Chapter 142: Husband and Wife Holding Hands!

And this departs at the same time.

In order to truly record the life of a child in the mountains.

This live broadcast room is also open.

It was still early.

As soon as the live broadcast started, the number of people who poured in was not as large as during the day.

But of course, there are a lot of them.

"Damn! I'm not mistaken! It's going to start at five or six o'clock?"

"It's too early to start broadcasting, isn't it?

"Cut, there is no one who can boil!"

"I feel like I'm living longer! I'm going! Look what I've swiped!"

"Damn, I like to stay up late so much, this feeling of hanging by a thread is so fascinating, Su Ming has opened a live broadcast, right, I want to challenge my limits!"


"Hey, Su Ming, did they all set off so early? Today is still the same as yesterday, to distribute supplies to the villagers?"

"Are you sure it's the same summer? Su Ming, they are really thick!"

"The altitude is different, there is a big temperature difference between day and night on Su Ming's side. "


At this time.

There are a lot of night owls who haven't slept yet, and the jokes are flying.

Of course, there are also some people who got up earlier and are more energetic, and their eyes are on the screen in the live broadcast room.

in the picture.

Because the sky is still in a state of misty.

Su Ming and his entourage turned on their flashlights and walked towards the village step by step.

Same as yesterday morning.

Along the way, the big guys have also fallen a lot.

The first to bear the brunt is Yang Mi.

Maybe it's because she didn't sleep well yesterday night, Yang Mi can doze off when she walks.

Fortunately, Su Ming is leading, otherwise he might have planted it in a puddle now.

And quickly.

The group came to the entrance of the village where Xiaoling was.


Outside the entrance of the village, there were five or six children carrying very shabby school bags.

Looking at the appearance, it should be waiting for other friends.

When the children saw Su Ming and others, they felt a little strange and strange for the first time, and they didn't dare to get close to 06.

But fortunately, after the introduction of the head of the village, as well as the easy-going conversation of Su Ming and others, some snacks were distributed by the way.

The children soon played with Su Ming and the others.

"Where's Xiaoling? Isn't she here yet?"

After a short exchange between Su Ming and the children, he didn't see Xiao Ling.

"Xiaoling, she is no longer in school, and her family has no money. "

"Yes, she can't afford to go to school, and she's been working at home lately. "

"Xiaoling should still be sleeping now, and she has to mow the grass and collect firewood during the day. "


The children's answers have always been simple and pure.

Obviously, they shouldn't be very clear about Su Ming's decision to fund Xiaoling's tuition for the time being.

But it's also very unpleasant.

Without Su Ming's funding, Xiaoling's life would be the same as these children say.

And quickly.

At the urging of several villagers, Xiaoling ran out of the village with a shabby schoolbag on her back, still with a runny nose, and she looked really cute.

Maybe it was Su Ming Yang Mi who gave Xiaoling a good impression yesterday.

As soon as Xiaoling came over, she came to Su Ming and Yang Mi, and was closer to the two.

Su Ming and Yang Mi were also happy, and pinched Xiaoling's little face together.

Wait until all the children in the village have gathered.

The group was heading towards the school.

Led by the kids.

The group soon joined up with children from several nearby villages.

The children's team expanded to twenty or thirty at once, and the scene was really lively.

But this is lively, and the road to school is really bumpy.

It's not just about going over mountains, passing through some cliffs.

On the way, you will pass through a river that is not too wide, but the current is fast.

This section of the road, even if Su Ming and other adults walked down, they felt dangerous and tired enough.

Halfway through this, Yang Mi was really already crying.

It's not that it's tiring.

It's the thought that children have to go to school like this every day, and I feel like I'm stuck in my throat.

And Yang Mi cried, Su Ming and his party couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh, sighing for the children's experience.

Even the barrage, this is unbearable to watch.

"Mom, if you accidentally fall into the river just now, you probably won't be able to find it, right?"

"The conditions are so difficult, such a river is urgent, there is no bridge, just rely on a few big logs, this is a little careless... Alas!"

"That hillside just now is the same, if you accidentally slip, I guess you'll be miserable!"

"It's not easy for children in the mountains to go to school. "

"Damn! Compared to my younger brother who has to drive to school every day, I really want to give him two blows and see people!"

"Ahem, interject, is there anything more than me? If not, I'll accept the championship!"

"What? The old man went downstairs for breakfast, and you said you were the champion?"


But this emotion is emotion.

This is also what Su Ming and some other adults consider

The children didn't seem to feel hard about it.

On the contrary, there are people who talk and laugh along the way, and the spirit is very full.



Soon, Su Ming, Yang Mi and others were also affected by the children's optimistic and lively mentality, and their mood became a lot better.

Especially Su Ming.

Today's Su Ming can be said to have gotten along with the children.

Vaguely already a figure like the leading big brother who is going to mix in the children's team.

As soon as there was any situation in the team, or anything interesting on the road, the children reported Su Ming as soon as possible.

Such a scene really made Han Hong and the members of the foundation unable to close their mouths.

Being able to mingle with the children is enough to show Su Ming's patience and affinity.

In terms of affinity, they really can't compare to Su Ming.

And in the communication and play with the children.

The children also asked Su Ming many questions, most of which were about the big cities outside the mountains.

Obviously, it can be seen from the eyes of the children.

Children are very eager to see the outside world.

And Su Ming will answer these questions very casually one by one.

