Chapter 136 Arriving in the mountains, Yang Mi was nested by mistake!

In the blink of an eye, it was already the next day.

It was the day of departure from the mountains.

The weather is really good today.

Su Ming and Yang Mi got up early in the morning, and under the pick-up and drop-off of the driver, the two had arrived at the airport before nine o'clock.

Nowadays, there are quite a few people at the airport, all of them are big and small, and everyone has a bit of a rush on their faces.

After Su Ming took Yang Mi to check in the luggage, he met with Han Hong and the members of the foundation.

This time, the team is not small, with nearly 20 people.

After a short greeting, the two parties waited slowly in the departure hall.

"These two stars really don't seem to have much of a fight. "

"Well, especially the one named Su Ming, chatting very kindly, one sentence at a time, Teacher Han Hong really didn't deceive people. "

Indeed, Teacher Han Hong's vision can still be believed. "


At this time, the members of the foundation couldn't help but whisper, discussing the experience of talking with Su Ming Yang Mi just now.


The initial impression of the two members is still very good.

On the other end, Su Ming and Yang Mi were chatting with Teacher Han Hong.

Through the conversation with Teacher Han Hong, Su Ming also learned about the main itinerary of this trip.

This time, they are going to a poor mountainous area in Qinghai Province at an altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, to send some love materials to the local elderly and children.

At the same time, it is also to chat with the local elderly and children about the "857" day, understand some of their most real needs, so as to facilitate the improvement of the next public welfare plan.

Of course.

One of the most important parts is to go to the local Hope Primary School to send some learning materials and nutritional products to the students, and then go to class by the way.

It can be said that children's education is very important.

After all, the future of this mountainous area is not only limited to the help of public welfare, but also to let these children in the mountainous area grow up and benefit their hometown in the future.

This is the simple principle that it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

After listening to Teacher Han Hong's explanation, he finished these itineraries.

Su Ming and Yang Mi couldn't help but nod deeply.

This trip to the mountains is really meaningful!

And after talking about that.

Han Hong also began to chat with Su Ming about music.

When it comes to professionalism, Han Hong and Su Ming naturally get more and more excited.

Yang Mi on the side can only close the wheat directly.

However, Yang Mi didn't feel bored, but obediently leaned next to Su Ming and listened patiently.

looked at the old-timer teacher Han Hong in the industry to Su Ming with a look of admiration and admiration.

She couldn't help but feel a little happy in her heart.

There is a feeling of "look, my man is very good!".

And quickly.

After some waiting.

The group also got on the plane.

The plane was bumpy all the way, and Su Ming and Yang Mi, who originally wanted to have a good rest, really couldn't fall asleep.

Fortunately, this time is not long, more than two hours, and we have already arrived at the destination.

But arriving at the airport isn't the end.

Pick up and drop off by local Han Hong Foundation members.

The group changed cars, left the city all the way, and headed for the mountains.

The scenery outside the car window has also changed from high-rise buildings to alpine grasslands.

Even the air has become a lot fresher.

But the good times didn't last long.

With a gradual increase in altitude.

The group all had mild altitude sickness.

However, fortunately, the oxygen tank was sufficient, and some related drugs were prepared, which did not cause a delay in the trip.

"Sister Mi, you can lean on my shoulder. "

In the back of the car, Yang Mi was leaning against the window while inhaling oxygen, looking wilted and looking quite uncomfortable.

Su Ming hugged Yang Mi over, leaned on his shoulder, and gently soothed him.

Yang Mi's body bones are weaker than others, so this altitude sickness is also more difficult to carry.

Su Ming looked a little funny, but at the same time, he was still a little distressed.

You have to make a fuss, is it wilting?

The members of the Foundation didn't think much about this scene, in their opinion, it was just a normal care between friends.

After all, altitude sickness, this thing is really uncomfortable.

You'll have to wait for a little bit of getting used to it.

And snuggled in Su Ming's arms, Yang Mi was dizzy from altitude sickness at this time, but her heart was sweet.

Su Ming, this guy, is still very warm at the critical moment.

If you can keep leaning on Su Ming's arms like this, altitude sickness will be worth a little longer!

And it didn't take long.

The road under the convoy's feet was already a muddy mountain road.

Under this bump, it is undoubtedly more uncomfortable.

Yang Mi vomited several times,

Fortunately, with Su Ming's care, nothing major happened.

And at the same time.

The scenery outside the window of this car also becomes more relevant to nature.

Blue sky and white clouds, high mountains and snowfields, looking at the sky, from time to time you can still see eagles flying freely.

Of course, in addition to these beautiful places, there are also these barren mountains on both sides of the convoy.

If it weren't for the faint sight of a few power towers standing in the distance, it would be hard to imagine that there would be a modern civilization here.

Keep driving.

Until nightfall.

The group finally arrived at the location of the convoy, a small bungalow built by the Han Hong Foundation.

Why not a destination?

Because of the several villages to be visited, the car could not reach directly, and the road was too dangerous.

Fortunately, several nearby villages are not very far away, and it is almost half an hour's walk away.

After a short break.

The group packed their luggage and assigned their own rooms.

Su Ming and Yang Mi happened to live next door.

