Chapter 13 pulls the paparazzi in five rows, Zhao Lei?

And at the same time as the frying pot in the live broadcast room.

Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun's visit to the mall also successfully appeared on the hot search list.

No surprises.

For Su Ming's behavior that is completely inconsistent with the traditional impression of the public.

Netizens are also all frying in unison, and their eyes are bright.


The heated discussion about Su Ming's bargaining and taking fans to the tasting area is even higher than Su Ming's yin and yang weird Fang Yue, and Fang Yue's capital black Su Ming's lack of talent to touch porcelain.


Many brokerage companies and celebrities in the entertainment industry who are paying attention to Su Ming are also blindsided.

What kind of new hype is this?

Create a people-friendly personality

But Su Ming's words and deeds don't look like he is acting in a script.

Because it's so natural, there's no trace of performance at all!


Let's talk about Su Ming at this time.

After sweeping around the tasting area.

Su Ming took Chi Xiaoyun to pick up the place to eat at noon.

After choosing, the two chose a hot pot restaurant.

However, since I ate a lot of things in the tasting area, I went to the hot pot restaurant and ordered a little bit to deal with it.

After eating and drinking, the two began to sit in the hot pot restaurant and chat about the afternoon itinerary.

Chi Xiaoyun didn't have any opinions, and said "I can do it, I listen to Brother Su Ming" from beginning to end.

Su Ming couldn't think of what to do for a while.

simply suggested whether to go to the Internet café to kill a few alliances.

Unexpectedly, this immediately won the support of Chi Xiaoyun.

As an internet addict, playing games is definitely one of her favorite activities in life.

It's a beautiful thing to be able to play the games she loves with her idols.

And the two didn't know it at this time.

There's a hint of outrageous planning in this roughness.

It was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room.

"Isn't it, the two of them are going to an Internet café to play games?"

"Poof, I just came to the live broadcast room, isn't this Su Ming a star, what about his luxury car and yacht?

"Brother upstairs, don't worry, take your time, maybe you can see Su Ming knock down the price of the Internet fee later." "

"Hahahaha, what can I eat if I can bring down the Internet fee!But one thing to say, is he really a star? How do I feel like I'm looking in the mirror?!".

"Isn't it, it turns out that the entertainment activities of celebrities after dinner are the same as mine!".

"Brothers, does anyone know which district Su Ming is in, I'm going to snipe!".

Once again, the barrage couldn't hold back.

Other celebrities usually either go for a ride in a luxury car or yacht, or go to some art exhibition or concert to do something high.

Su Ming: That's good.

At noon, I took the female fans to bargain and taste, and in the afternoon, I led the female fans to the Internet café to play games.

It's literal.

However, this wave of operations made everyone in the live broadcast room look very high.

They have long been tired of watching variety TV dramas and movies on TV that are seriously detached from reality.

Now I encounter this kind of down-to-earth live broadcast on their faces.

That's just too top-notch.

This is much better than a variety show!

They really wanted to see what other outrageous operations Su Ming could do.

"Then let's go, I'll settle the account first. "

After resting almost, Su Ming was ready to go to the Internet café with Chi Xiaoyun.


Just when Su Ming and the others were about to get up.

There was a fierce quarrel at the front desk.

Many people in the store were attracted to it.

Su Ming fixed his eyes.

How can a few people in this quarrel look so familiar?

Aren't these paparazzi in the morning?

Two of them were paparazzi who sent him over.

"I said, Brother Ming, I'll invite you to this meal!".

"Fuck off your sister, I just said I was invited!".

"Okay, don't argue, Brother Ming was sent by me, or I'll invite you. "

"Beauty, ignore them, you scan my payment code. "


At this moment, several paparazzi were pushing and shoving with their own payment codes, and even resorted to bad behaviors such as grabbing their hair, wanting to let the front desk scan their codes.

The scene was extremely chaotic.


The cashier lady at the front desk was completely confused, and the whole person froze in place.

Who the hell is this Nima sweeping?

At this time, the big guys in the live broadcast room were also sharp-eyed, and immediately recognized a few paparazzi in the pushing.

"Hey, aren't these people the paparazzi who took a photo with Su Ming in the morning?"

"Is there a possibility? They are rushing to pay for Su Ming. "

"Damn! You let me slow down, the paparazzi rushed to pay for Su Ming? What is the situation with this Nima!".

"Hahaha, the world is so crazy! The paparazzi have been rushing to pay for celebrities these days!".

"A person who asks for Su Ming's CPU tutorial in blood!It's really awesome, how did he fool the paparazzi like this?".

"Tut-tut, isn't it, look, they're all about to fight!".

"I'm damn!


"Brother Su Ming, what's going on?"

Chi Xiaoyun frowned, and couldn't help but hide in Su Ming's life, his face full of worry.

Why is there still a disturbance in this store?

The order grabbing is about to start.

At this time, Su Ming spit out two words in his mouth: "Paparazzi." "

As soon as he heard this, Chi Xiaoyun immediately became vigilant, and his eyes looked around frantically.

"Paparazzi, where are the paparazzi?".

