Chapter 155: I, Meng Meiqi, am not a soft persimmon!

"The hostess! Do you have pen and paper? "

"Yes, I'll get it for you."


After listening to Yi Xun's thoughts, Su Ming directly asked the proprietress for paper and pencils.

It's decided.

I wrote the first "Ten Years" for Yi Xun.

And saw Su Ming asking the proprietress for paper and pen.

Yi Xun on the side seemed to be a little~ confused.

Su Ming: What are you doing?

Want to sign the hostess?

And when he saw Su Ming write the phonetic transcription of the lyrics on the paper, he was directly a little dumbfounded.

Su Ming is actually writing songs!

He had just finished his request.

In the next second, Su Ming came up with all the songs?

And looked at the title of the song "Ten Years" written on Su Ming's title

Could it be that Su Ming's inspiration still came from the young man outside who talked about being green for ten years and his girlfriend ran with a big money?

This is outrageous!

He has seen a lot of songs written by Qu Dad, but he has never seen one as casual as Su Ming writing songs.

However, looking at Su Ming's serious face writing, he didn't dare to speak out for a while.

picked up the big Wusu on the side and drank it silently.

At the same time, he silently listened to the young man's complaints.

Tut-tut, forget about being green, more than once!


"It's written, Brother Xun, are you satisfied with this song?"

More than ten minutes passed, and Su Ming directly handed the song "Shi Nian" to Yi Xun.

After taking this song, Yi Xun was really a little apprehensive.

Written so quickly?

Su Ming, this kid won't fool him with the whole song, right?

But the song is on his face, just look at it.


About twenty minutes have passed.

Yi Xun's expression changed from apprehension at the beginning to solemnity and shock.

In the end, his eyes were red and his face was full of emotion.

"This song is so well written!"

"Su Ming, are you sure you sing this song to me?"

Yi quickly took another sip of Da Wusu, looked at Su Ming, and his tone trembled slightly.

This song is really amazingly written!

Whether it's the lyrics or the melody, it's all written to perfection!

And the picture and story are extremely strong.

All of a sudden, he even missed his first love.

The elements of broken love and regret that he said before are all reflected in this song.

Such an excellent piece of work.

He really couldn't imagine that it took Su Ming less than twenty minutes to write it just now.

And he thought the song was so good that he couldn't believe it was for him to sing.

And soon, Su Ming seemed to give him a very positive answer.

To be honest, apart from Yi Xun, it is difficult to find a second person who can sing the taste of this song.

After getting a positive answer.

Yi Xun immediately got up, toasted Su Ming very solemnly, and said a lot of words of gratitude.

This time it was really neat, and Su Ming was a little embarrassed.

He still likes the uninhibited and hilarious Yi Xun just now.


After eating, I talked about the copyright of the song.

Before I knew it, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

The two of them were ready to go home separately.

"By the way, Su Ming, I still have a question I want to ask."

"In the first sentence of your lyrics, if those two words are not trembling, which two words do you mean?"

Just when they were about to separate, Yi Xun suddenly asked a question that bothered him a little.

Su Ming was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke,

"Everyone's experience is different, and everyone thinks differently of these two words..."

"That Brother Xun, my car is here, then I'll go first, we'll see you on the show!"

Looking at Su Ming to get into the car.

Thinking back to Su Ming's words just now.

Yi Xun was silent for a long time, then shook his head and smiled.

Also, everyone's experience is different, and these two words don't need an answer.

I have to say that Su Ming's lyrics are really amazing!

There are three days left until the show starts.

In three days, he can completely practice this song, this time he will go to "Who is the King of Singers", just sing this song!

Such an excellent song needs to be heard sooner!


And the other end.

Lehua Entertainment Song Room.

"Daddy Qu is different, when I sing this song, I can't kill indiscriminately?"

Meng Meiqi finished the last practice, with a smile on her face.

Obviously, with the blessing of Qu Dad's song.

She seems to have an extra layer of filter for her own strength. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

As for Meng Meiqi's evaluation, the vocal teacher on the side was really a little dignified.

There are some things that I want to say, but I can't.

The song given by that Qu Dad is really good, the quality can be said to be at the upper middle level, and it can be put on the stage.

