Chapter 139: Establish a Foundation!

"Damn! Tempered glass in my eyes!"

"Xiaoling is too sensible, alas, I didn't hold back this sentence in return. "

"I didn't hold it back!"

"Su Ming's decision will really change Xiaoling's life!"

"Yes, if you don't study, Xiaoling's fate feels like it's going to rot in this mountain. "

"Chong Su Ming's wave of funding, I want to fan him for the rest of my life!"

"Me too! Su Ming is worth my fans!"

"Harm, it's hard to imagine, there is still such a difficult place now, seeing Xiaoling's experience, I am really ashamed of some of what I did before. "

"I'm also ashamed, Xiaoling is only ten years old, and I already know the word repayment, I am still playing with urine and mud at the age of ten, and I really don't feel good for a while. "

"Compared to Xiaoling, many children on our side are simply not too happy. "

"I looked at the ten-star king next to me, hehe, the silly brother, I slapped him and beat him to tears!

"That's right!"

"Damn, I'm going to beat my brother too!"

"Harm, obviously I'm not doing well myself, but I really can't see others having a hard time, where is there a donation channel, I want to do my best!"


At this time.

Xiaoling's reciprocation undoubtedly broke the barrage.

As for Yang Mi and the old brother of the foundation, who were present, they couldn't help but burst into tears.

Of course, even more tearful is Xiaoling's grandmother.

When she heard that Su Ming was going to sponsor Xiaoling to go to school, her grandmother's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Even if it was inconvenient for his legs and feet, he wanted to kneel down at Su Ming.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming hurriedly hugged his grandmother, "Grandma, don't do this." "

"I'm just doing what I can. "

417 Su Ming's eyes were a little moist, and his face was extremely complicated.

I don't know if the old grandmother understood Su Ming's words, after being helped up, her hand pointed to the wall on the side, and she said something in her mouth, and wiped some dust, and you can see that there are several old "Three Good Student Certificates" from Xiaoling on it.

Su Ming couldn't understand the old grandmother's dialect at first, but he could also understand what the old woman meant.

The old grandmother just wanted to tell Su Ming that Xiaoling could read.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that although some of the grandmother's thoughts are old, she still hopes that Xiaoling can go to school, after all, Xiaoling is still too young now.

"Come on, Xiaoling, this is some food and clothing that we sent to your family. "

"Tomorrow you follow your uncle, and I'll go to school with you, okay?"

After appeasing the grandmother and Xiaoling, Su Ming began to distribute the supplies, and at the same time gently pinched Xiaoling's frozen red face, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Xiao Ling nodded heavily, and after thanking Su Ming and the others again, she began to help her grandmother collect the materials little by little.


With the help of Su Ming and Yang Mi, Xiao Ling had already put on new clothes, and her shivering body had calmed down.

Xiao Ling's face showed a smile for the first time in a long time.

This new dress is probably the warmest and cleanest dress she has ever worn in her life.

Looking at the innocent and satisfied smile on Xiaoling's face, the sensual Yang Mi couldn't help crying again, leaning on Su Ming's shoulder, and didn't let go for a long time.

And such a scene.

The members of the Foundation couldn't help but sigh one by one.

Families like Xiaoling, they have been doing public welfare for so many years, and they have really seen a lot.

There is only a very limited amount of assistance that may be helped.

However, there is one thing to say, the performance of Su Ming and Yang Mi seems to have been recognized by the members.

Especially Su Ming.

Whether Su Ming treats the elderly or children, he is unusually gentle and patient, and it can be seen that Su Ming really wants to help them.

There is no such thing as hype for oneself.

If he really wanted to hype, Su Ming should be able to show his generosity, and emphasize how hard these villagers are, what great good deeds they want to do, and highlight how high his character is.

But Su Ming didn't, from beginning to end, Su Ming was very quiet, helping the villagers in a down-to-earth manner, and doing what he could seriously.

Even if it was to fund Xiaoling, Su Ming did not emphasize how great he was, but kept telling Xiaoling to study hard, take care of her grandmother, and walk out of this mountain in the future.

With such a performance, it is really difficult for the members to find any fault with Su Ming.

Because Su Ming is really doing public welfare seriously.

And after distributing Xiaoling's house.

It's the next one's turn.


It was close to noon that the group finished sending out the supplies for the village first.

Before leaving, Xiao Ling came to the village to bid farewell to Su Ming and the others.

Of course, we can meet again tomorrow.

Because it's already been agreed.

Tomorrow Xiaoling will follow them back to school.

After leaving the village, the group headed towards the garrison and began to get supplies for the next village.


The big guys talk relatively little, and their moods are a little heavy.

During this period, Teacher Han Hong asked Su Ming and Yang Mi about how they felt after coming to the mountain for the first time and seeing these villagers in need.

