Chapter 148: Is Su Ming not good? Show Invitation!


After Su Ming stretched his waist, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The feeling of sleeping until you wake up naturally is really cool!

And to be honest, I slept really warmly yesterday night!


As soon as Su Ming opened his eyes and regained consciousness, a familiar feeling suddenly came up.

Something in your arms?!

Wait for him to look down.

Yang Mi is extremely well-behaved and snuggled in his arms!


Su Ming's eyes widened, his face changed drastically, and his whole body directly froze.

What do you mean?

Is this time you have crossed?

How is this the same as the plot last time?

Could it be that this Yang Mi ran to the wrong house in the middle of the night again, and came with a wave of braces?

Su Ming can now be said to be full of question marks.

And wait for him to think about it.

Yesterday night, he seemed to get up and go to the toilet...

Come to think of this.

Su Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.


This time it seems that he made a mistake!

Realizing this, Su Ming's face was solemn, and he could say that he was panicked in his heart.

It feels a bit of a hassle now.

If Yang Mi mistakenly thinks that he is that kind of person, how will he be a friend in the future?

Ahem... If he said that he also accidentally made a mistake, Yang Mi should believe it, right?

And at the same time as Su Ming's mind was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Yang Mi in his arms is now also beating very fast, and the ideological struggle is fierce.

Why didn't Su Ming suddenly stop talking?

Could it be that Su Ming is brewing a confession?

So when Su Ming confesses, how should she respond so that this process can be recalled as romantic?

But think about it, no, how can anyone confess in the bed?

Romantic Hammer!

And the two of them were in this state for about five minutes.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

In the end, it was Su Ming who moved first.

Su Ming's idea is also simple.

Thirty-six plans, go for the top plan!

Anyway, Yang Mi seems to be sleeping quite deeply, he sneaked away, Yang Mi shouldn't be able to find out.

And noticed that Su Ming was slowly moving her body.

Yang Mi's little face suddenly became slightly ruddy.

Could it be that Su Ming wants to kiss her?

This dog Su Ming thought he was a straight man, but he didn't expect to be quite good!

"What an unexpected success!"

After slowly moving Yang Mi from his arms, Su Ming couldn't help but gasp in his heart.

He really felt that Yang Mi was going to wake up at any time just now.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Then you only need to gently leave the bed and walk out of the door, and it will be considered a success.

"Is Su Ming leaving?"

On the other end, Yang Mi, who had been brewing for a long time, noticed that something was wrong.

What about kissing well, how do you feel that Su Ming wants to leave?

Could it be that Su Ming wants to eat dry and wipe clean and go straight away?

That's too scummy, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi's face is undoubtedly redder, but it's not shy, it's angry!

Just when she wanted to squint her eyes slightly and take a look at whether Su Ming was really leaving.

A sharp pain suddenly came from her delicate feet.


One didn't hold back, and Yang Mi screamed directly in pain.


Look at each other.

Time seems to have stood still.

"Damn! Forget that her feet are broken, she should be a little slower! "

"It hurts! It hurts! But...... Su Ming looked like he was really leaving? Really don't confess? Stinky scumbag! "


Countless thoughts were suddenly running through the minds of the two.

But for a while, neither of them knew what to say.

A brief stalemate.

Yang Mi is a tranquility that is broken by the most simple and natural method.


"Sister Mi, listen to my explanation!"

As soon as Yang Mi's little milk voice broke out, Su Ming hurriedly rushed up and covered Yang Mi's mouth, his face full of panic.

If this is seen by others, it really can't be washed away.


Su Ming immediately used a fast speed to say that he had gone to the wrong house.

At the same time, he also used Yang Mi's own experience of going to the wrong house to make Yang Mi believe that he also accidentally made a mistake.

After listening to this, Yang Mi had a look of understanding on her face, but in her heart, she seemed to be disappointed.

That's it?

It's just a mistake?!

Then what was she doing to herself at a meal just now?

Thinking of this, Yang Mi's face turned red.


Su Ming is really a piece of elm!

She really thinks too much!

"Sister Mi, that's the way it is, don't get me wrong anyway."

"I, Su Ming, am not that kind of person!"

Su Ming couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Yang Mi seemed to believe his words, and at the same time patted his fierce breasts, and said with a straight face.

A gentleman is good cesium, and he takes it in a good way!

He, Su Ming, is not the kind of person who does sneaky things!

And the more upright Su Ming's face was, the more headache Yang Mi looked.

"That's... So what did you really do to me yesterday night? "

Yang Mi hesitated, her face was slightly red, and she asked again.

As soon as these words came out, Su Ming was very strict, paused slightly, and there was a burst of memories in his mind.

Then he gave a confident smile, "Sister Mi, you can rest assured, I really didn't do anything!" "

"If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself!"

He is a dignified man and a gentleman.

Never do that!


"Then you get out of here."

