Chapter 147: Su Ming drilled the wrong bed!

After giving Yang Mi the medicine.

This dinner is also just cooked.

Since the big guys are tired and hungry, the dinner table can be said to be surprisingly quiet.

Including Han Hong, they are all working seriously.

After you have eaten and drunk enough.

The group slowly opened the conversation.

And what we are talking about is naturally about what happened today.

Overall, I was basically happy today.

is talking about Mr. Li Ling, and the atmosphere will be a little sad.

And after talking about this, I also talked about tomorrow's arrangement.

There is really no plan for tomorrow, tomorrow is to go home.

Because what they can do, they have basically done it.

Today evening will be their last night in the mountains.

And there are no surprises.

This last night is still ushering in a power outage.

Since the power went out, the big guys naturally didn't continue to talk for too long, and they were all ready to go to bed.

Su Ming also wanted to quickly climb into bed and go to sleep.

But who let him put Yang Mi on the shelf?

Yang Mi is extremely afraid of the dark now, but she hasn't taken a bath yet.

So Su Ming could only guard Yang Mi again.

"Su 06 Ming, are you still there?"

"I'm here, Sister Mi, you'd better hurry up and wash it."

Yang Mi was washing, and from time to time she had to ask if Su Ming outside the door was there.

This really made Su Ming, who was already very sleepy, a little happy.

Is Yang Mi really so afraid of the dark?

This is outrageous!

Fortunately, Yang Mi took a quick bath this time, and Su Ming didn't wait too long.

And wait for Yang Mi to just come out of the bathroom door.

Yang Mi tidied up her wet hair slightly, took the change of clothes, and jumped onto Su Ming's back.

In this regard, Su Ming could only express helplessness.

Who let Yang Mi's foot break the skin?

Instead of arguing with Yang Mi, it is better to go on your back to save trouble.

No way, he's really sleepy!

However, Su Ming didn't take a few steps, and he just found out that something was wrong.

Why is Yang Mi wearing so badly?

The main thing is that I didn't even pad my clothes this time.

Yang Mi didn't react, he was too embarrassed to remind him, so he could only bear it.

Anyway, it seems that he is not at a loss.

At this time, Yang Mi, who was lying on Su Ming's back, was already red.

Naturally, she knew that.

But this time she did it on purpose.

I was too reserved last time, and I can't repeat the same mistake this time.

But to her disappointment.

Su Ming was actually indifferent!

Damn it!

Is Su Ming a creature without a sense of touch?

When she returned to the room, she really rolled on the bed several times because of this, and she was so angry that she choked.

"Could it be that Su Ming really doesn't feel anything about me at all?"

Yang Mi was wiping her hair at this time, muttering in a low voice, and her mind was already a mess.

She's already taken the initiative just now, right?

As a result, Su Ming didn't even say a word.

After carrying her back to the house, he ran back to his house.

This is not like the behavior of a normal man!

Could it be that Su Ming wore it too thickly?


That's right, that's how it should be!

And Yang Mi put aside this meal to comfort herself at the same time.

Su Ming on the other end is now snoring.

I can't help it, I'm too tired today.

Aside from going to bed early, he couldn't hold anything else on his mind.


And with the passage of time.

In the blink of an eye, it was already early in the morning.

Su Ming, who had slept well, suddenly felt a sense of defecation.

After a short struggle, Su Ming squinted, hurriedly got up, and went to the toilet in the corridor outside.

I have to say.

It's a cold night in the mountains.

After Su Ming finished solving it, he hurriedly entered the house.

But when he returned to the bed, he felt in a daze that the bed seemed to be quite warm

At the same time, the quilt seems to have become softer, and there is a faint fragrance. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

All in all, it's so comfortable to lie down!

The comfortable quilt, coupled with the already full sleepiness.

After a while, Su Ming just fell asleep.


He didn't realize at this moment that he was actually like Yang Mi before, and he drilled the wrong bed.

It's not just that Su Ming didn't find out.

Even Yang Mi didn't find out.

Because she was tired enough today, she slept very deeply tonight.

The only thing she vaguely felt was that there seemed to be an extra pillow.

The more you hug it, the warmer it gets!


And quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the early morning of the next day.

"Dog Su Ming! Make you dislike me! "

Yang Mi was stretching her waist while yawning, muttering about the nightmare from yesterday night, looking very cute.

After she slowly opened her eyes and became conscious a little.

Like Su Ming before, she suddenly felt as if there was something more in the bed.

When she covered her mouth and opened a crack in the door to look over.

She almost screamed.

This...... Isn't this Su Ming?

How could Su Ming be in her bed?


Countless thoughts began to rush through her mind.

At the same time, his face was already flushed.

She's... Could it be that it is still in a dream?

Pinched his little face, it hurts!

This is not a dream!

"Could it be that Su Ming made a mistake just like me that day?"

Yang Mi frowned and speculated at this time.

But soon, this speculation was rejected by her.

She'd made this mistake once.

With her 103 understanding of Su Ming's wisdom, it was impossible for Su Ming to make such a low-level mistake.

So...... There is a high probability that Su Ming took the initiative to come over!


Su Ming's mind is naturally very clear.

Su Ming just likes her!

Thinking of this, Yang Mi was ashamed and happy.

I really didn't expect that Su Ming looked thick-skinned to death on the surface, but he didn't expect to have such a shy side!

Yesterday night, I told her directly, just show my heart.

As for sneaking in on this night?

After all, her current life was saved by Su Ming.

As long as Su Ming speaks, she is willing to do anything!

After waiting for a while, Su Ming woke up.

Will Su Ming confess to her?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi's heart was undoubtedly a deer.

Grinding for so long.

It's finally time to be with Su Ming!

After looking at Su Ming in the quilt again.

Yang Mi was no longer reserved, and after a while, she got into Su Ming's arms and began to pretend to be asleep.

This is the case right now.

Naturally, the boy still has to find out.

She's a girl, and she's still a little shy.

But right.

Yesterday night, Su Ming shouldn't have done anything, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi quickly wanted to check it.

But just when she wanted to move.

Su Ming stretched and yawned, looking like he was about to wake up.

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