But Meng Meiqi's singing skills, to be honest, are somewhat crotch-pulling, and he can barely reach the level of being able to listen.

I want to kill indiscriminately in front of so many big names, which is really a bit too much.


After wrapping up today's exercise.

Meng Meiqi also left the company.

As soon as she opened her prestige, she received a message from her little sister asking her to go to a bar.

Originally, she didn't really want to go, after all, at this juncture, she had to focus on her career.

But looking at the yin and yang weirdness of the little sisters, a big star, not worthy of playing with her, she really can't bear it.

Is she the kind of person who forgets her sisters when she's famous?!

Chill the breath!

Going to the bar for a drink shouldn't be a big problem.

"Position! If you don't have a handsome guy, I want you to look good! "

Get in the car.

Meng Meiqi went directly to the bar.

And wait until you come to the bar.

That atmosphere is called a hi.

Under the praise of her sisters, she was just thinking about having a drink, and she just drank it!

And to her surprise.

Later, Huachenyu actually came.

Originally, she was quite concerned about Hua Chenyu's stabbing knife, but thinking that she could be so hot now, it was indispensable for Hua Chenyu's microwave to help, so she didn't care about it anymore, and pulled them together and started drinking.

And this drinking, naturally, there will inevitably be a braggadocio link.

This is blowing and blowing, which is blowing to Su Ming's topic.

"Su Ming? Su Ming is a hammer! Let me tell you, I'm already practicing Qu Dad's song, you wait for me to crush Su Ming on the show! "

"Don't look at the fierce people who scold me on the Internet now, when I sing the song, they will all turn black to fans!"

With the dynamic music and the stimulation of alcohol, Meng Meiqi became more and more unable to speak, and he opened his mouth to come.

The sisters are also very cooperative, and when they open their mouths, they are touted.

Meng Meiqi's mouth was almost grinning to the back of her head.

However, Hua Chenyu's sudden words, Meng Meiqi, who was suddenly neat, were a little stunned.

"Meiqi, since you can crush Su Ming, I don't think there is any need to continue to be scolded, send a microwave directly to Aite Su Ming, and directly match Su Ming, the heat will definitely be full for you!"

Although Meng Meiqi was a little drunk, she was not drunk and stupid.

Hua Chenyu's stupid trick is obviously to harm her.

Directly with Su Ming?

The heat can really be filled.

But what if Su Ming is not crushed by then?

Wouldn't she become the next flower and dust whisper?

"There's no need to provoke Su Ming head-on, it's good now."

Meng Meiqi waved her hand, smiling and preparing to fool the past.

"That's right, but for a person like Wang Quan, I feel like you can still scold, he is now Su Ming's brainless fan, and now he is quite mobile on the microwave."

Hua Chenyu spoke again at this time.

Since Meng Meiqi can't be instigated to scold Su Ming, then it's okay to scold Wang Quan, right?

Now the relationship between him and Wang Quan is extremely unsuitable.

But the company doesn't like him now, and he doesn't dare to provoke Wang Quan.

"Yes, yes, Meiqi, Su Ming can't be provoked, then Wang Quan's goods really don't need to be used to it, and some of Su Ming's other brain-dead fans are also, so you have to go back!"

"I think so, I watched Meiqi being scolded, I was uncomfortable to watch, I was so aggrieved!"

"It's true, but Su Ming does have a lot of brainless fans."

"Forget it, don't force Meiqi, Meiqi doesn't dare to scold Su Ming's fans, these fans are really terrifying."


The sisters also chimed in at this time.

Meng Meiqi, who originally maintained some sanity, after listening to these words.

Immediately, the heart came up.

I can't stop Su Ming.

Couldn't she stop Wang Quan and Su Ming's brainless fans?

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, Su Ming can't touch it, but I still don't care too much about the other miscellaneous pieces."

"I, Meng Meiqi, am not a soft persimmon!"

Meng Meiqi took a sip of wine, waved his hand, and said some heroic words.

Then he took out his phone and turned on the microwave.

A sprinkled microwave was sent.

[Wang Quan, can you stop beeping? Have you seen me perform, just say that I don't deserve this or that, you really bow down! 】

[Also, are some people's fans all brain-dead, in addition to stepping on one and scolding, will they do anything else? ] Disgusting to death! 10].

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