Chapter 138 Yang Mi was wronged and decided to fund Xiaoling!

Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

Along the winding mountain road, a group of people carried things and ran to the village.

I have to say that the mountain road in this morning is really not easy to walk.

In the morning, it was wet with fog and water, and the ground was exceptionally slippery.

It's only been a few kilometers, and many people just skid a few times.

Among them, it is especially necessary to name Yang Mi.

What Yang Mi was carrying was relatively light bread.

But even if it is relatively light, Yang Mi's body bones are not very good, and she has fallen many times in succession.

Fortunately, with Su Ming's help and Yang Mi herself, she will not be hypocritical, which did not affect the progress.


No, when passing a small puddle, Yang Mi took too big a step and slipped again.

This time, Yang Mi seemed to be really a little nervous.

Carrying two large bags of bread, he sat on the ground, looking at Su Ming with watery eyes, his face full of grievances and helplessness.

At the same time, he also stretched out his hand to Su Ming, wanting Su Ming to pull him.

However, Su Ming himself is a little tired now.

"Sister Mi, stand up by yourself, come on, you can do it!"

Su Ming gasped, looked at Yang Mi with encouragement, and said seriously.

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi immediately tried it herself, but after struggling for a while, she still couldn't get up, and her little face was still full of helplessness.

"Sister Mi, believe in yourself, you have fallen so many times, you will definitely be able to sit up on your own this time!"

Su Ming continued to encourage a few times like coaxing a child, and Yang Mi struggled from the ground.

Such a scene.

It really amused Han Hong and the members of the foundation.

Should it be said or not.

Su Ming and Yang Mi really added a touch of fun to this slightly boring rush.

Watching Su Ming and Yang Mi's activities, it made them feel a lot younger.

And the barrage at this time, it seems to be already a laughing explosion.


"I'm laughing to death, Su Ming is coaxing a child, right?"

"The picture of Su Ming letting Da Mimi stand up reminds me of the cuteness of Sister Kurosawa Shirin, stand up, hahahaha!"

"Help! Da Mimi, this is too much like a big injustice, right?"

"I can't laugh anymore, Su Ming really played with Da Mimi as a toy, and he didn't hold it anymore, just teased!"

"But don't say it, Da Mi Mi is really not hypocritical at all, this has already thrown off many female stars!"

"Poof, speaking of not being hypocritical, I feel that this should also be trained by Su Ming, in front of Su Ming, she can't be hypocritical if she wants to. "

"Makes sense! Hahahaha!"

"It has to be Su Ming's live broadcast, this is really more interesting than a variety show. "



Yang Mi's unjust wrestling, coupled with Su Ming's tricks to coax children, suddenly made the barrage a little unbearable.

The comedic effect is literal!

"Why can't Su Ming's brain be enlightened, isn't this going to help Sister Mi?"

"But Sister Mi looks strange today, it seems that this is more and more like a girl, tsk, it seems that Sister Mi is already in a fighting state!"

"High-end hunters often appear as prey, and Sister Mi really listened to me!"

On the other end, Reba was watching the live broadcast at this time, and his face was more anxious than Yang Mi.

However, under her observation, she noticed the changes in Yang Mi.

Yang Mi is now actually taking the initiative to show weakness to Su Ming!

This is undoubtedly a great step forward!

She had warned Yang Mi before she set off that in front of Su Ming, she must behave like a girl, like a girl in need of help!

And now it's done.

Reba felt like she was participating!

What she wouldn't have thought of was that, though.

Yang Mi had long forgotten all her stupid tricks.

The so-called show of weakness just now was completely Yang Mi's involuntary performance after seeing Su Ming.

Girls, in front of the people they like, they don't need to be taught at all, and their instincts will show weakness, which is something engraved in the genes.

Back to the live stream.

With some hiccups in the past.

The group seemed to be approaching the village.

From a distance, you can already see the buildings sitting in front of you.

It was all old houses, some made of mud bricks, some of them made of sand and mud bricks, and a few very dilapidated houses, made of wood.

Overall, it can be said that it is very depressed.

It feels like you're back in the last century, the fifties and sixties.

If it weren't for the fact that you could see modern objects such as telephone poles and satellite pots at the entrance of the village, it is estimated that it would be impossible to tell whether it was the 21st century or not.

And looking at this scene.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the others seemed to have no intention of making trouble, and their mood really became a little solemn.

Wait until you come to the entrance of the village.

The village chief and many of the villagers also came to greet them.

Same as the environment here.

Whether it is the village chief or the villagers, their bodies tend to be thin, their clothes are very shabby and thin, and their faces are full of traces of time and frost.

At a glance, it can be seen that it is a working public, and they usually work hard, and their families are not very wealthy.

Many of the older villagers do not speak Mandarin and speak the local dialect.

Only the village chief and a few slightly younger middle-aged people will speak a few words of non-standard Mandarin.

Therefore, this communication can only be communicated through the translation of the village chief and these middle-aged people.

In fact, there are some words that Su Ming can understand without translation.

That's thank you.

Perhaps because the members of the Han Hong Foundation had helped them before, the villagers were all very enthusiastic.


Under the organization of the village chief.

The group began to go to every house, began to distribute supplies, and learned about the situation.

And when I got to the villagers' houses.

That scene was really shocking.

Most of the villagers' homes look a little dirty and shabby, and the food is very coarse rice and potatoes.

