Chapter 146 A performance for children, a public welfare program!

"Damn, brothers, I'm in tears! This song is so sad! "

"Fuck! Say yes and don't be sad? Su Ming, this is really the sixth old! "

"Damn! Listening to this song, I immediately thought of my three sons in college, since graduation, I really haven't seen each other again, I said that I would get together after graduation, but I was thirty-five in a flash, harm. "

"I think of my high school classmates, it was a wonderful time in high school, and I don't know what those guys are doing now?"

"This song is really touching to listen to, and I don't know until now that there is no longevity, most of my friends are just a stage of friends, but those friendships are also sincere."

"I want to drink, I miss those brothers."

"Do you think it's those brothers? You just want to be in that youthful time! "

"You see, Teacher Li Ling seems to be a little untenable."

"Harm, Teacher Li Ling was also fooled by Su Ming, and he is not sad, this song is too sad!"

"One thing to say, Teacher Li Ling should be very uncomfortable listening to the children singing this song, after today, I may not see these children in my life."

"Yes, but fortunately, the children still don't know that Teacher Li Ling is leaving, otherwise when the children also cry, Teacher Li Ling's heart is estimated to be even more uncomfortable!"

"Don't talk about it, I'm a little uncomfortable." 220""

"Damn, the song is a good song, and Su Ming's dog is also a real dog, isn't this Nima sad when she says it's good?"



The barrage was broken by this song, and I remembered many good memories.

At the same time, looking at Mr. Li Ling's appearance, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It's not sad at all?

Su Ming's song came out, and the atmosphere was too sad.

And the other end.

Han Hong and the members of the foundation obviously didn't know about Teacher Li Ling's departure, but now looking at Teacher Li Ling's appearance, they couldn't help frowning, their faces full of doubts.

In their opinion, Mr. Li Ling may just remember some memories of the past.

At this time, they are not very easy to bother.

Let's talk about practicing songs.

The song is not very difficult, and the lyrics are few, and the students can be said to learn it quickly.

Just three or four times after singing it, the students learned it all.

And then, Su Ming dismissed the students and let them move freely.

Come to the office.

Li Ling's mood had already eased.

After crying and releasing the depression in his heart, his whole state of mind is really much better.

However, after Li Ling's mood eased.

Han Hong's side really didn't hold back.

That's right, Han Hong had already learned about Li Ling's situation just now.

After learning everything, Han Hong, who has always been emotional, recalled the song just now, and the tears flowed down immediately, and while crying, it was a praise and thank you to Li Ling and several teachers, including the principal.

Such a scene, Su Ming, Yang Mi and the barrage were full of emotion.

On the road of public welfare, we can really see too much of the glorious side of human nature.

Han Hong and the members of the foundation are a microcosm of the majority of public welfare workers.

Li Ling, the principal and three teachers, are a microcosm of the vast number of educators who are committed to the mountainous area.

They all deserve to be celebrated!

I don't know how long it has been.

Han Hong's emotions seemed to have eased.

And in order to avoid being noticed by the students.

The big guy also made an appointment and didn't mention anything about Teacher Li Ling's departure today



The afternoon class went on as usual.

Wait until three o'clock, when the show is about to start, and the lesson will end.

"Finally able to see a show!"

"I'm going to sit in the first row!"

"Run! I want the first row too! "


As the bell rang for the end of class.

One by one, the children rushed out of the classroom with benches, shouting to see the performance, and their emotions were very high.

And with the start of the show.

Su Ming and others also showed their strengths and began to perform.

There are singing, dancing, and some going up to tell jokes, similar to talk shows.

The overall atmosphere can be described as extremely cheerful

Although everyone came up with the show improvised, there was no rehearsal, there was no props and equipment, everything was very rough, but the children watched it with relish and smiles.

It is worth mentioning that Han Hong originally wanted to sing Su Ming's song "There Are So Many People in the World".

But looking at the situation, it doesn't seem to be suitable for singing this song, so I changed to a lighter children's song.

And wait for Su Ming, Yang Mi, Han Hong and others to finish performing.

The four teachers and the principal couldn't hold back, and they came up to show their talents to the students.

Seeing the teacher they were familiar with performing, the students were extremely excited, laughing back and forth, and the atmosphere of the whole performance reached a climax at this moment.

The atmosphere of the barrage is also boiling at this moment.


Happy times are always short-lived.

With the chorus of the students singing the song "Friendship Lasts Forever", it sounded.

This performance also came to an end.

Look at the way the children are singing seriously now.

Li Ling's face at this time seemed to have a smile of relief.

Although the ending of the departure cannot be changed.

But the five-year friendship with the children, he will hide it deep in his heart for a long time.

"Headmaster, Zhiwei, the children will rely on you in the future."

Li Ling couldn't help but look at the principal on the side and the three teachers who had worked with him for many years at this time, and leaned closer and spoke slowly.

Hearing Li Ling's words, several people nodded seriously, and a smile appeared on their faces.

