Chapter 152 Don't cry in chess, continue to match the line!

"Director, director, look at the microwave! Something happened! "

"Don't shout, I've seen it, hurry up and organize the planning department to come over for a meeting."


At this time, the "Who is the King of Singers" program team has already noticed the things on the hot search.

The first thing to do was to hold a meeting and discuss.

After all, public opinion is now a mouthful of capital.

This will have a certain impact on the program,

And the discussion lasted a long time.

Everyone didn't come up with a result.

And the main problem is that the contract is signed too quickly.

They didn't think about the impact of adding Meng Meiqi on the show before, and they purely took it to make up the numbers, so they basically signed the contract on the same day.

I never thought that it was just a mere Meng Meiqi, and this would actually make such a move.

If you don't sign a contract, it's okay, just find a reason and kick Meng Meiqi.

But if you kick it now, it's a breach of contract.

Not to mention, this default fee is not too cheap.

If you really give this breach of contract fee, then their program team will become a big injustice.

Compared with the bottleneck of the "Who is the King of Singers" program group, the Lehua Entertainment Conference Room at the other end can be said to be extremely smooth.

"This Huachen is disgusting, but in a way, it really helps us a lot!"

07 "Yes! I really didn't expect that Su Ming's first bite of traffic was actually eaten by our artists! "

"Okay, just according to what Lao Liu said just now, let's take the black and red route! It's best to use the microwave of American chess later, and go directly to the line! "

"The black and red route, don't think about it anymore, this route is honest, it's very risky, if you're not careful, the American chess may be ruined, Fang Yue and Hua Chenyu are a lesson from the past."

"The risk is big, and the benefit is great! If you can use Su Ming to absorb a large wave of black fans, and then operate slowly, Meiqi can have a very high popularity for a long time, and if you have popularity, you are still worried about not being on the show? Besides, American chess doesn't have too many fans now, so what is there to lose? "

"Then you have to make a masterpiece for American chess, otherwise the viscosity of black powder is not easy to maintain."


In today's conference room of the Lehua Planning Department, the big guys are all aiming at how to deal with Meng Meiqi's hot search crisis.

And after a heated discussion and comprehensive consideration.

The black-red route clearly has the upper hand.

And as a result, the party Meng Meiqi can be said to be a little excited.

Originally, she thought that the company would let her avoid the edge, the whole wave of high emotional intelligence, and when the time came, she would lick Su Ming a little harder on the show.

Unexpectedly, the company actually arranged a black and red route for her.

This route though requires her to resist pressure.

But it also means that she doesn't have to endure aggrieved.

Looking at those comments that stepped on one and ridiculed her, she had long wanted to reply.

Now that I have the support of the company, I have no scruples at all.

So, that's not even waiting for the meeting to end.

Meng Meiqi had already taken out her mobile phone, turned on the microwave, and sent a microwave up.

Singer Meng Meiqi:

[Some netizens feel that I am not as good as another guest who made his first debut in the draft like me, I think this is a great prejudice, my debut is indeed a little late, but it doesn't mean that I can't!

Some people also say that I rely on capital to get on the show, it's outrageous! If you haven't seen the video of my draft, I advise you to watch it!

I don't really want to say anything, on the show, just speak with strength!

By the way, by the way, I met Mr. Yi Xun a year ago, and he also came to my talent show, and Mr. Yi Xun knows my strength. 】

This microwave is emitted.

Meng Meiqi really felt a lot more relaxed.

Originally, she wanted to greet the genealogy of netizens.

But I feel that it is easy to be killed by netizens.

So in the end it was decided to write a little more civil.

By the way, she finally cleverly moved Yi Xun out.

When she participated in the talent show last year, Yi Xun happened to be a guest once, and at that time she added Yi Xun's prestige.

Although they basically didn't talk about it later, and the two didn't know each other very well, she felt that Yi Xun should have an impression of her anyway.

After all, in that issue, her performance was very good!

As for whether Yi Xun will admit that she has strength, she is not sure.

But what she can be sure of is that Yi Xun will never dismantle her stage.

After all, Yi Xun's emotional intelligence is very high.

She was the first teacher Yi Xun in this microwave, and she stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling person, Yi Xun would not refute, at most she remained silent.

And with her microwave emitted.

It didn't take long for the comments at the bottom to explode.