"Otherwise, let's hurry up, if something is photographed and made into black material, it will be bad. "

Apparently she didn't watch the news on the microwave about Su Ming's morning and the paparazzi.

So now her first reaction to the paparazzi is still very resistant.

"No, there are just a few people missing in our fifth row, but they appeared just right, so there is no need to be notified in the group. "

Su Ming waved his hand, smiled helplessly, and walked towards a few paparazzi in the quarrel as he spoke.

He has to adjust and adjust, otherwise he will probably have to fight.

And as soon as this came out.

Chi Xiaoyun was stunned.

When she heard the content of Su Ming's chat with several people in the quarrel.

She understood everything in an instant.

It's just that at this time, she feels that the amount of information is a bit too much, and she can't digest it.

A few paparazzi are actually rushing to pay for Su Ming!

And also a bite of Brother Ming!

The most outrageous thing is that she and Su Ming will actually have to play an alliance with a few paparazzi in the fifth row later!

What the hell is wrong with this world?

The barrage is now like a fryer.

There are paparazzi as free drivers first.

The existing paparazzi almost fought to grab the order, and the fifth row helped fill the position.

Looking at the entire entertainment industry, this feat is really the only one!

But think about it, Su Ming can mix into the internal group of the paparazzi.

What could be more outrageous?


And so.

In the afternoon.

Inside an Internet café in the magic capital.

Three paparazzi, a celebrity, a food court influencer, and a strange team are just together.

Of course, there are a few paparazzi who help with the live broadcast room in the back who are commenting in real time.

The content of the commentary.

Even the barrage content is simple.

The whole process is a slot.

There is no way, Su Ming's operation is really too strong.

A Suo Zige is crazy about five kills, and all kinds of god operations.

As early as in his previous life, Su Ming had been on the first place in cold clothes a few times, and he almost went to play professionally.

In this life, Su Ming has been playing for so many years.

So both in terms of technology and game understanding, it can be called a top-notch existence.

Five Kills Reward Network Fee.

Su Ming averaged three or four five kills a game.

The owners of the Internet café were sweating from all the sweat.

If Su Ming is allowed to play here for a few days, his Internet café will not go bankrupt


And finish the game.

Before I knew it, it was already six or seven o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming and the others also left the Internet café.

I have to say.

The night view of the magic capital is truly fascinating.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the warblers are singing and dancing, which is simply extremely prosperous!

Of course, under this prosperity, there are also hidden fireworks.

Many small traders and vendors have already driven their stalls to the streets and alleys.

Su Ming and the others were walking on the street at this time, reminiscing about the fun of the game just now, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere could be said to be very harmonious.

At this moment.

The so-called identities of celebrities, paparazzi, and Internet celebrities seem to have all been forgotten.

Some are just a group of young people who are enjoying life.

The atmosphere of the barrage in the live broadcast room also became extremely harmonious at this time.

"It's so funny, these paparazzi have been lying down all afternoon, and they are still blowing their show. "

"Isn't it, I didn't expect Su Ming's game level to be so high, he has never posted a work, it can't be because his time is spent on games, right?".

"Hahaha, I think it's possible!".

"One thing to say, looking at the way Su Ming communicated with them, I seemed to know why they would be nice to Su Ming. "

"It's as if no one saw it, Su Ming really treated them as friends, and sincerity is nirvana!"

"Yes, I have to say, Su Mingren is really good, even if he doesn't discriminate against the paparazzi, he really doesn't look like a normal star. "

"Hahaha, what Su Ming did today, which one looks like a normal star? Anyway, I'm already a fan of Su Ming. "

"I really hope that there will be more down-to-earth stars like Su Ming in internal entertainment, it's so comfortable to watch. "

"It's just, what is the nobility of internal entertainment?!".

"Harm, what Su Ming lacks now is that he doesn't have any works, maybe he can be popular for a while during this time, but he can't do it for a long time. "

"Yes, no matter how good the character is, there must be good works to really catch fire, I hope Jiahang can give him more resources, I really look forward to him becoming popular. "


Su Ming would not know at all at this moment.

I played for a day, and I actually gained a lot of fans.

And Chi Xiaoyun doesn't know yet.

In less than a day, her account has already increased by one million fans!

The perspective returned to Su Ming and the others.

After an afternoon of games, everyone was hungry.

Therefore, in the counsel of the people.

The crowd decided to find a place to.

Coincidentally, not far from the Internet café, there is a barbecue restaurant.

"Brother Ming, Xiaoyun, and the big guy, don't rob it this time, say it in advance, I'll invite you this time!".

Before arriving at the store, a paparazzi took the lead in patting the fierce chest and took the lead in snatching the order.

When the big guy saw that he was so positive, he didn't say much.


As soon as the meat skewers are served, as soon as the small wine is drunk, the big guy's cowhide is blown on.

And outside the barbecue restaurant at this time.

A young man in tattered clothes, messy hairstyle, and holding a guitar was patiently asking questions table by table.

"Hello, do you want a song ordering service?"


"Hello, do you need a song ordering service? "

"Get out, where are the beggars, don't affect Lao Tzu's eating!".


If Su Ming saw his appearance, he would be able to recognize this person for the first time.

This is Zhao Lei!

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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