Chapter 14 Paparazzi version of the Tucao Conference, send Zhao Lei a song to Chengdu

"Sister, if you don't really lack money, who really wants to be a paparazzi?".

"That's it, we are scolded wherever we go in this profession, and our lives are even in danger! The most important thing is that the black-hearted boss still doesn't pay five insurances and one housing fund!".

"These Shabi capitalists really don't treat us as human beings, I remember once in order to complete the performance to secretly photograph a star, let Lao Tzu secretly lie on the tower crane of seventy or eighty meters, and almost didn't fall to my death!".

"Alas, thinking back to the beginning, I, Li Erdan, was also a high-spirited and aspiring young man with dreams, but I didn't expect that now I have been working as a paparazzi for seven years in order to make a living, what a!".

"Damn, my boss sent me a message again, is it okay to climb for Lao Tzu?!Lao Tzu is drinking with big stars now!".

"Speaking of celebrities, there are too many black materials for those celebrities in the entertainment industry, and it is estimated that one will collapse if you say it casually, and it has to be our brother Ming, there is no black material at all, and he also treats us as human beings. "

"Come on, Brother Ming, Xiaoyun, let's get together and meet one more!".


The wine is on the head.

The paparazzi began to vomit bitterness one after another and chatted about the past.

However, some paparazzi are probably drunk and confused, forgetting that the live broadcast is still on, and they have even talked nonsense.

Su Ming and Chi Xiaoyun on the side naturally drank together and chatted about their leisure days.

Compared to Su Ming, Chi Xiaoyun is not very good at drinking.

After just a few sips, his face was flushed.

I don't know if I'm drunk or what, from time to time I hold my cheeks and look at Su Ming's stupid pleasure.

And the live broadcast room at this time.

Listen to the paparazzi's drunken voices.

The barrage instantly came to the climax of a new round.

"Hahahaha, the paparazzi are all letting themselves go, they really dare to say anything!".

"Seventy or eighty meters on the tower crane candid shots?!

"The first time I listened to the paparazzi version of the Tucao Conference, it was really exciting!

"Hahaha, they've already started to scold the boss publicly, it's crazy!But aren't they really afraid of being seen by the boss?".

"Don't say it, hearing them say this, I suddenly sympathize with these paparazzi, it's really sad. "

"All in all, the capitalists are the ones who are the most!".

"I just want to know, who are the stars they are talking about?

"I'll guess one blindly, Fang Yue is definitely not clean!".

"Can the man shut up, don't slander my brother, believe it or not, I'll send you a lawyer's letter! Brothers, do I learn like this?".



Get to know the paparazzi from the paparazzi's point of view.

This undoubtedly opens the door to a new world for netizens.

The paparazzi are indeed hateful, but they don't seem to be so hateful.

It's already past eight o'clock in the evening, and it's prime time.

and with such a novel show.

The popularity of the live broadcast room seems to have climbed to the highest peak today, with more than one million people watching online!

With such a huge number, almost all of them can already be compared to a variety show!

And the other end.

Su Ming will also remind the paparazzi who speak too unreservedly.

After all, there is one thing to say, these paparazzi are still very good to him.

If you accidentally talk too much because of drinking with him, and your job is gone, it's really not worth it.


The topic of conversation changed from spitting bitterness at the beginning, and gradually talked about dreams, first love, struggles, evolution, history, wars, aliens, the origin of the universe, and even the chicken or the egg...

Although it's basically a bad street topic.

But when these contents come out of the paparazzi's mouth, the taste is immediately different.

After all, the paparazzi in the impression are some scoundrels who only snoop on other people's privacy.

After listening to this, it seems that the paparazzi are similar to them ordinary people.

Even when it comes to the big truths, there are a set of things.

Everyone in the live broadcast room is listening to it with relish.

Some viewers even chatted about related topics in the barrage, which was simply lively.

Three rounds of drinking.

The combat effectiveness of the paparazzi has also come down, and one by one they are almost a little unable to talk, leaning on the stool in all directions.

The only ones who are relatively sober are Chi Xiaoyun and Su Ming, who has an excellent amount of alcohol.

"Xiaoyun, are you okay?".

Su Ming noticed Chi Xiaoyun in a daze at this time, and his eyes were a little red.

