Chapter 135 Han Hong made a mistake and set off for the mountains

[Su Ming Yang Mi will go to the mountains this Friday to participate in public welfare]


This title appeared in the forefront of the hot search.

Click in.

This is exactly a microwave released by the Han Hong Foundation.

This microwave is written that next Friday, the members of the foundation will go to the mountains to do some public welfare trips.

In the list of members, the names of Su Ming and Yang Mi were written, and the two of them expressed their gratitude.

This time.

The comment area is really a ~ sensation.


"Su Ming and Da Mi Mi are going to follow Teacher Han Hong to the mountains to do public welfare-?"

"I'm dying, are they really going?"

"I remember that this should be the first time that a top star in the mountains is going to do public welfare in person, except for Teacher Han Hong, Teacher Gu and others, right?"

"If you don't understand, just ask, do Da Mimi and this Su Ming want to hype?"

"Poof! Hype a hammer! Do they still need hype?"

Although I am a pure passerby, not a fan of these two people, but when I saw that Mr. Han Hong's name was also on the list, I knew that it would be impossible to hype!"

"Isn't it, the last person who used public welfare as a hype has been scolded by Teacher Han Hong!"

"Obediently, Da Mi Mi doesn't seem to be able to endure hardships, I seriously suspect that Da Mi Mi was fooled by Su Ming!"

"Hahahaha! I'm still skeptical, can I be firm! I can see it, Su Ming is forced, if there is suffering, he will be called Da Mimi!"

"I'm laughing to death! When you say this, I think of the way Da Mimi was forced to carry the goods by Su Ming yesterday, who has an expression, send me a copy!"

"Then if Su Ming Da Mimi is going to the mountains to do public welfare, does it mean that there is no live broadcast on Saturday?"

"Damn! I can't watch it live if I don't have it! When the time comes, let Su Ming start a live broadcast in the mountains!"

"Yes, Su Ming must be allowed to start a live broadcast at that time!"

"If you start a live broadcast, I must watch it!"

"[Image] .jpg"

"Damn! Can you even send this kind of photo on the microwave?"

"Lose it! Microwave watching is just around the corner!"



The comment area was really surprised by Su Ming Yangmi's itinerary.

The top stars of the first line went to the mountains to do public welfare in person, and they also followed Han Hong's foundation, so this is really the first time!

And this at the same time.

The voices shouting for Su Ming to start the live broadcast at that time also began to increase.


has drawn fans in live broadcasts many times, and now Su Ming already has a large number of loyal live fans.

And it didn't take long for the keywords about [Su Ming Live] to slowly climb up the hot search.

Look at the emergence of these hot searches.

This has undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

For a time, there were people who praised and someone who slandered.

Anyway, it's hot, just rub it.

The other end.

The internal conference room of the Han Hong Foundation.

"Teacher Han Hong, these two people will go with us, won't they just go to have fun when the time comes?"

"Yes, it's a tough environment over there, and if they can't get used to it, we can't take care of them. "

"If they're trying to hype, then we're really going to be wronged. "


The members of the Foundation frowned and were worried.

"You don't have to worry about this, I can still guarantee the character of these two people, if something goes wrong at that time, I will bear the responsibility!"

Han Hong said seriously at this time, and his tone was quite strong.

Anyway, for Su Ming, she agrees with it in her heart.

Su Ming will definitely not go with the mentality of having fun!

Yang Mi looked a little delicate, but after she watched the video of Yang Mi cutting rice before and yesterday's various performances.

She thinks that Yang Mi will probably not have any big problems.

And with Han Hong's words.

The members of the Foundation didn't say anything more.

Han Hong thinks it's okay, how dare they still think there's a problem?

And then, Han Hong put forward an opinion again, which really caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"What? Let the two of them go live?"

"I don't agree! Isn't this just hype?"

"Using the poor experience of children and villagers as a hype for live broadcast content, I firmly disagree!"

"Me too! Our team is here to help the children and villagers, not to stir up the heat of these two stars!"

"Teacher Han Hong, if you plan to change the nature of our foundation, please make it clear, I will quit now!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to quit now!"


These foundation personnel are all people selected by Han Hong who are very honest and sincerely want to do public welfare.

Han Hong's statement made Su Ming and Yang Mi start the live broadcast, which immediately made everyone mistakenly think that Han Hong wanted to take the opportunity to let Su Ming and the others hype.

One by one, they all slapped the table and wanted to leave angrily.

They felt that they were a little tricked by Han Hong.

Seeing this situation, Han Hong's face couldn't help but be a little difficult.

