Chapter 151 Yi Xun made an appointment for dinner and touched Su Ming?

Let's talk about the other end.

Inside a luxury villa in the magic capital.

A middle-aged man with an extremely high hairline and instant noodles was drinking tea and listening to music leisurely.

When he saw a message pop up on his phone, he stood up and was very emotional.

"It's coming! Finally pushed Su Ming's prestige over! "

And this middle-aged man is none other than him.

It is a powerful singer who has been famous in the music industry for many years, Yi Xun!

Speaking of why he had a relationship with Su Ming, this is really a long story.

As an old man in the music world, Yi Xun's frequency of singing is not high now, and it can be said that he has fallen into a bottleneck.

Although many music fathers have approached him to discuss cooperation, he doesn't really want to sing those songs.

It's not that the quality of the song is not good, but that he has become a little picky.

Because he doesn't want to focus on flamboyance and brilliant melodies as much as he used to.

He wanted to sing something different, such as singing something that could resonate more with people's hearts and be more meaningful.

Therefore, he has been precipitating all these years, and from time to time he will listen to some good songs that have become popular recently.

And inadvertently, when he heard a series of good songs written by Su Ming, such as "Farewell", "Ordinary Road", "Prose Poems Written by Father", etc., which could touch people's hearts.

He was suddenly attracted by the name Su Ming.

What kind of existence is it, and it can write "Eighty-Sixty-Three" songs of such high quality one after another.

Then, under his understanding, he found some information about Su Ming.

I didn't expect it to be a rookie composer!

After he had an in-depth understanding of some of the things Su Ming had done and watched Su Ming's live broadcast in the mountains two days ago.

He was undoubtedly a fan of Su Ming!

Just when he was thinking about contacting Su Ming and making friends with Su Ming, the people in the "Who is the King of Singers" program team seemed to provide an opportunity.

So he didn't think much about it, he just agreed to the show.

Now that the director has fulfilled his promise and pushed Su Ming's prestige over, it obviously made him a little excited.

"I don't know if Su Ming himself is as close to the news and the live broadcast."

After Yi Xun submitted the friend application, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Although I have seen some of Su Ming's deeds, it doesn't look like a deliberate character, but it is still possible.

After all, a star like Su Ming, he really hadn't seen it before.

But apparently, he was a little too worried.

It didn't take long for him to succeed in adding Su Ming's prestige.

Su Ming chatted with him, and he didn't put on a show during the whole process, nor did he deliberately lick him like some other juniors, all kinds of flattery.

It's just talking to him like a normal friend.

The whole process can be said to be extremely comfortable.

As we chatted, we naturally talked about music.

After listening to Su Ming's understanding of music, Yi Xun really had a refreshing impact.

What a composer who can write so many good songs!

Knowing Su Ming is definitely a very correct thing!

If he could, he really wanted to cooperate with Su Ming!

However, because they had just met each other, it seemed a bit presumptuous to go directly to Su Ming to ask for songs.

So you can only start with a step-by-step approach, such as having a meal together.


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming had already arrived at the company, and he was dealing with some questions about the foundation, and by the way, he was talking nonsense with Yi Xun.

To be honest, he was somewhat surprised by Yi Xun's addition of him.

After all, he and Yi Xun have no intersection at all.

After chatting, Yi Xun said that he wanted to invite him to dinner, and he readily agreed.

Multiple friends and multiple paths, nothing bad.

The most important thing is that Yi Xun gives him a very good impression, with strength, and his character is not bad, so it is worth getting to know.

And wait for Yi Xun to finish talking nonsense.

Su Ming just started to deal with the Foundation's affairs in earnest

Not to mention, there are quite a lot of procedures involved in this, and it is estimated that it will not be able to be completed in three or five days.


Lehua Entertainment Inc.

Entertainer Lounge.

"I'm really angry, I'm the No. 1 debuter in the draft, why do these people say I'm not qualified to be on this show?"

"Su Ming is amazing, but isn't Su Ming the same as me, and he was also drafted?"

"These netizens are really double standards!"

Meng Meiqi looked at these remarks on the microwave at this time, and her face was really ugly.

originally thought that she was going to be on a good show soon, and she was going to have a wave of big fans.

As a result, the show hasn't started yet.

She has already been washed away by netizens.

If it weren't for the iron fans who still stuck to the only pure land in her microwave comment area, her mentality would have collapsed.

Thinking that after being on the show, more people might spray her, so she couldn't help but light a cigarette for herself and rewarded herself with a sip.

With the exhalation of the smoke ring, her mood calmed down a little.

But she hadn't taken a few bites yet, and the agent just walked in from outside.

"Hey, why are you smoking here? If this is photographed, another batch of public relations will have to be scrapped! "

"It's okay, Sister Wang, I'll take a smok, it's mainly a little annoying lately."

"Hey, my little ancestor, what's the trouble? The company has already decided to praise you, "Who is the King of Singers" has made you on, what's the trouble, when the time comes, go on the show and lick Su Ming Yixun's big guys and accumulate some resources..."

"Sister Wang, don't you think my strength is not worthy of this show, right?"

"Strength? You've got a fart... It's not a matter of strength, you listen to me anyway..."


A conversation with the broker.

It really made Meng Meiqi feel even more depressed.

Why don't even my own agents believe in her strength?

She's the first in the draft!

However, people can only bow their heads when they work in the company.

Since the company's arrangement is for her to be a foil for those bigwigs and lick those bigwigs, then she can only accept it.

