Chapter 15 Singing Chengdu

And the other end.

Chi Xiaoyun and the paparazzi on the side couldn't help but be stunned.

Less than five minutes.

Su Ming scribbled on the paper.

Is this a song written?

And just when everyone was confused.

Su Ming didn't care about everyone's expressions at all.

While continuing to pick up the skewers, he picked up a bottle of Da Wusu and showed off.

And the barrage at this time is already a fryer.

"Where did the wandering singer come from, he sang well. "

"Indeed, this person is a little talented, and I feel that I can pick it up and discover it. "

"Is this the legendary master in the folk?".

"Damn, Su Ming feels that he also understands music, and he pointed out the mistakes in the song at once. "

"Yes, everyone already calls Teacher Su Ming!".

"No, you see, Su Ming actually wrote a song here? It's only been less than five minutes, is it really fake?".

"Outrageous! It seems that Su Ming's song seems to be written quite well, you look at the expression of this wandering singer, I feel that the thief is excited!".

"Damn, you can't really write a good song, do you?".

"Didn't you say that Su Ming didn't have talent?

"No, no, no, these years, no one will still believe what the marketing account says, right?"


At the same time, the barrage is brushed wildly.

Zhao Lei, who was holding this song in Chengdu, looked like she was already extremely excited.

"Good song, good song!".

Zhao Lei's body trembled a little, her eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This Chengdu is also a ballad, and the degree of completion is very high!

The song may not be amazing, but the words are straight to the heart.

Together, the two are perfect!

He really likes this song!

And for some reason, he had a feeling.

It's as if the song was made for him!

The next second.

Zhao Lei couldn't help but pluck the strings, and directly began to sing this song in Chengdu.

Accompanied by the prelude, it sounded.

A faint sentimentality gradually spread.

"It brought tears to my eyes

More than last night's wine

Let me cling to it

It's not just your gentleness

How long is the rest of the road


You hold my hand".


The lyrics are so simple.

But when Zhao Lei sang along with the melody.

Chi Xiaoyun and the paparazzi at the scene couldn't help but be silent and couldn't help but close their eyes and listen.

They don't understand music, and they still can't hear the level of the song, but they can feel that the song is very good.

Especially the lyrics in it, there is no flowery rhetoric, it is very simple and pure, but it can give people countless pictures.

"Respectively are always in September

Memories are the sorrow of longing

Weeping willows in late autumn

You kissed me on the forehead

In that rainy town

I have never forgotten you

Chengdu, the only one you can't take away is you

Take a walk with me on the streets of Chengdu

Until all the lights go out, the chat will not stop


Walk to the end of Yulin Road

Sit at the door of the tavern


Zhao Lei continued to sing.

It's like telling a story.

There is love and family affection in it.

But if you listen carefully, this song is full of love and nostalgia for the city of Chengdu.

There were a few paparazzi at the scene who were already reddened when they heard it at the moment.

They don't know where Chengdu is.

But I thought of my hometown.

thought of the current magic capital that has been struggling for more than ten years.

I thought of the man who had been with them through the most difficult times.

Many buried images can't help but flash over and over again in my mind at this moment.


With the continuation of Zhao Lei's singing.

Not only these paparazzi, but also the rest of the customers at the barbecue stall, and even the owner, couldn't help but come over and start listening carefully.

It is not difficult to see from the expressions of the crowd.

This song also resonated with them.

"That's a good song. "

"Indeed, it sounds good!".

"It's a very flavorful song, but it's a bit smoky. "

"I think of my hometown.,It's better to be in my hometown.,I can go to my friends to masturbate after work.,There's only PPT that can't be changed here.,There's no life at all.。 "

"I also miss my hometown in Hangzhou, Hangzhou is so realistic and impersonal. "

"I thought of my first love, when we held hands together and talked about getting married in the future, for many years, I don't know how she is doing now. "

"Brother, I'll accompany one!".

The customers opened their mouths one after another, their eyes flushed as they listened, and they jerked the Hibiscus King.

But the crowd didn't dare to raise their voices.

For fear of interrupting Zhao Lei.

The atmosphere at the scene no longer looks like a barbecue stand.

It's like a concert.

And wait for Zhao Lei's last lyrics to fall.

The scene immediately burst into thunderous applause.

This applause is not only for Zhao Lei.

It's also for Su Ming.

"This song is amazing! Is it really written by Su Ming in five minutes?"

"What a song, I want to cry when I hear it!".

"yes, that's amazing! The lyrics are so well written!"

"I just checked it, and there is indeed no such song on the Internet, it seems that it is really Su Ming's original!".

"Damn, I can write a song of this level in five minutes, who wants to say that Su Ming is not talented, who am I anxious about!".

"Is it possible that this song was written by Su Ming a long time ago?"

"Even if it's written early, this level is pretty awesome, okay?"

"Yes, but it's strange, why Su Ming has debuted for so many years and hasn't had a single work, isn't this song good..."


At this moment, on the barrage, netizens were already moved by this song, which caused countless resonances.

Of course, it's more shocking.

They hadn't heard such a good song that hit people's hearts and resonated so well for many years.

But such a song.

It seemed that it only took Su Ming less than five minutes to write.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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