Chapter 145 "Friendship Lasts Forever", a gift for children

After deciding to teach the children this song.

Su Ming hurriedly exchanged opinions with Li Ling and the other three teachers.

Hearing that Su Ming was going to teach the children a new song he had written, the four of them were a little surprised.

Is Su Ming so casual in writing songs?

"That, this song is too sad."

Li Ling still had some concerns.

If the children were asked to sing a song like "Farewell", he really couldn't stand it.

"Teacher Li, don't worry~, this song is really not sad."

Su Ming gently patted Li Ling's shoulder and said with a smile.

Hear this.

Li Ling nodded, didn't say much, just don't be sad.

And as a fan of Su Ming, he is actually very much looking forward to what song Su Ming will teach the children.

And today's barrage is after hearing that Su Ming is going to teach the children a new song.

It was like a little untenable.

"What's the situation? Su Ming, this is starting again?! "

"Holy! Su Ming has written a new song again? When was it written? "

"It's outrageous! Su Ming is really a prolific batch, I haven't gotten tired of listening to "Prose Poems Written by My Father", here is another one? "

"Damn! I even suspect that Su Ming's new song was just come up with again! "

"Poof! What I just came up with is okay, that's too exaggerated. "

"Ahem, I don't think it's better to worry about whether Su Ming writes songs quickly or not, he is a pervert, let's guess what type of song Su Ming will be later."

"Also, Su Ming's writing of songs is really a bit outrageous, if you want to talk about the type, to be honest, I don't think it should be too cheerful."

"Poof! It's okay to be cheerful, Su Ming's song is written to Teacher Li Ling at first glance, and if you want me to say, it has to be a little sentimental. "

"Look, anyway, Su Ming will teach it later."



The barrage obviously didn't expect it either.

After Su Ming heard that "Farewell" was not good, he directly asked for a new song.

It's a bit hard to give them a whole at once.

But of course, for Su Ming's new song, the barrage is naturally very much looking forward to it.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After receiving the support of four teachers.

Su Ming returned to the children's queue and continued to play basketball with the children.

When the competition came to an end, Su Ming organized the students and was ready to start practicing chorus.

"Uncle Su Ming, we also have a show in the afternoon?"

"Singing? What kind of song? "

"I'm not very good at singing!"


When the children heard that Su Ming was going to teach them to sing, and they were all a little excited and a little shy in the afternoon.

Singing, they sing really little.

I don't even listen to too many songs.

However, because it was a chorus, the children were shy and couldn't go anywhere, so they all gathered around Su Ming, waiting for Su Ming's teaching.

And for this scene.

Han Hong, the principal, and the members of the foundation all slowly gathered around.

What interesting activity does Su Ming want to organize for the students?

After learning that Su Ming was going to teach the children to sing.

Everyone was very happy.

That's right, since there is a performance in the afternoon, it will naturally be happier and lively for the children to participate in themselves.

And before teaching.

Su Ming called Yang Mi and went to the classroom to move out a small blackboard.

Subsequently, Su Ming wrote the lyrics first.

Look at the lyrics.

Han Hong was really a little surprised.

She didn't seem to have seen this song before.

Could it be that this is a new original song by Su Ming?

But yesterday night, Su Ming wrote a song for her.

Su Ming doesn't bring a CD to this song?

And that's another one?

Speaking of songs,

Looking at the lyrics, everyone has already seen it for the first time.

It's a song to be sung to a friend.

Although I haven't heard Su Ming hum the melody yet, from the lyrics, I can already see the sincere friendship.

Li Ling looked at the lyrics and couldn't help but nod slowly.

He could naturally see that this was a song that Su Ming specially wrote for the children and asked the children to sing to him.

I just hope that he and the children can have the same friendship as the song title.

To be honest, he was really grateful to Su Ming in his heart.

Su Mingming just met him today, but he wrote a song directly to him, which is so heartfelt!

Back to the song.

Judging from the lyrics, although it looks a little heavy, it is not too sad.

He is still very much looking forward to the melody of this song.

And wait for Su Ming to finish writing all the lyrics.

The principal also deliberately took out a guitar that he had used before and handed it to Su Ming.

After adjusting the guitar, Su Ming did not teach for the first time, but asked questions to the children.

"Students, can you understand the lyrics?"

Hear this.

Immediately, a child raised his hand to answer.

"I can read it!"

"That's right! I can understand it, I just want to say, I can't forget my old friend, the lyrics are written. "

"That's right, the lyrics say how can you forget, old friends!"


Obviously, the lyrics are so simple that even children can understand them.

Facing the children's enthusiastic answers, Su Ming's face was full of smiles.

"That's right, you're right, this song is just to tell you that you can't forget old friends."

"When you grow up and all go out of the mountains, don't forget your classmates, and don't forget the principal and the teachers who taught you."

