Chapter 140 "There Are So Many People in This World", Yang Mi is afraid of the dark?

【The Real Situation in the Mountains】

[Su Ming Yang Mi enters the mountainous area to do public welfare]

【Su Ming is about to set up a foundation】


At this time.

At the forefront of the microwave hot search, it is Chen ~ who lists these entries.

And the comments at the bottom - seem to be unusually numerous.

"I'm going! What's the situation? Su Ming didn't smoke fans today, so he went to the mountains?"

"It's been a long time since I've surfed the Internet, Su Ming followed Teacher Han Hong to do public welfare this week!"

"Hey! Su Ming is really here, he really went to the mountains!"

"Damn! Da Mimi actually went too!"


"It's... Is this really the real situation in the mountainous areas of our country? This is also difficult!"

"I always thought that those videos of poverty in the mountains could be so miserable... Damn, how could I think that? I'm damn it!"

"Damn! It seems that we have really been brainwashed by some teasing videos, 108,000 yuan is not money, and there are so many villagers who can't even eat enough!"

"This live broadcast is too real, much more real than those movies that make the lives of the poor, after watching it, I can only say that it is shocking!"

"Su Ming is so good that he actually offered to sponsor Xiaoling to go to school!"

"Seeing Grandma Xiaoling kneeling, I really burst into tears!"

Looking at the smile on Xiaoling's face, this may be the meaning of public welfare. "

"Teacher Han Hong and her foundation have really done too many public welfare things over the years, and I sincerely salute Teacher Han Hong and them!"

"I just want to say to those women who fight every day that if they have time to seek benefits in that unscrupulous society, it is better to join forces to help women like Xiaoling who really need help. "

"Poof! little fairies don't care about this, only when they spray people on the Internet, they will help girls"


"Damn, Su Ming wants to set up a foundation?"

"Su Ming, really, I'm crying to death!"

"Not only can you believe in Su Ming's talent, but Su Ming's character is also worth believing!"

"How many years have passed, and there is another star in the entertainment industry who wants to do public welfare!"

"Who is Su Ming? For him to do public welfare, I must give him a wave of attention!"



Netizens were obviously deeply shocked by the real situation of the villagers in the mountains.

Before watching Su Ming's live broadcast, many people thought that there were a lot of fake elements in the videos in those poor mountainous areas.

But after reading it, I really couldn't hold back.

Because the real situation in the live broadcast is even more outrageous than in the video.

And at the same time.

For the actions of Su Ming and the Han Hong Foundation, it has attracted the praise of countless netizens.

Especially when he learned that Su Ming was also going to set up a public welfare foundation, it attracted many people to praise Su Ming's microwave.

And it was not long after these hot searches fermented.

A large number of people in the circle, led by Lao Xue Ziqi, Wang Quan, and Li Jian, all of them sent microwaves, saying that they would prepare to donate to Su Ming's future foundation for public welfare in the future.

Perhaps some of them have a hype element and offer to donate.

But it has to be said.

This time, the people in the circle collectively issued a document to donate, which really made many people's eyes focus on poor mountainous areas and public welfare undertakings.

All in all, the impact is very positive.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming and the others on the other end now returned to the station with difficulty as if they were following the night road.

And along the way, Su Ming and Yang Mi also chatted a lot with Teacher Han Hong and the members of the foundation.

Most of them, of course, are about public welfare foundations.

According to Su Ming's plan.

For the time being, I will invest a sum of money first, and then ask Mr. Han Hong to help recruit some members who really love public welfare to help operate, and form the team first.

For many other things, Han Hong also offered to help.

Anyway, in the early and medium term, Han Hong will do his best to help Su Ming do a good job in the foundation, and Su Ming doesn't have to worry too much.

And after returning to the station.

The group was obviously tired enough.

After eating, one by one they ran to take a bath, and some people didn't even take a bath, they went to bed and lay down and began to sleep.

And since there is only one common bathroom.

Su Ming was sitting in the living room on the first floor at this time, guarding the door for Yang Mi inside, while idle, holding a pen and paper, and began to write songs.

This song, he was going to write for Han Hong.

What he saw and heard today made him feel a lot of emotion.

Not only did I experience the difficulties of the villagers in the poor mountainous areas.

I also experienced the hardships of Han Hong and the members of the foundation, who are silently shining public welfare personnel.

Originally, he wanted to write songs for Han Hong, but he wanted to write popular songs such as "Heavenly Road" and "It's Dawn".

But after thinking about it carefully, or this song "There Are So Many People in This World" is more suitable for the current situation.

In fact, the original song of this song was sung to love.

However, for Han Hong's unique voice, this song must be able to burst out with more emotions.

For example, it is dedicated to every ordinary hero who is dedicated to public welfare like the members of the foundation.

And not long after Su Ming finished writing.

Han Hong saw that the living room was still bright, and couldn't help but slowly walk in.

"Su Ming, haven't slept yet?"

"Well, I'll wait for Sister Mi to take a bath, and I'll almost go to sleep. "

"Well, you're both tired today, remember to rest early, hey, are you writing something?"

"Yes, I wrote a song, do you want to see it?"

I heard Su Ming write a song.

Han Hong's slightly tired face couldn't help but show a hint of curiosity, took the song handed over by Su Ming, and began to look at Su Ming's song.

Set off the dim light.

