Chapter 141 Sister Honey, you won't be scared to pee, will you?

It didn't take long.

Yang Mi was so frightened that she was already crying again.

While chasing Su Ming, he cried, looking really cute and pitiful.

Hearing this, Han Hong and the members of the foundation couldn't help but smile and shook their heads.

The two of them started fighting again.

They're getting used to it.

Not to mention.

In their opinion, Su Ming and Yang Mi, these two people are really too compatible.

"Su Ming, wait for me!"

Yang Mi's pursuit was fruitless, she cried anxiously, and finally simply squatted on the ground and cried bitterly.

And Su Ming had had enough fun at this time, so he slowly came to Yang Mi and patted Yang Mi's back gently.

"Okay, Sister Mi, I won't tease you, get up, I'll take you back to the room. "

Su Ming said with a smile.

Let Yang Mi be so hard-mouthed.

It's a shame not to tease.

However, in the face of Su Ming's reassurance, Yang Mi did not respond at all, still squatting on the ground and crying.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming's brows couldn't help frowning,

"Sister Mi, I'm joking with you, won't I really be scared?"

"Well, I apologize to you. "

"Sister Mi, you didn't, right?"

After a few words of comfort, Yang Mi was still indifferent, still squatting on the ground and sobbing, crying pear blossoms with rain.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a trace of self-blame in his heart.

It seems that the "four-four-seven" thing just now was indeed a bit excessive.

Well, it's definitely hard to coax.

In his experience, he can't be coaxed by common sense.

"Sister Mi, if you don't get up again, I'll leave, and when the ghost takes you away directly, then I can't save you. "


This trick is very good.

As soon as the words fell.

Yang Mi held tears in her eyes, and suddenly threw herself into Su Ming's arms, and grabbed Su Ming's arm fiercely, for fear that Su Ming would leave.

"Sister Mi, let go, let go, I really don't leave, just talk about it, I won't tease you. "

Su Ming was hurt by Yang Mi's arm, and hurriedly spoke.

"Don't let go!"

Yang Mi obviously learned a lesson and said that she would not let go of anything.

Such a scene really made Su Ming a little crying and laughing.

"Sister Mi, this posture, how do you say we should go upstairs?

This is blocked by Yang Mi, and it is difficult to take a step.

After Yang Mi hesitated for a moment, like a frightened rabbit, she turned around and jumped onto Su Ming's back.

Su Ming shook his head and smiled slightly.

It seems that Yang Mi was really scared just now.

Since Yang Mi wants him to carry it, let's carry it.

But one thing to say, Yang Mi's pajamas, are they a little too thick?

Yang Mi soon noticed this problem, and her face turned red with shame.

Then he hurriedly put the change of clothes on his upper body, and then continued to grasp Su Ming's shoulders.

"Sister Mi, how do I feel that my back is wet, you can't be scared to pee just now, right?"

"Su Ming, you're going to die~!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Sister honey, don't bite, don't bite, why did you bite again?"

"Let you scare me, let you scare me! I'll bite!"

"Sister Mi, Sister Mi, I was wrong!

"I'm already angry!"


It's just a few dozen steps upstairs.

Su Ming walked extremely hard, and there were four or five more tooth marks on his shoulders.

But the good news is that after Yang Mi vented, and after Su Ming said a few nice words, her anger had already subsided.

Now lying on Su Ming's back, that is called a proud, that is called a well-behaved.

Let's talk about power outages.

This blackout is indeed a nuisance.

If Su Ming was like Yang Mi and left his mobile phone in the room, it would be a bit difficult to go upstairs.

"Okay, Sister Mi, I'm at the door of your room, come down. "

"Whew. "

Let Yang Mi come down, this seems to be a little reluctant.

"Sister Mi, cough cough, let me repeat it, don't make a mistake tonight, if you make a mistake again, then don't blame me for doing something... Ahem, hey, hey, hey!"

After letting Yang Mi down, Su Ming couldn't help but smile and speak, and told Yang Mi again.

And listening to Su Ming's deliberately pretended perverted tone.

Yang Mi's face was really red with shame.

It really can't go wrong again.

Although I slept quite comfortably with Su Ming yesterday night, there was a sense of security that I had never felt before, and Su Ming's quilt had a fragrance that made her thief go over... Yang Mi, is this what you should think?

Calm down!

"Dead pervert!"

After giving Su Ming a kick, Yang Mi blushed, and hurriedly slipped into her room, closing the door by the way.

Look at this scene.

Su Ming couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Boss Yang when he was shy was really cute.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ming turned around and glanced at the snow-capped mountains illuminated by the faint moonlight in the distance, and couldn't help but slowly stretch and yawn.

I'm really tired today, it's time to go to bed early.

I have to get up early tomorrow to go to school, and tomorrow will probably not be easy, so I have to take care of my spirit.

But just as he was about to enter the house.

Yang Mi's door suddenly opened.

The next second.

Yang Mi took it in her hand and poked her head out gently.

"Su Ming, you can accompany me to the bathroom again. "

Yang Mi's eyes were extremely sincere, with a hint of begging.

"Huh, Sister Mi, do you still have anything to take?"

"And didn't you get your phone? As soon as the lights are turned on, won't the road light up?"

His brows furrowed, a little speechless.

But in the next second, Yang Mi rushed out and hugged Su Ming's arm, looking at Su Ming with blank eyes.

To be honest, she originally had the guts, after all, she had time.

But after Su Ming said it just now, she didn't dare a little.

