Chapter 131: Are You Living Together?


The time came to ten o'clock at noon.

Su Ming and Yang Mi seemed to have arrived at the door of the community of Yang Mi's parents' house.

This is also a villa area, located on the edge of the magic capital.

Although it is a villa, the fireworks around it are quite sufficient.

When you look up, you can see many small shops, and there are many old men and women who are chatting and strolling around.

"Su Ming, you lighten up, my back hurts!"

"Sister Mi, I said I made you lose weight... Hey, don't bite!"

"Let me say it again!"

I was about to get off the bus.

It took a lot of effort to carry Yang Mi off the car.

Should I say it or not, it seems that Yang Mi's waist is not light.

This really made Su Ming not dare to mess around.

"Su Dong, Yang Dong, the company still needs to get off the car, I will come up at night to pick you up. "

"Uh-huh. "

Say goodbye to the driver.

Su Ming carried Yang Mi on his back and went in the direction of Yang Mi's house.

However, this has not yet entered the community, but it has attracted the attention of many old men and grandmothers.

"Hey, young couples are loving, and they are still carrying it. "

"Isn't it, it's so happy to look at, it's good to be young. "

"The boy is handsome, the girl is pretty, and the children born in the future are very cute!"

"That's, where the human base is. "


Hearing this, Yang Mi was really panicked, her face was very hot, and the whole person was lying on Su Ming's back, not daring to move.

Su Ming listened at this time, and his heart couldn't help but have a different taste.

If you really marry Yang Mi, you have to let Yang Mi be below.

The work of carrying people is soft, but it is not easier than carrying goods.

At this time, not far away, Dad Yang was carrying a large bag of meat and vegetables and walking slowly towards the community.

Seeing that there were so many people around the gate of the community, they immediately came over.

"Lao Wang, what are you looking at here?"

"What else can you see, look at the newlyweds, see how happy people are. "

When Dad Yang looked at this back, he couldn't help but nodded, he was indeed happy.

"Hey, Lao Yang, are you here to buy some dishes?"

"Harm, this girl is coming back to see me today, I can't make the food better. "

"Hey, the big star is coming back?"

"No, no, no, what a big star, just an ordinary person. "

"Modesty, and modesty!"


Bidding farewell to the crowd, the smile on Dad Yang's face was completely irrepressible.

Whenever he heard the neighbors praise his daughter, he couldn't help but be happy.

The thought of seeing my baby daughter later makes me feel even better.

The fly in the ointment is that there is also a male colleague of Dogecoin.

Harm, the woman is not staying.

It's only twenty-six or seventeen, and I'm thinking about falling in love.

Does a man have a good guy?

The more Dad Yang thought about it, the more angry he became, but in the end, he could only sigh, his daughter still had to get married.

In fact, he doesn't ask for anything, he just wants his son-in-law to be really good to his daughter.

For example, at least it can be the same as the newlyweds in front.

Dad Yang looked at the appearance of Su Ming carrying Yang Mi in front of him at this time, and the smile on his face gradually brightened.

For quite a few years, when he was young, he also carried Yang Mi and her mother like this.

Ay...... Wrong!

At this time, Dad Yang suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the back in front of him!

How is this still a bit like his precious daughter?

The more he looked, the more wrong it became, and his steps were getting faster and faster, wanting to see what was going on.

Tightening the old waist, he came to Su Ming's side with an arrow step, and there was a gap of three or four meters.

When he saw Yang Mi's red and shy face, with a smile on her face.

It was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Depend on!

What a daughter!


Yang Mi looked at the old man in front of her, her face stiffened, and her father immediately called out, and her face became even redder.

It's broken.

Her expression just now was seen by her father.

What a shame!

And now she is still lying on the man's back.

It's even more shameful!

But unfortunately, her back hurts so badly now that she doesn't dare to move at all.

And coincidentally, Su Ming thought that Yang Mi was joking with him at this time, so he immediately responded, "Hey~!"

This one is down.

Dad Yang's face is undoubtedly darker.

What do you mean?

Has her daughter developed to this extent with this man?

This said... Isn't it ashamed to let outsiders hear?

Seeing that Dad Yang's face was getting more and more wrong, Yang Mi quickly pinched Su Ming and gestured frantically.

"It hurts, it hurts, can you pinch it lightly?"

"Don't I take advantage of you, I can also call you mom. "

Su Ming was in pain, thinking that Yang Mi was taking advantage of him just now, so he should be a father.

Hearing this, Dad Yang's face was about to turn green.

Now this young man really, he really can't understand at all!


At this time, Dad Yang coughed loudly, trying to get the two of them to stop this kind of behavior that made him uncomfortable.

However, this ushered in a very cordial greeting from Su Ming.

Obviously, Su Ming regarded him as an ordinary resident here.

The only thing that is embarrassing is Yang Mi on her back.

Yang Mi really didn't know how to face her father for a while, and now she couldn't help but bury her head on Su Ming's back.

"Ahem, ahem!"

"Ahem, ahem!"

At this time, Dad Yang coughed frantically many times again, wanting to hint.

But Su Ming didn't understand, as if he had already suspected that there was something wrong with the old man's body.

"Uncle, your cough is not good, it is estimated that it is lung fever, I recommend you to buy it..."

Halfway through Su Ming's recommendation, Yang Mi finally couldn't stand it anymore, and raked to Su Ming's ear to tell the truth, "Don't say it, that's my dad!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, the whole person froze in place, and shouted in a ghostly voice.