"Uncle and your Aunt Yang Mi will leave this afternoon, I also hope you don't forget us, okay?"

Su Ming's tone was gentle and very affinity, which caused all the students to say hello in unison.

At the same time, the students' enthusiasm for learning the song seems to be even higher.

Not to mention the students, even Principal Han Hong and the teachers are all looking forward to this song.

The scene can be described as unusually warm.

And wait for Su Ming to finish speaking.

This song has also officially begun to be taught.

Before teaching, Su Ming naturally had to sing it himself.

As Su Ming gently plucked the strings.

The melodious melody is slowly sounding.

The melody is clear and soothing, and the sense of picture and story is suddenly rushing towards people.

It makes people feel like they are in a sunny morning, and the next second, old friends outside the door are shouting to meet to play, leisurely and.

And as the melody continues to advance.

The picture seems to have come to an old friend who is going to travel far away, and I don't know when we will be able to meet, and the atmosphere is faintly sentimental.

And it was also at this time that the prelude ushered in the end, and Su Ming's singing slowly sounded.

"How can you forget, old friend

Can you think about it in your heart~ (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Old friends, how can they forget each other

Friendship lasts forever~


Su Ming's voice was sincere and clear, and he didn't use too many skills.

As a musician, Han Hong listened to this melody and couldn't help nodding her head gently.

From a slightly professional point of view, the lyrics are a little plain and not outstanding, but with this melody, it completely achieves the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

Coupled with Su Ming's sincere singing, the emotional level of this song is directly full.

This song... It's so well written!

And the others, they don't understand so many professional things.

But it can be clearly heard, this song is very good, and it makes people want to sing along.

At the same time, this song also has a feeling that people can't help but have a sour nose.

Before I knew it, an old friend I hadn't seen in a long time would appear.

"We were, all day long

On the green hills of my hometown

We, too, have gone through hardships

Wandering around


Su Ming continued to sing.

In the corner, Li Ling and the three volunteer teachers now have slightly red eyes.

Especially Li Ling.

At this moment, in his mind, the picture of the first time he came here and saw this group of children appeared.

For the first time, I took the children to play among the green hills.

At that time, the children were not as big as they are now, and they couldn't even speak Mandarin.

Unexpectedly, the highest one was about to catch up with him, not to mention Mandarin.

Five years, time flies so fast.

In the past five years, the children can be said to have broken his heart, but at the same time, they have also brought a lot of joy.

It is not so much that the children are his students, but that they are his best friends.

When he was in a lot of low mood, it was the children's smiles that gave him strength.

The thought of leaving is about to begin.

It's really not a good taste in my heart.

Listening to Su Ming's song now, I can't help but want to cry.

He also hopes that his friendship with the children will last a long time.

But it's so hard.

Seeing that Li Ling's expression was wrong, the three volunteer teachers on the side couldn't help but gently pat Li Ling's shoulder.

They have worked with Li Ling for many years and have experienced too many things together, and the friendship is difficult to describe in words.

To be honest, they were also a little reluctant to let Li Ling leave.

But there is no way.

And one day in the future, they will also usher in the same situation as Li Ling is facing now.

They can't stay here forever.


"Long live friendship, friendship

Long live a toast

Sing in unison, long live friendship

Friendship lasts forever


Su Ming continued to sing.

Now, not only Li Ling, but also the three volunteer teachers looked a little sad.

Han Hong, Yang Mi and the members of the foundation were also deeply touched.

It's just that their emotions are different from Li Ling's.

What they think of now is a picture of what they have experienced with their former friends.

Although Su Ming's song is called "Friendship Lasts Forever"

But it seems like just a beautiful vision.

In this life, most of the friendships are staged, and they can really run through a lifetime, and there are still a few that last forever.

Let's talk about the students.

Compared to the feelings of the adults, the students couldn't hear too much sadness, and now they all had an innocent smile on their faces, slowly nodding their heads with Su Ming's singing.

For them, it's a good song.

And soon, after Su Ming finished singing.

Su Ming began to lead the students to sing together.

Compared to Su Ming.

The children's voices are clearer and full of innocence, and at the same time, the feeling of sounding is also a little different.

"We were, all day long

On the green hills of my hometown

We, too, have gone through hardships

Wandering around


Listening to Su Ming's singing just now, Li Ling couldn't help but cry.

But now listening to the children's singing, he didn't hold back, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

However, in order not to let the children see it, Li Ling turned his head and went towards the office.

The three teachers and the principal on the side noticed this and immediately followed.

Of course, Su Ming also noticed this, but he didn't make a sound, but continued to sing with the children, silently covering for Li Ling.

Although this song is still a little sad to listen to after all.

But he doesn't regret teaching his children to sing it.

After all, if Li Ling really left silently like this, he really felt a little pity.

This song is a gift for the children.

And the other end.

Listening to the children's singing, the barrage seems to be a little tense.

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