Seeing Yang Mi's appearance, Su Ming smiled and shook his head.

There's really no way to take this Boss Yang.

I can only go down with it.

When he arrived at the bathroom, Su Ming pushed the door open.

"Sister Mi, why didn't you get this?"

"Don't look!"

Su Ming just wanted to take a mobile phone flashlight and walk in to take a look, but he was immediately preempted by Yang Mi.

Before Su Ming could see what the object was, Yang Mi blushed and put the thing in her pocket.

Seeing Yang Mi's movements, Su Ming seemed to have roughly guessed what it was, so he didn't delve into it.

And wait to send Yang Mi back to the room.

Su Ming finally returned to his room and successfully lay on the bed.

It's still comfortable in bed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other end, Yang Mi seemed to be blushing at the moment, sitting on the bed wiping her hair while staring around vigilantly.


Since I was scared by Su Ming saying that there was a ghost just now.

She was still a little apprehensive.

I didn't even dare to look in the mirror.

And under the light, she always felt that there was something dirty in the shadows.

Wait until your hair is dry.

Yang Mi shrank in the quilt all over, and her mood calmed down.

And after calming down, there are many things to think about.

All of a sudden, I remembered the scene when I teased her just now.

If you think about it, don't say it, it's quite sweet.

Thinking about it, the smile on her face couldn't be stopped.

"Damn, why do I need to pad my clothes when I'm backing?"

At this time, Yang Mi also thought of the fly in the ointment.

Before I came, I said that I wanted to try Su Ming, but I turned out to be reserved!

What a chance to test Su Ming!

The more I think about it, the more I regret it.

But thinking about it, Yang Mi is also asleep.

And in the blink of an eye.

It's early in the morning.

Su Ming's mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

However, Su Ming was so sleepy that he couldn't hear it at all.

When Su opened his eyes, he was so frightened that he almost ejected from the bed.

Because at the moment 0...

Yang Mi stood beside his bed with a cloak.

"Honey... Sister Honey!"

"You're going to scare me to death?!"

After Su Ming saw clearly that it was Yang Mi, he covered his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was hell!

"I called you, but you didn't answer, so I had to come to you. "

Yang Mi muttered, her face full of innocence.

And Su Ming, who was already a little angry, suddenly lost his courage when he saw Yang Mi's appearance.

"Sister Mi, what are you looking for me in the middle of the night?"

Su Ming took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly, and looked at Yang Mi.

And Yang Mi's movements seem to be a little twisted, and her voice is also very small.

"I... I want to pee, you go with me, I'm scared alone. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming's head suddenly grew bigger.

What the hell?

Got up in the middle of the night just to let him accompany him to the toilet?

Is Yang Mi still a child?

But looking at Yang Mi's begging face.

Su Ming wiped his face heavily, got up slowly, and took Yang Mi to the outside.

There's really no way to take Yang Mi!

However, this evil fruit was sown by himself.

Yang Mi's mind is full of ghosts now.

I struggled in bed for a long time just now, and then I came to Su Ming.

"You go slowly!"

Seeing that Su Ming's steps were big, Yang Mi hurriedly followed, and subconsciously grabbed Su Ming's hand.

Su Ming had no choice but to slowly walk towards the toilet like pulling his daughter.

And when Yang Mi came out of the toilet, she came to Su Ming's side and grabbed Su Ming's hand.

"Hey, Sister Mi, you won't wash your hands, will you?"

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi with a little disgust.

As soon as he finished saying this, the next second, the weakness of his waist was grabbed by Yang Mi.

"Loose Song, Sister Honey, let go!"

"You didn't wash it!"

"Okay, Sister Mi, don't make trouble, this is the last time I will accompany you out tonight, I'm sleepy." "

"Whew. "

"Just a word, thank you, don't you say, by the way, Sister Mi, why are you like a child, you have to accompany you to the toilet... It hurts, it hurts, don't bite!"

"Hmph! It's all your fault!"

After a period of nonsense, this is to send Yang Mi back to the house.

And Su Ming is too lazy to say anything now, he is so sleepy that he just fell asleep as soon as he returned to the bed.

Yang Mi on the other end is a deer crashing into 3.3.

With Su Ming here, it's really surprisingly secure!

If only it could be the same as yesterday night, how nice would it be to sleep with Su Ming?

Thinking about it, Yang Mi couldn't help but fall asleep again.


And in the blink of an eye, it was already the next morning.

The sky was just dawning.

Su Ming Yang Mi was woken up by Uncle Wang.

Today, I had to walk to school with children from a nearby village, and it was a long way to go, so I had to start early.

Because he was suddenly woken up by Yang Mi yesterday night, Su Ming obviously didn't sleep well, and he could faintly see dark circles under his eyes.

Like Su Ming, so is Yang Mi herself.

But no matter how sleepy they are, the two can only get up quickly.

And maybe it's already daylight, Yang Mi is not afraid at all.

As soon as they got up and met, the two of them were angry with each other.

Yang Mi really didn't have the delicate appearance she had yesterday night.

This character, you say that she can uproot the weeping willows, Su Ming believes it.

Such a scene.

Han Hong and the others are undoubtedly a little big.

What's going on with these two people, they were fighting yesterday night, and they just got up, and they were still fighting.

Is it so energetic?

But it's okay.

The two are noisy, which is equivalent to an alarm clock, and they are also sober up.

And wait until breakfast is over.

When everything is ready.

The group also set off and went towards Xiaoling's village.

Let's go over there and pick up the children in Xiaoling's village first.

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