Yang Mi covered her head in the quilt and couldn't see her expression, but in this tone, she seemed to be able to detect a trace of indifference.

Su Ming also noticed that there seemed to be a murderous intention, how could he feel that Yang Mi did not fully understand him for going to the wrong house!

"Then I'm out."

"Sister Mi really, don't think about it, I'm a righteous gentleman!"

"We'll see you later for breakfast."

Su Ming didn't dare to linger too long, and after explaining a few more words, he hurriedly left the room.

It's better to wait for Yang Mi to lose some anger before continuing to explain (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

And wait for Su Ming to leave.

Yang Mi in the quilt suddenly fluttered.

"Stinky Su Ming! Stinky Su Ming! "

I want to have a figure, I want to have a face, and my personality has been very well-behaved.

Why doesn't Su Ming get oil and salt?

Yang Mi was a little unwilling, she really blushed, and checked her whole body.


Strict and neat!

What went wrong?

Could it be that Su Ming can't do it?

That's not right.

Su Ming's eight-pack abs are chic when he plays basketball, and he looks fierce, not like a person with a problem.


Yang Mi seemed to have fallen into unprecedented confusion.

That was the best chance to be together!

Could it be that in Su Ming's eyes, he really has no charm at all?

And Su Ming on the other end.

Now lying on his bed, his face with a false alarm can't help but slowly show a smile.

If you think about it carefully, Yang Mi was actually quite cute just now.

He and Yang Mi went to the wrong house twice, and when they slept together, the quality of sleep seemed to be okay.

If you really talk to Yang Mi, it should be a good experience.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

Fortunately, he explained more clearly and seriously just now, so Yang Mi didn't treat him as that kind of person.

Otherwise, let alone thinking about talking to Yang Mi in the future, I'm afraid I won't even be able to make friends.

After all, how could a normal woman fall in love with a lewd villain who ran away from the bed in the middle of the night?


Fortunately, it was clearly explained!


And with the passage of time.

It's breakfast time.

Since the main thing today is to go to the airport and get ready to go home.

So there is no need to go out in a hurry like the previous two days, this breakfast big guy didn't eat in a hurry, and began to talk about idle days.

And the big guy is chatting about idle days, and the more he chats, the more reluctant he becomes.

Although I have only been here for a few days, I have a lot of memories.

And when I think of these villagers and children in the mountains, their lives are still in dire straits.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little stuck in their throats.

I always feel like I can do more, but I feel like I can't do much.


After breakfast.

After packing their luggage, the group got into the bus to the airport.

"'Xiaomi, Xiaoming, are you two having a conflict? Why don't you talk much? "

In the car, one of the Foundation members in the passenger seat spoke with a smile.

Unlike the previous two days, Su Ming and Yang Mi almost couldn't stop arguing, and they were almost used to listening to it.

But today, the two of them were a little unexpectedly quiet.

This really made them a little uncomfortable.

"Don't talk to this villain!"

Yang Mi glanced at Su Ming, then shook her little face and dropped a cruel word.

Su Ming didn't like her.

Then she shouldn't like Su Ming either!

Seeing Yang Mi's attitude, Su Ming really couldn't bear it.

"Sister Mi, what's wrong with me? You have to make it clear who is taking care of you these days, who carries you downstairs in the morning, who gives you breakfast in the morning..."

Originally, Yang Mi was angry at breakfast in the morning, but he endured it and deliberately accommodated.

After all, it was indeed his pot yesterday night.

But Yang Mi has been biting this thing, so he can't get used to it.

"You're murdering me?"

Yang Mi saw that what Su Ming said was very reasonable (Qian Zhao's), and it was difficult to refute it, so she hurriedly exploded in her acting skills, and her eyes turned red.


Su Ming's head was big for a while, he was obviously reasoning, why was he fierce?

And it was at this time that the car began to jolt.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that Yang Mi was about to kowtow, Su Ming subconsciously protected Yang Mi and pulled her into his arms.

At this moment, I felt Su Ming's boyfriend power.

Yang Mi's already cold heart was immediately a little hot.

Su Ming doesn't like her?

It seems that she has to think about this question carefully!

If you don't like it, will you be so anxious to protect her?

"Sister Mi, look, who protected you this time?"

"Whew, that's... Thank you. "

"Just a thank you?"

"So what do you want? Do you want me to make a promise? "

"No, Sister Mi, you're a bit of a trick, when you come back to the magic capital, you have to treat me to a good meal!"



The two seem to have returned to their usual bickering mode.

Seeing this, the two Foundation members in the front row couldn't help but smile with their aunts on their faces.

That's right.

Listening to this bickering, it's much more refreshing than a car DJ.

And when Yang Mi and Su Ming were arguing, they were fighting.

A phone call seemed to interrupt the rhythm of the two.

The call was from the business department of Jiahang.

"What? Invite me to a charity program? "Who is the King of Singers"? "


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