Chapter 134 Such a big beauty is not on the hot search!

All of a sudden.

It was Su Ming's turn to blush.

What's going on?

After saving Yang Mi's life, Yang Mi can even agree to this request?

"Why... What do you want?"

Seeing that Su Ming was silent, Yang Mi couldn't help but ask.

Of course she knew what that meant by that.

If Su Mingzhen said it, she would have gone with it.

Anyway, since she was saved by Su Ming today, her heart has completely belonged to Su Ming.

Willing to give anything!

"It's serving tea and pouring water, doing laundry and cooking, beating my legs, washing my feet, and so on. "

"Ahem, Sister Mi, you shouldn't want to be crooked, right?"

Su Ming's eyes were not red, his heart was not beating, and his face was full of seriousness.

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi was stunned, her face turned red, and the little milk voice suddenly broke out.

"Get out!"


She was mentally prepared.

Su Ming and her this?

And she also took a bite back, she wanted to be crooked!

Is this how a scumbag flirts with a little girl?

As he spoke, Yang Mi's little pink fist beckoned towards Su Ming.

Su Ming also hurriedly explained.

"Ahem, Sister Mi, I'm kidding. "

"Actually, I don't seem to have any requirements for the time being, you wait until I think about it. "

To be honest, he hadn't really figured out what he wanted to ask for.

In that regard, to be honest, the joke was a bit excessive.

He and Yang Mi are still just friends.

If it was really to save Yang Mi's kindness, he would exchange it for doing that aspect of things with Yang Mi.

How are you going to be friends after that?

After skipping this awkward part.

The two of them continued to disperse normally.

The content of the chat has gradually become normal again.


It was already past eight o'clock.

This step is over.

It's time to go home.

Leave the villa.

Dad Yang and Mother Yang sent Su Ming 630 and Yang Mi to the car all the way, so they were relieved.

"Su Ming, I will often come to my uncle's house to play in the future!"


"Mimi, I often take Su Ming home to play in the future. "

"Uh-huh. "

Watch the car drift away until you can't see it.

Father Yang and Mother Yang turned their heads and slowly walked towards the house.

"These two people are really a good match, Su Ming, this young man, the more I look at it, the more I like it, I don't know when they will be able to pierce that piece of paper. "

Mother Yang's face was full of joy, with great expectation in her eyes.

"Su Ming, this kid is good, it's right, this amount of wine is a little too good, this thirty-year-old wine, alas~"

Dad Yang shook his head with a smile, his face was mixed.

If this is the end, Su Ming is not his son-in-law.

He was so desperate that he burst into tears.

Thirty years!

How many 30 years are there in life?


The other end.

On the car at this time.

"Sister Mi, your parents have such good personalities. "

"Not really. "

"Especially your father, that thirty-year-old wine tastes really good!

"And your mother's craft, I didn't say it, you really have to learn. "


Following Yang Mi home, Su Ming was really happy, and he was sharing his thoughts with Yang Mi at the moment.

Next time, there will be a real chance.

He specified that he would have to do it again!

Su Ming said on the side, but Yang Mi on the side listened absent-mindedly, or his heart was not balanced.

How is this like Su Ming going home?

During the time she was at home today, except for the time when she fell into the water and was scooped up, she didn't seem to have any sense of existence.

Her parents paid attention to Su Ming the whole time.

Even when they said goodbye just now, the protagonist in their words became Su Ming.

Of course, the biggest question on her mind now is.

"Su Ming, do you like me or not!"

What a great opportunity to take a walk just now.

As a result, Su (agfb) made a clear sentence to spoil the atmosphere.

It's making her mind messy now.

Men's heart, this is too undersea needle!

But it's okay to think about it.

Anyway, we're going to go to the mountains together next week.

There are still three or five days to spend together.

When the time comes, I must find a chance to try this Su Ming!

Mom was right.

Girls have to be brave!

Happiness is earned by yourself!

Su Ming naturally couldn't figure out Yang Mi's current thoughts now, looking at Yang Mi's sad appearance, he thought he was thinking about the company's affairs.

After saying that, he didn't say anything more, and wanted Yang Mi to rest quietly for a while.

But as soon as he stopped talking, Yang Mi leaned on his shoulder.

"Sister Mi, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to rely on it!


looked at Yang Mi's stubborn and slightly angry face.

Su Ming was really a little confused.

Is this justified by people's shoulders?

However, thinking that Yang Mi's parents were very good to him today, he didn't use brute force and let Yang Mi rely on it.

Yang Mi, who won the victory, had a smile on her face.

Mom is right, this woman, when it should be hard, she has to be hard!

However, by this leaning, the person fell asleep like this.

Wait for her to wake up again.

The first thing I saw was Su Ming wiping her saliva with a tissue.


Yang Mi's face was flushed, and she sat upright by rubbing it.

What's the situation?

Drooling while sleeping?

Isn't that a disgrace to sleep?

"Sister Mi, we're here, but remember to make up more water when you get home, this is a little flowing..."

Su Ming smiled and spoke.

But before Su Ming finished speaking, Yang Mi blushed, got out of the car and slammed the door and fled.

"Shame on the dead, shame on the dead!"