In fact, they have a lot of parting words in their hearts that they want to say to Li Ling, but the children are here.

Everything is in plain sight.

And when the show is all over, the curtain will come down.

It was already half past four in the afternoon.

At this time, it is time for the students to get out of school.

At the same time, it was also time for Su Ming and the others to say goodbye to several teachers and students.

One thing to say, today's life is really very fulfilling.

For these students, Su Ming and the others were somewhat reluctant.

And wait to watch the students leave one by one.

Su Ming and the others didn't stay too long, and they took Xiaoling and the children from the same village who came together in the morning on the way home.

It's just that before leaving, Su Ming and the others couldn't help but look back and take a deep look at Li Ling and a few teachers.

Again, that's the same sentence.

Everything is in plain sight.

And after sending the students and Su Ming and the others away, getting into the car of an old friend, and embarking on the departure trip, Li Ling, who had been maintaining a strong smile just now, seemed to be crying silently.

Five years. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

How many five years are there in life?


And on the other end.

Fermentation over time.

Regarding Su Ming's "Friendship Lasts Forever" and the story of Mr. Li Ling, it is now on the microwave hot search.

The comments at the bottom are really unusually boiling.

"Su Ming is forced to write a new song again? I have gone to the mountains to do public welfare, and I still have time to write songs? Write a few handfuls of it, right? "

"! This song is also so well written! I'm in tears! "

"How can I forget, old friends, damn, I didn't hold back the melody of the first sentence alone, and the sense of the picture came up all of a sudden!"

"Indeed, it's another song that costs smoke!"

"Su Ming is amazing! How did you come up with this song? "

"Shhh Teacher Li Ling's story is too touching! "

"It's really touching, I don't know what kind of picture these children will be tomorrow after they know that he leaves0..."

"Harm, what other picture can it be, the children are crying, but the children are forgetful, and it is estimated that it will be fine after a while."

"Think about it carefully, Teacher Li Ling, these volunteer teachers are really great, if it weren't for them, how desperate would the lives of these children in the mountainous areas be?"

"Yes, if you want me to say, it is highly recommended to improve the salary of these volunteer teachers!"

"That's right! Although I don't know what is going on at Mr. Li Ling's house, it is likely to be related to money, and according to the salary here, Mr. Li Ling has to leave if he doesn't want to. "

"Indeed, the salary of volunteer teachers must be improved!"


It's the same as the barrage in the live broadcast room before.

Now the netizens of this microwave are also moved by Su Ming's song and Mr. Li Ling's matter.

At the same time, the profession of volunteer teacher has also appeared in the public eye.

After seeing the current situation of Li Ling and other teachers, netizens seem to be unable to raise their voices for improving volunteer teachers.

to the back.

There are also many big Vs who have also spoken out.


The top ten of these hot searches.

Seven or eight of them are related to volunteer teachers.

Today's microwave is an unusually positive energy.


Lan Tai Building.

"Who is the King of Singers" program conference room.

"Now that the public welfare is so hot, why don't we have a charity concert for the purpose of benefiting the public welfare?"

"When the time comes, invite Su Ming, Han Hong and some singers to come over, and two-thirds of all the income from that episode of the show will be used for public welfare."

"In this way, we can get traffic at the same time, and we can also mention word of mouth."

One of the planners came up with his own ideas at the moment.

As soon as this idea came out, it immediately caused a discussion among everyone in the conference room.


By unanimous agreement with the big guys.

The proposal was a success.


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Today's Su Ming is taking Xiaoling and others all the way to home.

Same as when I came.

It's also very hard to go back.

It was almost six o'clock.

Only then did Su Ming and the others send Xiaoling and them back.

Wait for Su Ming and the others to arrive at the station.

It's already half past six at 0.5 o'clock.

When I looked up, it was already dark.

If I hadn't brought a flashlight this time, I guess I would have borrowed the villagers again.

And this two-hour rush is really tiring enough.

Su Ming, Han Hong and the others are okay, at most, the physical consumption is a bit large.

The worst is Yang Mi.

Along the way, Yang Mi's feet were worn out.

Walking to the back, it was a painful limp.

Fortunately, Su Ming directly carried her back.

Otherwise, it is not possible to return to the station at half past six.

And after returning to the station, this live broadcast room is naturally closed.

"Su Ming, you light, my skin is all worn out, don't do so much at once, it hurts."

"Okay, okay, you bear with it, there are so many things to do with a pill, and I don't bother to care about you anymore, but you are really, you can wear out the skin after walking such a short distance, you are too delicate, right?"

"Humph! It's not you, you have to pull me to run so fast! "

"Sister Mi, why are you still a wicked person to sue first, if I hadn't pulled you, you would have fallen into a puddle."



Su Ming was gently rubbing the medicine to Yang Mi.

Su Ming was tired, so he couldn't control the liniment very finely.

What caused Yang Mi's pain was a burst of uh-huh-ahh

The two disagreed, and they were in a posture of quarreling.

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