Chapter 154: Write "Ten Years" for Yi Xun

"Uncle Zhao got up so early today."

"Harm, this is not a blessing, this kid was making a fuss about eating dumplings yesterday night, I got up early in the morning and went to order fresh pork on the hour."


As usual, Su Ming still got up early.

After breakfast, he walked around the community and chatted with the neighbors for a while, and Su Ming went to work.

There are a lot of things to do today, and I have to deal with the formalities on the Foundation's side, and I have to have dinner with Yi Xun in the evening.

Come to the company.

Jiahang is also very busy from top to bottom.

As Su Ming writes more and more songs, the amount of copyright operation tasks is getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, Mao Buyi, Wang Xinxin and other artists are now becoming more and more famous, and various announcements are also overwhelming various departments.

But busy is busy, and the big guys are also busy.

Because the busier they are, the more money they make and the more they are paid.

After all, under the leadership of Su Ming, Jiahang is different from other peer companies whose wages have not risen in ninety-nine-six.

Jiahang is really giving money!

And the other end.

Lehua Entertainment is now as busy as Jiahang.

"The microwave account of American chess has risen by another million followers? Yes! Let the operations department continue to pull hatred! "

"Damn, Su Ming's traffic is really big, hurry up, let's try to make the American chess into the second Ah Kun this time!"

"How is the arrangement for Qu Dad and the dance teacher who contacted Meiqi?"


At this time, all the major departments of Lehua were tinkering with Meng Meiqi.

As a party concerned, Meng Meiqi actually felt that it was quite uncomfortable to take the black and red route and be scolded by netizens.

But now I see so many people in the company surrounding her 280 times.

Her mood seemed to have changed.

She has been in Lehua for a year, and it is the first time she has enjoyed this kind of treatment.

He threw money to buy her a water army marketing account, and he found a big coffee like Qu Dad for her.

She's really going to be on fire!

And since the first step of her burying in the company today.

The artists in the company who usually don't take care of her are now all smiling at her.

Some even came over to pat her on the back.

Of course, there are some people who already have jealousy written on their faces.

For this feeling of being noticed by everyone, Meng Meiqi really enjoyed it.

It seems that being scolded on the Internet doesn't matter so much.

And quickly.

Under the company's arrangement, she was surprised to see the father Qu that the company spent a lot of money to invite her.

Daddy Qu also has no nonsense, and directly arranges works for her.

In the encouragement and hypocritical praise of Qu Dad, Meng Meiqi's mood seemed to be more and more inflated.

Sure enough, her talent is still okay!

is the same as Hua Chenyu said, she is really no worse than Su Ming!

Therefore, this is what caused Meng Meiqi to send some microwaves to Su Ming one after another.

There was no surprise.

Most of the comments at the bottom are still bad.

"It's really interesting, these people are about to myth Su Ming!"

Looking at these comments, Meng Meiqi's face was speechless, and at the same time there was a hint of anger.

In her opinion, didn't Su Ming just write more than a dozen okay songs, as for blowing like this?

Especially there is a Qu father named Wang Quan.

It was a burst of rhythm, crazy and angry, she was not as good as Su Ming at all, saying that she was not even worthy of lifting shoes for Su Ming.

The battle (ahag), the whole bottom is also hundreds of thousands of comments, very lively.

But she didn't care too much.

After all, the more big V she ends, the higher her popularity.

finally posted a microwave to the effect that "the old lady is better than Su Ming, and when I wait until the show, I will blind your dog's eyes".

Meng Meiqi just concentrated on practicing singing and dancing.

Keep scolding, the more you scold her, the more angry she becomes!

"Damn! Now anyone really dares to touch porcelain Su Ming! "

At this time, Wang Quan was sitting in the office, looking at some discussions on the microwave, and his face was really green.

As a very loyal fan of Su Ming now.

He really couldn't see Su Ming being touched by an eighteenth-tier artist like Meng Meiqi.

As an insider, although he can also see that Meng Meiqi is deliberately hyping up the popularity, he really can't bear it.

And there are many insiders who can't bear it like him.

Driven by these big V kings, they all came to an end.

Even many small artists who have nothing to do with Su Ming at all choose to stand on the side of Su Ming, who has a great advantage, and angrily spray Meng Meiqi.

Unlike Wang Quan, they are purely here to rub traffic.

And this is what led to today's microwave hot search, almost half of which is about Meng Meiqi and Su Ming.

From the perspective of capital, this is like a carnival of traffic.

Meng Meiqi, who is in the vortex of traffic, seems to be a loser.

But after a little thought, you can understand that Meng Meiqi has actually won.

Of course, Su Ming is also not a loser, because this wave of traffic also makes more people who didn't know Su Ming directly become Su Ming's fans.

