han Hong's message made him feel excited.

[Su Ming, something happened temporarily to the children in the mountainous area, our team may have to leave early, that is, next Friday, do you want to join us?]

Look at the news.

Su Ming immediately thought of promising Han Hong's public welfare.

I didn't expect this to set off early.

However, if you want to go to the mountains, it is impossible to say that you will go on the same day and return on the same day.

It's definitely not in time to play with the fans on Saturday.

But this opportunity to go to the mountains is also relatively rare.

For a while, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little entangled.

But after some weighing, Su Ming immediately chose to agree.

Fans can draw it every week.

This is the same as Han Hong going to the mountains to do public welfare, which is not an opportunity every week.

Besides, you can even draw a fan and go to the mountains with him to do public welfare.

Of course, this is only possible if the fans agree and the fans agree.

And after deciding, Su Ming immediately gave Han Hong a reply.

And it was also at this time.

Yang Mi, who was almost hanging on Su Ming's body with her upper body, was suddenly awakened by a bump on the road just now.

But wake up, wake up.

At this time, Yang Mi didn't dare to move at all, and she didn't even dare to open her eyes.

Because she knows exactly where she is now!

This position is really outrageous!

Are you so brave when you fall asleep?

The most important thing is that she just had a dream related to Su Ming.

Now as soon as she woke up, Su Ming was by her side, and she was so close.

It's like you're still in a dream.

While thinking about it, Yang Mi's face had already become red and hot, and even her breathing was a little uneven.

As for the figure, it has obviously become a lot harder.

"Sister Mi, are you awake, don't pretend when you wake up. "

At this time, Su Ming's voice suddenly sounded softly.

He now seemed to notice the change in the temperature of Yang Mi's face, and vaguely felt that something was wrong with Yang Mi.

However, Yang Mi didn't seem to pay any attention to Su Ming's words.

"Looks like it's overthinking. "

Su Ming muttered softly.

Also, how can it be so easy to sleep so deeply?

At this time, Yang Mi secretly shouted a false alarm, and finally deceived Su Ming once.

But it didn't last long.

Just when Yang Mi wanted to learn more like it, imitating the sound of sleeping breathing, she was directly recognized by Su Ming.

"Sister Mi, don't pretend, I'm so tired of hanging on me. "

Su Ming turned his head to look at Yang Mi and said.

Seeing that Yang Mi was still a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water and continued to pretend to be asleep, Su Ming directly pinched Yang Mi's nose gently.

It didn't take a while.

Yang Mi finally couldn't hold back anymore, and she laughed.

"What are you doing~"

"Look, you see, I finally can't put it on, right?"

"How can you pretend? I'm asleep!"

"Don't quibble, how can you be so quiet when you're asleep? "

"Snoring, what's the matter! You must be lying!"


The two of them can't hold back anymore.

Finally, it has returned to the usual mode of fighting each other.

And listening to the mutual scolding of the two, the tiredness of the paparazzi can't help but decrease.

It didn't take long.

This is also to the entrance of the community.

Say goodbye to the paparazzi.

Su Ming and Yang Mi were also tired of the noise and prepared to go home separately.

"By the way, let's say okay, Su Ming, you have to get up early tomorrow, and say that you want to promise to accompany me home!"

"Don't worry, I, Su someone, is hard to chase after a word, and now it's so late, let's go back and wash and sleep as soon as possible." "

"Uh-huh, that's... Ann!"



Back home.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Su Ming casually swiped his mobile phone again.

Thinking of having to accompany Yang Mi home tomorrow, this head couldn't help but hurt a little again.

Originally, tomorrow's normal itinerary was to go fishing.

It was interrupted all of a sudden.

I don't know if there is a small river fish pond near Yang Mi's house.

If there is, you have to pull Yang Mi and his father to fish!

Thinking about it, Su Ming seemed to be a little too sleepy, and just fell asleep.

And Yang Mi on the other end.

Now he is jumping on his own sofa, like a child, and the whole person is not happy.

On the car back today, she was so brave!

Although she didn't know why she hung on Su Ming's body, it was right anyway!

And most importantly.

Tomorrow, I can fool Su Ming to accompany her for another day!

And if Reba is here at this time, he will have to complain a lot about Yang Mi's expression of love brain.

Look at this worthless look!

You're a cold boss Yang!

(The body has entered the blade swallowing link, and it will return to normal updates tomorrow!!).

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