Chapter 12 Mother-style bargaining, he's really too down-to-earth!

"Hey, family, I haven't been out for a long time, today Xiaoyun is here to broadcast an outdoor broadcast for everyone. "

"I'll tell you secretly, there's a special guest today!".

After turning on the comic live broadcast, Chi Xiaoyun greeted the fans as usual, and then showed a mysterious expression.

As a small Internet celebrity.


In Chi Xiaoyun's live broadcast room, hundreds of people have already poured in.

These are all fans of Chi Xiaoyun.

"Ace Pigeon! You finally remember that you're still a streamer!".

"That's it, if you don't broadcast it, you think you've given birth!"

"Wow, why do you look so good today!".

"Hey, wait, Xiaoyun, the special guest you said won't be a man, right?"

"Ah, no, what if you say you don't smoke or drink, and don't walk side by side with boys?


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chi Xiaoyun couldn't help laughing, and then looked at Su Ming on the side with a little shyness.

Su Ming didn't have anything to hide, so he just leaned over and said hello to the camera.

And this greets a dozen.

For the time being, there are only a few hundred people in the live broadcast room, and the barrage exploded in an instant.

"Xiaoyun, won't this be the boyfriend you're looking for?

"It's really handsome, like a star, but why does it feel a little familiar, and I always feel like I've seen it somewhere?"

"Damn! What do you mean to be like a star? This is a star! Isn't this the Su Ming who is scared of Fangyue on the hot search?!".

"I'm going! Could it be that the lucky fan Su Ming drew is Xiaoyun?!".

"I have a hunch that Xiaoyun is going to become a big anchor today!".

"Xiaoyun is out of breath, and he can actually invite a star to be a guest!".


As the center of the vortex on today's hot search.

There are many people in the live broadcast room who have already recognized Su Ming.

All of them were very unexpected.

And with these viewers and the natural push of the official.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to soar at a very terrifying speed.

However, Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun didn't care too much about this.

After adjusting the camera, the two were already heading towards the mall.

After all, according to Su Ming's words.

The live broadcast is just to avoid suspicion, and by the way, it is also to let those fans who have always supported Su Ming understand Su Ming more really.

didn't say that he was rushing to do a good job of live broadcasting.

And today's theme is to have a good day with fans.

For Chi Xiaoyun, staying with idols is much more important than live broadcasting.

"I'm going!Su Mingzhen and female fans have started a live broadcast!".

"Big data is really awesome!I can get it all!".

"I came here on a hot search, I heard that Su Ming is going to have a big show with female fans?".

"Hahaha, is it on the wrong channel upstairs?!".

"Oh, don't say it, this female fan looks really good! And you look at the female fan looking at Su Ming's little eyes, tsk. "

"It's really beautiful, love love, love. "

"It's disgusting, and I said that Su Ming doesn't want to be a C fan! Can you smoke such a good-looking one casually? Or is my brother real, and he never engages in these bells and whistles. "

"Yes, I suspect that Su Ming is just hype, this fan was arranged in advance! It's so fake, it's not worth touching our brother at all!".

"Chicken girl, can you climb!".

"It's weird, why are there chicken girls everywhere, it's really unlucky. "

"This is Xiaoyun's live broadcast room, can you change places for scolding?"

"Don't say it, this is the first time I've seen a celebrity go to a shopping mall, and I'm looking forward to it. "

"What is there to look forward to, celebrities have money, and they will definitely take fans to major luxury stores to buy and buy later. "

"I also think that celebrities are not short of money, wait for it to be a buy, buy and buy link, I'll guess the number first, this time the consumption will start at least 50,000 yuan!".

"Then I guess seventy thousand!".

"Brother, the pattern is small, but 180,000 people and celebrities are not money. "


Kung Fu who just entered the mall.

The two didn't realize that there were originally only hundreds of people in the live broadcast room.

Now it's 20,000!

And the numbers are rising!

Let's talk about Su Ming and the others.

Since it's a weekend.

There are a lot of people in the mall today.

So the two of them couldn't go in every store to take a look, so they could only chat and hang out in the mall.

Originally, Su Ming was planning to bleed heavily, give back to the fans, and buy some decent gifts for Chi Xiaoyun.

However, Chi Xiaoyun may be a little embarrassed.

When you encounter that kind of big-name store, it's just a detour and turn around to some cheap small goods store.

There is one thing to say.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Su Ming still felt quite comfortable in his heart.

After all, these stores are his daily consumption level.

At the same time, he silently added a lot of points to Chi Xiaoyun's impression.

This girl is simple and cute, not to mention, people are not material at all.

If you change to a material fishing girl.

I'm afraid that Su Ming's credit card has been maxed out now.

Since the rotten, Su Ming's whole life has been improved.

However, there is obviously no increase in wages.

Fishing, the salary can be mixed, just enough to live.

Compared with the rest of the stars filming and singing, there are millions and tens of millions at every turn.

