Chapter 133 Yang Ma's little trick to chase her husband, something is wrong!

"What's going on? How did this fall into the water?"

"Ouch, whose girl fell in?"

"A young man went to save it, I hope it will succeed!"

"Young man is so brave!

"Let's call an ambulance, it's deep!"


At this moment, the fishermen on the shore and many onlookers who came over to watch were all talking and frowning.

Watching Su Ming go to save people, all of them couldn't help but hang in their hearts.

Some of the old brothers who were afraid of accidents have now begun to take off their clothes one after another, preparing to go down to the river to rescue together.

Of course, there are also many people who have already called the emergency number.

At this time, Yang Dad and Yang Ma on the shore were undoubtedly the most anxious.

Yang's mother cried even more.

Although Dad Yang didn't cry, his face was also extremely worried, and he couldn't wait to go into the water himself.

It's a pity that he is a landlubber, he has been afraid of water since he was a child, let alone save people, I am afraid that he will have to cause trouble for others.

And fortunately.

Su Ming swam very fast, and after a while, he grabbed Yang Mi and began to swim towards the shore little by little.

Looking at this scene.

The surrounding onlookers couldn't help but applaud loudly, giving Su Ming a thumbs up for his righteousness and bravery.

Father Yang and Mother Yang's hanging heart is also a little calmer.

However, the two of them didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly went to the shore to pick up Su Ming Yang Mi.

Waited for the shore.

Yang Mi had already fainted.

I tried my snort, but it was gone.

"Mimi, don't scare me!"

"Mimi, wake up, ambulance!

Seeing this, Dad Yang and Mom Yang seemed to be in a hurry.

Even Su Ming was in a hurry.

Fortunately, Su Ming was not in a hurry to panic, and immediately thought of artificial respiration.

Supreme hour.

Su Ming naturally didn't care about anything else.

Artificial respiration was immediately used as a first aid measure.

At this moment, seeing Su Ming doing artificial respiration on Yang Mi, Yang's mother was already leaning on Yang's father and crying.

"It's all my fault, I don't hold Mimi!

"If Mimi has something three long and two short, how should I live?"

Mother Yang blamed herself very much.

Father Yang on the side is also anxious now, his eyes are red, and he is calling the emergency number to comfort Mother Yang.


I don't know how long it has been.

When Su Ming was about to perform the next artificial respiration, Yang Mi coughed, spit out a few mouthfuls of river water, and slowly opened her eyes.

And when I opened my eyes, I saw Su Mingqin... Artificial respiration came.


looked at Su Ming's worried and anxious appearance in front of him, and the cry of his parents in his ears.

Yang Mi's expression was a little dazed.

Are you dead?

"Wake up, wake up, little girl wake up!"


"It's still a clever young man, and he knows how to take first aid measures, otherwise something might really happen. "

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!"


Seeing Yang Mi wake up, the crowd of onlookers around couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and clapped their hands to praise Su Ming.

The heart hanging in the hearts of Yang's father and Yang's mother couldn't help but slowly let go.

It's good to wake up.

"Sister Mi, how are you feeling now?"

Su Ming hurriedly helped Yang Mi up and said worriedly.

Yang Mi was obviously a little weak, leaned on Su Ming's arms, and said in a mosquito-loud voice: "Cold"

As soon as these words came out, Su Ming hurriedly hugged Yang Mi tightly and rubbed Yang Mi's body, feeling very distressed.

It was the first time he had seen Yang Mi look so fragile.

But the two of them are wet after all, and no matter how much they cover it, it won't be hot.

Father Yang and Mother Yang hurriedly put the coat on Yang Mi.

But this is also a drop in the bucket, and it is not of much use.

Fortunately, the ambulance arrived quickly.

Su Ming picked up Yang Mi and hurriedly rushed into the ambulance.


It was four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

Under some care and examination at the hospital.

Yang Mi finally relented.

Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that I was frightened in the water, drank a lot of water, and struggled for a long time and was a little hypoxic.

"Su Ming, this is thanks to you, if it weren't for you, my honey might be... Alas, Mimi's life was given by you~!"

"We don't know how to thank you, so I'll give you the remaining half of the bottle in the evening!"

"Don't go back to you and Mimi tonight, stay with us for a few more days, and we'll entertain you well." "

"Uncle and aunt, you don't have to be like this, Sister Mi is my friend, it should be..."


Outside the ward.

Father and Mother Yang's mood has also eased, and they are expressing their gratitude to Su Ming at this moment, extremely enthusiastic.

Su Ming was really a little embarrassed at this time.

And quickly.

With the nurse in the ward came out.

The three of them rushed in.

Now Yang Mi is half-lying on the hospital bed, and her complexion has returned to almost as usual.

"Oh, Mimi, you were worried about us just now, it's all your fault, Mom, I shouldn't have taken you to the river. "

"It's right to blame me, you have to go fishing! But this time, you have to thank Su Ming, if it weren't for Su Ming, your life would have been gone!"

"That's right, the doctor said that if Su Ming rescued you and immediately did artificial respiration, the consequences would be a bit unimaginable. "


Father and Mother Yang cared about Yang Mi and began to blame themselves, and on the other hand, they also asked Yang Mi to thank Su Ming.

Yang Mi slowly leaned on Mama Yang's arms at this time, her face was slightly red, and she didn't dare to look at Su Ming.

She was naturally very grateful to Su Ming.

It's just that this time when she recalled Su Ming's situation of saving herself, she was really a little ashamed.

and pressed the murderous mouth cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and kissed the mouth Junko artificial respiration.

Although it was a normal first aid procedure, Su Ming was the person she liked, and the feeling suddenly became ambiguous.

