Chapter 137: We Didn't Do Anything Tonight, Did We?

It's a blink of an eye.

The sky was already cloudy.

Su Ming rubbed his eyes, stretched heavily, and yawned.

This night's sleep was really refreshing!

This place seems to be a little cold at the beginning of sleeping, but the more I sleep, the warmer it gets, so that now I don't want to get up when I huddle in the bed.

And just after he woke up and became conscious.

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong.

How do you feel like you have someone in your arms?

Your body is also restrained by a weight?

And it has a special fragrance.

This is...... Yang Mi's body fragrance!


A very terrifying conjecture popped into his head.

Wait for him to slowly open the quilt.

The conjecture has come true!


Yang Mi's whole body was almost nestled in his arms, and she slept extremely sweetly.

Not to mention, this Yang Mi is really a little one in front of his burly figure of more than one meter and eight, and the appearance of falling asleep is also quite cute, and the little face should be very soft when pinched... Is that the question on the table?

This moment.

Su Ming's brain seemed to have a brief blank.

After the blank space, there are countless question marks.

What's the situation?

I was sleepwalking in the middle of the night, and I accidentally ran into Yang Mi's bed?

No, this is his room!

Then how could this Yang Mi be in his bed?

Yang Mi made a mistake, or did she do it on purpose?


Su Ming's mind was really a mess.

"No, I have to get up first, or when she wakes up, the atmosphere will be even more embarrassing!"

Thinking of this, Su Ming hurriedly began to move Yang Mi's slender hand and the big white leg that was hanging on him little by little.

But when he just moved away.


Yang Mi's subconscious movements, which brought up again, all the efforts were wasted.

And it was also at this time that Yang Mi rubbed her eyes and woke up.

As soon as Yang Mi opened her eyes, she suddenly felt a heartbeat that did not belong to her.

When she slowly raised her head, she saw Su Ming's eyes.


The little milk voice broke out instantly!

But he only screamed for a moment, and Su Ming covered his mouth.

"Sister Mi, be quiet!"

Su Ming's brows furrowed, a little flustered.

There's someone else next door.

If they are seen, they are now in a bed.

Isn't that a big deal?

At this time, Yang Mi's little face was already red with shame, and some vague consciousness was completely awakened.

What's going on?

Why did you wake up and sleep in Su Ming's arms?

Quickly glanced at the bed.

I touched myself.

Fortunately, they were all worn.

Oh, no, it doesn't seem to be good!

The two of them, lonely men and widows, share a bed, saying that they didn't do anything, who believes this?

"Sister Mi, you promise me, don't call, I'll let you go, let's have a good chat. "

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi, and his face was also a little red.

Yang Mi hurriedly nodded.

And after Su Ming let go, Yang Mi immediately buried her entire body in the quilt, her face was hot, and she didn't dare to look at Su Ming at all.

She struggled to remember what had happened yesterday night.

After a few seconds, she suddenly remembered when she had been urinating at night.

Damn it!

It was definitely the wrong time!

At this moment, she was embarrassed to find a crack in the ground, get into it on the spot, and never come out again!

I was inexplicable, and I actually slept with Su Ming all night?

The main thing.

How would she explain it?

And seeing Yang Mi like this, Su Ming also had a big head.

"Sister Mi, why did you run to my house?"

"Are you really trying to uncover me?"

Su Ming spoke softly, but still asked the question that should be asked.

And in the next second.

The pain of Yang Mi's little hand pulling his flesh came from his thigh.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Sister Mi, let go, let go!"

Su Ming almost screamed out in a loud voice.

This woman is too heavy!

Wait for Yang Mi to let go of her hand.

Su Ming is also not used to it.

One was to drag Yang Mi out of the bed, and then pinched her little face with one hand and began to question again.

"Sister Mi, don't you explain this?"

At this time, Yang Mi's face was flushed, and her small mouth was pinched by Su Ming, like a child who had committed a crime.

"Su Ming, you... You let me go first!"

Yang Mi didn't dare to look directly at Su Ming, and with a small milk voice, she desperately squeezed out a sentence.

Now this posture, how can she explain it?

Su Ming also realized the problem, and felt that he had let go of Yang Mi again.

At this time, Yang Mi buried half of her head in the quilt, and hesitantly prepared to explain.

"Xiao Ming, it's time to get up, we'll leave after eating later. "

"Also, you remember to call Xiaomi next door. "

At the critical moment, Uncle Wang, who lived in the next room, suddenly knocked on the door and entered, smiling at Su Ming and speaking.

"Okay Uncle Wang, I'll get up right away!"

Su Ming hugged the quilt fiercely and responded with a smile.

"How did you sleep yesterday night, it shouldn't be cold, if it's cold, I'll add you another quilt tonight." "

"No need Uncle Wang, I slept very well yesterday night, and it wasn't cold at all!"

"Hey, that's fine, then I'll go down first, don't forget to wake up Xiaomi. "



Wait for Uncle Wang to leave.

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

It's dangerous!

It's almost exposed!

Still tell Yang Mi to get up?

Yang Mi is very sober now!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And waited for Su Ming to slowly open the quilt and slowly let go of Yang Mi in his arms.