But the more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

Simply, she couldn't help but dial the phone of her predecessor and friend Hua Chenyu, wanting to seek enlightenment.

"Meiqi, I see you're on that list..." (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Don't be sad, it's normal to have a little sunspot, look at me, and Ah Kun next door, you should go and show your face... What the? Let you lick Su Ming, don't, what kind of dog is Su Ming, and lick him? "

"! The senior management of your company really has a problem with their brains, and Su Ming wants to make friends with goods like this, so if you want me to say, you can have a good relationship with Yi Xun and them at that time..."


Archmage Hua Chenyu was still comforting Meng Meiqi at first, but after hearing some of the company's arrangements, he directly sprayed Su Ming angrily for half an hour.

Although he doesn't dare to say Su Ming in public now.

But on this phone call, there are no scruples.

If it weren't for Su Ming, would he have been reduced to close to the third or fourth line of resources now?

For Su Ming, he can be said to hate it to the core!

And under the brainwashing of Huachenyu.

Meng Meiqi, who was not very interested in Su Ming, seemed to feel that Su Ming was a little disgusting.

"Brother Huahua is right, isn't Su Ming more able to write some songs than me? In terms of singing and dancing, is he my opponent? I'm the number one by singing and dancing! "

"Damn! Anyway, I won't lick this person when the time comes! "

After talking to Hua Chenyu on the phone, Meng Meiqi has already been enlightened, and now she is in a much more relaxed mood.

At the same time, she seemed to have become extremely bad for Su Ming's impression.

Huahua is right, she is not much worse than Su Ming, and she must not lick Su Ming!

But just when she was about to reward herself with another Huazi.

The agent suddenly rushed in again.

"Meiqi, it's not good, you're about to be scolded for being the first in the hot search!"

At this moment, the agent's face was extremely flustered, and he shouted 0.......

Hearing this, Meng Meiqi was stunned.

What's going on?

I watched it before, didn't she even get on the hot search, but she could see it in the comment area, why did she still run to the first hot search?

Without much hesitation, Meng Meiqi hurriedly turned on the microwave.

[Why is Meng Meiqi? 】

Click on the entry.

In addition to some marketing accounts, the most conspicuous thing is the microwave of Huachen language!

At this time, Hua Chenyu forwarded the microwave of the announced guest of "Who is the King of Singers", and at the same time added a sentence,

[It is also the first debut of the draft, and American chess deserves this stage! ] 】

Originally, at first glance, there was nothing wrong with this microwave, and it was for friends to encourage publicity.

However, careful netizens naturally saw Hua Chenyu's thoughts.

is also the first in the draft, isn't this Su Ming.

Of all the guests here, only Su Ming and Meng Meiqi made their first debut in the draft.

Hua Chenyu is comparing Su Ming and Meng Meiqi.

And this, naturally, makes the majority of netizens unbearable.

"Why did the archmage come out to find the picture again?"

"Outrageous! This Meng Meiqi is also worthy of being compared with Su Ming? Ye smiled! "

"I think the archmage wasn't washed enough last time, and I want to be sprayed again, by the way, hasn't the archmage called his father a follow-up yet, can't afford to play?"

"What is the ingredient of the archmage, everyone knows it, right?"

"It's really laughing to death, she actually touches Su Ming with Meng Meiqi, is she worthy?"

"Don't talk about Su Ming, none of the guests on this program can touch porcelain, I see that this program group has a bit of a hole in its head, so I actually invited her!"

"Brother, this is the power of capital!"

"I don't understand, she sings and dances all by relying on the defense, where does the capital fancy her, and actually praises her?"

"What do you like? Ahem, where else could it be? I won't break it specifically, otherwise the microwave audit will me! "

"Damn! It is highly recommended that the program team remove this person from the guest list! "

"That's right! Resolutely not let the power of capital interfere with this public welfare program! "




The emotions in the comment area are already a little irrepressible.

The keyboard of justice is not only aimed at Hua Chenyu, but also at Meng Meiqi and the "Who is the King of Singers" program group.

Huachenyu is okay, after all, he has seen a big scene, so he didn't pay attention to it at all.

And he had already expected this outcome.

After all, he also knew that Meng Meiqi didn't have any strength,

3.0 But he doesn't care, he just wants to use Meng Meiqi to disgust Su Ming!

At this time, Meng Meiqi, looking at this hot search content, undoubtedly had a violent fluctuation in his mentality.

First of all, she scolded Hua Chen countless times in her heart.

Her good brother stabbed the knife in the back too quickly, and she didn't even see the knife clearly!

Isn't this Chunchun selling her?

Even if she knew that her strength was not much worse than Su Ming's, she couldn't say it!

Su Ming's traffic is terrifying now, and Hua Chenyu doesn't know it!

But there is one thing to say, she looks at these comments that are stepping on one by one, and she can be said to be very annoyed in her heart.

Isn't Su Ming more than a dozen masterpieces than her.

In terms of singing and dancing, is Su Ming her opponent?


If it weren't for the agent next to her, she really wanted to open the microwave and speak.

"Sister Wang, what should I do? What does the PR side say? This show isn't going to really kick me out then, is it? Then I'm so wronged! "

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about American chess, it's unlikely to kick out, after all, the contract has already been signed... The planning department has come to us for a meeting, let's go! "



The impact of this hot search on Meng Meiqi is really huge, and the company is already in a hurry.

And at the same time that Meng Meiqi was messing up into a pot of porridge.

Now the "Who is the King of Singers" program group, it is also a headache.

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