Su Ming now has just over 10,000 yuan a month.

Although this income is not low in the magic capital, it is definitely not a high salary, and if you are a little bigger, you will become moonshine.

And after this period of getting along.

Chi Xiaoyun is also not as nervous as before.

Su Ming's approachable posture, many times she even has the feeling that she is shopping with an old friend in daily life.

"Brother Su Ming, I want to buy this. "

"It's a pretty good hat. "

Passing by a small shop, Chi Xiaoyun picked a pink hat at a glance in a small shop.

"Boss, how much?".

"Little girl, you really know the goods, this hat is limited, only three hundred and twenty yuan, and the one next to him is your boyfriend, he looks quite handsome. "

The shopkeeper was a woman in her forties and fifties, took the hat, looked at Chi Xiaoyun, and then looked at Su Ming on the side and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Chi Xiaoyun's face was slightly red, and he quickly clarified: "No, it's not a boyfriend." "

She thought so.

But she didn't feel worthy.

At this time, Su Ming on the side spoke: "Boss, the price of your hat is not low, can you give some discounts?"

Chi Xiaoyun also reacted.

One thing to say, this hat is indeed a bit out of line with the price.

They must have been slaughtered.

And hearing Su Ming's words, the proprietress was also a cheerful person, and smiled directly: "I see that you have eyes, young man, you can tell me a number." "

Su Ming was also unambiguous: "Then wipe the tail, can you sell it for twenty, if you can sell it, I will take it directly." "

"Well... Huh?".

The proprietress was about to agree, but when she heard the price carefully, the whole person was directly stunned.

Even Chi Xiaoyun on the side widened his eyes and felt incredulous.

Three hundred and two cut to twenty?

What kind of chopping is this?!

"No, young man, how can you cut like this?

"Boss, I used to run a small market, and you made a lot of money at twenty, let's do business, be honest." "

"What did you say, young man..."



Su Ming was already bargaining with the proprietress and even debating with a slight smell of gunpowder.

Chi Xiaoyun on the side was dumbfounded.

However, she didn't think Su Ming was stingy, but felt that Su Ming was very tough.

Something that costs less than twenty actually sells them for more than three hundred!

Isn't that taking them for fools?!

If it weren't for Su Ming's presence, she would have been cheated!

Listening to it, her anger is a little up.

So he joined the bargain.

And at this time, the barrage has already exploded.

"Help! How can I see my mother's shadow from Su Ming? This cutting method is too familiar!".

"Is he really a star? He hasn't bought anything expensive from beginning to end, not to mention, he still bargains for a hat!"

"Yes, I feel that Su Ming is too down-to-earth, don't you have the impression that celebrities sell without looking at the price?"

"Indeed, Su Ming is not the same as the star in my impression!"

"Hahaha, Su Ming is really too real, the first time I saw someone who could bargain better than my mother, you see, he is almost fifteen!".

"Don't talk about it, I'm already a fan now, a little bargaining trick every day!".

"Laugh to death! But there is one thing to say, this proprietress is too insincere, the cost of such a low-cost thing, it is actually sold so high, if it weren't for Su Ming's experience, it is estimated that she would have been slaughtered. "

"Ahem, I said just now that I bet 50,000 yuan, can I change it to 500 now?"


Su Ming's mother-style bargaining directly made everyone in the live broadcast room blindfolded.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also came to the terrifying 110,000 at this time!

And at the same time as the barrage is brushing wildly.

Su Ming's side had already won this bargain with a victorious attitude.

In the end, the hat was sold for 14 yuan.

"It's so annoying, Brother Su Ming, if it weren't for you, I guess I would have been wronged. "

Chi Xiaoyun said angrily.

"Xiaoyun, you are still young, in fact, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, I have cheated too much, you can just have a little more snacks in the future." "

"We have money, but that doesn't mean we're stupid. "

"I'm a little tired of shopping for so long, let's go, brother will take you to the novice area of the mall to find something to pad the mat, and I'll have lunch later." "

Su Ming smiled and comforted.

Chi Xiaoyun immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and his eyes were full of adoration when he looked at Su Ming.

And it didn't take long for the two to arrive at the so-called shopping mall novice area - a shopping mall food tasting area.

"Hahaha, I can't do it, I'm dying of laughter, is this what Su Ming called the novice area of the mall? It's so funny!".

"Poof! Originally, I thought Su Ming was quite in-depth, but when I saw the tasting area, I was sorry, I couldn't help it!".

"There is nothing wrong with what Su Ming's people say, there is no cost in the tasting area."

"Looking at Su Ming's skillful appearance in various stalls, I feel that he should be a regular customer in the tasting area!"

"I'm crying to death, there is a little bit of my shadow on this star!".

Looking at the two people who are crazy in the tasting area and still having fun.

The live broadcast room is already completely laughing.

They have never seen such a down-to-earth star.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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