Han Hong watched and couldn't help but hum slowly along with the score.

After about ten minutes, Han Hong seemed to have finished watching all the songs, and couldn't help but clap her hands again and again.

Both the melody and the lyrics of this song are very well written!

In Han Hong's words.

It's a song that gives you a picture and a trip back in time!

"Su Ming, is this song of yours written for an ex-girlfriend?"

Han Hong couldn't help but ask Su Ming's original intention of writing this song.

And Su Ming shook his head slowly, and slowly spoke, "It's not about love, this song, I wrote it to Teacher Han Hong, you and the brothers of our foundation." "

"I'm tired of doing public welfare for a day today, needless to say, you have been working for many years. "

"Like the title of the song, it seems to me that the world is a better place because of ordinary heroes like you. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Han Hong looked stunned, and looked at the lyrics again.

By the time she looked up again, tears were already wet in her eyes.

"A few frames flashed in the evening wind~"

"Is the spin in the gallop gone~

(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the lyrics, the melody immediately reminded her of the scenes when she used to do public welfare with the brothers of the foundation.

Many of the brothers in the first group may no longer be in the congregation, but the memory of running together in the mountains is still there.

This is also appropriate for them!

"Su Ming, on behalf of all the people of my foundation, thank you!"

"Teacher Han Hong, don't be like this, I can't stand it!"

At this time, Han Hong's expression was solemn, and he bowed to Su Ming very seriously.

Su Ming was naturally a little flustered, so he hurriedly stopped Han Hong, and bowed to Teacher Han Hong at the same time.

He just wrote a song, how can he stand this bow?

Compared to the efforts of Han Hong and the brothers of the Foundation, this song is simply not worth mentioning.

And then, Han Hong really hid her face and cried for a long time before she eased up.

Looking at Han Hong in front of him, Su Ming really had mixed feelings in his heart.

At the same time, I couldn't help but be in awe.

In his impression, all the emotional side of Han Hong is shown in public welfare.

Such a senior, he sincerely respects.

And after Han Hong eased up.

Su Ming also put forward some small plans for tomorrow with Han Hong.

"What? You're going to have a gala party for the kids?"

Hearing Su Ming's proposal, Han Hong couldn't help frowning.

"Well, but to put it that way, it's actually organizing students to put on a small show. "

"The daily life of children in the mountains is very boring, and I want them to have fun. "

Su Ming smiled and spoke.

Let's take a look at it today.

It seems that in every village, there is basically only one TV, and there are few TV stations that can be seen in it.

Not to mention smartphones.

It can be said that there is a real lack of entertainment here.

Whether it's a child or a villager, it seems that most of the day is just work.

Compared with material suffering, spiritual suffering also needs to be taken seriously.

With some entertainment, it may add a touch of sweetness to children's lives.

And after understanding Su Ming's starting point.

Han Hong immediately agreed with Su Ming's idea.

It seems that a little show should really make the children happy, why didn't they think of this before?

And quickly.

Han Hong hurriedly called and contacted the teachers in the elementary school.

After some communication.

The matter of this performance was directly finalized.

"Okay, then it's decided, I'll go and inform Lao Li and them now, Su Ming, you should rest early." "

"Well, okay!"

After finalizing the plan, Han Hong immediately went to negotiate with the main talkers among the members of the foundation.

At that time, they will have to come out of the whole show.

And with Han Hong's departure.

In this living room, it seems that only Su Ming is left.

As for what song to sing tomorrow, Su Ming is still a little hesitant now.


At this moment of hesitation.

The light in the living room suddenly disappeared.

That's right.

It's a power outage again!

"Su Ming, Su Ming, is there a power outage?"

At this time, in the bathroom not far away, Yang Mi's slightly trembling voice came.

"Yes, Sister Mi, have you finished washing, are you almost coming out?"

Su Ming turned on the light on his phone and looked at the bathroom.

After a long time, Yang Mi slowly walked out with wet hair, a change of clothes, and pajamas.

Seeing Yang Mi come out, Su Ming didn't want to stay anymore, turned his head and prepared to go upstairs.

But he hadn't taken a few steps yet, Yang Mi stepped on small broken steps, and suddenly ran to Su Ming's side and grabbed Su Ming's arm.

"Sister Mi, you... It can't be that you're afraid of the dark, right?"

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi's weak and helpless eyes, and couldn't help frowning, crying and laughing.

"Why... Where?"



"Haha, didn't you say you're not afraid of the dark?"



Su Ming used this little trick, and he tried Yang Mi out at once.

Do you say you're not afraid of the dark?

It's all scared to cry!

"Oh, Sister Mi, let go of your mouth! Why are you biting again!"

The good times didn't last long, Su Ming just finished teasing Yang Mi, Yang Mi hugged Su Ming's arm and bit it, and Su Ming, who was in pain, grinned.

"Let you scare me again!"

Yang Mi puffed out her face, her red eyes were watery and she looked at Su Ming, her face full of stubbornness.

And looking at Yang Mi's slightly cute appearance, Su Ming wanted to take revenge and go back, but he endured it all of a sudden.

Well...... It seems that Yang Mi is quite afraid of the dark.

Don't be too scared.

A good man can't fight a woman.

"Sister honey, run, there's a ghost in the back!"


"Su Ming, Su Ming, you big villain, you wait for me!"

... Earth....

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