As for electrical appliances, there are almost no electric lights and some plug-in boards that can be seen sporadically.

Later, I learned that there was also such an object as a television in the village.

However, there is only one in the whole village, and it is at the village chief's house.

It was sent by the Han Hong Foundation when it was last time it helped. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And except that the material conditions are not good.

Many of the elderly in the village are also in poor health, and many of them are due to hard work, or because they have no money for treatment, and finally end up with inconvenient legs and feet.

All in all, the words poverty and hardship seem to be vividly expressed here.

And although the villagers' homes may be relatively simple and dilapidated, the simplicity of the villagers can't help but be moving.

This is the end of the supplies.

Many villagers thanked them one after another, and wanted to bring out some of their own rare food specialties for a long time to entertain.

Some of them were too excited and couldn't offer anything to entertain, and even wanted to kneel down and thank them.

This can make the nose of the group sour.

Especially Su Ming and Yang Mi, who saw this meeting for the first time.

Seeing that the two of them were red, their eyes were red, and their mood was very low.

However, when the two saw the grateful look on their faces when the villagers received the supplies, they really felt the significance of doing public welfare.

And the barrage at this time.

That's even more impressive.

"Damn, who said that our country can't be so poor now?"

"Alas, it's too hard, it seems that those videos are really not exaggerated, and there is really something that can't afford to eat. "

"I looked at the egg buns that I hadn't eaten in the morning and fell silent, damn it, I really damn it!"

"There is no laughter in this live broadcast, Quante is a tear, the old woman was about to kneel just now, I really showed me that the defense was broken!"

"Yes, I also saw that I broke the defense, but Su Ming was also a little moved when I saw it, the old grandmother knelt down, and Su Ming knelt back directly. "

"Su Mingming, this kneeling back also moved me, how can there be elders who kneel for the younger generations?"

"Not only Su Ming, Da Mimi, Teacher Han Hong and the big guys of the foundation are very good, they are all very patient, this live broadcast is really worth watching!"

"Is this what public welfare means?

"Is the donation channel still there? I want to donate!"

"I'm going to donate too!"


Now, this barrage has been somewhat broken by the poor living environment of the villagers.

Obviously, the hardships here were somewhat unexpected to them.

What they can easily possess in ordinary times, but for the people here, it is out of reach.

But it's also because the situation here is too poignant.

Therefore, the atmosphere of this live broadcast is also without the joy of Su Ming's past.

Not to mention the joy of the live broadcast, Su Ming himself couldn't be happy.

And this situation is not suitable for joy.

"'Let's go, Xiao Ming, Xiao Mi, let's go to the next household first. "

"Uh-huh. "

After distributing the supplies to this household.

Su Ming Yang Mi followed an old brother to the next room.

This one is equally dilapidated.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a lame old woman with a cane, and next to a little girl who was boiling water and had traces of fire on her face.

The girl's clothes are also shabby and thin, her face is full of plateau red, and the whole person is a little shivering from the cold.

And it seems that he is still afraid of life.

Seeing Su Ming and the others coming, he hurriedly hid behind the old grandmother.

It is not difficult to see that the old grandmother is the girl's grandmother

And this little girl, Su Ming and Yang Mi are a little familiar.

Isn't this the hard little girl they saw yesterday night?

But don't all children of her age in the village go to school?

Why is she still there?

And after a little understanding.

For this family, as well as the little girl, Su Ming and the others have an understanding.

This girl's name is Xiaoling, she is ten years old this year, her father died a few years ago, and her mother also ran away, and now she and her grandmother are left alone.

Originally, the little girl was also reading before.

However, the family couldn't make up much tuition, and grandma's ideology didn't think it was useful for girls to read too many books, so they were forced to drop out of school.

The little girl's experience made Su Ming very uncomfortable in his heart.

Thinking of the difficult voice of the little girl (Wang Hao) in the moonlight yesterday night, he was even more uncomfortable.


Su Ming deliberately pulled the little girl to him.

"Xiaoling, do you want to continue studying?"

Su Ming looked at Xiao Ling sincerely.

And Xiao Ling twisted slightly, stopped talking, looked at Su Ming, and then looked at the grandmother behind her, and then not long after, tears were already flowing out.

Seeing this, Su Ming immediately took Xiaoling into his arms and gently comforted her.

For Xiaoling's answer, of course, she has already gotten it.

How could you not want to?

But how can the situation at home allow her to go to school?

Su Ming looked at the grandmother on the side at this time, and asked the person on the side to translate, "Grandma, I will pay for Xiaoling's tuition later, and you will let her go to school in the future." "

After speaking, Su Ming looked at Xiao Ling and said with a slight smile, "Today, my uncle promised you, if you study until junior high school, I will provide you to study until junior high school, and I will provide you to study until high school, and if you can be admitted to university, my uncle will provide you with college." "

"Do you have the confidence to go to college?"

Facing Su Ming's words.

Xiao Ling, who has a precocious personality, immediately opened her mouth with tears in her eyes, "I have confidence!"

Thank you, uncle, I will repay you later. "

As soon as this was said.

Su Ming's smile was a little stagnant, his nose was a little sour, and then he spoke gently, "Uncle doesn't need you to repay me, you just need to study hard and take good care of your grandmother." "

A ten-year-old child actually said the word "repayment" to him, which really made him have mixed feelings in his heart.

And this scene,That seems to make the barrage break the defense again.。。

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