Chapter 149 Gossip Reba, you want to rob Su Ming?

Listen to the call from the business department.

Su Ming couldn't help frowning.

Because when he heard that he was going to be on the show, he almost instinctively resisted.

With his current situation, isn't it fragrant to put him badly?

What's the show you have nothing to do?

However, when I hear the word public welfare.

He couldn't help but reconsider.

If it can really help public welfare, then you can really consider it.

Let's talk about the show,

In a nutshell.

is that Lantai has a singing variety show called "Who is the King of Singers" who is ready to organize a public welfare event and invite him to sing on stage.

In fact, Su Ming is still a little resistant to this kind of thing that sounds a bit like hype.

But when I learned that the program team would donate two-thirds of the current income to public welfare.

Su Ming's prejudice disappeared most of it at once.

If that can really be done.

Then this show is really worth visiting!


After discussing with Yang Mi a little and verifying the credibility of this program group, Su Ming directly chose to agree.

And on the other end.

Lan Tai Building.

In the floor of the column group of "Who is the King of Singers".

"Agreed! Su Ming agreed! "

"Really, so quickly agreed?"

"Holy! We can really invite Su Ming, so isn't the traffic of our program stable? "

"Hahaha, I said it a long time ago, Su Ming will definitely agree for the sake of our public welfare, Su Ming is kind-hearted!"


At this moment, the director, including the entire column group area 330 domains, suddenly came with an exclamation.

This time, they invited a lot of guests, including some heavyweights.

But what they care about the most is Su Ming.

After all, Su Ming is now the center of traffic and a top rookie in the circle.

However, Su Ming's difficult invitation has long been spread on major TV stations, and they were somewhat worried that Su Ming would not come, or that Su Ming would come and open his mouth or something.

But they never expected that Su Ming would agree so quickly, and there was no lion opening his mouth at all, which was really something they didn't expect.

And at the same time.

Same as Su Ming.

Han Hong, who was sitting in the front car, also received an invitation from this program group.

After Han Hong learned the purpose of this show, she agreed to the invitation as soon as possible.

It can be helpful for public welfare.

Then she must go!

Moreover, this stage seems to be just right for her to show the song "There are so many people in this world".

Ever since she saw this song, she has always felt that this song must be seen by more people.

This is a great opportunity!

And as more and more guests agree to the invitation.

Now the program team of "Who is the King of Singers" has begun to be busy, and it is a little unavoidable.

I have to say.

The public welfare card is really good.

Many of the guests they had never dared to think of before now basically agreed.

The guest lineup for this next episode is definitely the richest battle they have fought since the beginning of the show!

Although two-thirds of the income will have to be donated at that time.

But this wave of traffic and word-of-mouth is enough for them to make money!


Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

After taking over the business of "Who is the King of Singers".

Su Ming and Yang Mi didn't bother about the previous things anymore, and the chat content was all about this show.


As we chatted, the scenery outside the car window had changed from a snow-capped mountain on the plateau to a high-rise building.

Return to the city again, looking at the bustling street.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the others really couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in their hearts.

Mountains with here.

It's the same world.

But it's the same world.

Public welfare undertakings are really a long way to go.

And it didn't take long.

The group had already arrived at the airport.

After waiting for a while, the group boarded the plane.

The plane is still very bumpy, and it is not easy to rest.

Luckily, it wasn't very long.

More than two hours later, the group arrived at the Modu Airport.

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Mi, let's go first, we'll have a chance to see you again in the future!"


"Okay! Uncle Wang, Brother Li, often contact in the future! "

"Then I'll go first, we'll see you on the show then, and Mimi is here, her feet are worn out, you take care of it more on the road."

“OK! Goodbye, Teacher Han Hong! "


Arriving at the airport, it was naturally time to separate.

After the group left one after another.

Only Su Ming and Yang Mi were left.

Su Ming looked at the backs of Han Hong and the others, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional, although they had only been together for a few days, it seemed that they had known these people for a long time, and they were still a little reluctant to separate.