Chi Xiaoyun was slightly stunned, and then gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay, Brother Su Ming, I'm just a little emotional. "

After listening to the paparazzi talk about those bitter experiences, they said that they were high-spirited when they were young.

She couldn't help but feel some emotion in her heart.

Maybe it's really as many people say.

Failure is the main theme of life.

Her future may not be as promising as she imagined.

Compared to these paparazzi, she may have been considered very lucky materially.

But what exactly will happen in the future?

Who knows?

And just when Su Ming was about to open his mouth to comfort a few words.

A voice interrupted him.

"Hello, do you need a singing service? It's only ten dollars a song. "

Su Ming looked up.

Familiar faces come into view.

Zhao Lei?

In her previous life, Zhao Lei was one of the representative figures in the folk music industry.

At that time, Su Ming and him also knew each other.

The two also drank together in private and discussed the creation of folk songs together.

He was a little surprised that he would actually see Zhao Lei here.

But obviously.

The Zhao Lei in front of her is not as high-spirited as in her previous life.

It seems that he is still just a down-and-out singer.

"Okay, then you sing two songs and I'll listen to them. "

Su Ming was very refreshing, and naturally he did not refuse Zhao Lei in front of him.

He wanted to hear if this old friend from the parallel world was still talented.

And hearing Su Ming's agreement, Zhao Lei's eyes immediately lit up

After a hard night's work, there was finally a second person willing to listen to him sing.

"Little brother, can I order a song?".

At this time, Chi Xiaoyun on the side looked at Zhao Lei and said.

"Well, I'll only do ballads. "

Zhao Lei was a little at a loss and said with a frown.

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but smile: "It's okay, if we don't order a song, you can sing what you will." "

Zhao Lei nodded.

"Then let me sing my original ballad."

With that, he began to pluck the strings and sang a ballad song.

Closing his eyes and feeling the artistic conception in the lyrics and songs, Su Ming followed the rhythm of the strings, and his knuckles couldn't help but slowly beat the beat, nodding again and again.

Although there are still flaws in many places in this song.

But whether it is singing skills or lyrics, it is actually not bad.

It seems that in the parallel world, this old friend is still the same old friend, and his talent is undiminished.

It only takes one chance for him to still shine.

And Zhao Lei obviously saw that Su Ming understood music, and the light in her eyes immediately brightened.

It's hard to find a soulmate, and it's even harder to find someone who appreciates you!

"Hey, this song seems to be okay. "

"But it's not a loss of ten dollars. "

"Is it really an original song? "

Chi Xiaoyun and the paparazzi on the side also nodded and praised when they listened.

They don't understand music, but they can feel that the song is quite good.


It's a song.

Zhao Lei looked at Su Ming, he didn't speak, but waited for Su Ming's evaluation.

"It's a very well-finished song, it's very good!".

But you can change the beat of the opening sentence of the second stanza to four or four beats. "

Su Ming applauded Zhao Lei's song, and then said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out.

Zhao Lei frowned, then slowly plucked the strings, and followed Su Ming's words.


When the melody sounds.

Zhao Lei's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person actually had a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

He also always felt that there was something wrong with this song.

But I couldn't find it.

I didn't expect it to be corrected by Su Ming!

The next second.

Zhao Lei's eyes when she looked at Su Ming instantly became respectful.

Originally, I thought that Su Ming was just a peer in the industry.

I didn't expect him to meet a master!

Then, he hurriedly bowed lightly to Su Ming: "Thank you, teacher, for your advice." "

"Well, there's nothing to thank, this kind of small problem, you can fix it by thinking about it a few more times. "

"Well, hostess, do you have a pen and paper?"

Su Ming waved his hand, then turned his head to look at the front desk.

It didn't take a while.

The proprietress just took out a pen and paper.

Su Ming was also unambiguous, and wrote directly on it.

Look at this scene.

Chi Xiaoyun and the paparazzi on the side were stunned, not understanding what Su Ming was doing.

Even the barrage is blind, and I am confused when I see it.

About five minutes or less.

I saw Su Ming hand the paper to Zhao Lei.

"I have a song that suits you well, I've got you. "

"Do you like it or not?"

Hearing Su Ming's words.

Zhao Lei was stunned.

Su Ming: This is a song?

Written out so quickly?!

However, Zhao Lei didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly took the song.

Take a closer look.

The title of this song is "Chengdu".

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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