The answers of both were very sincere and simple, heavy and uncomfortable.

And this is undoubtedly the feeling of the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Didn't personally go to the mountains.

It's really hard to imagine that in this day and age, there are still people struggling desperately for a full bite of food.

And quickly.

Led by members of the Foundation.

Su Ming and the others went to the surrounding four or five small villages.

Like Xiaoling's village, the situation in these villages is also very unoptimistic. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the case of some families, it is even more so that the live broadcast room is emo.

As for Su Ming, Yang Mi and the others at the scene, it is needless to say that their eyes have been red for a day.

and so on to complete today's allocation.

It was almost six o'clock in the evening.

The stars and the moon are already faintly appearing in the sky.

Just as he was about to return to the station.

The group seemed to have encountered a problem.

That's (agcg) is the flashlight brought by the group because of the power outage yesterday night, it was not charged, and the mobile phones did not have much power.

Without the illumination of the lights, it is really dangerous to walk on this slippery mountain road.

"It seems that I can only take into account that the villagers will charge the battery here, and I will go back later. "

After some discussion, Han Hong couldn't help but shake his head and said his final plan.

And just after the group communicated with the village chief.

I don't know what dialect the village chief spoke to the villagers.

It didn't take long for every family to come out with their own simple flashlights and gather around Su Ming and the others, extremely enthusiastic.

After a while, it was learned that the villagers wanted to send them back to the station in person.

Such a scene really moved Su Ming and the others and the barrage.

The villagers obviously know how to be grateful.

However, considering that many of the villagers were not young and their legs were not very convenient, Su Ming and the others naturally chose to refuse the help of the villagers to see them off.

But this flashlight was borrowed from the villagers, and when it is used up, someone can be sent back tomorrow.

And on the way home.

Su Ming suddenly made a decision.

He also wants to set up a public welfare foundation like the Han Hong Foundation!

The purpose is to help those in need, just like Han Hong.

This decision was not Su Ming's impulse.

It was a decision he made after thinking about it for a long time today.

Now the situation of Jiahang is thriving, and in the future, with the rise of various movies, all kinds of songs and a lot of ace artists.

Su Ming didn't have the slightest worry about money.

And he has never been a person who likes to get drunk on money.

You can use some of the money to do something meaningful.

Or if it is utilitarian, the money he uses for public welfare can be regarded as an investment, an investment in word of mouth.

As long as the foundation is really serious about public welfare, and the reputation is really good, any opportunity in the future can reap several times the return.

Of course, this is naturally not Su Ming's starting point.

"Su Ming, are you serious? Do you really want to set up a public welfare foundation?"

"You have to think clearly, there is nothing to be paid for public welfare. "

Teacher Han Hong and the members of the foundation were undoubtedly a little surprised after hearing Su Ming's decision.

"I've thought it through, and when I go back to the magic capital, I'll apply. "

"I don't need to reciprocate, I just want to help these people in need like Teacher Han Hong!"

Su Ming said with a smile, with a hint of firmness in his eyes.

And to hear Su Ming's extremely sincere words.

Han Hong couldn't help but have red eyes, and couldn't help wiping her tears.

She has been doing public welfare for many years, and she has also tried to bring some celebrities in the circle to do public welfare together, but there are not many basic successes, most of the celebrities do public welfare, all of them are phased, and they don't do it after doing it for a while, because doing this is really not rewarding, and sometimes it will be questioned by many people.

And Su Ming.

It was the first star she saw who said that she wanted to set up a public welfare foundation.

The establishment of a public welfare foundation means that Su Ming is extremely determined.

And at this time, the barrage seems to be boiling.

"Damn! Su Ming is really here, and he actually wants to set up a public welfare foundation!"

"It's a thankless task to build a public welfare foundation, it's not enough to have money, you have to spend time to recruit a good enough team to implement it, I have to say, Su Ming's wave is really bold and admirable!

"Damn! I know Su Ming, I'm not wrong! He's really, I'm crying to death!"

"To be honest, when I heard Su Ming say so sincerely about the establishment of the foundation just now, I almost burst into tears!"

"I'm already in tears, okay?!"

"Su Ming is really, I will also fan him in my next life!"

"Ever since he sang "Farewell" to Teacher Li and "Prose Poems Written by Father" to Ying's father, I knew that Su Ming, the idol, was really not wrong!"

"So, can donations be donated to Su Ming in the future?"



The barrage was obviously shocked by Su Ming's move.

For a while, the call for Su Ming was really extremely high.

However, this barrage has not been brushed for too long.

Because as soon as Su Ming finished talking about the Foundation, the live broadcast room went directly black.

That's right, the live broadcast phone is already out of battery.

And the massive audience in this live broadcast room seems to be heading towards the major news software.

It didn't take a while.

Regarding what happened in today's live broadcast room, it quickly appeared on the hot search.

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