After listening to Su Ming's answer, the children's eyes became more and more yearning, so they all promised Su Ming to study hard and walk out of the mountains in the future.

The overall atmosphere can be said to be very positive.

However, looking at the longing expressions on the children's faces, Su Ming actually had some mixed feelings in his heart.

When these children know the world beyond the mountains, perhaps the huge gap will make these children even more distressed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When they realize that most of the beauty they see has nothing to do with them, it may even give rise to a hint of despair.

But there is no way, you have to go out after all.

If you continue to stay in the mountains, you will only get suffering.

"Uncle Su Ming, are you and Aunt Yang Mi husband and wife?"

"Yes, yes, I want to ask this question too, you two are really good-looking, a bit like the prince and princess in the book!"

"Indeed, you two are the best-looking people I've ever met. "


Children's minds are always unusually out of bounds.

After asking about the things outside the mountain, the question jumped to Su Ming and Yang Mi.

At this time, Su Ming Yang Mi almost didn't react.

"What do you think?"

Su Ming couldn't help but smile when he saw that the children were so interested.


"I think so, too!"

"If it's not a couple, why hold hands?"


The children all spoke one after another, and the answer could be said to be surprisingly unified.

For a while, these answers also made Yang Miqiao's face red and her face hot.

And with the reminder of the children.

Yang Mi realized that she had actually held hands with Su Ming all the way, and hurriedly took her hand back shyly.

Su Ming also realized that something was not right, holding hands, he was purely worried that Yang Mi would fall again before holding it, and he forgot to let go of it all of a sudden.

"You guessed wrong, I and your Aunt Yang Mi are just friends. "

"Holding hands is because Aunt Yang Mi is a little silly, easy to fall, I have to hold it, you should be able to see that Aunt Yang Mi doesn't look very smart, right?"

Su Ming hurriedly explained with a smile to the children.

As soon as these words came out, the children immediately burst out laughing and laughing.

"Stinky Su Ming!

Yang Mi was ridiculed, obviously anxious, and she waved her fist to teach Su Ming a lesson.

But this one didn't stand firm, and fell directly to the ground.

In such a scene, the children were really laughing.

It seems that what Su Ming said really makes sense!

Needless to say, the barrage is also laughing into a pot of porridge.

"Hahahaha! Comedian Mimi, you still show your chicken feet after all!"

"Help! I think of Gao Cold, how did it become like this. "

"Is it okay for Da Mi Mi to be so cute? It's really thanks to Su Ming that I can see a different Da Mi Mi!"

"Su Ming, this is really outrageous, when he said this, I really feel that Da Mimi is a little stupid, hahahaha!"

"One thing to say, Su Ming and Da Mimi are really a good match, I kind of want to see their official announcement!"

"Damn, as Da Mimi's husband fan, I actually think that Su Ming and Da Mimi are very compatible, and I even want to see them together, what's going on?"

"Brother upstairs, I think you have a lot of Minotaur potential, why don't you join our Cuckold Club!"


"Hahahaha, six! May I ask if your wife is 1.8 meters, a sports student, and a good body!"



The barrage seemed to be laughed at by Yang Mi's operation.

It really looks the same as Su Ming said, stupid?

Looking at Yang Mi who was sitting on the ground struggling to get up, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Yang Mi up.

This hand was also held again.

For this scene.

Han Hong and the members of the foundation, there was really a smile on their aunt's face.

These two people look at it, what a match!

And move on.

After climbing over 370 some dangerous strips.

Finally, we have come to a place where you can see the main road.

Here is the path to school discovery.

Usually, when the school goes to buy some ingredients, they all go down the mountain through this road.

Some of the supplies that the Foundation gave to the school were also shipped from here.

Wait until school.

It was already about half past eight in the morning.

The school doesn't look big, it's even very small.

Looking at it, there are probably only three or four classrooms combined.

Roughly speaking, the students seem to be only a little over a hundred.

Not to mention that this sparrow is small, and it has all kinds of organs.

Small is a small point, broken is a broken point, but there are still some basic venues such as canteens, playgrounds, etc.

Wait to send the students into the classroom.

Su Ming and the others came to the principal's office.

But when it comes to the office, it's actually a very small room, and you can even see the headmaster's bed in it.

Obviously, the principal usually lives in the school himself.

The principal of this school is a young man in his thirties.

He used to go out of this big mountain, and now that he has some ability, he has come back to help his hometown.

Not only is he the principal, but now he is also a part-time cooking master in the cafeteria.

Under the introduction of this principal, Su Ming and others learned.

At present, there are four teachers in the school, all of whom are here to teach, and two of them have not even graduated from college.

The faculty can be said to be very weak.

But anyway, for such a small school, it's okay.

And unexpectedly, the four teachers in this school, including the principal, are all fans of Su Ming!

All of a sudden, the relationship has really been brought a lot closer.

And after continuing to communicate with the principal.

The time of this literary evening is set at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

In the morning, classes are still the mainstay.

And the subject that Su Ming wants to substitute for is also set as mathematics.

Yang Mi became a Chinese teacher.

Han Hong and the members of the foundation were also assigned their own subjects.

"When the children's morning reading is over and the flag is raised, our substitute class can begin. "

"Thank you so much for coming. "


At this time, the principal seemed to be very sincere and expressed his gratitude to Su Ming and his party again.

Come out of the principal's office.

Su Ming and his entourage came to the outside of the small playground and listened to the children's reading.

Not to mention.

This is the first time to be a teacher, and I am really nervous!

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