Chapter 130 Yang Mi is also going to the mountains, is your dad fishing fierce?

In the blink of an eye, it was already the next day.

"Uncle Zhang, why did you get up so early?"

"Yo, Grandma Liu is in good health~!"

"Uncle Zhao, Fugui - you haven't gotten up yet, have you?"


Today's magic capital, the weather is really good.

Su Ming got up early in the morning and made a bend in the community.

Yesterday, I helped Ying's father carry the goods for half a day.

Not to mention, this momentum has not slowed down now.

If you don't do the job of carrying goods often, it's really not something that ordinary people can resist.

And when I finished walking around and had breakfast, I cleaned up a little.

Su Ming also went towards Yang Mi's house.

After all, I have to accompany Yang Mi home today.

Last night, Yang Mi specially asked Su Ming to come early.


Yang Mi is a sixth child.

At this point, Su Ming is up, but she is still lying on the bed.

Su Ming was bombarded with phone calls, and then he heard Yang Mi's little milk voice from the phone.

Wait for Yang Mi to open the door.

At this time, Yang Mi was still wearing pajamas, her hair was messy, and she was rubbing her eyes while looking at Su Ming cutely, completely looking like she hadn't woken up.

But don't say it, it's very cute.

"Sister Mi, you have eye feces in your left eye, a big thief!"

Su Ming's short sentence.

Immediately, Yang Mi, who was still half-asleep, was excited, and immediately sobered up a lot.


"Su Ming!"

Yang Mi's face was slightly red, she stomped her feet anxiously, turned her head and ran to the bathroom.

In fact, when she came out to see Su Ming just now, she was also a little scheming.

deliberately applied the cream urgently, and gave myself a messy and girlish look at home.

Even the posture is very girly.

It turned out to be...

And don't they all say that girls who just woke up are the cutest?

Why does Su Ming, this guy only see eye droppings?

She's going to be!

And where is it?

I was deceived by Su Ming again!

Seeing Yang Mi jumping up and down, Su Ming was really comfortable, and he also went into the house and waited for Yang Mi to clean up on the sofa.

At the same time as Yang Mi cleaned up.

Su Ming also took advantage of the situation to turn on his mobile phone and swiped the microwave.

On today's microwave, the discussion about his "Prose Poem Written by Father" is getting higher and higher.

Not only limited to the comments of netizens and some industry insiders.

It has even attracted praise from many official media.

Fatherly love is a word that is rarely mentioned.

All of a sudden, it was re-taken by the public.

For this atmosphere, Su Ming is really happy in his heart.

Sometimes music is not only limited to bringing people relaxation and entertainment, but also can convey some energy and make people think more.

That's what music is all about.

Except, of course, this song.

The eyes of the society are also more focused on difficult families like Yingyingying's father.

Many people in various places have begun to organize some small-scale visits to local poor families and give some help within their ability.

And in addition to these positive contents.

For Su Ming, not very friendly remarks have begun to appear on this microwave now.

That is, there are now many marketing accounts or people who claim to be industry insiders, who posted that Su Ming's private shelves are too big, and the appearance fee for the show is huge.

Look at these articles.

Su Ming could almost tell at a glance that this was obviously a small move by some people who deliberately wanted to hack him.

It must be some of the programs that he rejected.

If it had been put aside, he would have said that he would have come forward and say a few words.

But now, he didn't bother to take care of it anyway.

After all, he is different from other celebrities, he doesn't care at all that having black powder and black material will affect his coffee position and all aspects of resources.

Now he can come as much as he wants.

Wait for a microwave to be swiped.

Su Ming just looked at some news in the company.

At present, the company's major artists have very full schedules, and the capital chain is also very sufficient, and everything is developing in a good direction.

The main thing is that it basically doesn't bother him.

It is worth mentioning that the filming progress of "Charlotte's Troubles" is much faster than expected.

The shooting schedule was expected to be more than two months, but now it seems that it will be completed in less than two months.

This speed can be said to be quite fast.

And with this speed, it is natural to thank the star master on the set next door for occasionally teaching experience to Shen Teng and others when he is eating.

When the time comes, "Charlotte's Troubles" will be released.

He had to find an opportunity to treat Xing Ye to a good drink.

And after reading the news from the company's side.

Su Ming just brushed up and teased himself.

It was also at this moment that the sound of rustling water came from the bathroom.

Obviously, Yang Mi began to take a bath.

"Sister Mi, you have to take a bath quickly, otherwise when we pass, we won't be able to catch lunch!"

"I know, don't rush!"

Su Ming shook his head, why did she take a shower, this woman is in trouble when she goes out.

And maybe he listened to Su Ming's flowers.

This time, in less than twenty minutes, Yang Mi rushed out of the bathroom with her wet head wrapped in a bath towel.

Maybe he was shy, the whole person didn't dare to look at Su Ming at all, stepped on small broken steps, and rushed to his room with his head bored.

But the floor was a little slippery, and as soon as he arrived at the door of his room, this person fell in, and the bath towels fell to the ground.

"Sister Mi, are you okay?"

When Su Ming heard the movement, he hurriedly got up and wanted to take a look.

"No... It's okay! Don't come here!"

Yang Mi's tone was slightly sluggish, but her little milk voice was loud.