"How can you fall asleep?!"

Yang Mi scolded herself while rushing home, she now felt that there were 10,000 ants crawling on her body.

How ugly did you sleep just now?

Harazi can flow so much!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And this was also seen by Su Ming!

And looking at Yang Mi's lovely appearance of leaving shyly, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Boss Yang is really getting more and more cute.

"Su Dong, Yang Dong, does she like you?"

"I think you two are a good match, why don't you try it together?"

At this time, the driver looked at the background of Yang Mi's departure and couldn't help but smile at Su Ming.

"Ahem. "

Facing the driver's words, Su Ming was stunned, and his voice became stumbling.

I haven't finished answering yet.

Su Ming's face was red, and he also abandoned the car and fled.

Let's be honest.

He actually thinks that Yang Mi likes him a little.

I just don't know, it's because I saved Yang Mi's life today, with a grateful liking.

It's still really from the bottom of my heart to covet his body and want to live with him.

If it's the latter, he could really consider trying it everywhere.

Anyway, let's not rush for the time being.

Look again.

Let's talk about Yang Mi at this time.

After returning home.

Yang Mi immediately called Reba next door.



"Su Mingxing!"


Yang Mi told Reba about today's events.

Reba listened to it with a lot of taste.

Especially when I heard that Su Mingfen saved Yang Mi regardless of his life, I felt like listening to the prince save the princess.

But when she heard Yang Mi complaining about Su Ming's way of teasing her, Reba became angry all of a sudden.

"Su Ming did it on purpose, right! You didn't refuse, doesn't he understand what you mean?"

"If I were Su Ming, Sister Mi, you would be pregnant with the baby now!"

"Not on such a big beauty?"

Reba was filled with righteous indignation, hugged Yang Mi in his arms, and pointed out the country.

Although Reba's words made Yang Mi a little red-faced.

But she also thinks it makes a lot of sense.

She acquiesced.

You can understand it if you're a man, right?

"Something is wrong, something is wrong, he can save you in such a hurry, he is so worried about you, he must like you. "

"Sister Mi, isn't the environment not quite right at the time, why don't you try again next time in a place where there are only the two of you?"

The clever Reba analyzed it for a while, as if he had discovered Huadian.

Yang Mi, who was already in love with a brain attack, was also stunned for a moment.

It seems that this is really possible!

Say that, hear that.

The second daughter couldn't stop talking at all.

How to confess after the plan, how to date.

It didn't take long for Reba to start talking about the progress of what to name Su Ming Yangmi's child.

And Yang Mi's IQ was pulled to the same level as Reba, and she didn't feel shy anymore, but began to think about it.

What should I choose a name?

Just when she racked her brains and didn't think of it, Su Ming called directly.

See this caller ID.

Reba's spirit was shocked, "Sister Mi, let's not think about it, let's let the child and his father think about it, it's too difficult to choose a name." "

Yang Mi also nodded, "Well, I'll ask." "

The phone is connected.

"Hey, Su Ming, what's the name of our two children... Phew, Su Ming, why are you calling?"

"Ah, that's the case, Mr. Han Hong wants you to send your identity information or something, we have to buy a ticket in advance now, and then we will go with the group together." "

"Wow, I know, I'll send it right away, there's nothing else. "

"Well, no. "

Hang up the phone.

Yang Mi was really scared, and took a deep breath.

It's too dangerous!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, her IQ was back online.

Otherwise, something big will happen!

At this time, Reba on the side was undoubtedly not a big deal to see the excitement, and the whole person was laughing back and forth.

"Still laughing! It's all your fault! I almost had an accident!"

"Sister Honey spares her life!"

Yang Mi grabbed Reba's itchy flesh.

The second daughter was fighting at this time.

Wait until you calm down.

The second daughter didn't continue to talk about Su Ming's affairs.

"Sister Mi, you really want to go to the mountains with Su Ming on Friday. "

"Otherwise, the tickets are all purchased. "

"It feels like a good opportunity to be in the mountains. "

"Besides, who knows. "

"Hehe, Sister Mi, I will recognize this time, remember to bring that. "

Reba seemed to think that this trip to the mountains would be a very rare opportunity, and immediately gave Yang Mi a bad smile, and at the same time drew a circle on Yang Mi's palm.

Yang Mi didn't react for the first time.

By the time she reacted, she was already red-faced.

"Reba, you bad embryo! you and Su Ming go and use this!"

"It's really fake, Sister Mi, I'm really with Su Ming, you shouldn't be jealous, right?"

"Get out!"


For a while, the second daughter started to fight again.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming had already finished taking a bath, opened the alliance, and entered the program of choosing heroes.

"Death is like the wind, always with me!"

Pick your heroes.

Su Ming not only recalled Yang Mi's phone call just now.

What child?

Did he hear it wrong, or did Yang Mi really say it.

After thinking about it, Su Ming slapped himself in the face.

Damn it.

I don't pay attention to the game!

It's really unproductive!

And at the same time.

What Su Ming and Yang Mi didn't know was that

Now the two of them seem to have been on the microwave hot search.

The initiator of this.

It's the Han Hong Foundation!

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