The reaction was too great.

"Okay, listen to me, I know what the big guy thinks. "

"But my thoughts are not for hype, you may not know much about Su Ming, he is basically..."

"So what I mean is that I actually want to use Su Ming's current influence to let more people pay attention to these people in the mountainous areas and pay more attention to public welfare. "

"In the past, public welfare publicity was generally just a few slogans or a few videos, and the influence was very limited. "

"Now I want to try this new method of live broadcasting, can more people pay attention to public welfare. "

"As we all know, the public welfare industry is far from being completed by relying on the efforts of a small number of people. "


Han Hong explained.

First introduces Su Ming, and then introduces the main purpose.

It took a lot of effort to explain it to the big guy.

and listened to Han Hong's explanation.

The big guys naturally understood what Han Hong meant.

What Han Hong said also makes sense.

Relying on the ability of a small number of people, public welfare can never be completed.

And now, everyone is really unexpectedly curious about Su Ming. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially when Han Hong introduced Su Ming just now, when it came to the fact that Su Ming had gone to help fans cut rice, they were all a little unbelievable.

Now in this year, no, is it any year, there will be such a star?


Time flies.

It's Thursday.

Tomorrow is the time to go to the mountains to do public welfare.

Jiahang Entertainment.

"Sister Liu, you take the endorsement contract to the legal department to take a look. "

"Xiao Dan, can I accept the endorsement of Pu Su and Zhang Zheng?"

"Hey, Xiao Zhu, you let Xiao Ying come to my office. "


In Yang Mi's office.

Yang Mi is now like a cold strong woman again, and she is frantically dealing with the company's affairs.

Even Su Ming in the office next door was very busy.

This is about to leave, and some of their necessary signatures and contracts still have to be dealt with first.

I worked overtime until almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming and Yang Mi just left the door of the company.

"Sister Mi, public welfare funds, you should have already called over there, Teacher Han Hong and they have arranged to purchase the materials today. "

"Well, I did. "

"Then did you talk to Teacher Han Hong about the complete set of elementary school exercises I said?"

"Well, I said. "


In the car.

Make sure everything is taken care of.

Su Ming and Yang Mi leaned together with peace of mind.

It's too tiring to be a day.

And it's also because I'm too tired.

Neither of them spoke along the way.

Leaning on each other, both of them fell asleep

Wait to be woken up by the driver.

Both of them are about to flow to each other.

In a hurry, the two hurriedly ejected and got out of the car one after another and went home.


After taking a shower and exhaling deeply, Su Ming began to pack his luggage.

I'm going to the mountains tomorrow.

To be honest, he was still a little excited.

Although he had spent time in the countryside, he had never been to the remote and barren mountainous region.

His impressions of it were limited to a few videos.

I really don't know what kind of experience it will be like to get in touch with it this time.

Let's talk about live streaming.

To be honest, he didn't plan to broadcast live at first, after all, he didn't draw fans.

The live broadcast is mainly due to the fact that Han Hong strongly asked him to open it, so he planned to open it.

But thinking of Han Hong's purpose of asking him to start a live broadcast, he couldn't help but feel a little pressure in his heart.

You'll have to be very serious this time!

However, it was broadcast live in the mountains.

That's a bit of a hassle.

First, it is not easy to work in the live broadcast room.

Second, the signal in mountainous areas may not be too good.

Fortunately, in this live broadcast, it seems that there will be a special person to bring him the footage, and he does not need to come by himself.

There are also specialized personnel who carry several signal boosters.

Only then did I reluctantly plug these two problems.

And the other end.

Yang Mi is now also starting to pack up her things with the help of Reba.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the mountains with Su Ming tomorrow, I can't stop laughing, Sister Mi, you woman who forgets her friends!"

"Am I that person? I'm happy if I do public welfare. "

"Tut-tut, look at what you said, Sister Mi, do you believe it yourself?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, it's just that I forgot my friends, what's wrong? This time I went to the mountains, I have to try Su Ming, I don't believe it, you sister honey and I can't win a Su Ming with this charm!"

"Then Sister Mi, I'll give you a trick, when you arrive..."

"Huh, wouldn't that be too perverted? I don't want it!"

"Sister Mi, you can really try, I just learned from a drama yesterday. "

"Are you serious about it?"


The second daughter chatted very openly.

If Su Ming was here, he would definitely have to be red-faced to hear it.

Sure enough, women are dirtier than men!

And the other end.

A small village deep in the mountains.

The folks and children would never have thought of it.

Two stars who are completely different from their impressions are about to die!

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