Chapter 132 is all Su Ming's song? Dad Yang's mentality collapsed!

Let's talk about Yang Mi and Yang Ma in the room at this time.

Picking up Yang Mi's clothes, Mother Yang smeared a handful of potion on Yang Mi's snow-white willow waist.

That painful Yang Mi is uh-huh-ah.

It has to be my own mother!

And here to apply the medicine, Yang's mother also talked to Yang Mi on the side.

"Mimi, you are your colleague and a star? Looking at your appearance, it's quite good, and it matches you well. "

"Tell Mom, where are you two now?"

In response to the problem of Yang's mother.

Yang Mi was really ashamed and didn't know what to say, but she quickly explained.

"Mom! he's just my colleague, he's not what you think!"


After listening to the explanation.

Mother Yang couldn't help but sigh deeply, her face full of loss.

Co-author white happy.

Others praise her for how happy she is, and she has a capable daughter.

But who can understand the suffering of daughters who are twenty-six or seventeen, Mao thirty, and have not found a partner yet?

Is it really that hard to hold a grandchild?


"Okay, the medicine is ready, get up yourself, I'll go cook." "

Mama Yang snapped, and slapped it heavily on Yang Mi's fart valley, and then got up and went out of the house.

In vain, Yang Mi was left alone on the bed, humming and enduring the pain.

This is a real mother!

And wait for all misunderstandings to be solved.

All of this is a return to the normal mode of getting along.

As a guest, Su Yan received the best treatment.

Not only does Yang Ma Yang Mi bring tea and water, but also drink Yang Dad's wine that has been treasured for 30 years, which is really beautiful.

And not to mention, Mama Yang's medicine is really good.

In less than half an hour, Yang Mi was already moving freely, like a nobody.

Su Ming even felt that Yang Mi was pretending to be before.

"Young man, your amount of alcohol is not bad, but I think you shouldn't be able to drink it anymore, and you can't drink too much of this wine, I'll give you the wine first..."

"Uncle, what's the matter! You're looking down on me a little bit, where is this? I'm not drunk at all right now! Uncle, give me another full glass!"


I have to say that Su Ming's chat level is still okay.

It was quite good to talk to Dad Yang.


watched Su Ming drink his thirty-year-old wine cup by cup.

Dad Yang's heart and liver are almost gone.

What a damn one!

How could he have thought to take this wine out and drink it?!

This Yang Mi is even more uncomfortable for Su Ming!

And the question is.

Su Ming didn't need a single peanut to accompany him, so he really forced him to drink a small half bottle.

This seems to be just the starting point for Su Ming.

Dad Yang is almost big now, and from time to time he looks at the kitchen, hoping that the food will be served early, and he has an excuse to put away the wine.

And in the kitchen at this time.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma are very busy.

Yang Mi is also wearing a small apron now, but because her cooking skills are based on the defense, she can only cooperate with washing vegetables and doing something.

"Mimi, I watched what you said in the video before, you seem to have an idea about this Su Ming, right?"

Mother Yang still didn't give up, stared at Yang Mi's eyes, and asked softly.

Because she was her own mother, Yang Mi didn't hide it, and nodded at Yang's mother.

As soon as she saw this scene, Mama Yang's spirit immediately came up again.

"I'll just say, this guy looks pretty much up to your standards. "

"Well, is he interested in you?"

"Mom, be quiet!"

"I don't know if he's interested in me, anyway, don't talk about it later. "

"Don't worry, Mom knows!"



It was close to twelve o'clock.

The dishes are finally being served one after another.

Dad Yang's wine is finally ready to be collected.

Damn, I was half drunk by Su Ming!

His head was dizzy.

If he doesn't eat again, he will have to stop eating with heartache

Su Ming is not idle now, and is busy going to the kitchen to help serve food.

This can make Yang Ma happy in her heart, and the more she looks at Su Ming, the more pleasing it is to the eye.

No matter how you look at it, it's the material of a good son-in-law.

and so on.

The four of them sat down at the dinner table and began to eat.

"Auntie's craftsmanship is amazing!"

I don't know if it's because I'm too hungry or what, what Su Ming eats is called a fragrant, and he gives a straight thumbs up to Mother Yang.

"It's okay, if you like to eat the food I cook, you can come back more often in the future. "

"My honey, recently I also plan to teach her how to cook, and when I get married in the future, I can make it for you... Make it for her husband to eat. "

"This girl can't cook, that's not good, you say yes. "

"Auntie, you're right!"

Mother Yang was smiling, and the satisfaction in her eyes for Su Ming was about to overflow, and she almost said the wrong thing.

Not to mention, Su Ming's appearance and sweetness also happened to echo her son-in-law's standards.

"Mom, don't say a word, let's eat!"

Yang Mi listened to her mother's words, she was frightened, and her face was very hot.

It's all about to leak out.

I'm afraid that Su Ming doesn't know that she likes Su Ming, right?

However, Su Ming really didn't think too much about it, and he was very happy with a dazzling meal.

As an old fox, Dad Yang noticed that something was wrong with the two of them.

After a period of silent observation.

He chuckled even more.

His face turned black directly into an iron face, and he was selfless.

His baby daughter seems to be really interested in Su Ming!

Isn't this a loss for her daughter and a loss for wine?

"I'm full, I'm watching TV. "

Dad Yang had no intention of eating again, so he took a few bites of food at random, and then ran to sit on the sofa.

"Uncle, don't you want to eat some more? Auntie's craftsmanship is so good! You haven't moved your elbow yet!"

"If we don't eat enough, how can we have the strength to fish in the afternoon?"

