Chapter 156: Why is it all Su Ming's song? Su Ming has opened the mic!

"American chess is awesome!"

"It has to be American chess!"

"Indeed, American chess is not a soft persimmon, this wave is really hard!"


After sending this microwave.

Hua Chenyu and these sisters all praised Meng Meiqi and praised it.

Listen to these touts.

Meng Meiqi's heart can be described as a burst of relief.

In the face of Su Ming, he can be submissive.

But for the rest, she can strike hard!

Anyway, it's also taking the black and red route, what should I do if I scold Su Ming's fans?

And she didn't name names.

There will be absolutely no opinion from the company's side.


And with the microwave of Meng Meiqi.

Wang Quan and many netizens seem to have exploded.

They really didn't expect it.

Meng Meiqi was also yin and yang before, and a "six, four, seven" suddenly implied that he was awesome and not weaker than Su Ming.

It's good now, start scolding Su Ming's fans!

This wave of hatred is really full.

It didn't take a while.

Not only Wang Quan rushed to Meng Meiqi's comment area and killed indiscriminately.

Netizens are also crazy.

"I'm in a hurry, she's in a hurry!"

"Hahahaha, I became angry and started scolding!"

"Damn! Where did you really get your face, what level do you have, don't you have a little pressure in your heart? "

"Step on one and hold one? I laughed, who stepped on a handful? Is it better to match Su Ming? "

"I'm a pure passerby, not a fan of Su Ming, but I do feel that I don't deserve to be compared with Su Ming, and the songs written by people are included in the textbook!"

"Why is this heat still in a hurry? What is this stimulating? "

"[Wang Quan]: I deliberately watched your performance video, and I really relied on the defense, so I said that you are not worthy, what's wrong? Do you dare to swear that you didn't go shady when you won the first place in that draft?! "

"Wang Qu's father is awesome! How dare you say it! "

"Poof, Wang Qu's father deserves to be Su Ming's number one fan, it's really just!"

"To be honest, I feel that Meng Meiqi is really a bit of a face, as a fan of Su Ming, I really want to see Su Ming speak out!"

"Damn! Me too! Why let such an eighteenth-tier artist jump here? "

"Harm, Su Ming probably didn't take her seriously, let's also want to open a little, it's just a hot one, there's no need."

"Yes, endure the calm for a while, take a step back... Damn, the more I think about it, the more angry I get! It would be nice if Su Ming opened the microphone! "

"I'm a pure passerby, is Su Ming so soft? None of this? "



The comment area was almost full of scolding Meng Meiqi.

At the same time, many of Su Ming's fans were scolded by Meng Meiqi, but Su Ming did not speak, which really made some fans feel aggrieved.

And quickly.

With the blessing of this huge heat.

Meng Meiqi's microwave rushed to the hot search after a while.

And with the crazy influx of melon-eating people, the popularity of this hot search seems to have become higher and higher.


"This Meng Meiqi is really interesting, they have begun to scold the big V Su Ming fans, what kind of trouble do you want to make?"

"Who knows? However, this wave of popularity is really full, and Lehua's operation is quite vicious. "

"There is indeed a hand, this has rushed to the first place in the hot search, Su Ming's traffic is really numb by Meng Meiqi!"

"But this one-handed operation, aren't you afraid of Su Ming's urgency? And the whole Meng Meiqi really looks powerful, isn't she afraid of becoming the next flower dust? "

"Who knows? In large companies, the thinking is definitely clearer than ours. "

"It's not, it doesn't matter how he makes trouble, it won't affect our show anyway, and the bigger the trouble, the more beneficial it will actually be to our show."


At this time, the program group of "Who is the King of Singers" on Blue Channel.

Many of the program crew members looked at the excitement on the microwave, and their faces were quite exciting.

The show hasn't started yet.

But the heat seems to have gone up.

And the director of the program group who watched this scene now has a wonderful face.

Fortunately, at that time, it was not decided to forcibly kick Meng Meiqi away and pay for breach of contract.

Now after breaking the can, under the operation of Meng Meiqi's side, the traffic of their program group has already won hemp. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The bigger the movement of Meng Meiqi and Le Hua, the more beneficial it is to their show.

Although some netizens may still think that Meng Meiqi is capital on their show.

But it doesn't matter.

Just earn traffic and popularity.

"Director, the singing program list, the statistics have basically been completed, and only Su Ming and two guests have not replied for the time being."

Just as the director was brushing the microwave, the staff of the planning department suddenly walked into the office and handed over the first draft of the list.

After taking the list, the director immediately watched it slowly.

Well, the guests basically sang their own masterpieces.

Soon, though.

He just noticed an unusual problem 0.......

Old Xue Ziqi and Han Hong, these relatively big coffees, why are they all songs written by Su Ming?

After thinking about it, these people seem to have a good relationship with Su Ming.

It seems reasonable to sing Su Ming's song.

And when he saw Yi Xun's program column written, ["Ten Years", lyrics and music: Su Ming]

Why does Yi Xun even sing Su Ming's song?

He just pushed Su Ming to Yi Xun two days ago, how long has it been, and Yi Xun is about to sing?

And this is directly going to be sung on his show!

This efficiency is a bit outrageous, isn't it?

For now.

The four leading celebrities of this batch of guests sang all of Su Ming's songs!

In addition, Su Ming himself must also sing his own songs.

In other words, there are five songs in his show that are all Su Ming's songs?


What the hell?

This has become Su Ming's solo work concert!

I thought about Meng Meiqi's extremely jumping remarks again.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Meng Meiqi had better be really powerful, otherwise when Su Ming's five songs are all sung, Meng Meiqi's face must not be smashed?


And then on the other side.

At this time, Su Mingzhen, who was sitting in the car home, dozed off.

When he woke up, he was already at the entrance of the community.

"I'm so tired, there's nothing big about tomorrow, I can finally set up a day."

After Su Ming got out of the car, he couldn't help but stretch.

The rest of the week's big event is a Friday show, and Saturday to draw fans.

Back home.

Su Ming immediately took a shower 1.6 and was ready to go to bed.

But wait until he turns on his phone.

The news in the prestige and the various pop-ups of the microwave news directly made him frown.

What's going on, what's going on, it's on the hot search again?


Wait to figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

Su Ming's face suddenly darkened.

Even if this Meng Meiqi is hot, this special is too jumpy.

This is starting to scold his fans with a half-riding face!

Originally, he really didn't bother to deal with this kind of.

can look at Meng Meiqi's latest microwave, and a large number of fans who privately messaged him to say that he was aggrieved.

Su Ming was really a little angry.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the heat.

But scolding him fans? I'm sorry, he's got to take care of it!

Immediately, Su Ming turned on the microwave and released a microwave.

[Singer Meng Meiqi, stinky Shabi, forget about the heat, you scold my fans? ] 】。

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