Chapter 143: Why did Su Ming even fool the children?!

"Teacher Su, don't be nervous, you're pacing back and forth. "

"Teacher Yang, aren't you the same yourself?"

On the playground, Su Ming and Yang Mi were pacing and joking with each other.

The two of them are nervous but want to pretend to be calm, which is really similar to many intern teachers.

Compared to Su Ming Yang Mi.

Han Hong and the members of the foundation were much more relaxed.

After all, this isn't the first time they've done this

And with the passage of time.

The children's morning reading time is almost over.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room has also increased.

"Damn, I can see Su Ming's live broadcast so early, damn!"

"Today's broadcast is really early, I just got up and saw it!"

"Su Ming, are they at school now, why do you have the sound of reading?"

"It looks like Hope Elementary School in the mountains, and this elementary school looks a little broken. "

"It's really broken, and it's small, just now the camera swept over, it seems that there are only three or four classrooms. "

"In the mountains, it's good to have a school, what kind of bicycle do you want?"

"It's also true, it's really hard in the mountains, and after watching the live broadcast yesterday, I think it's a very rare opportunity for them to still receive education. "

"Ahem, ask, are there any people who haven't slept until now?"

"Damn, brother, have you survived until now? Why don't you go to sleep for a while, I don't think you want to!"

"No, I can't sleep, I feel like my life is increasing!"




The barrage looked at the picture in the live broadcast room, and had an initial impression of this hope primary school.

That's small and broken.

And quickly.

As the bell rang for the end of class.

The children rushed out of the classroom in a swarm with simple smiles on their faces.

"Evening! I can watch the evening in the afternoon!"

"It's great that I don't have to go to class in the afternoon!"

"I don't know what the program will be in the afternoon, the last time I watched the show, I watched it on the TV of the village chief's house, and someone tore the cabinet with his hand, and the picture was exciting!"

"Oh, it's really fake, can people be torn apart by hand? It feels a little scary!"


As the children walked, they were talking about the afternoon meeting.

Obviously, the teachers had already told the children about the afternoon performance.

And after all the children came out, they came to the playground, and their eyes were attracted by Su Ming and others.

"Ahem, students, first line up in class order, and the flag-raising ceremony will start soon. "

"When the flag raising is over, I will introduce you to the new teachers who have come to teach us today. "

At this time, the principal came to the front of the students with a loudspeaker.

The principal's speech really works.

After a while, the students were lined up in order.

And looking at the children's well-behaved and a little naughty, full of smiles, Su Ming and the others were really happy to watch.

It seems that the children's lives are not as sad as they imagined, but they are quite happy.

And wait for the line to stand.

The flag-raising ceremony also officially began.

At this moment, everyone is solemnly paying attention, and they dare not be sloppy in the slightest.

With the end of the flag-raising ceremony.

The headmaster also continued to speak.

"Students, today, there are some new teachers in our school, everyone applauds and welcomes them first~. "

"The new schoolbags, new school uniforms, and new books that I gave you yesterday were all bought for you by these new teachers..."


The principal began to introduce Su Ming and the others.

The students applauded.

Su Ming and others also continued to express their gratitude to the students.

And after learning that Su Ming and the others were the ones who were going to perform in the afternoon, the students were really boiling, and the applause could not be subsided for a long time.

Seeing that the students were looking forward to the performance so much, Su Ming was really happy in his heart.

It seems that he did not make a mistake in this decision.

And after the principal's introduction session, it was the turn of Su Ming and others to introduce themselves.

Let's take a look at it.

The children's impression of Su Ming and others can be said to be very good.

Some of the more lively children, like Xiaoling and others before, asked some things about the outside of the mountain.

Su Ming and the others naturally replied one by one.

However, due to the limited time between classes, I didn't talk too deeply.

Wait until the self-introduction session is over.

The class bell rang quickly.

This also means that it is time for Su Ming and others to substitute for teaching.

Su Ming is teaching mathematics.

To be honest, some of the more complicated math knowledge points he had long forgotten.

Fortunately, this is teaching elementary school mathematics, which is still very good, and you can come with your mouth open.

And because Su Ming's lectures are not professional.

Halfway through the class, it's almost time to teach what you're going to teach today.

The remaining half of the time, when he was idle, Su Ming suddenly began to chat with the students about his idle days.

Like the city and most of the students.

The children in the mountains also like to listen to the teacher's bragging.

Now they are all listening very carefully and paying attention.

Ask Su Ming questions, and they are endless.


Under Su Ming's humorous and witty narration, which is also braggart.

The students can be said to have opened the door to a new world, and all of them have their mouths wide open and their eyes full of longing.

Are all the people in the city so good at playing?(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is this world really that exciting?

Not to mention the students, even the volunteer teachers who supervised the class in the audience listened to it with relish and smiled.

The whole classroom atmosphere can be said to be very relaxed and enjoyable.

Although Su Ming's teaching method is different from that of traditional teachers, it really opens the eyes of the students.

It also gives students greater motivation to learn.