Damn it!

How can this fall like this?

The slippers and bath towels are all gone!

Luckily, it didn't fall in the living room.

Otherwise, this must not be read by Su Ming?

And heard Yang Mi's words.

Su Ming naturally didn't dare to go over, he still lay on the sofa and continued to look at the donkey's hooves.

About half an hour passed.

Yang Mi came out of the room.

Because she was going home, Yang Mi just put on light makeup, and she was very good at dressing up.

However, Yang Mi came out with her waist on her back.

Obviously, just now, the waist should have accidentally flashed.

"Sister Mi, you're not serious, right?"

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi's inconvenient appearance and frowned.

"It's okay, when I get back, I'll just ask my mom to smear the medicine on me. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Mi waved her hand, squeezed out a smile, and her face was full of strength.


It's easy to trick Su Ming into accompanying him for a day.

Can this be affected by this small back injury?!

"Okay, but I'll carry you into the car. "

"In your situation, it should be quite difficult to go out. "

Su Ming shook his head, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

Yang Mi seems to be at home, she misses her family very much, and she has to go home despite back pain.

Yang Mi can't be allowed to resist too much.

Su Ming carried Yang Mi on his back.

Lying on Su Ming's back, Yang Mi's face suddenly became hot, ashamed and happy.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming is quite a warm man.

I also know that I carried her.

"Sister Mi, you have to think about losing weight recently, this physique is me, if you change to an ordinary person, it will be really unbearable!"

"Get out, Su Ming, you're going to be angry, right?"

"Hey, Sister Mi, don't get excited, I'll just tell the truth, don't get excited. "

"Stop, stop, you let me down! I'm going to come down!"

"Okay, you're down now, but you'd better go. "

"Su Ming, you big villain!

"Suddenly I don't want to carry it. "


I finally got in the car.

The two of them settled down.

And with the presence of the driver, Yang Mi has also converged a lot in many aspects.


The two first chatted about the company's problems, and then chatted about some arrangements for next week.

"What? You're going to go to the mountains with Teacher Han Hong next Friday to do public welfare, maybe for three or five days?"

When Yang Mi learned the news, she was undoubtedly a little surprised.

Public welfare is indeed a good thing.

However, most celebrities donate some money, just a name.

Rarely, there will be people who actually go to the front line to help the mountainous areas.

After all, the environment over there is really tough.

Su Ming is good, and he will follow directly.

"Ang, anyway, on the company's side, there won't be any problems for the time being, I'll go out for a walk and do public welfare. "

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.


Yang Mi wanted to say something, but she stopped talking.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what Su Ming said, now the company is indeed stable, and Su Ming is the same whether he is there or not.

It's just that I thought that I wouldn't be able to see Su Ming for three or five days.

It's a little bit of a loss.

"I, can I go with me?"

Yang Mi suddenly came to a mouth at this time.

Even she didn't know why she asked it, but she asked it anyway.

"Sister Mi, are you going too?"

"Hmm... It should be possible, I'll just ask Teacher Han Hong. "

Su Ming was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect Yang Mi to be quite caring.

And it didn't take long.

Han Hong's side is replying, you can go!

So, in a daze, Yang Mi also determined the itinerary.

Yang Mi leaned against the car window at this time, her mind was a mess.

How did you decide to go to the mountains?

But if you think about it, it seems like a good idea to go out into the mountains for a few days.

After all, the experience of going to the countryside last time was good.

And with Su Ming here this time, we can get along together for three or five days.

Overall, this wave of decision-making feels quite right.

And after chatting about going to the mountains to do public welfare.

Su Ming also inquired about Yang Mi's parents and the general situation of Yang Mi's family.

After a little understanding.

Yang Mi's parents are now retired early, and they are currently going to yo-yo corners, dancing square dances, and chatting with neighbors every day.

It sounds quite friendly.

Subsequently, Su Ming also inquired about the most critical point.

There is a river on Yang Mi's side, and Yang's father can also fish and have many fishing gear.

Isn't that a coincidence?!

He's going to fish today.

"Is your dad fishing fierce?"

As soon as Su Ming's words came out.

Yang Mi suddenly chuckled in her heart.

Why do you always feel an ominous premonition?


Let's talk about the other end of the spectrum.

Yang Mi's parents' house.

"Lao Yang, you go to the market to buy a few catties of beef and come back. "

"Today Mimi came home with a colleague. "

"What? Mimi, this little girl finally has time to accompany the two of us? Okay, okay, I'll go, and colleagues, male or female colleagues?"


I heard that it was a male colleague.

The smile on Dad Yang's face immediately froze.

"Go, go, what's your expression? Mimi is not young, it's time to get married,

I can hear it from Mimi's tone anyway, she is quite interesting to this male colleague, we have to check it for her later, you don't talk nonsense, buy it quickly. "

Mother Yang glared at Dad Yang, waved her hand and said.

Dad Yang's face at this time was really ugly.

However, he didn't dare to disobey Mama Yang's intentions, so he turned his head and went towards the door, and the background looked extremely lonely.

At the same time, Dad Yang still muttered: "My daughter doesn't kiss her father, this Xiaoni, don't tell me anything!"

"As for my male colleague, I will never agree to do it!".

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