It's just that Su Ming's silence made many netizens who supported Su Ming a little uncomfortable.

In general, in this case, Su Ming should open the microphone and spray angrily.


And in a blink of an eye, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

At the same time as a bloody rain on the microwave.

Su Ming's side is completely quiet.

"Thank you so much Teacher Han Hong, otherwise this procedure would be really difficult."

"Okay, okay, we'll see you on the show then."


After hanging up the phone, Su Ming's face was really full of smiles.

After two busy days, the Foundation's various formalities have finally been completed!

Now that the Foundation's business is done.

Today, there is only one thing left to eat with Yi Xun. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )


After communicating with Yi Xun on prestige.

The two agreed to meet at a food stall.

In fact, Yi Xun originally wanted to invite Su Ming to eat some high-end Western food, but Su Ming refused.

Nothing else, Western food, Su Ming is not used to eating it.

It's still a big bite of meat in the food stalls, and it's really a big mouthful of rice.

And the other end.

Today's Yi Xun is really ready to go out in advance, and his face is full of expectations.

and Su Ming briefly chatted on prestige for two days.

The more he went around, the more he felt that Su Ming was a good person.

Needless to say, I can't fault the talent.

The main thing is that this is delicate at all, there is no shelf, and it is really down-to-earth.

In the past, he entertained some slightly famous celebrities, but the meal was not tens of thousands of yuan, and he basically couldn't get off the stage.

As a result, Su Ming was okay and directly dragged him to the food stall.

This is true, and it almost made him a little bit worse.

I've never encountered this before!

Originally, he still thought that he had to make a roundabout and euphemistic way to ask Su Ming for a wave of works.

Thinking about it now, it seems completely unnecessary.

With Su Ming's straightforward personality, just say it directly.

Therefore, what he is struggling with now is thinking about what type of song it would be better to ask Su Ming to write this time.

His initial idea now is still a love song.

After all, he's good at it.

But the specific situation will be seen when the time comes.


In the blink of an eye, it was already about seven o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming and Yi Xun finally met.

As in prestige, the two of them had a very good conversation.

After a little drink.

The two chatted as if the more they talked, the more speculative they became, and the more they chatted, the more hilarious they became.

Especially Yi Xun, he and Su Ming really have a feeling of seeing each other and hating each other.

"Su Ming, you didn't lie to me, that soil method can really grow hair? My hairline is really a little unbearable, but the hair transplant is too painful. "

"Well, I guess I can, I've heard about it."

"Then I'll have to try, cow dung, is it, dry or wet?"


"Let me tell you, when I won the Golden Melody Award that year, I was really high-spirited, I had my hands in my pockets at that time, and I didn't know what an opponent was!"

"Oh, cow!"

"It's okay, Su Ming, I'm very optimistic about you, with your talent, the Golden Melody Award should be within reach!"

"Hey, it's over."

"By the way, did you know that there is a diva, in fact, she..."

"I'll go! And here's the thing! "

"Isn't it, also, I once went abroad for a concert, and there was a foreign female star..."

"Damn! Brother Xun is amazing! "


Let's talk about it later.

The two talked almost nothing.

Yi Xun was already a little drunk.

However, Yi Xun's thinking is still very clear.

"By the way, Su Ming, can you give Brother Xun the whole song for me? I love the songs you wrote. "

That's right, singing is the main purpose of this meal.

And Su Ming didn't search at all, and even said that he had expected it a long time ago.

"Song, it's a trivial matter, but what type of song do you want to come, Brother Xun?"

"Type, I want to think about it."

Hearing Su Ming's readily agreed, Yi Xun was undoubtedly excited in his heart.

But now it's back to that tangled point.

What kind of song do you want to sing?

Just when he hesitated.

There was a cry outside the box.

", I'm out of love!"

"It's okay, the next one is better, I'm sure I'll find a better one!"

"You know a fart, I've been with her since junior high school, and we've been in love for ten years! Decade! "

"Brother Sun, you want to open a little, it's a pity for ten years, but at least she didn't green you, she just ran away with the big money, be relieved."

"Grass! Who said she didn't have a green me? "


"Can you elaborate on the real fake?"


Listen to this conversation.

Su Ming and Yi Xun couldn't help but be a little stunned.

That sounds pretty tragic.

"Or, write me a love song, it's better to bring a little lovelorn, and then a little regret, but it's better to have a little more correct values, don't be green or something, we haven't been together for ten years, to be honest, this is really..."

Yi Xun opened his mouth at this time, and while sighing, he also thought of what type of song he wanted.

And after listening to Yi Xun's words.

In Su Ming's mind, it was as if he already had an answer.

Then write a song "Ten Years".

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