"Okay, Su Ming, don't worry about him, this elbow is specially made for you, you just eat, he won't die of hunger." "

Su Ming saw that Dad Yang was losing his appetite, so he couldn't help but open his mouth to stay, but he was directly interrupted by Dad Yang.

Rather, he will eat the elbow alone.

And the other end.

Dad Yang had already turned on the TV and turned on the music channel at this time.

A song "Ordinary Road" sounded leisurely from the TV.

For a while, Dad Yang couldn't help but feel emotional, this is one of the few songs he likes recently.

As the prelude ended, he even sang softly.

"This song is so good, and it's so well written!"

"I don't know how this author wrote it, it's really awesome!"

Listening to the more harmonious conversation between Su Ming and Yang Mi and Yang Mi at the dinner table, Yang Dad couldn't help but praise loudly, wanting to interrupt the rhythm of the three of them.

However, Su Ming's words shocked him and stood up directly.

"Uncle, this song is really good, and it took me a lot of time to write it. "

"What? You wrote this song?"

Yang's father and Yang's mother are not very good at surfing the Internet, so the information can be said to be relatively closed.

Hearing that this song was written by Su Ming, Dad Yang could be said to be a shocked horse, full of doubts.

And after confirming with Yang Mi, he immediately cut the song.

It was actually written by Su Ming. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's unlucky!

And this next song is "Farewell".

This song can be said to be his favorite song, and every time he listens to it, he can't help but cry.

"Uncle, when I wrote this song, I wrote it faster, this song is easy to write. "

Dad Yang was stunned again.

This is also a song that Su Ming can write?

Just kidding!

But soon, he was verified by Yang Mi again.

Damn it.

Keep cutting!

Followed by.

"I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword~"


That's right, this time it's Su Ming's "Once You"

Dad Yang also likes this song very much.

But the more he listened, the more wrong it became.

Why do you suddenly feel that the voice of this singing person is a bit like Su Ming?

After getting an affirmative look from Yang Mi.

Dad Yang's face was already a little dazed.

Co-authored three of his favorite songs recently, all written by Su Ming?

If this is the case, it is no wonder that the baby daughter Yang Mi can be hooked up by Su Ming's little white face.

It's a bit of a talent in the body!

But now, he didn't want to listen to the song, so he got up and went back to his room to take a nap.

In this living room, he couldn't stay for a moment.

And when you finish eating, clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Su Ming and Yang Miniang just sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Mama Yang's questions are quite a lot.

"Su Ming, how many brothers and sisters do you have in your family?"

"How old are you this year, do you mind the love between sister and brother?"

"At what age do you plan to have children?"

"How many are you going to have?"


Balabala, hearing this, Su Ming's face was getting more and more wrong.

He even felt that Mama Yang's hidden profession might be a matchmaker, and the door was full of people waiting to go on a blind date with him!

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Yang Mi was relieved.

took Su Ming to go upstairs to rest.

"Sister Mi, does your mother have any friend's daughter who can't get married, I feel that her problem is a little wrong!"

When he came to the upstairs living room, Su Ming immediately told Yang Mi his questions.

Yang Mi's face was flushed at this time, and she was hesitant, so she could only follow Su Ming's words.

She can't say that her mother is worried that she won't be able to get married, right?

Her mother is really, why are you in such a hurry?

My daughter is not in a hurry!

I was almost exposed just now!

And then, the two of them played with their mobile phones on the sofa in the living room, and fell asleep while playing.

Wait to wake up again.

It's already time to fish.

Grab your gear.

The four of them went to the river.

"Lao Yang, do you think they are so compatible?"

Mother Yang looked at Su Ming Yang Mi, who was fighting 070 in front of her, and held Dad Yang's hand at the same time, and her aunt smiled all over her face.

Dad Yang didn't think so, and even turned pale.

In the past, he should have played with Yang Mi like this!

"Uncle, I heard that your fishing skills are good, why don't we have a game later?"

At this time, Su Ming suddenly turned his head and smiled at Dad Yang.

And this smile, falling in the eyes of Dad Yang, is tantamount to a provocation.


Than fishing?

Catch you!

Unconsciously, the smell of gunpowder belonging to Dad Yang alone was already slowly rising.


Come to the river.

Su Mingyang's father each chose a position that he thought was good.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma are purely people who come to accompany the stroll, and they start walking by the river not far away.

"Uncle, then our competition will begin, and when the fishing is over, let's go back and have another drink!"

Facing Su Ming's smile, Dad Yang really chuckled in his heart.

Damn, he still has the idea of drinking wine!

"Okay, let's start the game!"


Su Ming is just starting to show his professionalism.


Open the bait.


Bait and cast the rod!

After a while, a rough estimate of a seven or eight pound cocked mouth was hooked.

Su Ming takes the lead!

But maybe it's luck.

Su Ming put the bait, and there were fish on the bait.

In less than half an hour, there were more than a dozen fish.

A few anglers in the distance were shocked and praised again and again, giving a thumbs up!

On the other hand, Dad Yang's side didn't move for a long time.

This can make Dad Yang anxious.

"Wow, another one!"

Su Ming saw that the float was sinking, and immediately smiled and began to close the rod.

Such a scene seemed to make the nearby anglers cry.

Su Ming, this is too strong!


Just when Su Ming was excited.

A sound in the distance immediately caught his attention.

Not good!

"Help, help!"

Looking up, this shouting is none other than Mother Yang!

And this overboard is none other than anyone else.

It's Yang Mi!

Seeing this situation, Su Mingyang's father and the surrounding anglers couldn't care about the fishing rod anymore, so they got up and rushed over.

And Su Ming was at the forefront.

Seeing that Yang Mi was already struggling in the water, Su Ming jumped into the water without the slightest hesitation.

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