And after sighing, Su Ming looked at Yang Mi on the side, "Let's go, Sister Mi, why are you still stunned?" "

Yang Mi raised her hands, pouted slightly, and looked at Su Ming expectantly, "Carry me!" "

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

It's just that the foot is broken, and it's not that the leg is lame, as for it?

But he can't do anything about Yang Mi.

If she refuses, Yang Mi is estimated to be making trouble again.

"Come on!"

Lying on Su Ming's back, the smile on Yang Mi's face couldn't be stopped at all.

Su Ming is a little straighter, but as long as he is slightly adjusted, it is still good!

"Sister Mi, you seem to be fat again."

"Get out! (ahcd)"

"It hurts, it hurts! No, Sister Mi, in addition to biting, can you change another trick... Oops, hey, it's a bit foul to pick up your hair! "


And quickly.

Pick up and drop off with the driver.

The two finally returned to their respective homes.

But when I got home, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

After running all the way, Su Ming seemed to be a little tired.

After simply solving the dinner, playing a few more alliances, and taking a shower, it is time to go to bed early and get ready for bed.

And Yang Mi on the other end has a good sister Reba.

Now it's very spiritual.

"What? You've both slept in the same bed? It's going too fast! "

"Sister Mi... Can you tell us how it feels? "

Listening to what Yang Mi said just now, Reba's face was filled with incomparable shock and gossip.

This is much faster than she expected!

And see Reba's appearance that he has never seen the world.

Yang Mi immediately pretended to have a profound look, "Warm!" "

This answer made Reba a little confused for a while.

"Warm? I've heard people say that the first time shouldn't be..."

"Ahh You...... What are you talking about? We're not there yet! "

Yang Mi, who had just reacted, turned red with a bang.

She thought Reba was asking a serious question.

What's going on with Reba, why are you thinking so much lately?

"Who are you fooling, Sister Mi, you are both in the same bed, if you don't do anything, who will believe this?"

"There are no outsiders here, what's the matter, Sister Mi, do you even have to guard against me?"

Reba waved her hand, a look she understood.

"No, don't think about it!"

"Not yet? I don't believe it! Unless Su Ming can't! "

"No, how can I explain it to you, here's the thing..."

"Huh? Is it so bloody? You went to the wrong house, but you all pay attention to courtesy?

But you can't do this, you all sleep on a quilt, nothing has happened, Sister Mi, the current form is very worrying..."


After some explanation.

Reba couldn't help but take a heavy breath and shook her head, her face full of disappointment.

At the same time, her eyes were also full of worries about Yang Mi's relationship.

"What's your expression? I'm not in a hurry, you're in a hurry, what's the matter, you want to rob Su Ming with me? "

"Or is there someone else to rob?"

And looking at Reba's heartbroken appearance, Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry first.

"Sister Mi, why are you still laughing, you sent it to Su Ming's mouth, but he didn't even say it."

"It's too big a problem!"

"According to this situation, don't say it, if I go out, it is really possible to snatch Su Ming over."


The smart Reba is now beginning to analyze the situation.

And this nonsense, Yang Mi only thought it was funny.

Su Ming's thoughts, she felt that no one could guess it.

As for Reba or others, they wanted to rob Su Ming.

Don't think about it.

That's when it really comes.

She was really going to rush to Su Ming's bed, and she was tinkering.

When the time comes, the raw rice is cooked and matured, see who can grab it?

The second daughter hadn't seen her for a few days, so she really had a lot to say.

We talked until late at night.

From the beginning, it was a normal topic, and it has been talked all the way to the point that outsiders are red-faced when they hear it.

For example, on the question of whether Su Ming can do it.


And the other end.

The "Who is the King of Singers" program team in the Lantai Building is now busy all the way until late at night.

At this moment, a young man in a suit was holding a list and rushed to the director's office in a hurry.

"Director, all the guests invited this time have been successfully invited, this is the list."

"The rules of the program are being changed now, and if nothing else, the results should be available by tomorrow afternoon."

"Well, then talk to the operation department, it's almost time to announce the show tomorrow morning, by the way, when they announce it, remember to put Su Ming in a conspicuous position."

"Okay, I'll go and inform!"


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