When you go out, you can turn your head and see your room.

"Sister Mi, are you sure you're okay, why don't I come by myself?"

"No, I'll just come, you just sit and rest, you took care of me along the way just now, I don't want to owe you a favor." "

Seeing Yang Mi making her bed, Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing.

Yang Mi hasn't fully adapted to altitude sickness, just like a little daughter-in-law, she made a bed for him, and said something that she didn't owe favors.

It really made him a little unsure of what to say.

And Yang Mi said that she didn't owe favors, and her heart was undoubtedly beautiful.

That's right, now she's carrying out her mother's plan to chase her husband!

Take care of Su Ming.

Then let Su Ming's life be inseparable from her!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Mi, the rice is ready, you come down and eat!"

"Okay Uncle Wang, we'll be right away, you eat first!"

At this moment, a big brother of the Foundation passed by the door, shouting at the two people in the room.

Su Ming smiled and responded, and then he couldn't care about Yang Mi's thoughts, so he stepped forward and made the bed with Yang Mi.

I have to say.

These members of the Foundation, that one person is really simple and kind.

Su Ming chatted with them, and he really felt extremely comfortable.

Dinner is simple.

It is two large pots of dishes made in the small canteen, and there is also a seaweed egg drop soup.

Although this dish is not rich, it is also meat and vegetarian, and the nutrition is balanced.

Su Ming Yang Mi is not as delicate as some people expected, such as disgusting vegetables and the like.

On the contrary, the two of them really ate a lot, and they didn't look unaccustomed to it at all.

Eat and drink to your heart's content.

Han Hong and the group leader began to officially allocate tomorrow's public welfare schedule.

It's darker than now, and it's a little unsafe to want to enter the village today.

And at this point in time, in fact, many villagers are already ready to sleep.

Tomorrow's schedule is simple.

It is mainly to distribute materials to nearby villagers, and chatting is the main thing0...

The day after tomorrow, I will leave for Hope Primary School.

The Foundation has already contacted the elementary school.

When the time comes, Su Ming, Yang Mi and some members of the foundation will give the students a few classes and so on.

And after assigning the task.

It's free time.

It's only seven o'clock now.

Due to the high altitude here, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the temperature is already relatively low on this night, and most people choose to go into the house to sleep.

However, Su Ming Yang Mi was the first time to come to the plateau, and he was also a senior night owl, so he couldn't help but come to the periphery of the camp and take a walk.

Look up at the sky.

The sky here is clear, and you can see the starry Milky Way.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the snow-capped mountains in the distance looked really strange, like a fairyland.

The scenery of nature, at this moment, is impressive.

"It's so beautiful!"

Yang Mi couldn't help but stretch out her arms to the sky and let out a sigh.

Now, she has completely adapted to the environment here and has become vibrant.

Su Ming, who was on the side, looked at this scenery, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This beauty can only be seen from above this plateau!

This trip to the mountains, just rushing to this beautiful second of scenery, is already worth it!

And just as the two of them were enjoying the view.

On the hillside in the distance, a faintly thin figure appeared in front of the two of them.

In the moonlight, the two of them could roughly see the outline of the figure.

It was a little girl, who looked to be in her early teens, and her clothes looked extremely shabby.

The girl was carrying firewood of some size to her body on her back, and walked slowly on the slightly steep mountain path, with difficult steps, but did not dare to pause.

Looking at this scene.

Su Ming Yang Mi, who was still feeling the beautiful scenery, was suddenly greatly shocked in her heart, and both fell into silence.

The two had seen similar scenes on video before.

But it's completely different from what I saw with my own eyes just now!

Looking up, there is a magnificent beauty of the Milky Way.

Looking down, it is the figure of young children struggling for life.

For a while, there was an inexplicable sense of unevenness.

Wait for the two of them to calm down a little.

The little girl was already gone.

And Su Ming and Yang Mi also had no intention of continuing to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and they all went to the house.

5.9 But it's not a coincidence.

As soon as the two arrived at the door of the room, the power went out.

"That's too much of a coincidence, isn't it?

"You still have power in your power bank, right?"

"Also, Sister Mi, do you want to use it?"


The two had long heard that there would be frequent power outages here.

I never thought that I would meet them on the first day.

Fortunately, the two of them don't need much electricity.

After a short period of tidying up.

The two of them also went to sleep.


And unconsciously.

It's the middle of the night.

"It's so cold!"

Yang Mi, who was woken up by night urine, walked out of the room with a blanket at this time, and walked towards the toilet at the top of the stairs, shivering with cold.

After settling it, Yang Mi hurriedly went to the house.

However, she slept a little dazed, and she was a little too cold to bear, so she accidentally rushed into Su Ming's house.

I didn't care too much.

Rubbing it was into Su Ming's quilt.

"Hey, why is this bed suddenly soft, and it's so warm?"

Yang Mi was confused, and couldn't help but have such an idea.

But this sleepiness really came up, she didn't think too much, and just fell asleep.

Let's talk about Su Ming

Su Ming also slept relatively deadly, and didn't care whether there was something extra in the bed.

I simply hugged it and continued to sleep.

Don't say it, the more you hug it, the warmer it gets!.

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