Chapter 144 writes a poem "Friendship Lasts Forever" and teaches the teacher

And quickly.

This is a blink of an eye.

The morning class is over.

As the bell rang for the end of class.

The students rushed to the cafeteria.

Most of the students here are in a very bad situation.

This meal at school will be the best and most satisfying meal of the day.

The students eat hard.

Su Ming and the others naturally gathered in the cafeteria to eat with the students.

On this side of the meal, Su Ming's bragging class also began.

It's just that this time it is not a class, but the whole school, more than 100 teachers.

I have to say.

Su Ming's braggart and nagging skills are really good.

After a while, Su Ming controlled the entire field.

All the students listened very attentively.

Hearing the key point, the students forgot to eat this meal, and they all looked at Su Ming in a daze, their eyes full of longing.

After hearing this, it was a new understanding of reading.

It turns out that serious reading plays such a key role in getting out of the mountains!

And such a scene fell in the eyes of Han Hong, Yang Mi and the barrage, which can be said to be extremely interesting.

Su Ming fooled people, it was really a set.

However, it can't be said that Su Ming is fooling, just that Su Ming is teaching students in a way that is more accessible to students.

And in addition to Su Ming's bragging.

I also talked a lot with the children about their daily life at school.

Not to mention the farthest reach, this is the problem of eating alone.183

couldn't help but silence Su Ming and the others.

Fortunately, with the help of Su Ming, Han Hong and others, you can still see some meat dishes in this canteen.

In the past, when school was difficult, most of them only had vegetarian dishes such as potatoes and turnips.

This is why when some students are asked what they like to eat, they answer potatoes and radishes for many times in a row.

Because it is usually difficult for students to eat the last meat.

Among them, I have to mention the hard work of the volunteer teachers.

Because the salaries of these volunteer teachers can be said to be very low, whether it is the food and housing environment, they are not very optimistic.

Sometimes it is really difficult to look at the school, and I will take out part of my salary to improve the food for the children.


The dedication of these volunteer teachers really made Su Ming and the others and the barrage couldn't help but be in awe.

And wait until the meal is finished.

It's time for the lunch break.

However, the children in the mountainous areas are more energetic, and they all run out of the playground to play during the lunch break.

Su Ming was not idle when he saw the situation, and pulled Yang Mi and the students to make a simple basketball hoop.

With the students, I started playing basketball.

By the way, Su Ming also showed off his basketball skills in front of the students, and the students who watched it exclaimed again and again.

"As long as you study hard, your future skills will be as good as mine!"

After Su Mingxiu finished a paragraph, he immediately gave a chicken-blooded lesson to the students.

Then, Su Ming began to organize students to play basketball games.

The scene can be said to be very lively.

Not only did Su (agfi) have a lot of fun, but the children had even more fun.

It was the first time someone had taken them to play a basketball game like a fun activity.

Wait until the students figure out the rules of the game.

Su Ming also took a rare break to the side and chatted with a few volunteer teachers.

All four teachers were not very old, and the youngest was only twenty years old.

Let's have a chat.

Su Ming could clearly feel the love of the four teachers for the children.

There was even something that surprised Su Ming.

The four teachers seem to know each of the children here very well, even their family situation.

Later, I learned that the four teachers had visited every child's home here.

Including the previous Xiaoling.

In fact, Xiaoling couldn't pay the tuition for a long time, and in order to allow Xiaoling to continue to come to class, the teachers gave Xiaoling a long time to pay for the tuition.

It's a pity that the teachers' ability is also limited, and the meager salary is a problem for them to survive, and it is impossible to pay them all the time.

I can't help but mention the headmaster here.

Because the principal seems to have no salary, or in other words, the principal's salary is all spent on the school and the students.

Hearing this, Su Ming and the barrage were really silent again.

The situation at this school seems to be more difficult than they imagined.

Of course, this also made Su Ming more determined to do public welfare.

And continue to chat.

That is, to talk about the personal problems of the four teachers.