"Sister Mi, I said it earlier, you have to lose weight, I went down to save you, and I almost put myself on it. "

"Thanks, just invite me to have a casual meal or something, I'm not picky, just eat it. "

However, Su Ming opened his mouth.

directly made Yang Mi almost break the defense, and the shyness on her face suddenly became shame and anger.

How can you say that people are fat at this time?

How touching is this juncture?

However, Su Ming didn't know what to say on purpose, but he didn't want to make the atmosphere too embarrassing, so he thanked him.

Yang Mi can be fine, he is happy in his heart.

And Yang Mi rested a little, her physical strength basically recovered, and after completing some small procedures, she was discharged from the hospital and went home.


The atmosphere can be said to be very harmonious. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, it didn't take long for it to develop into Su Ming Yang Mi's bickering.

This scene seems to have returned to its usual appearance.

And looking at this scene, Mother Yang is aunt couldn't stop laughing, and the more she looked at the two, the more they matched.

Even Dad Yang on the side couldn't help but smile now.

Thinking of the scenes of Su Ming's desperate entry into the water and anxious first aid, he unconsciously accepted Su Ming in his heart.

Entrusting Yang Mi to Su Ming does not seem to be a good choice.

And seeing the happiness of Yang Mi and Su Ming staying together, he was also sincerely happy for Yang Mi when he looked at it.

Isn't this finding a partner just looking for someone who can make you happy?

After returning home.

Dad Yang was also unambiguous, took out the thirty-year-old bottle of wine, and poured it for Su Ming.

The two men can be said to have a good conversation and laughter.

This wine doesn't hurt either... Damn, it's still a little distressing, Su Ming is too good to drink.

Thirty years!

How many thirty years are there in life?!

But fortunately, when I thought of Su Ming, he was his future son-in-law and his daughter's savior.

At this time, Dad Yang was relieved a lot.

If the wine is gone, you can buy it again.

There's only one daughter.

In the kitchen.

Yang Mi, Yang's mother and mother are also smiling now.

"Mimi, Su Ming is really good, you have to seize the opportunity, find a time to take it quickly, don't rely on yourself to be young and good-looking now, the entertainment industry is much better-looking, if Su Ming is hooked up with other little girls, you won't have time to regret it!"

"Also, when Su Ming rescued you in the afternoon, he specified that he liked you!

"I know Mom, but I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry, I... I'm not ready yet. "

"Hey, what do you want to prepare, you girl is thin-skinned, you find an opportunity, pull him by the hand, kiss him on the mouth, cook for others, let him get used to having you in his life, isn't it a matter of course to be together." "

"'I don't care anyway, in three years, I have to see my grandson!'"

"Mom, don't be so loud~"


After Su Ming's action in the afternoon.

Mama Yang's satisfaction with Su Ming seems to have risen exponentially.

Now he is instilling in Yang Mi the concept of taking down Su Ming quickly and all kinds of useful little knowledge.

Hearing this, Yang Mi's heart was pounding, and she was ashamed and a little happy.

This Su Ming, she will definitely take it!

However, I can't feel too anxious, I still have to test Su Ming's meaning.

And she is indeed thin-skinned.

If you really want to follow what Yang Ma said, then you can't be ashamed to die?

And quickly.

With the two of them busy here.

The dinner is already good.

At this meal, the four of them were very happy.

Especially Su Ming.

Mama Yang's craftsmanship is really good.

He even had the idea of coming back often.

It's a pity, this is Yang Mi's mother, not his mother, there is no legitimate reason to come.

Eat and drink to your heart's content.

It was still early, just over seven.

Su Ming was about to lie on the sofa to rest and take a break.

was invited by Yang's father and Yang's mother to go out for a walk and eat.

And, scattered and scattered, Yang's father and Yang's mother disappeared.

Su Ming and Yang Mi were left alone, walking side by side here.

That's right.

This is naturally the opportunity for Yang's father and Yang's mother to create a chance for the two to be alone.

"Sister Mi, what about your parents, did you accidentally leave them behind, do you want us to wait?"

Su Ming saw that the situation was not right, and couldn't help but look back.

How can these two living people disappear while walking?

Not quite right.

"It's okay, let's just disperse by ourselves. "

Yang Mi pursed her lips and said slightly (good) shyly.

She had obviously seen what her parents meant.

Hearing this, Su Ming didn't say anything more.

Also, Dad Yang and Mom Yang are very familiar here, and they can't be lost.

But the two of them walked on this side.

Watch the many couples coming and going.

The atmosphere between the two seems to have become a little wrong.


"You... Let's start with that. "

"Let's talk about it first. "


Both seemed to want to break the embarrassment, and spoke almost at the same time.

After some humility, in the end, the words still fell to Yang Mi's side.

"That's... Thank you for the afternoon. "

"As a thank you, I can grant you a request, anything. "

Yang Mi blushed, lowered her head, and her figure was somewhat twisted.

Su Ming is now her life-saving benefactor, although she has been bickering before, but she feels that she still needs to be seriously thankful for this thanks.

Hear this.

A slight smile appeared on Su Ming's face.

Thank you for seeing more.

And Yang Dad and Yang Mom have thanked them before.

However, since Yang Mi said so, Su Ming didn't mind teasing her, and said with an indecent smile.

"What about the requirements?"

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi lowered her head, her face suddenly turned red, and she didn't dare to look at Su Ming's eyes at all.

It's not the same as before.

Yang Mi didn't scold him this time, nor did she refuse, but just blushed silently.


Su Ming's heart chuckled.

There's something a little wrong with this script.。。

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