In Su Ming's words, only by studying hard can he have the opportunity to get in touch with the outside world and get in touch with some of the cowhides he just bragged about.

And the other end.

While the students listened with relish.

This barrage is also lively.

"Poof! Su Ming's class, are you sure he's lecturing? How do you feel that he is in KTV?"

"Hahahaha, it's a little, every word is not separated from let the children study hard"

"Seriously, Su Ming's mouth, it's really a pity not to go but sales, when he says this, I feel that as long as I study hard, the whole earth is mine!"

"Poof! Su Ming's CPU power is handy, and he fooled the paparazzi before, and now he has begun to fool the children, hahahaha!"

"Tut-tut, Su Ming is really not human, even the children are CPU (manual dog heads)"

"One thing to say, Su Ming is indeed a bit too much, but for these children, it is indeed not a bad thing, for them, as long as they study hard, they can really change their fate!"

"That's not it, Su Ming's KTV is a bit serious, but the starting point and effect are always good, you see, the children's faces are now full of thirst for knowledge!"

"It's true, I used to see that few children were serious about class, and I felt like I didn't take my studies seriously, but now, if you give them a set of papers, they will definitely give it a clear idea on the spot!"

"I'd like to call Su Ming a gold medal lecturer, hahahaha!"



The benefits of Su Ming's brainwashing Amway learning undoubtedly made the barrage laugh.

However, for Su Ming's starting point, the barrage can also be seen completely.

It is to arouse children's desire to learn.

Because behind Su Ming's serious lecture before, many children here don't seem to pay much attention to class learning, but prefer to play with the classmates next to them.

Now under Su Ming's flickering.

The style of painting changed immediately.

Even the students sitting in the back row now have a desire to do the questions on their faces.

However, this happy time is always short-lived.

As the bell rang for the end of class.

This lesson has come to an end.

"Teacher Su Ming, can you continue?"

"Yes, can you continue? We still want to hear it!"

"yes, let's talk about it a little longer, did that kid from the mountains succeed in becoming the boss in the end?"


Su Ming was about to end class, and the students were reluctant to continue the following story.

Su Ming actually wanted to continue blowing.

But come to think of it, this still has to let the students really get in touch with the knowledge points in the textbook, and it's not a problem to listen to him brag all the time.

"'I'll tell you when I'm in class, or when I'm having lunch. "

"Later, you will listen carefully to your teacher Wang's lecture, he knows no less than me, you can ask him first. "


After calming the students' emotions.

Su Ming left the classroom with peace of mind.

Before leaving the classroom, the applause of the students was really loud, and Su Ming was extremely proud to hear it.

And wait for Su Ming to go to the teacher's office.

I saw Yang Mi sobbing, and at the same time, a stubborn-looking student on the side was putting his hands in his pockets, accepting the criticism of the volunteer teacher.

"You said you, Teacher Yang was kind enough to come to class today, you disrupt the classroom discipline, forget it, and throw worms at the teacher..."

The volunteer teacher's tone was extremely stern and he was criticized.

However, the student's face was still full of indifference, and his hands were still in his pockets.

Speaking of the back, the volunteer teacher could only be full of helplessness and let the student go back first.

Su Ming got to know each other after some understanding.

He also learned about the situation.

It turned out that Yang Mi wanted to be gentle when she was in class just now, but she was bullied by a few naughty students, and when she wanted to be stricter, she was scared by the student who used insects just now to cry and run away on the spot.

Compared with Su Ming's side, Yang Mi's experience can be described as miserable.

Regarding this situation, Su Ming could only smile and shake his head (Zhao Dezhao), naughty children, basically any class.

However, the class as a whole is still okay, and many class cadres and students have come to apologize to Yang Mi in the future.

Yang Mi's mood is also a little better.

"I said Mr. Yang, you can't do it well, you can still be bullied and cry by children. "

Seeing that Yang Mi had eased up, Su Ming couldn't help but joke.

The barrage was also a little laughing.

"Su Ming, if you can speak, you can talk more, isn't this sprinkling cement on the wound of the big honey?"

"One thing to say, Da Mimi is so young, the female teacher has to be strict to calm the field!"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Gao Leng's big honey to be planted in the hands of a few naughty students!"

"Can anyone help me recall the earliest Da Mi Mi Mi, I am a little unclear about Da Mi Mi's positioning now, she seems to be really a bit like a big injustice, she fell and cried when she came to this mountainous area. "

"I see, as long as Da Mimi follows Su Ming, she must continue to be an unjust seed!"

"Poof, don't say it, seeing Da Mi Mi crying, my heart is quite refreshed, it feels really interesting!"


At this time, Yang Mi heard Su Ming's words.

Immediately, he picked up his pink fist and beckoned to Su Ming.

In the face of naughty students, she is submissive.

Facing Su Ming, it was idle to strike hard!

"Sister Mi, stop for a moment, someone is watching. "

"Let you laugh at me!"


didn't care that there were so many people watching in the office.,The chase between the two of them started all of a sudden.。。

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