"Hmm. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dad Yang finally felt that he had a picture at this time, but his face was also very ugly.

He replied to Su Ming, nodded his head, and then sped up his pace and walked towards home.

Leaving Su Ming and Yang Mi messy in the wind.

And Dad Yang on the other end was about to burst into tears.

I was still thinking of something to disagree with.

Unexpectedly, my daughter was already close to this male colleague to the point of calling it something.

In other aspects, he is even more afraid to think about it.


The cabbage at home was arched by the pig like this!

The only thing that is gratifying is the slightest bit of gratification.

It's this pig, who looks quite handsome, so as not to lower his old Yang family genes.

But all in all, today's meal is destined to be unfragrant.

Let's talk about Su Ming Yang Mi.

Hearing Dad Yang's voice just now, the faces of the two of them were undoubtedly embarrassed and red at this time.

Especially Su Ming.

If you switch to Dad Yang's perspective just now, your performance just now... Isn't it a little too brave?

"Sister Mi, there is a high probability that your father has misunderstood... Ahh

Su Ming hurriedly spoke, but as soon as he said that, there was a gnawing of Yang Mi's small mouth on his back.

"It's all your fault!"

"How did I know it was your dad?

"Who told you to answer my dad just now?"

"I... You...... That, forget it, I'll explain it later!"

Su Ming couldn't argue, he didn't know how to explain, so he could only hurriedly carry Yang Mi on his back and go in the direction of Yang's father.

The other end.

"Lao Yang, what's wrong with you?

Mama Yang saw that as soon as Dad Yang came back, he threw the meat and vegetables on the board, turned his head and left, as if he was angry, and couldn't help frowning.

"It's nothing bad, it's just that I am angry when I see your daughter and man in broad daylight, and I am angry!"

Dad Yang drank a cup of tea, exhaled a long breath, and his face was full of unhappiness0...

When Mother Yang heard this, she thought for a while, and her eyes lit up suddenly, "Have you seen that male colleague?"

"It's all screaming like that on the street, is it fake? Also, how can you laugh, your daughter is going to be abducted!"

Dad Yang looked at Mama Yang's smiling face, and he was really heartbroken.

However, Yang's mother didn't pay attention to Yang's father's emotions at all, and just talked to herself.

"I'll have to observe this prospective son-in-law later, it doesn't matter what he looks like, the main thing is that this character can't be bad. "

It's a coincidence.

At this time, Yang Mi's voice sounded outside the door.

"Mom, Dad!"

As he spoke, Su Ming walked into the hall with Yang Mi on his back.

Seeing this scene, Mother Yang was really full of aunt smiles and hurriedly greeted her.

Dad Yang filled another cup of tea and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

"Hello uncle and aunt, I am a friend of Sister Mi, my name is Su Ming. "

Su Ming immediately introduced himself to the two.

At the same time, Yang Mi was slowly put down.

And it was also because the strength was not smooth, Yang Mi's waist immediately hurt, and she couldn't help but let out a coquettish snort.

When Yang's father and Yang's mother saw this situation, their faces changed greatly, and they hurriedly came over to support Yang Mi.

"Mimi, what's the matter with your waist?"

"Mimi, are you alright?"

Seeing that the two of them were so worried, Su Ming hurriedly reassured, "Uncle and aunt, don't worry, Sister Mi, when she took a shower this morning, she accidentally flashed her waist, it's not a big deal, just apply some medicine." "

Hear this.

The second elder couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll go get some medicine... Hey, it's not!"

Mother Yang just wanted to get the medicine, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In the morning, take a bath.

How could Su Ming know so clearly?

Mother Yang's personality has always been straightforward, and looking at the two of them, she asked a question.

"You, you two, are living together?"

Dad Yang on the side, his face was undoubtedly extremely dark, damn, why didn't he realize this problem just now?

At this time, Su Ming and Yang Mi were really a little nervous, and hurriedly waved their hands, and the anxious emojis were about to come out.

"No, no, aunt, you think too much!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?!"

Seeing that two 2.8 people denied.

Father Yang and Mother Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If you live together, that's going on too fast!

And Yang Mi was ashamed to follow Yang's mother back to the room to take medicine.

In this living room, only Su Mingyang's father is left.


The atmosphere between the two was very awkward.

In the end, it was Su Ming who opened the conversation first.

"Uncle, just now, you may have misunderstood. "


Before Su Ming could finish speaking, he interrupted Dad Yang's words.

"Okay, don't repeat it, I don't really understand what you young people play, and I don't really want to understand it. "

"Since Mimi chose you, then you can treat her well, don't do some nonsense. "

Dad Yang sighed deeply and said earnestly.

The raw rice is already cooked, what else can he do.

Seeing that Dad Yang seemed to have a big misunderstanding, Su Ming hurriedly explained all the misunderstandings in one breath.

Wait for Dad Yang to listen.

Dad Yang was stunned on the spot, and at the same time, the smile returned to his face.

Towards Su Ming's attitude, it became even more enthusiastic.

"I see, that's really a big misunderstanding!"

"Young man, don't you drink, I have a bottle of good wine that has been treasured for thirty years, and I must treat you to drink some!"

"Uncle, how embarrassing this is, cherish it for thirty years, and have a few thirty years of life, so let's have some!"

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