"Holy! No, she doesn't really think that she can compare with Su Ming, right? "

"Hahahaha, this microwave is definitely the funniest joke I've ever seen this year!"

"It's worthy of being an archmage friend, this cheek is the same thick!"

"Just glanced at her draft, well, it's indeed capital! I feel that she has to be the first capital! "

"Still speaking with strength, Su Ming doesn't press her to the ground and rub it?"

"Tut-tut, I also moved Yi Xun out, will Yi Xun know this person? It's hilarious! "

"Okay, everyone calm down first, don't scold yet! Let me scold first! "

"This person's eight achievements are here to rub the heat, let's just leave with a civilized spit, it's not interesting."

"That's it! This kind of eighteenth-tier artist is hot at first glance, but the "Who is the King of Singers" program team hasn't kicked her microwave yet, she won't really go to the show, right? "

"It's really on the show, it's really disgusting."

"Why are there so many stinky men, Sister Meiqi don't pay attention to them, we'll protect you!"

"Yes, yes, Sister Meiqi, we will protect you! I don't understand, where did Su Ming come from as an eighteenth-tier character, and he still compares with our sister Meiqi? These men who commented are really down! "

"Protect your mother!"

"I really didn't expect it, this Meng Meiqi is not only as cheeky as the archmage, but also a fan! Hahahaha! (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


At this time.

Look at the comments below.

Meng Meiqi's mouth was almost crooked.

It's really worthless to belittle her!

Even her true love fans were sprayed numb.

Seeing the back, she couldn't hold back directly, and cried when she lay on the table.

And everyone in the conference room saw Meng Meiqi crying, and immediately came over to ask.

After learning what Meng Meiqi did.

The conference room burst into cheers.

"Well done! American chess! "

"Yes, we don't need to do public relations for this, this hatred value is pulled, and the black fans must not skyrocket?!"

"According to this popularity, I feel that I can be on the hot search!"

"Don't cry Meiqi, continue to play on the line! We're going to contact some resources right now and give you the whole piece over. "


Look back at the "Who is the King of Singers" program group.

After the program team saw the microwave that Meng Meiqi had just sent.

There was a dead silence in the conference room.

It seems that this public opinion is a little difficult to control.

After a short discussion, the program team seemed to have decided to break the jar.

Let Meng Meiqi make trouble.

At most, this will have a little impact on the reputation of their show, and it will not affect the traffic too much, so the problem is not too big.

You can't give Meng Meiqi a breach of contract fee in a daze, it's too unjust.

And let's talk about Jiahang.

"Su Dong Su Dong, no, have you seen the microwave?"



"That's it, isn't this just an ordinary rubbing heat? I thought it was a big deal307, don't waste your energy to deal with it,

Didn't she say that the show speaks with strength? When she gets on the show, she can't dance, it's okay, don't care. "


The head of the public relations department rushed into Su Ming's office in a hurry, looking worried.

Su Ming thought something was wrong.

After learning about it, I found out that this is just an ordinary eighteenth-tier artist who is hot and writes a small composition.

This truth made him a little speechless, and he didn't want to deal with it.

Now that the affairs of the public welfare foundation are too busy for him, how can he have time to pay attention to this?

Hearing Su Ming's words, the head of the public relations department also felt that it made sense, but his nerves were a little too sensitive.

This kind of rubbing heat, the more reasonable, the more it seems to be in line with the other party's wishes.


Su Ming didn't want to deal with it.

Some people want to deal with it.

That's Yi Xun.

At this time, Yi Xun looked at the microwave sent by Meng Meiqi, and his brows were really tightly wrinkled.

He was still planning to ask Su Ming to have dinner one day.

As a result, I was distracted and brushed the microwave, and I saw my name from the microwave of Meng Meiqi in the hot search.

Why is there still someone using him as a shield?

Does he know Meng Meiqi?

At this time, he really couldn't remember.

When he remembered it, his head suddenly grew bigger.

Does Meng Meiqi have strength?

Not worse than Su Ming?


Unless this Meng Meiqi improves rapidly within a year!

Considering that he was about to have dinner with Su Ming and find Su Ming to cooperate, Yi Xun immediately decided to put aside his relationship with this Meng Meiqi first.

So I sent a microwave.

[I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar with her, I don't know how my strength is, you can watch it on the show

But I know Su Ming's strength, it's awesome!

Finally, I don't really want to mix in some weird rhythms, I hope you don't cue! 】。

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