Su Ming hurriedly urged Yang Mi to get up and asked her to go back to the room to change her clothes first.

I'll talk about that later.

You can't delay the trip of public welfare!

And heard Su Ming's instructions.

Yang Mi didn't dare to hesitate at all, blushing and running back to her next room with a blanket.

Wait for Yang Mi to return to her house.

Yang Mi covered her hot face and didn't come to her senses for a long time.

Mom, did you do the right thing?

In a daze, she seems to have done a big thing!

She slept all night under the man's bed.

She's out of breath!

For a while, her mood was extremely complicated.

Shy and embarrassed, but happy and excited at the same time.

Awkward is indeed embarrassing.

But it's also a real pleasure.

No wonder I slept so sweetly this night, sleeping in the arms of the person I liked.

If only I could sleep every day!


Yang Mi, can you be a little more reserved!

You're a girl!

"Sister Mi, that, I'll go down first, and I'll wait for you downstairs. "

"Hurry up, it looks like you're going to leave later. "

At this time, Su Ming's voice came from outside the door.

Hear this.

Yang Mi Xiaolu's heart immediately calmed down, and she hurriedly began to change her clothes and put on makeup.

About ten minutes later.

The two are reunited again.

At this moment, Han Hong and the big guys of the foundation were all eating breakfast in this small cafeteria.

While eating, we chatted about the condolence itinerary for a while.

Su Ming and Yang Mi leaned together to eat, and they both didn't dare to look each other's eyes.

In the end, it was Su Ming who opened the conversation first.

"Sister Mi, you went to the wrong room yesterday night, right?

Also, did you check, we didn't do anything yesterday night, right?"

Su Ming leaned into Yang Mi's ear, frowned and asked softly.

He thought about it carefully just now, and it was basically impossible for Yang Mi to take the initiative to come to his house for Yang Mi's performance just now.

There is a high probability that Yang Mi went to the wrong house.

Hearing Su Ming's words, Yang Mier's roots immediately turned red, and she replied stubbornly: "Yes... If you make a mistake, don't think about it!"

"We're on the night... Didn't do anything!"

After speaking.

Yang Mi just stuffed her head and ate breakfast.

What the hell?


How to check?

She didn't think anything was going on anyway!

After hearing the answer, Su Ming couldn't help but slowly breathe a sigh of relief.


It was indeed a mistake, and it didn't do anything.

"Sister Mi, don't make a mistake next time, I won't be able to do something next time. "

Without the psychological burden, Su Ming couldn't help but open his mouth to tease Yang Mi again.

And the results are remarkable.

As soon as Su Ming's words came out, Yang Mi's whole person was about to become a little celebrity.

Seeing Yang Mi's shy appearance, Su Ming immediately couldn't help laughing.

And Yang Mi, who reacted that she had been molested again, threw her chopsticks in the direction of Su Ming's waist.

Su Ming, who was in pain, shouted, and stood up with a rub.

"Xiao Ming, is this okay?"

"Xiao Ming, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just accidentally bit my tongue. "

When the members of the foundation saw Su Ming's appearance, their faces were immediately full of concern, and Su Ming hurriedly waved his hand to explain.

Seeing Su Ming's embarrassed appearance, Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

And this scene.

The whole process of 000 was under Han Hong's gaze.

She had already seen that something might be wrong with Su Ming and Yang Mi.

Looking at it now, there is a high probability that it is true!

However, she was not very interested in this kind of gossip, shook her head, smiled and began to eat.

And quickly.

This breakfast is over.

After Su Ming finished posting a microwave that started broadcasting.

The group carried large bags and small bags of supplies and went to the nearest village.

And while walking.

The master who was in charge of taking the live broadcast room also opened the live broadcast room.

And once the live broadcast room is opened.

Hundreds of thousands of people poured in almost instantly.

"First! First!"

"Fuck it!"

"Damn! I thought it would start yesterday, but I was stupid to wait yesterday. "

"Hey, with so many supplies, is this already about to start doing public welfare?"

"Where is this? This view looks really good!"

"I saw Su Ming, you see, he is the one who is carrying two black bags, and the one next to him is Da Mimi, how do you feel that she is carrying more than Su Ming?"

"Hahahaha! Da Mi Mi is a big injustice, it is estimated that Su Ming pressed this thing on her again, right?"

"I'm laughing to death! Da Mimi followed Su Ming to endure hardship, why bother?"

"Poof! It's embarrassing, the things on Su Ming's body are obviously heavier, okay, you can see the pace of the two of them. "

"The first time I saw the live broadcast of the public welfare in the mountainous areas, I don't know if this is the same as the situation in those videos. "

"It's the first time I've watched the live broadcast, but I don't think it should be as miserable as in the video. "

"I also think that it is, now that our conditions don't have to be in the last era for a long time, how can there be so many people who can't even afford to eat?"

"Why don't you eat minced meat, it feels like it's still possible, let's take a look first. "



The barrage seems to be boiling.

Su Ming: This is finally on the air.

Soon, the attention of the barrage was also attracted by the figures of Su Ming, Yang Mi and other public welfare teams.

This is the first time I watched a live broadcast about doing public welfare, and I was a little curious.

I don't know if it's the same as the mountainous area described in the video they usually brush.

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