Two of the four teachers have not graduated from college, and they will have to go back to school to complete their studies after two years here.

The other two, one for three years and one for five years.

Among them, the teacher who has been there for five years is called Li Ling, who is currently the oldest teacher here and the most loved by the students.

Because almost all the students here are taught by him along the way.

And his nickname is also the one that students have achieved the most.

However, due to the family's situation, he also had to leave here. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the time to leave is today.

Wait until the last class of the day is over.

He'll leave in the car of an old local friend.

As soon as he talked about leaving, Li Ling's expression couldn't help but be a little gloomy, and he didn't want to talk deeply.

Because he is reluctant to let the children go, he has long regarded the children as his younger brothers and sisters, good friends.

But unfortunately, his family situation could not allow him to stay here forever.

I was responsible for the children for five years.

Now it was his turn to take responsibility for his family.

"Did you tell the children about your departure?"

Su Ming looked at Li Ling and frowned slightly.

Li Ling shook his head slowly, "I didn't say it, and I didn't really want to say it, when it was time to leave, I just left secretly, I didn't want to see the children crying." "

As soon as this remark came out.

The three teachers on the side couldn't help but have red eyes.

Because like Li Ling, sooner or later, they will have to leave.

And on the day they leave, they may choose to leave silently like Li Ling.

If you look at the children crying and telling them not to go.

They don't think they can really leave ruthlessly.

And to hear this.

Su Ming was silent for a long time.

Leave silently.

By the time the children reacted, it might have been a little too cruel.

But it seems that there is no way to do it.

These volunteer teachers have their own lives and cannot stay in this mountain forever.

At this time, after listening to Li Ling's words, the barrage seemed to be a little untenable.

"Damn! Originally, Su Ming was quite happy to play with the children, but this time he gave me a whole emo again. "

"Me too, I feel sad all of a sudden, when Teacher Li Ling leaves, the children won't cry miserably?"

"If only Teacher Li Ling could stay here all the time. "

"Don't kidnap morally, okay? People have their own lives, and they can't stay here forever. "

"Indeed, and to be able to stay here for five years, to be honest, this is already worthy of our respect!"

Looking at Mr. Li Ling's expression, it can be seen that he doesn't want to leave, but everyone has their own helplessness, and when Mr. Li Ling sits in the car home and looks back at this mountain, he must be unable to hold back tears. "

"It's not about tears, this is the place where he has spent five years and his entire youth. "

"Damn! I already think of the picture of Mr. Li Ling sitting in the car crying, if it is accompanied by Su Ming's song "Farewell", the atmosphere is really simple!"

"Damn! I'm already feeling a little tearful now!"

"The song "Farewell" is really a hit!"

"Volunteer teaching is really a great profession, alas~"

"Salute to Li Ling and the three volunteer teachers!"




The barrage seemed to be moved by Mr. Li Ling's experience, and the atmosphere was quite sentimental.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming is also thinking a lot now.

"Teacher Li Ling, why don't I take the children to learn "Farewell", and arrange a chorus program in the afternoon, so that the children can give you through the situation of the performance program..."

"No, I can't listen to this song, I don't want to hear it. "

Su Ming was about to talk about his plan.

Because the first thing that came to his mind was "Farewell".

If Li Ling left silently like this, he always felt that something was missing for Li Ling.

But before he finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Li Ling.

When he looked at Li Ling again, Li Ling's eyes were already a little red.

Obviously, as a fan of Su Ming, he has heard "Farewell".

The song was so sentimental that he really couldn't listen to it.

Su Ming saw what Li Ling meant, but he didn't insist anymore.

And then, he began to think of some songs in his head.

No matter what, he wanted the children to give Li Ling a parting ceremony.

Five years of youth deserve a ceremony.

And quickly.

A song came to his mind.

Since Li Ling and the children are also teachers and friends, there should be no problem teaching the children to sing this song.

And this song is not as sad as "Farewell".

This song is.

"Friendship Lasts Forever"!.

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